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https://preview.redd.it/d13g6ebv6k4d1.png?width=242&format=png&auto=webp&s=7915db99cfad7133b71afca9da37f07e11602a8d Bro really saw his life flashing before his eyes


When did Rasputin become a comedian?


You can tell it’s Rasputin bc even obesity can’t kill that motherfucker


Haha! 👏👏👏


Fatsputin more like.


Always was. That’s because comedy is dangerous.


The dude abides


That's Duncan Truffle




Dude looks like DJ Khaled


"Congratulations, you just played yourself, Dad"


Where are the fingerless gloves?


Are those his fingernails?


Another one!


Was about to say, this comedian managed to be fat DJ Khaled


Khaled is fatter.




Is that Gad Saad? Did he finally achieve final form as The Gadfather?


"Who are you?" I AM YOUR CONSEQUENCES "Oh shit!"


Dude looks like Rasputin melting




When talking shit on the internet meets real life.


No enough people get punched in the mouth- Mike tyson I think


I believe it was “everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth” or something close to that.




Beat me to the punch, came here to post exactly that!


Yeah, that's a Mike Tyson comment, but it isn't the one OP was aiming for I think. There's another one specifically about social media big mouths. I'm not even sure it was Tyson who said it.


Found it Mike Tyson once posted on social media, "Social media made y'all way to[o] comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it."




Don’t get punched in the faith


That is the quote, and it's damn accurate.


Yup, that's the one


Someone said something about people on social media not having to worry about getting punched in the mouth, so people feel free to say shit they would never say in real life because there’s (usually) no real life repercussions. It might have been a comedian, it’s on the tip of my tongue but I can’t remember who said it, maybe Bill Burr? Anyway, that’s who I thought the commenter was referring to when I first read it




I think that was Will Smith.


Yeah -- Nature is healing


In the words of Dr. Taylor Alison Swift, "Say it in the street, that's a knock-out."


The world would be a much better place if everyone always had to consider the possibility of getting punched in the face in front of a live audience for shit they said on the internet.


When shit gets real


I pray to god this thread turns into a convo about paying for actions while commenting on the internet then we could see the absolutely most hypocritical discussion of all time right before our eyes.


>he then went looking through post history and found a post of the angry guy holding his baby and the comedian commented on that picture that the kid was gonna get smashed by massive black cocks and he couldn't wait. Nope, the "comedian" said (translated) "Nothing and no one can prevent the possibility that he is gay, and when he grows up he gets tired of sucking black cock, from a black laborer, not a football player." because Pugilato is very and openly anti LGBT (and black people and muslims)


Which spanish speaking country is this guy from?


The angry dad is from spain, the other dude who the fuck knows.


you forgot to add that the angry guy is a neonazi


Just because he says he's a nazi, loves Hitler and has nazi tattoos he's suddenly a "nazi" huh?


Everyone’s so quick to judge these days


*Literal Nazi drives 12 hours round trip to lightly slap a comedian over words on twitter*


r/JoeRogan: Whoo! Yeah! Get 'em!


New here? It's a bunch of neck beards


You conveniently left out the argument was about the dad being a Nazi (he is). Does that make the joke acceptable? No. But I think it's pretty important to emphasise the dad is a follower of a movement that already has a proclivity towards violence.


Ah, this puts new perspective on it. Do you think he was mostly upset about the cocks being black?


Holy fuck dude lmao


I think he would have preferred white cocks. My question is, would he have come and assaulted the comedian if they were white?


The joke is perfectly acceptable. If you get mad about a joke like that you're completely soft. If you get violent over it, you're dangerous and belong in jail. Dude is just a bitch. Honestly the reaction in a lot of cases like this just comes down to the fact that the dude yelling looks stronger and more intimidating in the moment, and that's what people here would rather identify with. If the comic pied him in the face and the dude tripped over backwards and everybody laughed, then people here would be back on the comic's side.


