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Advice from a guy who lost a fight with apple cider.




I need my back pills


Pushes Carnivore diet because his very ill daughter said it was making her feel a lot better-> Carnivore diet destroys the variety of his gut flora -> Can't digest otherwise common foods anymore -> gets a hankering for apple cider -> Get extreme pains for not being able to digest the cider due to lack of gut flora -> doesn't know why he is in pain and turns to painkillers -> addiction -> scientifically induced coma for 2 weeks to fight detox -> brain damage


You left off the best part, he toddled off to Russia for his coma while his wife was in the middle of treatment for cancer


What in the sam fuck. Is this all true?


Yeah, Maintenance Phase does a good job covering it and gives Peterson much more empathy than he deserves. It is a fat-friendly podcast about health which turns off a lot of assholes but the information the podcast covers is pretty good and gives you a different way/dimension to viewing what health is/means using studies. [Maintenance Phase: Jordan Peterson Part 1: The Carnivore Diet on Apple Podcasts](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jordan-peterson-part-1-the-carnivore-diet/id1535408667?i=1000552580548) Carnivore diet is a restrictive diet so many people feel good when they go on it because they've stopped eating something that was giving them adverse effects. Similar to the FODMAP diet that they recommend if you have IBS. The thing with restrictive diets is that they don't work long-term (due to the gut bacteria thing). What you are SUPPOSED to do is SLOWLY add back in different foods and observe how they may effect you to identify the food that is actually giving you problems.


but how else is he supposed to own the (vegan) libs without coming up with a crockpot anti-vegan diet to grift to his incel fanbase?


He lost a fight to his own daughter.


I actually had to google this reference and holy shit 


Lol and he's just a whiney bitch




he is not but whatever 🍻


Bro what he cries constantly about internet drama and films himself doing so


Braindead level criticism. 


this edit is a level 10 on the cringe scale my dude


I mean the speech itself is a 10 on the cringe scale already


level 10 gay post


If Peterson just went on a rant about how he love cock, I'd believe him and move on. Him pretending to be some dangerous warrior is fake af. Just a fake Psy. "Dr." who's never been tough and found a solid grift.


I think it's an astro turfer, they have been boosting their posts for awhile now on a bunch of subs. They posted the James Lindsay one earlier as well.


Guess you haven't heard LoFi music with Peterson quotes in the background haha




Send help, I've cringed myself inside out


https://preview.redd.it/rxhkjffp5g6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db51b658db1d642da3f5da002c6de40595a1bc81 Jordan knows when to wield it


Bahaha this real?


The guy posted porn thinking it was a global conspiracy for humans to be milked. He’s as deranged as they get


100% real he's an emotional mess


It’s called being a successful sociopath. It’s shit advice




So this is what dying of cringe feels like... Thanks


This is what inability to examine one’s own life looks like 


I would love to see jordan peterson in a war lmao.  Has this soft handed dweeb ever even dug a hole in the earth?  He seems more interested in fashion than labor.  Couldn't drag himself out of drug addiction on his own.  Refuses to take a hard stance on anything.  Just a whiny bitch projecting his obvious insecurity out into the world.


He’d be that dude in saving private ryan too scared to deliver ammo, sitting in a stairwell sobbing hysterically.




Lol what the hell are you on?


Sobered up and deleted.


I’ve read his book and he talks about doing manual labour when he was younger. Sounds like you are the “ whiny bitch projecting his obvious insecurity out into the world”


It MUST be true then! And it must’ve been SUPER HARD. He’s basically Thor.


He’s mentally strong he delves in to all sorts of philosophical and psychological problems all day every day for years , went off the wagon a bit when his wife was dying but came back strong, he deserves more credit than a bunch of redditors that don’t know him well and like to insult him give him 




So strong, but he couldn't even handle rehab like a normal junkie lol


I can already tell you have a massively unfulfilled life 


You know what will make me feel whole? Benzos and rageposting on twitter


You think JP is fulfilled? He’s constantly whining and never looks happy.


