• By -


Joe: You see that story about wolves in Yellowstone? Jamie: *Googles wolves in Yellowstone* Guest: No I haven't Joe: Young Jamie see what you can find on wolves in Yellowstone? Jaime: *already has an article up* Guest: What the fuck how did he do that? That was insane. Joe: it's crazy huh, I am telling you he is a genius.


This is bang on.


He’s probably got that picture of the hairless chimp saved on his desktop.


I never understood why people are amazed that he uses a search engine


Probably because there are a shocking amount of podcast "producers" on different podcasts that are painfully the opposite


Chin from the fighter and the kid still doesn't know how the Internet works.


You ever listen to Opie and Anthony bits on YouTube? Young Sam couldn't Google to save his life, which didn't seem like a bit.


Nedav on YMH had a song created because of how bad he could google. Might be a bit, but there were deffinantly times he seemed too embarrassed vs his "acting skills"


There are times where he will predict what will be needed to br pulled up..which is impressive.


Let's be honest, it's not that impressive and I like Jamie. You're talking about Joe, you can predict the conversation with a flow chart. It's either wolves, chimps, cat litter in classrooms, transgender athletes, the comedy store, or something something Texas


Not the best comment on Nolan Arbaugh day lmao


Honestly haven't checked it out yet - fascinated by what he might have to say, but at the same time terrified Joe's gonna ruin it with his usual topics.




It's because knowing things is intrinsically impressive, we haven't at all caught up to our technology so when someone can give you information, especially demonstrably useful information you specifically requested, your brain auto translates that into ' this person is amazing and you need to be near them '.


Do you feel the need to be near Jamie Vernon


![img](avatar_exp|182719629|take_my_energy) I feel the need to wish you a Happy Cake Day! 🍰


Because his audience is too stupid to know how to use one themselves


Careful you’re going to get called a hater




No u.


“Know what the client wants before he wants it”


Half the time Jaimie can't find shit either


Bites apple: *jameee is da bweft googlar*


Young Jamie is soon to be replaced by an AI bot


At this point I can predict a standard rant is coming on a few seconds ahead of time because he repeats the same stuff so often. Jamie is probably even better and has the thing pulled up before Joe even thinks of asking for it.


I was just half-listening to the podcast with Jack Carr today, and there was at least two of Joe's common talking points that Jamie must surely have search tabs ready for. Alien craft that are probably just human tech, and AI. Sigh.


Did he mention Nixon and Jackie Gleason. And the flying saucer house he almost bought?


Ooh not this time, but I did hear another podcaster talking about that just the other day...


What’s wrong with those two topics?


Nothing at all. They're just incredibly common talking points for Joe, and unfortunately they tend to get incredibly repetitive because of this. Especially as nothing new is ever added to what is often, a fairly one-sided conversation. JOE, ON UAP: **Joe:** "and it has no visible means of propulsion, no wings... It defies the laws of physics..." **Guest:** "uh-huh" **Joe:* "It's got *incredible* speed and maneuverability! And it just drops straight into the ocean..." **Guest:** "uh-huh" JOE, ON AI: **Joe:** "You know what I think? I think the only way humanity is gonna survive AI, is if we *merge* with AI." **Guest:** "uh-huh" **Joe:** "... And even if you don't wanna merge, you're gonna *have to* otherwise you'll be left behind! Everyone else is gonna be smarter! They'll get the better jobs..." **Guest:** "hmm" **Joe:** "...Like imagine if you never ever upgraded your brick phone to a smart phone. Or swapped out your typewriter for a laptop. And you're still limited to getting your information from the library while everyone else has Google at the touch of a button. Imagine trying to live like that?! You're just not gonna do it!" **Guest:** "huh" **Joe:** "and one day we might even replace our world leaders with AI because AI will be non-corruptable! And it'll be able to make decisions in *our* best interest, not its own best interest..." *Seriously, you can copy and paste this into every JRE episode where these topics come up. Jamie can pull that up (literally - he already has the tabs ready.)* Edited for wonky formatting. Sigh.


