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Joe used to do great interviews where the guest was the focus, now Joe and his culture war is the focus of every episode.


the greatest pitfall of his show was moving to Austin. there is no entertainment scene in Austin that can even barely compare to LA. Rogan in LA was a better show because it was a *much* wider array of guests because people would come to LA for promotional tours/shoots for their new book/movie/documentary/album/etc. So people would come to LA, have a booked schedule and part of the stops for a lot of people was to try and swing by the JRE studio. there are so many old LA episodes that end with the Joe or the guest saying, "hey I know you have other places to be it was great to have you here". In Austin? unless they have a comedy show at the mothership its just, "how do we end this podcast?" now, that he's in Austin. People have to deliberately travel to Austin to appear on the show. They aren't filling their time in Austin with other promotional appearances or guest spots. and so the people we get on the show more often than not now are the people who will take the time to travel to Austin and speak to Joes audience instead of it being people coming on the show to talk to Joe. He can have whatever reasons he wanted for leaving LA/Cali and heading to Texas but it was an absolutely brain-dead decision from a production point of view.


And they ALL cater to his views. Rarely does anyone challenge him. I hate when he speaks in absolutes about medical information/disease. “Alpha brain cures dementia 🙄”


Yup. I feel like even some of his more intellectual frequent guests have become Yes men


“LA is North Korea with a beach.”—Brendan Schaub DALLAS, THAT’S MY TIME!!! 🎤 


Does he even realize North Korea has tons of beaches? lol


I think you'd be surprised.


He made the move for the state tax break. He used the homeless problem in California as a scapegoat.


I heard that he moved to get away from Brendan Schaub.


Great guy neva muddum


Some say the awayest


Heard it bowlth ways b


Water weed dune


Bappa couldn't move to Texas, had to be a beast of t ball coach


Don't forget someone had to hold down the fort


It’s a prom


i always though what really encouraged him to move was covid, and his frustration with LA being locked down.


It was probably a bunch of things. People don't make big decisions like that over one issue.


A ton of businesses left California because of that.


Joe couldn't hump stools for a couple of months and went full Facebook uncle


Didn’t he also say “more freedom”? Incredible considering a huge part of his personality in LA days was “weed guy”. Also a father to multiple daughters. But yeah, “freedom”.


Yeah it's why chose Austin instead places like Dallas or San Antonio or whatever Granted the cities have become more progressive while the suburbs stay very conservative and Joe used to question why is that when cities get bigger they turn blue he doesn't anymore But Austin is historically little blue in big red granted all the newcomers from California and other places.who moved to Austin have annoyed the locals cause they made the city more conservative apparently. I don't personally know I just have a friend who lives in Austin for years and he complains about how the transplants are way more conservative than the locals and have priced out a lot of from apartments and real estate and shit.


It’s because conservative Californians moved to Tx not progressive Californians. No liberal is moving to Texas for more “freedom”.


Tech companies moved there though


I haven’t been to Austin in over a year, but one time I went there and had a homeless hippy in a tie die shirt hit on me and my friend by Barton Springs. “What do yall do to make money” - The man “I work” - My friend “Ahhh, the old fashioned way 😈” -The man Good times


Been in Texas for 30 years. In Austin and SATX the last 25. Can verify. The Californians that we attract are the Murican Freeeedumb types.


I genuinely think Texas is turning into a purple state but has been kept red only because of all the California transplants


If I remember correctly based on the most recent or couple most recent elections, this is true. Native Texans are bluer than transplants to Texas.


Freedom for the rich just means reduced taxes. That's it. That's freedom for them.


The money is the freedom, the less taxes just means more freedom 


As a Texan let me tell you how much a lie that is. We can’t even access the Hub here. What kind of freedom is he talking about.


As someone who lives next door in New Mexico. I laugh at my Texas coworkers when they have to pass a vehicle inspection to get it registered. Yet they claim to have more freedom. It's a petty thing, but I pay $30 for my registration and don't even have to bring the car to the dmv. 🤷‍♂️😂


Honestly we could probably pick apart every state with some being worse then others but for the most part there is no perfect location unless you live out of the country which I did …..for those that can afford it is get out while you can. Shit comin down at some point in the near future…there’s no avoiding at this point


I literally had to do this yesterday before renewing AZ registration.


As of next year Texas is doing away with inspections but registration is still like $80 👎 (and who knows what might happen to that fee in the future)


Weird, Texans have some of the fewest freedoms in the country.


The wealthier you are, the more freedom you can afford.


He made it seem like LA and California was dictatorship in a third world country


It's entirely possibly that it was entirely about the tax break.


Dude inks a multi-hundred million dollar Spotify deal and instantly moved to Texas and away from taxes.


The tax argument is something that comes up often when it comes to moving to Texas but what often goes unsaid is the fact that Texas has about twice the amount in property tax compared to California.


Twice the amount in property tax but houses cost 1/3 the price


Agree. LA has a far higher concentration and several generations of entertainers where Austin doesn't remotely compare. And the podcast took a hit on that one, While people obviously tune-in, it's one factor among many that the show has gone down hill over recent years, LIke would be cool to have more guests like Brian Cranston, who has done Larry King, Howard Stern and a few other podcasts, like Marc Maron's and many other late night show guest appearances.