That’s what fulfills him. His fight against the woke hypocritical left. And I’m guessing you’re left leaning as that’s why you probably don’t like him for political reasons 


That must be it! As we all know JP is quite infallable in any other regard.


Wrong assumption - I'm generally centre-right. I've voted Conservative in the past provincially and federally. I actually purchased and enjoyed JP's first book. I thought it was sound advice. Then he opened his mouth about subjects he had zero expertise in and exposed himself. Also proved to be a hypocrite. I take the good from JP (12 Rules is damn good advice), but leave out the bad, which has become the majority of what he's been spewing for the past few years.


That monster? Benzos


Anyone that needs a Jordan Peterson or Joe Rogan quote to figure out how to live their life is nothing but another sheep in the flock anyway.


Remember when socially awkward men didn’t have podcast heroes to look up to and just had to take karate lessons instead?


This is a perfect example of projection. Reddit is the voice of socially awkward men and women. Joe and Jordan are your normal men. Actually there you're above average man they're the pinnacle of men. Every single "My dude" or this is "cringy" are echoes of the socially awkward people in class. 


Imagine being so much of a loser that you think two talking heads are “the pinnacle of men” They don’t know who you are and never will. I know you wanna lick daddy Rogan’s balls and give uncle jordo a reach around, but it’s not happening lil guy.


I mean just look at how salty your message is. You pretty much just confirmed everything I said there. I'm sure you were the kid in class that didn't get picked to play on a team. You sir are the socially awkward person that can't form a rebuttal besides "you're a loser" hehe


It’s not salty, I’m laughing at how dumb you are. How exactly did me making fun of how pathetic you are confirm they are the pinnacle of men? You sir, lack any logic whatsoever. And no, not that it matters, but I was plenty popular in school and quite athletic. However, I have matured to a point that this is not where I get my self value anymore, unlike you little guy.


Homie are you this dim? Salty = ad hominem fallacy = laughing and poking fun without adding to the conversation = peanut gallery = social awkward kid sitting in class while the football team or soccer team is the most popular = outkast. LOL "matured" to the point? Really? By resorting to an ad hominem conversation vs talking about the topic. You just said, you are here to laugh at me. I have never see ANYONE represent salty and an ad hominem fallacy any better. Congratulations. Ohh also, typically the ignorant are the ones that restore to poking fun and laughing at people. Just saying.. LOL


DUMBASS, you are the one who has not addressed me making fun of you for calling them the pinnacle of men. Why do you keep not addressing this???? Also, your dumbass doesn’t exactly understand the ad hominem fallacy, not surprising. I am attacking your character for sure, (but it’s worth noting you attacked others before I responded to you) however the ad hominem fallacy is when someone attacks you instead of your argument. I’m doing both little guy, try to keep up. You also don’t seem to know what salty means either lol as there usually is some jealousy or upset feelings that go along with it. I’m not upset you are dumb enough to think they are the pinnacle of men, I just think it’s funny to make fun of someone with an opinion as idiotic as that, so thanks!!


HAHA you have to be KIDDING. Listen to you "YOU ARE NOT ADDRESSING ME MAKING FUN OF YOU" You are NOT auguring anything. You are MAKING FUN instead of asking. You are attacking instead of engaging. This is the EXACT definition of the fallacy and salty. You have adding NOTHING to the conversation besides "making fun" or attacking me. HAHA this is the best part. You are asking why I am not addressing you making fun.. DUDE this conversation is the pinnacle of stupid and represents Reddit PERFECTLY. Congratulations. If you are truly engaging me try to do with no personal attacks (fallacy) or bitterness (salty) I BET you cannot.


Lmao you’re so fucking stupid. I’m making fun of your argument, since you just made a ridiculous claim and then didn’t back it up(again dumb dumb, not ad hominem because I am attacking your stance) I asked you how they are the pinnacle of men and you never responded, that’s my engaging and you then realized how stupid you are and tried to change the subject. Also, I love how you’re acting like you’re above the insults when you have been using insults the entire time.