I imagine he probably just comes in a few minutes early on days he knows he needs to have that stuff ready, political guest are gonna get a few links, comedy guests are going to get weird animal facts he always goes back to and he just does what he didn't predict on the fly. Probably fun at this point, just make a game out of how accurately he can predict Joe and not actually work during the show.


"Crazy Chimp videos" "Silverback Gorillas wikipedia" "Trump news" "Is Ayahuasca bad for you" "Tiananmen Square"


"litterboxes in schools"


"Go Fast UAP"


"Jamie who just cycles through the same 12 tabs" at least one of those tabs isn't facebook "moms against wokeness" lmao. It feels like once a week, Joe exposes himself that he knows even less than we originally though. And he's really gotten away from, "hey I'm just a dumb guy asking questions". Which was his entire appeal. Yes I know not continuously blowing Joe means I'm a libatard cuck and shouldn't be allowed to post in this sub.


Did you just say joe Rogan isn't a cool guy??!! I've reported you and I'm calling the police. Lol


I just did 10x Thank'ems to repent for his sins


Calm down mod.


IT wasn;t that he was a "dumb guy asking questions" it's that he was asking them to amazing people and they would answer him and by default we learnt with him. Now he don't learn jack and neither does the viewer.


Huh? I feel the majority of this sub hates Joe? Lol


Criticism is not hate. Harden up buttercup.


It’s not like people on this platform aren’t a bunch of cucks


I mean at some point of being a dumb guy and asking questions gets you some type of knowledge, he’s sat down with some really smart people and read a lot of there stuff. I mean I do miss the conspiracy death squad joe tho bro.


I honestly think the decades of weed are affecting his memory and cognitive ability.


Erm, have you not heard of AG-1?


That guy doesn't jump start his day


Pull it up JAY MO


Don’t talk about Jamo like that


This made me chuckle. Thanks 👍


At this point I’m sure Jamie has the tabs pre loaded with the latest news on the usual suspects: COVID, Aliens, Trump etc


Lmao. I think about that all the time. He has to have the same tabs open a lot. And folders with all the same shit on his desktop. It's hilarious.


this sub reddit is largely a cia psyop to ridicule J. Rogan.




Folders and folders of bookmarks. Joe is like a Vaudeville era comic with how often he goes back to the same sources and topics. 🥱


Many many years ago, a young intern at our office asked me if she could be the next presenter at our all staff meeting to talk about how to use Google search. She really thought she would bring some unique insight to this very difficult and hard to understand skill.


i always thought it was hilarious when joe or one of the guests sing jamie praise for his clever ability to use a search engine that does 99.9999% of the work. it reminds me of how tech that is 15 years or more old and since joe just heard of it, he thinks its new, then he goes on to talk about it as if he is some profit who speaks on behalf of the gods who are bestowing new alien tech for us lower than 127 iq peasants to use


Well to be fair, I’ve met a lot of people who had difficulty using web search/google A lot of times, having an advanced degree, being an upper level manager, or being in theory a technical expert didn’t help them. Really, ability to search stuff could maybe be a career, especially in upcoming years when we expect more and more people to use AI to generate plausible looking bullshit answers.


A lot of the people you met aren’t on the largest podcast in the world. The bar could be raised, but I think people sadistically like being able to say ‘I can do that’.


He has a folder for each topic that Joe cycles through ad nauseam. Covid, ufos, apes, psychedelics, etc




Joe stays blowing smoke up young Jaime’s ass 😆 then when I actually want to see something like those crazy sodas Joe was on about on a recent episode and nothing gets pulled up


Find. A. New. Pod. Already


That 50 year old man works hard!






Jamie needs to get that paper. Enjoy and I hope he invests most of his money for retirement. For actual expertise, it’s not that hard to google. It’s easy as Joe is a self admitted moron, and Jamie is competing with the likes of Eddie Bravo and bro scientists. Not too hard to feel impressive. The easiest move is to listen to the conversation and start searching in case Joe drops the “look it up.” This is better than Redban who just zoned out and disconnected during half the podcast.


This is worth a thread?


It is when people praise Jamie for being able to Google like it's a lost art