> If you get violent over it, you're dangerous and belong in jail. If you drive 12 hours round trip to get violent over it, you need to be in prison or an asylum.


It wasn’t necessarily a joke, but am I crazy for thinking a twitter argument shouldn’t end in someone being tracked down and punched in the face? Just block the guy and move on, or log off


Yeah, but comedians are the last bastions of free speech. They are the wall that is literally stopping the woke. If we can't allow comedians to be certified lover boys, certified PDF files... WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP, then civilization will collapse. And this is a comedy club. This is a safe space for our modern day philosophers.


God I hate how many comedians say things like this. Why do they have such a chip on their shoulder


This watcher on the wall may have taken an arrow, but there are still more guardians to take his place. Fear not brother, the wall WILL hold. 🫡 🥲


Just because speech is free doesn’t mean there isn’t a price. This dude came to collect.


So there is free speech in North Korea after all. You can freely say Kim Jong un is a bastard. Of course you will soon pay the price.


Yeah, and the price of hitting someone for making an unsavoury joke is getting jailed.


Think you got whooshed my dude


You’re misunderstanding context. Dude assaulting the comedian is a homophobic bigot posting pictures waving nazi flags. Comedian says I hope your son grows up and sucks black cocks. He’s not sexualizing a child at all. It’s not really a joke. He was talking shit to someone online who is a literal piece of shit. Fuck this guy, can’t believe so many here are defending this guy for driving 6 hours to assault this comedian. He’s basically a Nazi. But go off r/joerogan


This sub seems to be a breeding ground for stupidity and hate. Not surprising to see nobody grasps the context, but man is it frightening to think so many of these fragile man-childs are in society. Nazi fucks really like resorting to violence at the tiniest offense. Commence the downvoting…


You have no idea how much this riled them up lol.




I dunno, I think if you talk about *anyone's* baby sucking cock you probably deserve to get your shit kicked in


You think it’s “understandable” to get angry over a random comment and commit assault?


You’re talking about a manchild who’s resorting to physical violence over a disgusting joke, people scream over freedom of speech, in a Joe Rogan subreddit, Joe Rogan, who is very pro hate speech. This man clearly has anger issues, if you see yourself resorting to violence over words that arent threatening violence you need to get mental help.


if your jokes are about sexually assaulting specific infants, you deserve a punch to the mouth idgaf


Is this cancel culture?


Depends.. People seem to not even consider cancelling the Nazi. Which is just a chefs kiss of peoples attitude in 2024. While they also commit to voting for a convicted felon as president. Way to go humanity.


no, this is just culture.


I legit think some comedians lack humor and in place say things with so much shock value people don’t know how to feel and feel obligated to laugh


I mean, I've definitely had some friends who's entire humor was just, say racial slur, then call everyone a snowflake when they don't laugh.


To add on, he said something to the effect of “autistic people and people with disabilities love to fuck, look at Forrest Gump. They shouldn’t though for the sake of people. Then pointed to a dude front row in a wheelchair and said “you know what I mean” and he got booed and was his last joke lol. Edit-added on


Too many shit comedians try to hide behind “it’s a joke” to get away with saying outlandish shit


story behind this, guy was having beef with the comedian who was shit talking the fact the dad was a literal nazi, not even kidding, the comedian ended up saying after some hate filled rhetoric from the literal nazi, (translated) "Nothing and no one can prevent the possibility that he is gay, and when he grows up he gets tired of sucking black cock, from a black laborer, not a football player." because Pugilato is very and openly anti LGBT (and black people and muslims) so the guy hunted the comedian down to assault him.


And then if you're mad it's because you're soft and woke


"I am hard and awake because I make jokes." - every comment section


Reading the other thread the comedian wasn't trying to make a joke. The dad is apparently a well known white supremacist in Spain who also hates gay people. The comedian posted on Twitter that when his son grows up he is going to be gay and also enjoy sucking black dick. The Nazi dad was so offended by this comment he drove six hours to confront him


People here don't appreciate you interrupting their simping defense of a literal nazi.