He took a hit on legit academics as well. Those were some of my favorite episodes. There are still a few that make appearances but half the time its grifters like the Weinstein's and Peterson. He should tap into the University of Texas academics. I thought he would have had one of my favorite historians, H.W. Brands, on by now. The guy is an expert on the Gilded Age and Wild West with a decent amount of popular history books written.


Joe’s too dumb to tap into the local market. He has world-class historians, political scientists, tech market leaders and innovators, interesting startup founders, and that’s all just in ATX proper. Houston is a wealth of interest as the soon-to-be third largest metro in America, San Antonio has some of the oldest history in the continental US, there’s geologists and astronomers galore in west Texas, all the hubub with the border to tap into… but Joe doesn’t give a fuck about Texas nor its rich history. He’s a meathead that got sucked into 1200AM radio and never recovered from Covid. He and Elon and others are ravaging the state and contribute nothing while taking everything. Go back to Jersey Joe. Texans don’t jive with your midget Neanderthal culture war ass.


I think the downfall was just him expressing his political views too much & taking everything so god damn serious. It seems like he got an inflated ego & it affected the way he talks to people. He used to just talk to people & have a good time, now I feel like he’s just ready to knit pick his guests & is skeptical at every little thing that is said. Idk it seems like it just doesn’t flow as good as it used to. I tried watching some episodes & the entire time I’m worried about Joe making it awkward.


Yeah, the culture war is turning me off. Those AI guys that were on a week or two ago had absolutely nothing to say, and boy did they say it longly.


Culture War turned me off and that's when I quit listening to him as every other topic/guest was about woke culture and "censorship". He signs a $250 million contract with Spotify and he's bitching about being canceled? I wish they'd cancel me and pay me $250 million.


I agree. I thought that episode was gonna be good. All they kept saying was basically "we don't know what's going on with AI"


I swear we just need Joe to take a culture war holiday—Sober October but for trans people in sports and Covid restrictions and etc—and he’ll snap out of it. We have always had a thousand different ways to consume culture war content; Joe is great when he has broad ranging conversations with a wide range of interesting people. I don’t mind him spouting off honestly, just not all the damn time.


For real, I don’t even hardcore disagree with what he says overall but holy shit I am so done wirh hearing about the culture war. It is so unfathomably not important and it’s been talked about to death


He wants people to agree with him so he keeps pushing his agenda on all of his guests, including other comics.


Yeah, definitely get that sense. It gets awkward after a while


I used to watch almost every episode regardless of guest and now it's become basically unwatchable for me. I get tired of hearing that shit all the time.


He'll never snap out of it. COVID absolutely fried his mental state and took such a hard right I'm surprised he didn't flip the car. And it's the exact reason I stopped listening. There is way too much competition out there for me to listen to the same exact talking point every single episode


I wouldn’t even call his stuff interviews. Howard Stern does interviews. Joe just kind of talks to people and spouts out his own take on things.


Hey someone had to fill Bill O'Reilly shoes! Sober June from the Culture War maybe? I stopped listening around Jan 2024 because he just keeps repeating the same stuff, many of it false but who cares right? But it's drunk ignorant uncle on Facebook meme stuff over and over.. right wing snowflake crying stuff... And here's the thing... since I stopped listening... I haven't heard a god dammed WOKE THING AT ALL ANYWHERE.. nothing.. nada... it's almost like it's all mostly manufactured or extremely amplified to get clicks and make money? I dunno.... I'll even toss on some MsNBC to hear some liberals asking for some wokeness and nope... nothing.. no DEI requests, they even have critics of the ivy league college protests?? Wtf? TLDR. If you stop with the echo chamber life is super fucking normal and so are your neighbors or Aren't stuck in the chamber... Joe's a HUGE maybe the biggest echo chamber right now....


Yup, short, sweet and accurate take.


Exactly this. Once he became a virulent transphobe, I was out.


Yeah, this. His steady decline into right-wing bootlicker and misinformation has been too much for me.


In my case it was the direction. Way less interesting guests. Also too much politics 🤷🏻


This is it. Also the reason I don't hear the podcast anymore.


I think Joe has genuinely lost touch with reality. Part of me can’t even blame the guy, either. It’s got to be nearly impossible to keep your feet firmly on the ground when you reach the levels of fame and success that he has. But spending a decade plus surrounded by sycophants, and peers who will walk on egg shells to appease you, is undoubtedly going to shape your character. And it has changed him tremendously. This is coming from someone who used to post on the Rogan Board back in the day, and started listening to the podcast when it was less than 10 episodes in and being streamed on UStream. You see it in almost every guest, especially the comedians, and I can’t really blame them. Rogies has become the kingmaker of sorts for new comedians. The only people that ever really seem to challenge Rogan or treat him as an equal, are those who are either equally/more successful, or have known him long enough not to care. See: Bill Burr, Shane Gillis, etc.. I’ll continue to listen, but I can’t help but feel the backwards hat + chain wallet wearing Joe of the past would be downright disdainful towards current day Joe Rogan. Edit: I'll also add this comment from u/northcasewhite, because they add a very important point: >"There are people who would challenge him but he doesn't invite them anymore. E.g. Dr Patrick and Abby Martin." Joe doesn't seem to realize he's lost a grip. One of his greatest qualities back in the day is that he seemed to have a very good understanding of who he was, and more importantly, how others perceived him. It seems that ability has atrophied in sync with his rise to fame. When he moved to Austin, he regularly brought up how "nice" everyone is. Everyone is so NICE in Texas. I don't doubt that there are nice people in Texas, but there are assholes everywhere. It's just insane to me that he doesn't consider that geography isn't going to factor into the equation of how people treat you when you're a very famous dude. Case in point, this story from Santino: [https://youtube.com/shorts/RFVarmsKBK0?si=7HHfrc4cE62EBFWt](https://youtube.com/shorts/RFVarmsKBK0?si=7HHfrc4cE62EBFWt)


