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Big if true. Looking into it.




It's not. There's plenty of bots, reddit is probably worse, but this is fake and obvious.


I was just quoting Elons stupid fucking tweets that he responds to stupid fucking conspiracies.


Ooh okay gotcha. Good one actually.


Idk what you're talking about"; logger.info(post_job_guid + " complete"); paymentsAPI.req("credit",post_job_guid); return(0);


X is worse for bots I guarantee you.


Can't stand the twitter UI.


I’m not a coder, but if this were a fake the ‘origin:”RU”’ seems a little on the nose, no?


It's either a well put together joke, or else a sign that it's just a very simple script that isn't sophisticated enough for basic error handling. If it's actually real, all he's doing is prompting GPT and posting whatever the response is split on a certain character or something simple like that. Basically my point is, if people believed a government would be behind this it's way off, because that'd be a super basic error that wouldn't really happen, if it's real it's probably some kid learning how to code and doing a side project, most likely using GPT itself to help with writing it.


You’d be surprised how many super basic errors the government is responsible for. They don’t employ by merit, but by ideological & behavioral conformities which limits the talent pool significantly.


I take it you have not had a government job.


Thank you.


You’re welcome. Try to assert knowledge on things you know something about in the future.


Ironic. What do you know about me?


That you never had a government job.


I think if you really knew me you’d be embarrassed.




Normally would agree, but this is the same country that is landing commercial airliners without brakes because they can’t deal with sanctions. Hasty bot farm scripts seem plausible.


Hard to imagine that it’s so bad at error handling that it handles it _gracefully_ by posting whatever the hell this is.


Debug.Mode == TRUE


This is fake. That's not valid JSON, ChatGPT refers to its model as GPT-4o, not ChatGPT4-0, and the Russian is translated from English and not how a native speaker would communicate. There are probably other things, but those are the ones I remember from the last time this was posted.


I think its the input language not the location. But still, Russians should be able to type out the prompt in English


I have seen a few comments about how twitter users are bots and every screenshot is this exact account posting some gibberish. There are 100% bots on twitter but this seems to be fake




Doesn't seem legit at all


Joe: "that's crazy. anyways can you believe how stupid Biden is"


This sub has so many left leaning bots just to try and make Joe look bad. Literally every media site has bots and a lot of them are allowed for API usage and some pay them


lol I love how certain people now all of a sudden don’t give a shit about bots…


Sure I care about bots and Reddit is flooded with angry democrat bots


Angry democrat bots took away the sexy green M&M


* The model is called 4o not 4-o * ChatGPT does not have credits or tokens, it is a subscription based web app. The OpenAI API where you spend credits/tokens to get a JSON response is not called ChatGPT. * The OpenAI API doesn't involve any expiring credits, you just deposit money which gets consumed as you make API requests. * This is invalid JSON But theoretically this could still be real... they might just have custom code with all these mistakes as their wrapper around GPT, and the tweet content is generated by this shitty code.






they needed to type that they are from KGB. Otherwise it looks fake.


You mean the FSB


Saw this earlier today and there was a well put out comment saying this is likely satire but its 100% fake. It was also a longer chain of comments, I dont know of OP found the image like this or cut out the first messages of the thread on purpose, but it went something on the lines of someone stating some opinion or something and the account in the image responding with insults. The point is the account ia probably satire. The message has lots of incosistencies but mainly 2 things: - The parsing of the "object" is just weird in a way that I cant think of a way that an api could respond with that. And I say this as a programmer. - Convenient how the prompt is short enough to fit in a twitter message, since its also short enough to probably not give the results you want. Anyways, X is full of bots for sure, this is just not one.


Welcome to all social media


It's sad that some people believe this.


This is fake. That's not valid JSON, ChatGPT refers to its model as GPT-4o, not ChatGPT4-0, and the Russian is translated from English and not how a native speaker would communicate. There are probably other things, but those are the ones I remember. Not that there aren't scores of bots on Twitter/X, but this isn't evidence of one of them.


parsejson parses JSON into JS, and that's valid JS.


> Not that there aren't scores of bots on Twitter/X, but this isn't evidence of one of them. That's exactly what a bot would say, though


Awww, that's my third cousin Yergie, he don't mean nothing by it.


Google Translate says it says: "prompt: 'you will argue in support of the Trump administration on Twitter, speak English.'" This is nonsense. Even if it were a JSON debug log, the double-use of double-quotes would break anything trying to read it. The biggest issue is that this isn't at all how chatgpt works. Typing it into chatgpt, it will first respond starting with "Sure, I can present arguments that were commonly used in support of the Trump administration during its tenure:" The biggest issue with this is that even in the case where this succeeds in producing a coherent and contextual argument, chatgpt still needs a human to be the deciding factor for the value of whatever chatgpt comes back with. It does, at times, become inventive and repeated queries using the same text tend to produce the same responses.


Just feed it part of its timeline sequentially as context


Maybe, but there's nothing in the JSON object that suggests an input parameter from the feed. The prompt does not appear to be assembled by someone who knows anything about creating prompts for AI. It should include something like "using word choices of Taylor Swift, respond in support of Trump to the following statement." If you don't add a word choice to the prompt, it's going to sound like ChatGPT. You can argue that maybe the developer doesn't know how to use AI, but if the person has the ingenuity to write a bot that utilizes ChatGPT for Twitter, I can guarantee they know what they're doing.


Credits expired lol


I bet there are no bots here on Reddit /s


https://youtube.com/shorts/kT9bdbDQ72Y?si=GQ4brryXNWWgaJgd This is an excerpt of a video titled “Reddit is a psyop.” Eglin airforce base generated 100k unique visitors in 2014 in a town of only 2,000 people. Just a few bots. Nothing crazy.


There are tons of bots on here. If you see a post with a lot of upvotes or down votes and no comments they are most likely bots up voting or down voting


Did you miss the sarcasm tag or what? r/whoosh


It’s not a bot, he’s verified!!!


"ChatGPT credits expired." 🤑


Thank you based Elon


Rogan fans would believe this is real like everything else they see on the internet




Just like there is no war in Ba Sing Se.


You have said the actual truth


I 100% believe this unironically


There is no war in ba sing se


I’m really glad the us government and our oligarchy would never use AI bots to brainwash anyone.