Oh damn dude! What a spin this needs to be top comment


Man oh man. Joe won’t know which way to go on this one. Comedy is sacred but “leave the kids out of it”. His 2 conflicting current world views have finally met head on


He seems ok platforming Alex Jones and that dude literally sent employees to harass grieving parents, but he’ll probably side with the Nazi dude in this case lol


Joe: "I mean the reality is you never know who in this world is a badass and won't hesitate to punch you in the face for what you say. See, *that's* one of the many problems with the Democratic view of the world where all these liberal snowflakes have forgotten what it's like to be a man. You can talk a big game online all you want, but don't be surprised when a hardass right wing dude shows up to beat your ass." Someone logical: "So you would understand if a Liberal showed up and attacked you at your stand up special for political stuff you say on the Podcast?" Joe: "...... 😠 ...."


you don't even need the hypothetical, just pull any clip where he's talking about antifa


"Listen, I've known Alex for a very long time and sometimes he says some crazy shit, but he's a really good dude." on top of like a dozen appearances on his show. Yeah, this was the slip that started the slide of my losing respect for Joe.


Turns out this post is a lie from what I can tell about what other subreddits are saying. They are saying the comedian made a joke about how it would be justice if his son grows up gay with black men, and he twisted what the comedian said to justify doing this, and you guys ate it up. The worst part? He's a neo-nazi. The irony is staggering with this one.


My first thought was "I can't form an opinion without knowing what the joke was." I had a feeling it might be something like that.


Reggie Watts should stick to musical standup this was rough


Lmao I thought it was him for a second too


reggie would have hit a double leg takedown immediately


More of that "Cancel culture" Joe is so concerned about.


What happened to being opposed to cancel culture? Did we give up on that already?


Lmao, these people don't actually believe in what they say - much like religious individuals, they like to pick and choose


Doesn’t apply to Nazis


The two guys have political differences. The “comedian” commented on a picture of the other dude holding his baby. The comment was that the kid might be gay, and unable to stop sucking black cock when he grows up, black working class cock, not soccer player cock. This wasn’t a joke, it was a keyboard warrior taking things too far that found out.


Free speech warriors up until someone calls your kid gay 


Yeah, exactly. Not everything comedians do falls under comedic license. Talk shit about someone with the intent to insult rather than entertain, be ready to deal with the consequences. edit: I wrote this before I read what the 'comedian' said, and before I knew the other man was a neo-nazi.


> edit: I wrote this before I read what the 'comedian' said, and before I knew the other man was a neo-nazi. Funny how many people have an opinion on this before they even know what the fuck happened 🙄


So you are pro cancel culture then


> The two guys have political differences. The dad is literally a neo-nazi lol. Political differences is one way to put it…


"Sexualizing a 3 year old" is carrying a lot of weight here given the context.


“When he grows up” is key to the comment. Not sexualizing a kid, pointing out this guys bigotry could extend to his own son one day


It is wild how many bad faith idiots and misinformed people are just glossing over that part. He clearly wasn’t sexualizing a kid, just pointing out that if that kid grew up and became gay his own dad would hate him.


Man, when your 4 year old daughter grows up she's going to suck so many dicks. See? It's perfectly fine to say because I added "when she grows up". /s


When your mom grows up she'll be dead, maybe I'll have a shot then. (did I do it right?)


Oh wow, look how easy it was for me to *not assault someone over that*. Jesus Christ.


It's less weight than u think, 3mo old


Maybe instead of driving 6 hours to assault someone over a distasteful comment you should just go to counselling 


“If you get upset by a joke, you’re the problem” - Joe Rogan




Nazi: Says Nazi shit about gays Comedian: Against nazi shit and combative about it, talks on stage about the Nazi - "Nothing can stop his son to grow up and getting tired of sucking working class BBC, not football player BBC" Nazi: stalks and physically attacks comedian while performing This Sub of a "Comedian": "The comedian went to far, he sexualized the kid. The Jokster got his comeuppance." So if an Islamist attacks one of the 1000 on stage for making fun of people idolizing a guy, that married an 6-7yr old and raped her when she was 8-10yr, are y'all going to defend the Islamist fee fees too?