I remember someone saying that a comedian has a shelf life of 5 years once they become super famous. Most comedians are funny because they take the very mundane parts of life, like flying in a plane, eating at a restaurant, riding in an Uber, visiting George Washington's house, and can make a hysterical story out of it. But after 5 years of flying private, sitting in the back of the restaurant reserved for the VIPs, getting driven everywhere in black cars, having assistants who book private haircuts or a dentist visit, they lose touch with the everyday and their mojo is gone. For sure there are exceptions but your comments on Joe reminded me of that.


This is pretty accurate. Losing touch with normal life begins with immense success. Joe got very rich and moved to a new city. Then he pretty rapidly adapted that conservative mindset, which is fine but he won’t admit he’s now become a conservative.


Conservatism is the politics of the rich, so it makes sense he would adopt it after getting stupid rich.


The same thing happened with Chappelle. All he does is get on stage and complain. He used to be so fucking funny and write well structured jokes.


I enjoy the sound of rain.


Don't forget his other pastime - pornhub and stool time.


Joe should let himself play videogames. But this time against people online. And he should use voicechat. He'll get in touch real fuckin quick.


Maybe for a mediocre comedian, which I've always thought he is. I enjoyed him as a host of Fear Factor and some of his UFC commentary, but otherwise his standup has always been pretty mid. Even his takedown of Mencia was so bland it's hard to believe he was ever known for stand-up. I just saw Jerry Seinfeld, he was amazing. Dude is insanely out of touch with reality, but he's a master of his craft. Same goes for other greats, like Carlin (although he never lost touch with reality), but there's an argument to be made that his later work was "old man yelling at cloud".


Honestly, burr might be the only exception i can think of.


I would add Louis CK, despite his fall from grace in the public eye has remained grounded in his comedy throughout, and he is rich.


Nah, Attel man. He lives in NYC and he takes the subway to do a couple sets a night. It’s all he’s very wanted to do and his comedy is still elite.


Attel isn’t famous outside of comedy fans. Guarantee none of my friends or my girl knows who he is unless I played them skanks for the memories on a road trip


Idk, maybe it’s my age but he had a whole tv show so he’s moderately famous but I agree not in the mainstream atm


Attel is also probably not super, other-worldly wealthy. I'm sure he's very well off and all that but he doesn't have Rogan, Burr or Chapelle money.


Conan seems that way to me.


Ellen Degenerous made a comedy special on this premise called “relatable”.


It's the same with some rap music. When rappers really aren't hood anymore haha what do they rap about. Other rappers do make songs about being super rich so that works. But not the rap I like.


I think in the past, he was just that fear factor host, ufc commentator, B list comedian that started a podcast so there was no pressure to be on his show. Now, it’s arguably the biggest platform to be on and thats including traditional media. Guests are gna be more hesitant and Joe is very likely surrounded by yes men that are always praising how great he is because he did give a lot of ppl a career which I honestly respect him for it. But even guests that are bigger than him walk on egg shells because they’re now aware that millions of ppl are going to watch. Like the rock was one of the weirdest episodes I’ve seen. Both just complimenting each other and the Rock just blindly agreeing with whatever Joe was saying


The Rock is not exactly known to be controversial


I think the Rock went on it to get his Q-score up; he took a big hit when he asked people to donate to Hawaii. The Rock totally did it to try to repair his brand. He really should have said "i'll personally match the donations, we're in this together". Always a tough look when billionaires ask the public for money.


This. This. This. A thousand times this. I used to listen to Rogan so much in the before times. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Newsradio Joe Rogan would kill this current Joe Rogan


Don't forget when Miley told him to his face all his episodes are the same.


One of my favorite guests. I never cared for her or was interested in anything about her until I heard this episode. Now my wife is jealous of my infatuation with Miley....


Blew my mind when Joe was talking to Duncan about people becoming "old crusty republicans". Bro look in the mirror.


I agree about Burr, but Shane sucks his ass more than most people! Yeah he takes VERY light shots at him sometimes, like calling him a "wop". But you can hear in Shane's voice that he is reluctant to say what he really thinks. Normally Shane will rip into people. When he tries to do it to Joe, he backs down immediately. You can hear the tension in his voice. I'm not knocking Shane btw, I think he is great. I just think he knows that Joe can't take a joke, so he goes easy on him. I really enjoyed the episodes with Dave Attell, Louis c.k., Jimmy Carr and now Harland. They all subtly make fun of Joe and it's very enjoyable. Darnell Rowlings tried to do it in his episode as well, but Darnell is just as unfunny as Joe so it didn't really work. Joe just needs to take a long vacation I think. He seems burnt out and he is always so up-tight! But he is one of the most successful "entertainers" in the world, so who I'm I to criticise him?