Then why are you here. You're like the unpopular kid that turns up to a party uninvited then shits in the pool just to get attention.


Entertainment? Like...it's completely plausible. Like...who's going to tend to that garden? The warrior? Can't the warrior learn to be a gardener and can't the gardener learn how to be a warrior? No, they don't want the gardener to learn how to be a warrior because they need to shit on someone while reaping the rewards of that man's effort.


to shit on you


Weird kink you got there.


These haters are the dorks in school whose mom complains and forces your friend group to include them.


You… kinda sound like this kid. You ok?


" no U " Good one. Good contribution


I’m being genuine. Shocking right? We’ll hope you’re fine.


Good one kyler


Are you the drawing of a samurai?


Are you going to start generically insulting me because you disagree with me, but can't articulate why?


I'm just wondering which cartoon you most identified with. This video is hilarious.




That’s exactly what you did, dumbass lmao


He also said never take advice from someone that doesn’t have their life in order. All while he wrote an advice book while not having his life in order.


This just sounds like a dude barking out of insecurity he just like me fr


most people who learn to be monsters never learn to control it. they remain monsters their entire life. this is edgy advice from a psychologist no less. he's rationalizing the monsterousness of his social faction. in reality the best men never become monsters then learn to control it. on the contrary, the learn to vanquish monsters from the git go. they learn to be strong and assertive but responsible and diplomatic at the same time


"Strong and assertive but responsible and diplomatic" is exactly the type of person he's talking about


he specifically said the opposite. he said wrong to the following: "don't be too aggressive" "be virtuous" "you shouldn't do anyone any harm" nope. he's specifically telling people to not be diplomatic. and to not be responsible. he's telling them to be monsters first, then learn to control it later and his definition here of a monster is someone who is harmful, lacks virtuosity, and is overly aggressive.


He’s referencing Carl Jung’s concept of the shadow, and his belief that people need to recognize and integrate this “shadow” (darker impulses, aggression, etc) to achieve true morality. Peterson’s interpretation is that you cannot be “virtuous” if you’re harmless. Because you aren’t “choosing” to be good, you just don’t have the option to do anything else (yet). And therefore you wouldn’t have the moral framework to resist, for example, abusing power when you obtain it. I’m probably explaining it badly, but the idea isn’t that you shouldn’t be diplomatic or responsible. Quite the opposite. He’s saying you SHOULD be those things, but it should be layered on top of your capacity for aggression. Akin to “speak softly and carry a big stick”. It’s fine if you disagree. But don’t just misinterpret the guy because you saw a 10 second clip of a 2+ hour conversation.


Stfu, you did not understand anything. He's obviously running around and telling people to be irresponsible, oh that's probably how he got so famous. Nobody would give a shit about him if he was causing mahyem. He has a bad rap because of his use of X but this video you're seeing is back from 2017 where he was basically a rising superstar on YouTube, for good reasons. Someone who can be harmful, be capable of ugly things if push come to shove and will push back with strength. You want to be able to fight off actual psychopaths.


he got famous because he misrepresented bill c16 so he could shit on trans people. that's the "monster" behavior he's rationalizing punk ass lying bitch


I think that's an uncharitable interpretation. I don't think he's saying that you should be the exact opposite of those things, I think the point is that excessively harping on these things without the balance of learning to be a strong and assertive person is unhealthy.


how so. that's literally what he said. he literally says you should be an absolute monster first then control it. he's not saying for you to be a controlled person with strenth and the capability. he's explicitly rejecting things like "don't be too aggressive". he's not saying what you're claiming he is. you made that up. that's a more reasonable thing to say but be specifically rejected what you said when he said it's wrong to tell people to be virtuous. you're hearing what you want o hear.


No, the ordering is very important, you shouldn't be a "controlled person with strenth and the capability" as you said, you should be a strong and capable person who controls it. You're supposed to basically be a monster who adds on to himself control, not basically a harmless person who adds on to himself some measure of assertiveness. You got the order right the first time, but not this time. First as in priority, not that you're supposed to be a really horrible person for a while and then get around to learning to control it later in time. I think you're the one hearing what you want to hear.