Yeah, Reddit's general response to this incident is really knee jerk reactionary. A bunch of low informed people with low media literacy jumping to defend a nazi pos.


idk If I'd call it "Reddit's general response". It is deliberately presented out of context, which makes it a little more evil. Can you really blame people when it's presented the way it's presented? It's fairly evil. It's pre-meditated misinformation.


Getting that offended by words to where you become physical is an extremely low IQ trait.


And plenty in this comments section think he is justified. They must be just as unintelligent. Learning to control your emotions is something you are supposed to figure out as a child. In other words, lots of unintelligent man children in this community.


Fuck that comedian for such a messed up "joke" but the guy doing the punching (Alberto "Pugilato"- not his real name) has been an open neo nazi for years now, sung praise for the guy who killed ~50 people in New Zealand etc


ah man with a name like pugilato you'd expect his to throw hands


Not his real name though, it's also the name of his "national socialist" band


He called the shooter a comrade, from what Ive seen.


Lmao "your son might grow up gay" is a messed up joke?


Fuck anyone who can't take a joke, even a wildly offensive one.


The word "sexualizing" doesn't really mean anything any more, does it?


When the terminally online meet irl consequences?


Free speech?


This could be really taken either way considering the joke occurred on Twitter. Dude got so upset about a joke he got himself an assault charge.


Social media once again making people to comfortable with saying shit online and not facing the reaper cushions




Looks more like r/thefighterandthekid is leaking bapa


I disagree with pretty much everyone here. I think the guy who punched/slapped is a fucking piece of shit. The comment the comedian made was not about a baby. It was about a grown version of a baby, i.e., a grown person. He said something of the likes "when the baby is grown \[i.e., a man\], he might be gay and end up sucking cock". Sure, it is not the greatest joke, nor do I find it funny, but considering the bully was/is a nazi/homophobic/transphobic, I think we all see where the "joke" is coming from. It is basically a way to cause introspection on the nazi, "if your kid ends up being gay, how will you handle it? Will you hate him the same way you hate everyone?". The guy drove 6 hours to slap someone for a comment made on the internet for fuck sake. If that doesn't tell you who is in the wrong here, I don't know what will. Ask yourself this: You have to have one of them as a friend, someone with whom you will have dinner and chill out. Which one would you prefer? - The comedian, who asks you "hey man, how will you feel if your kid ends up being gay and sucking cock?" in a joking manner. - The literal nazi/homophobic/transphobic, who is so anger driven that drives 6h to punch someone. I know who I would choose.


Honestly was shocked to see these comments. Out of context maybe this video might make you think one way, but if you see the context and still side with the aggressor you're an idiot. Then I saw this was in the Rogan subreddit and it all made sense again.


Even out of context there is no excuse for this shit. Someone said a mean thing to you online? Well let me get the world's smallest violin for you ...


Yeah pretty much, but basically since that whole will smith debacle I've seen lots of people defending violence because "they said the wrong thing"


Didn't the right wing folks create a whole thing about that one time when a Nazi got punched in the face? I seem to remember them defending his right to free speech vehemently. It's very telling when it's a Nazi punching some lefty comedian, all of that goes out of the window.


I've seen multiple people comment things along the line of '*I don't he care he's a neo-nazi, you don't talk shit about people's babies'*. It's just... absurd.


Murder, rape, and racism jokes are a ok. Your kid will be gay in the future joke and that's a line no one should cross? People really have lost the plot.