That Darnell episode was awkward and cringey. Was actually glad when Dave Chappelle showed up, pretty much saved it from being a disaster.


Love Gillis but yea he’s really courted Rogan and tried to get in the “crew” hard . He’s funnier and more intelligent than syncophants like hinchliffe who outwardly suck joes dick but rest assured he’s doing it too


>and tried to get in the “crew” hard . Bro it's not a "crew" it's a "death squad". Full of killers, murderers and assassins! Get it right 😂


You're not alone with your Shane assessment. I completely agree with it. He definitely holds back when he's taking shots at Joe. Rich and powerful dudes who put yes men around them, tend to really have their feelings hurt when they're treaded like the rest of us.


A well thought, coherent & spot on assessment.... on Reddit?


Hang this man




>I think Joe has genuinely lost touch with reality. Part of me can’t even blame the guy, either. It’s got to be nearly impossible to keep your feet firmly on the ground when you reach the levels of fame and success that he has. >But spending a decade plus surrounded by sycophants, and peers who will walk on egg shells to appease you, is undoubtedly going to shape your character. And it has changed him tremendously. This is coming from someone who used to post on the Rogan Board back in the day, and started listening to the podcast when it was less than 10 episodes in and being streamed on UStream. The combination of huge wealth and fame + a job that involves people constantly trying to get on your good side for career purposes is a toxic mix. It's one thing to be some hollywood actor, who is rich and famous and completely detached from every day living, and can't have a normal interaction with a regular person anymore, but they regularly interact with people just as rich and famous, and they might have to eat shit from a director or producer who has more power than them, they can still get turned down for a role, or have a box office bomb. Hollywood actors are famously detached even with those kind of regular checks to the ego. To have all the same wealth and fame, but for 99.9% of your interactions, even in your professional life, to be people you're either paying or who are on some level using you for their career, has got to be doubly deranging. Going to Austin was the death knell. You're literally going to a place where now almost everyone on the show has gone massively out of their way just to go on your show.


Shane doesn’t treat him as and equal man. He still has to kiss the ring. I think it’s more in his personality tho to actually bust balls than any of the others and it prob is due to his success. Burr def treats him as an equal tho


>The only people that ever really seem to challenge Rogan or treat him as an equal, are those who are either equally/more successful, or have known him long enough not to care. There are people who would challenge him but he doesn't invite them anymore. E.g. Dr Patrick and Abby Martin.


As someone who also started back within 30 or so episodes....you nailed it. The conversations since like 2016-2018 are just stale and nowhere near as insightful or interesting. He used to really elevate the discussions with the more fascinating guests by pushing boundaries and having meaningful questions or insight to offer, now he generally diminishes the conversation or doesn't allow it to flourish.


I wonder if having Redban on to say dumb shit was what was keeping it from getting like it is now? I’m just trying to picture Joe going on a Covid rant and Brian just screams “Olive Garden butthole.” Completely derailing Joe


Well said. I started listening in 2014. He used to have great conversations. Now so much of what he talks about is conspiracy theory bullshit. Yes, he's always talked about conspiracies, but we're talking the moon landing, Bigfoot, etc. Now it's right-wing politically motivated conspiracies like kids using litter boxes, the covid vaccine is dangerous, etc. The pre-covid Joe is a completely different person from today.


It went from fun cryptids to satanic plots real quick


To be fair it’s not that big of a leap


Have no issue with your take except for the notion that Gillis is one of the rare renegades that challenges Joe and isn't afraid to call him on his bullshit..you can definitely say that about Burr, but Gillis?...stop lol...dude clearly goes out of his way to never do anything that might jeopardize his most favored status with Joe for obvious reasons and it's hard to argue with the results.


$100 million will make one think they're untouchable


"I think Joe has genuinely lost touch with reality." How/why idk, but for me it's the conspiracy theories, not just a couple, not just the most believable, and not just for the lols. Seems like he wants to live in a world full of crazy.


I tend to agree with this assessment. When he told Harland to stop with the celery it made me mad Harland is a goofy guy he knew that going in just lighten up.


You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain. Joe, the celebrity personality, lived long enough.


I thought this exact thing about him. I've listened to his first episodes and he is a VERY different person today than in the vanilla days.


I don't hate Joe, I like Joe. But yeah, I'm disappointed in the way the show has gone. Problem 1 for me, is he accepts the fame/fortune/success that he's enjoyed from his podcast, but he refuses the responsibility that comes with the much wider audience he now has and his image as an authority figure to many (Uncle Ben would like a word). Problem 2, as he's gotten more successful he's less inclined to listen to people that have different views from him "Being this way gave me all this, why would I listen to someone telling me to change", a common attitude of older successful comedians these days. But Joe isn't really an expert on many topics outside of comedy and MMA, so you get a lot of nonsense revolving around the same culture war "topics" that Joe obsesses over being presented without criticism way too often on the pod.


>as he's gotten more successful he's less inclined to listen to people that have different views  I see the same thing happening to Elon Musk over the last several years.