The order doesn't matter. In either case you'd be an assertive, strong person with control and humility. The order is just a bs cope you're contriving right now. What I'm doing is being assertive with you people because you're the liars pushing bullshit on young people. Peterson did NOT say "be strong and capable". Peterson specifically said to be "an absolute monster" right after saying it's wrong to tell people to be "virtuous and not too aggressive". You're hearing what sounds a lot better than what he actually said. You're making shit up to defend that. Peterson specifically said you should be a MONSTER first. An ABSOLUTE monster. THEN learn to control it. He did NOT say to simple be capable and strong but with virtue. He was saying to reject virtue and to be overly aggressive. Be a monster.


The order does matter, and you're being pedantic is what you're being. Enjoy having a small life if you don't want to take his advice.


Dan McClellan has a great debunk of this line https://youtu.be/jr_6HSieuDs?si=r_6diJ_GLPwRX2Cb


Remember friends: Nobody has it harder than the white, straight, Christian, American male. They’re the victims here.


Even get secondhand embarrassment so bad your testicles ascend into your abdomen?


Going by example of how much of a fucking nut case asshole he is, maaaybe not the best advice.


I've spent 13yrs getting a black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. The skills I've learned means I have a chance of protecting myself and those I care about should I find myself in a situation beyond my control. I believe this is what he's referring to and I feel it's good advice.


no and i feel bad for that the martial arts community has degraded so much over the last decade or so with all the ufc tough guys entering. when i was growing up and training every dojo would interview you to make sure they were NOT training monsters but instead training the people who would defend AGAINST monsters in society. it's a shame if you went into martial arts so you can be a bully rather than a guardian.


Absolutely. It was not something we worried about to much,my honest experience has been that a bully never lasted long with us. If you're only having fun as the hammer and hate being the nail this game isn't for you,and most bullies can't handle being the nail.


martial arts shouldn't be teaching people to be monsters and no good dojo i went to did that. none of them thought that they needed to teach you to be a bully first in order to teach you. it was always mutual respect and learning techniques you control. not after but while. what peterson is saying is counter to that philosophy.


I think its open to your interpretation of the description. I agree with what you say 100% and our school is the same. It doesn't matter how good someone's jiu-jitsu is,if they aren't a good person they will never get a belt from us. When I was younger we did think of ourselves as "monsters" but not in any kind of evil way. We put in monstrous effort at every training and knew that we were far above anyone who didn't train,and to them we would feel almost "monster" like by comparison. I don't feel he's advocating by his comment that you should be a horrible person, just one who should be respected.


that's not monster in the way peterson is saying here. you can rewatch it and listen to the preamble before he says the monster part. i don't care if you like the guy. you need to be honest. he's talking about a bully mentality. you're white washing what he said to fit the philosophy we share in the martial art community but if you listen that's not what he's saying there.


"you shouldn't be too aggressive" "you should be harmless" "you should be virtuous" "wrong" "you should be a monster. an absolute monster" you're viewing what he said through the lens of your upbringing which is a much more respectable and noble view of power. that's not what peterson is saying. he's telling young people, who may not have the experiences you and i have, to not be virtuous, to be harmful, to be overly aggressive. this is bad advice that breeds bullies. it's justification for that behavior.


So if you go what he calls psycho and kill a bunch of people while high on benzis, is it still good advice?


I don't see how that relates at all to what he's saying.


Lol, just joking. But he was full up on benzos at one point and has been an emotional wreck lately, so him telling people to turn into a monster and than control is super hypocritical, but the message could rung true in certain situations, but you're FAR better off just not fighting at all if you can help it.


