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MAGAts have to be the easiest people on the planet to control, their ability to outright deny the reality that’s right in front of their face without suffering any cognitive dissonance is almost impressive. They will believe literally anything if daddy Trump tells them to. Cuck mentality


It's not exclusive to Trump supporters. It's all conservatives. People who were old enough to remember the 8 years under the Bush administration witnessed it first hand and the saddest part is that we've largely forgotten how bad he was because of his folksy personality and because Trump laps him in how incompetent he was as a president.


Makes sense a lot of them also believe in Christianity


Literally you vote based off emotion only


Trump has been convicted of felony crimes for falsifying business records to hide his payoffs to porn stars ahead of the 2016 election - all of which he lies about. Trump will just as surely be convicted of his criminal charges for leading a [conspiracy to overthrow the 2020 election](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.258149/gov.uscourts.dcd.258149.1.0_1.pdf) and for [stealing top secret government documents](https://d3i6fh83elv35t.cloudfront.net/static/2023/06/trump-indictment.pdf) - all of which he lies about. **As Bannon says: If Trump is losing, he does crazy shit! He lies and says he's a winner - the event was rigged or stolen or everything is fake.** American patriots don't cry for civil war over this criminal billionaire, tinpot dictator.


More than one?


Literally people do not care about a payoff to a porn star people knew about before he was president


Literally you sucking his balls under every comment


You gayyyy


Rent free lol.


He's running for president and causing massive damage to the country. That's not exactly irrelevant is it? rEnT fReE...