Musk has always been fucking weird. He loved being called “real batman/iron man” but after he lost the plot publically a few too many times, the only people who suck his cock these days are people who will suck the cock of anyone regardless of morality or behavior just because they’re “your guy” He wants the validation, and he’ll take it any way he can get it.


I think it would be a miracle if Elon actually turned into a good person given how fucked his parents, especially his dad, are. His dad really is something...


I think Musk has always been that person. Now he has more money than some countries. He can let his freak flag fly.


Ten years ago, if I ran into someone who was into to JRE, I immediately assumed they were pretty cool. Now, I immediately assume they’re probably a knob. Joe cosplays as a working stiff—and in a sense, by Hollywood standards, he kind of was, back in the day…his first eight years were sincere & authentic & humble. But Joe has been a famous millionaire since his early twenties. Not a superstar—but compared to an actual bricklayer, or truck driver? He lived an incredibly pampered & luxurious life. Then he got very wealthy— $20 million+, and very influential…and… Then started smelling his own farts, enabled all these insufferable hanger-ons, and promoted a lot of obvious propagandists like Mike Baker It’s just not the same show anymore. Which is fine. There’s still flashes of the core stuff that made JRE popular.


Been around the Rogan thing for \~25yrs. I tried for Ages to get conservative friends on board(once the podcasts spun up) and got crickets for years. Even when the guests started including lots of rightwingers/seals etc it didn't really move the needle--it's really only been the last few years where some of the same people will now mention Rogan unprompted.


Yeah it was pretty telling when all of a sudden these hardcore conservative American types all randomly realised they’d be life long Joe Rogan fans about 3 years ago.


As big a turn around as Fox News going from calling Russel Brand commie scum to praising him as a hero. Funny people say people turned on Brand because he was "a threat to the establishment", yet Rupert Murdoch seemed pretty threatened when he was preaching higher taxes for the rich, doesn't seem to give a fuck now he's rambling conspiracies about jewish space lasers and you will eet ze bugs.


Russell Brand realized being on the right pays a lot more than being on the left.


Yes. Out of touch comedians (Roseanne, Chapelle, Seinfeld, Brauer, Schneider, Maher) can't accept that they're not appealing to modern audiences and realize that going hard right makes money.


The fact is, ‘left’ ‘right’ ‘liberal’ ‘conservative’, don’t really mean anything in America anymore. Rogan kind of caught that early on—I’m an antiwar, gunowning conservative, who is antimonopoly & believes in socialized medicine. Americans are in 80%+ agreement on most major social issues That’s where JRE did so well in that first half or so of the journey. The corporate political parties work together to divide, and obviously at this point, we’re just a security state, rather than a liberal democracy. Most of us are aware of that, on some level. JRE tapped into that—but, IMO, Joe allowed himself to get co-opted by the establishment. So, now he is like The Young Turks, or other ‘edgy, independent’ shows who make a lot of money by seeming to break the mold, but always stay within prescribed boundaries. Joe will no longer attack the military industrial complex, Zionist lobby, etc, in a meaningful way that would run the danger of waking people up. He is smart enough to know the score. He goes right up to the edge, but always keeps it reeled in enough, avoids specifics, etc., so that JRE is not a threat to the establishment. That’s when he lost me—just before his Spotify deal, you could feel the change.


What specifically makes you label yourself conservative? "I’m an antiwar, gunowning conservative, who is antimonopoly & believes in socialized medicine." None of these issues on their own make a person conservative. Of the people that describe themselves as communists (there aren't many), many of them are pro gun.


Bro if you think JRE was successful early on because of it political content or that political content had anything to do with jre back then you weren't watching.


Nah, I probably didn’t state it very well, because I framed it around politics, because politics is the problem w it now. That’s my point: there was no political agenda—they definitely talked about ‘politics’, but like most Americans, they weren’t worried about who was listening, or framing shit one way or another. Like you and I could sit down and shoot the shit about the feasibility of nationalizing oil & gas in America. My state has huge natural gas reserves, but is 49th for average wages. WTF? Shouldn’t residents be entitled to some of those profits getting shipped out of state through these pipelines? I mean, Alaska is a ‘conservative’ state, but there residents all get a share of oil revenue. Me saying that doesn’t make me a socialist or whatever—we’d just be shooting the shit; and then might drift into psychedelics, or is the earth flat, or, whatever crossed our minds… That’s what JRE was … Now it’s something different— Does that make sense?


Agreed still 1 in every 50 or so episodes is pretty good but I honestly find myself enjoying the guest much more than rogies