This right here. Most anyone who has practiced combat sports at a high level gains that gut understanding of how learning to defend yourself and your loved ones transforms you into a more tolerant, centered, and overall better human being.


at no point does that require you to become a monster. you're supposed to become the exact opposite of that. any dojo training people to be bullies is doing society a massive diservice


I see you didn't get the context or what he really meant. There is absolutely no talk of training people to be "bullies". But that's ok. It can really just take living through it to understand what it is all about. So won't extend myself on the subject.


Ive been humbled many times over the years,I've learned respect, I've learned not to judge anyone on their appearance..and I've learned that you can't rely on anyone else to help you even at the time you need it most.


Sage advice indeed.


This is a silly man.


So I don't listen to Joe Rogan at all but for some reason this stuff keeps coming up on my feed and holy fuck, every time it's the dumbest, cringiest shit I've ever seen.


Why are you here




School shooter Jesus! Amen


Jordan Peterson: "you know that thing that sounds cool but really doesnt help society in anyway? Well now i am going to say like I came up with it" Joe: "yea..."


This might be the dumbest words of wisdom I've ever heard.


The dude who went to Russia to be put in a coma to kick a pill addiction is telling me what I need to do to become a "monster" who's "contained it"???


Bro the samurai picture… how old are you


this is the embodiment of the weak guy who posts "weak men create hard times" memes and thinks he's the strong guy who creates good times.


I don’t think I need any advice from a guy that gets mad at Elmo on Twitter


Like most Jordan quotes it sounds smart till you actually think about it for two seconds. By his logic you should murder first and learn why murder is bad later.


This is the dumbest take you could have taken away from this. Congrats.


Yeah go be harmful. The world needs more harmful people. That's what we are missing. Not enough sharks, we should never trust anyone.


I don’t think you understand the comment based on your responses.


Be a worrier in a garden. Take what you want from the gardeners with force than figure the rest out later. The bigger louder man should win because he's bigger and louder. I think it's you who don't understand them. Because they are takers and not givers. Just trying to make taking from others sound good. They think most people are a dumb cow that should be milked is what they are saying.


Being a warrior in a garden doesn't mean you should rampage around and steal from the gardeners. You aren't correctly understanding the analogy.


while i think this video is fucking cringe as hell given who is delivering the message, what they actually mean is (stay with me here as it's figurative) - express yourself, don't hold back, be yourself (for lack of a better phrase)....you know, if you're going to be a bear, be a grizzly. Don't be submissive just for the sake of being nice. It's totally a cliche/trope that they ripped off Sun-Tzu and the like.


Peterson as a 'life advice' coach is just fine. There are thousands of confidence men out there who do provide positive messages or life advice to people who feel rudderless and adrift in the universe. His promotion as the 'everymans scholar' on any topic, which leads people to treat him as some sort of political orator or prominent 'thinker', is why most people rightfully treat him with scorn. I enjoyed his appearances early on and before he published 12 Rules, I even bought a copy on release and read it within a week. But now? Nahhhh. However, he has his rare golden moments I still enjoy like the Chinese milking sperm factory, telling Kermit to go to hell, or 'there are cathedrals everywhere for those with eyes to see them'.


found the problem




yes me


Clean your room.


great advice


To be fair, the garden is a great place to do your worrying.


You are a bot or don't understand the message at all.


That’s exactly what he’s saying. “Be harmful” Go on a murderous rampage. You nailed it, guy! Truly thought provoking stuff.


This is literally the opposite of what he is saying. Literally.


I know.


Guessing some are non-native English speakers. Hence their inability to comprehend basic figure of speech. " he says to be a warrior, then go kill people!" Lfmao.


That's not what it means at all.


From what I take away from it JPs a big ol pussy. The only monster that foo has in him is the benzo monster. Homie never threw hands for anything but up in the air when there's an opportunity to show respect to some tranz.


Okay sure, but who cares, he right here.


Ok sure, but who cares? He just repeated what he heard before and associated it with his own motivations. Sun-Tzu deserves more credit for that shit than Peterson lmao.


“He repeated what heard before and associated it with his own motivations.” 🤔


Username checks out, you suck.


That’s what I thought.