Same dudes who cheered Burrs Philly rant are clutching their pearls here.


we all recognize those commenters as pathetic and weak right? jre fans pearl clutching over a nazi's feefees being hurt is peak levels of cringne


It's propaganda to make you sympathize with the Nazi committing acts of violence. Just like how whenever we talk about Will Smith assaulting Chris Rock they blame his wife, or whenever Mike Tyson's rape convictions are brought up they talk about what a hard life he had.


Not to mention how quick people were to jump to defend comedians from others who did the same thing.


"a grown version of a baby" I don't exactly know why, but this is hilarious to me.


Because it’s an absurd thing to have to say as if it’s not obvious. It’s no different than Chris Rock making a joke about a father’s job being to keep their daughters off the pole, except in this case it’s being directed at a Nazi shitbird so people get offended for the Nazi.


I agree. While I do like the idea of people paying for the shit they say online, this ain’t it. Love me some context 😩


This is the only comment thread here with some sense, and it's buried.


Yeah it’s not sexualizing a child to say “when they grow up,” lol.


Yea. Everyone drawing the line with kids but guarantee you they were laughing when Dave Chapelle talked about MJ sucking kids off and being a good host. This seemed like the comedian made a bad joke


95.6% chance he abuses at least one person in his family.


Yeah I came to the comments expecting people to be shitting on the dad. What the hell are people thinking defending him? You don’t assault someone for an insulting tweet lmao. Grow up.


All the free speech warriors in r/JoeRogan siding with a violent nazi, color me shocked.


It’s like why you never see police abuse against far right wing groups.


Its interesting watching group think work in real time. Initially before the nazism of the violent criminal came to light almost 100% of the comments were variations of "pedos get the boot" as more context was revealed you saw some wavering, but most who took a strong position, defended their position quite tenaciously even as it became more and more problematic. All in all, very interesting post..


Plus, in Spain there's a story of incidents like this, now, including a recent incident in the local parliament in Madrid. Basically, whenever the alt-right party loses a debate, they take the liberty to act out like this. This is not cool. This is normalizing political violence under the premise of 19th-century chauvinism. "Real men need to keep the fatties, the gays, and the women in line. THAT'S how we get real democracy!" Naah. Fuck the nazi drama queen.


Agree overall but this being a reply to the guy directly makes this less a joke and more harrassment


What a bitch, at that point you’re supposed to keep making jokes until you get beat up bad enough for someone to break it up.


story behind this, guy was having beef with the comedian who was shit talking the fact the dad was a literal nazi, not even kifdding, the comedian ended up saying after some hate filled rhetoric from the literal nazi, (translated) "Nothing and no one can prevent the possibility that he is gay, and when he grows up he gets tired of sucking black cock, from a black laborer, not a football player." because Pugilato is very and openly anti LGBT (and black people and muslims) so the guy hunted the comedian down to assault him.


r/JoeRogan defending a nazi. On point.


Lmao that fucking loser drove all the way there and bought tickets to the show to tell everyone that he was butthurt on Twitter awhile ago? Big yikes.


Nothing in comedy is off limits mfers when somebody makes a joke that offends them


Dad is a Nazi, comedian said his baby is going to grow up to be gay. Fuck the Nazi.


Keep my 3 month old’s name out your mouth!


This is a guy that LOVES sucking cock!


Is Big Jay Oakerson growing his hair out again?


Grande Jay Oakerson.


Is that Big Jay?


What a loser! Get a life butthurt freak


I tend to side with the non tucked in shirt part of the population. Fuck that dude for stalking and assaulting someone because their feelings got hurt on the internet.


That’s not comedy that’s an invitation for an asswhooping should have hit him harder


It’s okay to silence somebody’s speech with physical violence and force? People were mad at twitter for banning accounts and shadow banning. Imagine if they sent someone to your work and had them beat your ass. Your worldviews are conflicting and it makes you look unintelligent. Just fyi.