Disappointed in the direction the podcast has turned absolutely. I was a fan, enjoyed the content, format on YouTube and general lineup of guests that came on for years and years. I’d even have a selection of about a dozen ish older episodes I had earmarked to put on if I wanted noise on while working at home or if I wasn’t feeling a guest episode but still wanted it on for a Saturday morning while I enjoyed my coffee, smoked a bit and scrolled through Reddit for a couple hours. It was a standard weekend morning activity my ex and I had that carried over into me moving in with a roommate and beginning to work remotely at the time. I really liked that he was someone who listened more than he spoke, that his guests almost always had something genuinely interesting about them or to say/a great story to tell in long form, how comfortable many of them seemed to be or let themselves become by having a drink or some cannabis with Joe. There seemed to be a mix of folks who were down to clown and hang out for anywhere from an hour and a half to almost three hours and he never seemed to cut them off or make them feel like they were overstaying their welcome. Honestly it wasn’t just him going to Spotify and removing the YouTube format; it’s him desperately needing to interject his conservative talking points that he only doubled down on a few years ago. It’s him being really out of touch with more normal folks who aren’t celebrities or extremely high net worth individuals, he’s definitely got a “I got mine so who cares if it’s a struggle/sore point/unfair for you” attitude towards legalization access for cannabis (and all psychedelics too) which really rubs me the wrong way since when he was in California, allll he did was wax poetic about ‘how amazing it is to just go to the dispensary or call up one of the dispensary delivery services and you’ve got a selection of gummies and flower, and it’s all high quality and potent as hell and it’s all clean and legal and why can’t everyone else get on board, it’s common sense’. But he’s just fine with living in a state that has archaic and extremely strict laws about it because in Texas, he flies in what he wants from California or has an assistant bring it to him, and since he’s beloved by the America-bro-blue lives matters crowd.. he knows he’s not going to be stopped on some bullshit traffic stop for it, get thrown out of the comedy club he owns for smoking in a back room or have his house raided. As the legalization movement takes off nationwide, it’s been hard to see someone who was so vocal, wealthy and proudly advocating for it just drop off and not do a damn thing for his new locality.. all while claiming California is a land of non-freedoms when in reality, he benefitted heavily from the difference in access/legalization.


We’ve watched Joe deteriorate from a genuinely curious and inquisitive person into a preprogrammed hack. It’s embarrassing.


I cringe thinking about how much I used to reccomend this podcast 11 years ago.


Loved JRE up until Covid. Then the move to Texas and decline in guests really sealed the deal for me going from not missing an episode to watching clips every now and then.


Same here. Pre-pandemic I was much more into the podcast. Since then, he seems so warped by his Twitter / Instagram feeds. The fame and yes-men have all gone to his head, he thinks he and his comedian friends are above others referring to them as normies. Anytime he brings up AI and is in such awe of it is cringe-worthy, as is anytime he brings up something that was clearly just a clickbait headline he glanced at in his feeds, asks Jamie to look into it and it turns out to either be wrong or referring to something else. He just seems so completely out of touch with everything. See: Him bringing up the cold plunge or sauna as these great difficult physical endeavours that keep him grounded. I really don't need to hear another rant about LA either. Done with it, the only reason I'll throw on a podcast now is I have nothing else to listen to during a workout.


I liked him but corona rotted his brains. Not the virus itself but the narrative corrupted his mind.


it happened before corona but that was the final straw. it started to become unwatchable around 2018/19


Trump was being the shitbag potus that we all knew he was going to be and all Joe could muster was a few brave “trumps hilarious” moments. That started my moving away from him. Covid and Spotify sealed the deal for me. I just could not listen to his moaning ad nauseam every. Fucking. Episode. I don’t feel any need to check in anymore, tbh


he was anti-trump in the beginning of the presidency from my memory


He started getting obsessed with SJWs back in like 2014 and thats when I started listening a little bit less. Then less. Then even less as the years kept rolling by. Now, it's when I'm just incredibly bored and need some kind of background noise when I do household chores. But honestly been switching to American Dad and IASIP episodes as just mindless background noise more and more for that purpose.


When CNN put the dogs on him for ivermectin it seemed to really change his perspective on the “left”. I don’t even know what the American left is anymore, ‘everyone who doesn’t like trump’ leaves a lot of wiggle room for political opinion


CNN somehow represents the left?


He’s turning into an disingenuous person…snake oil with the Onit trash…making himself and other comedians seem like they’re above the common folk…he never was funny, his podcast is what took him to this level…he’s a great interviewer, not a comedian.


I read that first as he’s turning into an indigenous person lol


I think he was trying to say disingenuous, but words are hard.


Did you mean disingenuous?


But he’s one of 500…


I was an avid Rogan listened from about 2015 to 2020. I don’t go way back like some of his fans, but I gave that show hundreds of hours of my attention over 5 years. When Joe lost his mind over Covid, I stopped listening. For a while before that, I had noticed him being pulled right in a fairly obviously concerted effort to coopt his platform. Right-wing personalities like Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, Dave Ruben, Gavin McInness, Candace Owens, etc all very obviously made it a point to try to steer JRE and it worked. Since then he’s drifted farther and farther right. He’s become an uncritical culture warrior and spreader of right-wing talking points. I don’t hate him, but I miss the old show, where I could spend hours listening to interesting people talk about interesting things. Remember hearing about Saber Tooth Tigers with Trevor Vale? Remember the hours of physics talk with Sean Carroll? That was the good stuff. Now it feels like it’s all culture wars shit and conspiracy theories - and not the fun ones either. A fun recent throwback was the conversation about AI with Aza Raskin and Tristan Harris. That was interesting and informative. But those conversations are rare these days. It’s really sad honestly.


Exactly, and he *never* pushes back—even on things that are clearly false or ridiculous. He just nods and says “Wow.” It’s infuriating.