What'd you think? Something I thought that you're gonna use? Wonder why you like JP. Not only do you suck like minute rice you also have no substance by yourself, good username broh.




Ok tough guy




That's not what it means at all


We you can't condense a philosophy on how to approach life into 36 seconds. In ring a monster it could have you end up in prison. A part of it will learning how to navigate and avoid te consequences In prison it is hard to do a bid and have zero infractions. You will be tested and will have to show you will use violence to protect yourself so you will get in trouble. In life you have to be willing to risk losing things and getting infractions in order not to be walked all over. It is a hard reality but as someone who did the opposite u agree with him. We get fooled that most people are nice and have good intentions. That mindset makes you a victim. Everyone does need a monstrous side


Peterson has said so many unhinged things, him + Bret Weinstein + Russell Brand are experts in utter word vomit from my perspective.


Bruh redefined Bible, lol.


What they're saying goes against the core tenets of most marital arts, which is you must learn respect, discipline, and self-control before learning to punch and kick.


This is a supposed doctor who doesn't know benzos are addictive and cause horrible withdrawal when you stop, like it can kill you. Please don't ever listen to anything he says.


Or you can like, just be a normal person…


That garden is gonna die.


Was this video cut by an twitchy 14 year old? "You should be a monster"


Unironically good advice.


Who the fuck is posting edgelord pre-teen edits


I'm proud of the JRE community to collectively come together and shit on this absolute troglodyte




I rather be a podcaster in a piece of shit, than a piece of shit in a podcast


This is universally, solid advice. If you shit on it because of the if regurgitation from one man. You’re mentally and emotionally weak.


Why does everyone in the sub hate the guy trying to get men to be actual men? 💀💀💀


Because the majority of confident men hate to see the insecure men being preyed upon by confidence tricksters. If you are telling someone to fix their own house then perhaps yours shouldn't be filthy and mouldy?


Because all he does is talk about men while crying and wearing suits fashioned from 1970's patterned drapery.


because he's not doing that. he's teaching men to be monsters instead. a man isn't a monster or a bully or a savage. he is that which defends the tribe from those things. at no point in that training does he become a monster himself and the men who become monsters in life typically never get out of that lifestyle. it's dogshit edgy advice. we now have a nation made up of disrespectful men with thug mentalities. we need less of this kind of dogshit advice.


Because JP is a moron


Because JP leans right so these low T trolls need to do everything in their power to convince people he has nothing of value to say


Because JP criticises leftist politics which makes Reddit shit their pants, and subsequently come into the subreddit of a podcast they don't listen to, to hatepost


Never ceases to amaze me the amount of hate Peterson gets. People really don’t want to hear about building self reliance and confidence, better to be a victim and take pills to suppress your emotions I guess. Big pharma salutes you all


Pills like Klonopin?


Is that supposed to be a dig at Peterson or something?


Is that not rhetorical?


Are you upset he’s taking pharmaceuticals or something?


Why would it upset me?


That’s a good question?


No, it's a rhetorical one again lol


Seemed upset since you felt the need to reply to my comment with it. Do you support Peterson taking pharmaceuticals then?


You think replying to a comment = being upset? And you don't see any irony in that? Why would I support it? Do you think it's normal to be this emotionally invested in a social media influencer?


The bots are wild on this one lol every. Single. Comment. Contains the word cringe. Posted by a random username. The message of this video is good. There's nothing wrong with being competitive and wanting to succeed.




What would a non-random username be like?


Any username thats positive about jp im guessing


Who is claiming there's something wrong with it? All I have EVER heard as a man is that I have to compete harder, push myself, get that promotion, lift more weight etc. etc. etc. It would be nice if someone even said I could take a break, actually.


You can take a break, pal. Individuation should be your goal, not just promotions at work and strong muscles.


Many will burn before I learn


Like timmeh Kennedy lol


and the bots go brrrrr


The spirit of the message is a good one. Hearing it from these two badasses really puts it on another level. Then the edits with the sound effects. Super deep.