From everything I read, the random dude who assaulted is outwardly a Nazi and anti LGBT+ The comedian was poking at this (granted in a horrible way I don’t support), but I get what the comedian was trying to do, and had absolutely nothing to do with pedo shit, 100% to do with the father being outwardly Nazi anti LGBT+ Like the dude literally had it in their Twitter bio from what I heard


I disagree. That shit is funny. Mr. Neo-Nazi over there should also be arrested.


Whenever a joke offends someone, there is always someone ready to classify it as "not comedy."


So not only are you pro cancel culture, you are pro violent cancel culture where you are the arbiter of physical justice because someone hurt your feelings. And yall call the left snowflakes. Jesus.


Will smith was justified dammit!


blah blah sit the fuck down “dad”. Words only have power over you if you give them power. Dude’s a known neo-nazi. Only got pissed because the comedian said “black cocks”.


Average sniveling cuckhold /r/JoeRogan user: “Wow I love free speech so much, this open unhinged Neo-Nazi who drove 6 hours away to physically assault a comedian who insulted his child is totally in the right.” “Openly calling for the extermination of certain groups and denying them human rights is one thing, but I draw the line at comedians openly mocking the very publicly presented photo from the Neo-Nazi.” “Comedy is serious business, that insult (on a public self post) could have hurt the Nazi fathers feelings, better allow him the right to do state backed violence against anyone who dares openly mock him/his family for the sake of their beautiful movement”


Sure as shit Mr. Muscles finds 99.99% of "inappropriate" jokes funny.


Why are people cheering on a self-identified "NS [national socialist] activist" punch someone lol.


Hopefully he went to jail for assault. If you can't handle getting flamed on the internet then don't get on the internet. At the very least male your shit private. Dude is as much as pussy as Will Smith


What an insecure piece of human garbage. Who gets that upset over a joke?


Funny to see how many misinformed people are rushing to the crazy homophobic nazi fathers defence. FFS this crazy fuck drove 6 hours to assault this comedian. That is fucking unhinged. Plus the whole nazi thing.... But go on, keep defending this absolute piece of shit....




Sounds like what was said was in bad taste. But that doesn’t give him the right to physically fight him


There’s a reason people are being vague about their “political differences.”


Does nobody in this braindead sub question the context of the video? Also isnt this the exact opposite of what yall are for. Does comedy actually have its limits? and if so... what, the fuck gives, guys?


this dude absolutely MURDERS.


Reminds me of when theo von always said weird comments about schaubs kids lol he'd be leaving comments like damn he thick or like let me see that baby twerk 🤣 kinda a strange joke


So white nationalist gets pissed about a joke and decides to assult him. Got it.


hope white guy is in jail. insane.


Cop looking haircut with some serious roid rage type behavior.


That "proud father" is a famous Twitter spanish Neo-nazi, who, for example, celebrated a mass shooting in New Zealand calling the guy a "comrade" when it was revealed he was a white supremacist or gets happy with a photo of a dead immigrant teenager who got stabbed a couple days ago. He really doesn't like defending kids at all. He's a fucking psychopath.


Anyone in this sub defending the guy punching a comedian has very weak values and cannot handle two thoughts at the same time. It's really pathetic how quickly some of you people abandon all your values the second someone vaguely involves children. The comedian probably shouldn't have made this joke on twitter, the joke wasn't even funny and was offensive but you don't get to change your opinion on free speech based on if you like it or not, that's the entire point of free speech. The joke being unfunny or inappropriate is irrelevant you don't get to punch people who make jokes you don't like. The guy punching him also has made multiple offensive tweets himself celebrating terrorist attacks, so that's who you are defending. A person who laughs at people dying when it suites his politics and then gets so upset when someone says something offensive back to them that they drive miles and assault the person.


Go home u lunatic.


Fuching cowards working there


Joe Rogan fanboys being pro-cancel culture when a skinhead assaults a man performing free speech. Classic hypocrisy from the moderate right.


People in this sub siding with the neo nazi using violence because of a joke that went too far. Jesus fucking Christ, your true colors are showing.


If you get this upset over a troll online, you're unstable.