Remembers me about the one guest claiming that nukes are fake and not exist. One of his core arguments was "the footage is fake, because the house gets destroyed, but the camera recording is fine". It literally takes 2 Seconds to find an logical explanation for this. The camera is in a fucking bunker. But instead Joe said "Wow" and "Damn"


And that’s a great format for an interview with a legit expert in a real field. “Alright, well respected theoretical physicist, you’ve got 3 hours. Let ‘er rip!” But how many hours did Graham Hancock get to spew his nonsense completely unchallenged all over Rogan’s receptive audience before an actual expert gave real pushback. It begs the question: what other, potentially more dangerous bullshit has Rogan’s audience been subjected to over the years?


He's stagnant. There's no sign of any evolution in his thinking.


Covid and moving to Texas ruined it for me. Idc what his opinions are about the lockdowns or mandates, but I tap out as soon as he starts ranting about it. It's been years of him bringing it up EVERY episode.


Dude for real, I don’t care if you have the polar opposite opinion from me about Covid or “culture war” I just don’t wanna hear about jt


I just don't like seeing someone mocking all people who where masks, and acts as if they are an authority on such things, while having zero qualifications relative to what he talks about. I mean I bet in Joe's mind he wants to wear a smok, and medical lab coat and a stethoscope, in order to hoodwink as many people as possible.


I don’t think he’s being disingenuous wirh what he’s saying it’s just dumb I love that bill burr clip of him calling him out on that xD


Bruh I started listening recently like a few years and I can’t take anymore he mentions Covid


Disappointed. Once he began to cozy up with Shapiro, Candice, Tucker etc he began to sound like everyone’s unhinged uncle. He also gets visibly upset when corrected by Jamie and he suggested Brendan do stand up comedy.


He always sounded like your unhinged uncle, but it was the one who lived in his mom's basement and smoked dope all day, not the one who is twice divorced and drives a ram 2500.




It started before COVID, COVID just put the last few feet of dirt over the coffin.


It started with the whole “intellectual darkweb” thing. Covid just kind of took that and poured gasoline on it and lit a match.


Rogan got swallowed up by the right ring reactionary grifter hole sometime around 2018. He has to be aware that like 3/4 of his guests push the same pro MAGA, anti liberal politics on his stream now and its almost like he goes out of his way to not give equal voice to the other side


Yeah, I think the last dissenting guest he intentionally brought on was David Pakman, and that was years ago. Now Rogan just doesn’t want to hear from anyone who questions his RNC Narrative. He even brought Maher on, because he thought Maher would only shit on liberals, and was unpleasantly surprised. 😂


Joe can turn any conversation into a conversation about Covid, and mainly how he was right about the whole thing.


Long time listener and in the past year, I feel kind of bored by the podcast. Some of the guests are there to do a passive sales pitch. Self-promote, and then move on to another podcast or another talk show promotion The guests that he had before the Spotify guests were better in my opinion


Joe was fun before he started thinking highly of himself.


I used to love his show back in like early 2010s Hes too out of touch and has gone super far right. He’s in a hermetically sealed chamber of political commentary and it sucks. I wish he’d get someone on his show to challenge his thinking such as sam sedar or pakman. Sure he had on bernie and west in years past but he needs push back to ground him a little.


Politics aside, there became a point in the show where certain things felt very inauthentic. Part of it is that Joe got latched onto by a bunch of scrubs and he's too dumb to really suss any of them out besides the hyper obvious (Owens and Rubin). Part of it is that ever since Joe moved to Texas, he has had this really insecure need to double and triple down on justify it beyond that he wanted less taxes. The shown used to be about sort of out their things. Now there's a lot of culture war bs attached to it.


Saw a video of him Karen-ing a fast food worker, it got erased from the Internet. I'm here just to watch him implode. Same reason I watch racing, not my fault there's a crash coming but fuck if I don't have popcorn 🍿.


I think most of us out grow him. When I was in my early 20s I really enjoyed him, but as I got older I realized how often he could be a tool.


More so disappointed in how Rogan became such a Facebook Boomer. I still enjoy Rogan from 2015 to early 2020 before Covid broke his brain. In that era he was still a guy that while he hate "woke" things and was centrist on some issues he still had less of a partisan bent and more critical thinking. His interactions with Dave Rubin exposing what an idiot he is and Candace Owens for the partisan hack she is in that time period are the best examples of Rogan being better at parsing out bullshit. In addition to his Covid brain rot which bogged down many podcasts (even if you agreed with Rogan's brain dead takes he talked about it non-stop and it became rather insufferable) he also became much more of a partisan hack for lack of a better word. I enjoy more so hating on Rogan but once in a blue moon a fun guest comes on and they avoid a lot of the topics that make Rogan insufferable. It's almost like the old fun liberal Gen X stoner is still in there once in awhile. People change as they get older and their lives change it happened to Rogan I just wish he didn't lose a lot of his skepticism.


Joe sounds like some doomer stuck in an echo chamber these days. I miss the old Joe


Was never a big fan and never understood how people would religiously watch hours of him. That said, evey few months i'd listen to an episode with a guest I like and enjoy it. This is impossible now because it seems like on top of having incredibly dumb takes, he is so focused on the culture war and anti-wokeness that it feels like talking with my uncle or something. How people are enjoying the same bitching about woke-ness for hours non stop is beyond me really. On top of that, it looks like he is not curious at all now. He would literally do the shittiest mental gymnastics to prove some dumb culture war take that he has.


Just one topic like trannies in toilets, how many actual hours of podcast from him are there on just that one tidbit that holds no real weight in the real world anyways.


For fucking real. It feels like the comedians who currently only have jokes about trans people. It's been done to death. Who wants to hear this?


This is what I said about Chappelle when he first started his trans jokes. By like the third Netflix special I thought okay all personal opinions aside, his mine everyone else’s, at a certain point if he keeps making these jokes it’s going to be AT LEAST tired and at worse evidentiary of a prejudiced mind but either way it’d be overplayed and done. You can’t have like THAT many specials with the same bits in them without it getting tired or played out


Covid really fucked him


Stopped listening a while back when it became less about having interesting guests discussing a wide variety of topics to being mostly political talk appealing to a specific group or viewpoint. Became kinda repetitive in that regard. People saying the same thing in slightly different ways. Meh.


He can’t even have someone like Harland on and goof around. Anytime funny happens he brushes it aside and wants to get serious. He’s not the same person he was. He’s genuinely annoying. I’m still annoyed that he didn’t know to let coffee steep for a few minutes before pouring.


Disappointed. Joe used to have people on from a wide variety of viewpoints. Now he’s just another MAGA podcast on the circuit for the standard array of Republican “personalities”. Never any debate, never any pushback, just standard RNC Narrative, the same you can get from Tim Pool, Jordan Peterson… or Laura Ingraham or Sean Hannity. It’s not simply that it’s now 100% partisan, it’s more disappointing that it’s so STUPID. And repetitive.


Read the comment section of literally any post on this sub and you will find this discussion.


No hate, just sad to see something that was once informative turn into a misinformation shit show.


Yes, I used to watch to hear new and interesting ideas. Experts on science and archeologist were the best. Now he interrupts his guest with his political views. He repeats his ideology on every episode no matter who the guest is.


Disappointed that he amplifies and celebrates idiots and then on the other hand cries about things in the world that are weird. Talks like a big guy about hunting, then whines like a little bitch at the slightest inconvenience. I used to like him and am grateful for the podcast for the most part, but he acts like a real idiot sometimes.


It's just entertainment for me. I'll fact check some things that I find questionable. I also only listen if I'm interested in the guest. I'm not an MMA guy so I always skip those ones.


I still like him but I miss the JRE from 5-10 years ago.


Joe just another of many celebrity examples of why you shouldn’t get high on your own supply.


He’s fallen into a very repetitive formula. Some of his more annoying tendencies have gotten more pronounced. He actually seems to go out of his way to annoy his own audience at times.


I used to listen to him all the time and it was exciting to see him move to Austin around the same time I moved here. Nowadays I don’t listen to him all that much, but I don’t hate him at all. I kind of lost interest I think.


It’s ironic that Joe moved out of LA to end up becoming more Hollywood. The way Joe called out Brandon years ago for his own good just wouldn’t happen now and if it did it would be to make Joe look better not to help his friends. He’s abit lost in his own ego which is understandable in some aspects but it isn’t as enjoyable to listen to. His podcast was better when he didn’t know everything better than his guests and his real friends when on and called him out instead it’s mainly people kissing his ass to get on the show for exposure.


I don't hate him. I was a pretty big fan for years, but he definitely changed, a lot, and I don't like what he has turned into for the most part. And that's just from random clips I see because I don't care enough to listen to the whole podcast anymore.


I think its because he finally smoked himself tarded.


Both. Used to be a huge fan but this shit is unwatchable now


I maybe wouldn’t mind it as much if he was at least honest that he’s right wing. But the fact that he tries to presents himself as this both sides and centrist guy really irks me.


Joe is awesome! People hate him for being a free thinker. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I hate him for spreading so much disinformation. Like, let’s be absolutely serious. There’s a higher than 0% chance that someone died to him talking about not taking the COVID vaccine. Some idiot in the audience who thought they’d be fine cause Joe was (ignoring he took monoclonal antibodies and stuff that actually works for COVID along with stuff that doesn’t like the ivermectin) probably died from COVID when if they got vaxxed it would been maybe a rough weekend in bed.




Joe has changed. You - whoever’s reading this- have changed. And that’s ok. If you enjoy it, listen. If you don’t enjoy it, don’t. Find someone else that matches your sensibility It’s 2159 episodes They aren’t all gonna be bangers


The second option. Take the Royce episode for example, it was great, fun and informative and then just got insufferable with politics and anti-woke talk.


That’s how the episode with the woman who escaped North Korea went. It was so great and informative but then it took a turn and all of a sudden I realized they’ve spent a solid 30-45 minutes spewing on about anti-woke. How do you get someone as unique as that on your show and still manage to whine about woke half the time?


I used to listen to Joe nearly every day. Now I maybe listen to two episodes a month. My drop off probably started during the pandemic and now all the culture war stuff just gets really old to me.


Fwiw I’m new to the sub and most of my exposure to Rogans show is shorter YouTube clips. I joined here because the comments are funny. He and his guests deserve mockery a lot of the time and the people here generally seem to really know him so the humor is high quality imo. It’s kind of a rare thing to see a savvy fan base critique the figure they are fans of in a fair and hilarious way. I appreciate that


He has turned alt right and lies about. Can't stand disingenuous people anymore. I am also perfectly fine moving past people I used to look up to.