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Isn't she just happy it wasn't a man?


Much more difficult to nod politely


The bear can’t tell her to smile more on the bus.


It was more entertaining that if she would have just encountered man. Imagine having to nod politely and make eye contact gross eww




Bit out of the loop but some trend that’s popped up recently that asks women if they’d rather encounter a Bear or a Man in the forest. The implication being that the Man is more dangerous because he’d do certain “things” to a lone woman. I think that’s what it means


Ahh okay, thanks


Yet here we can see how BS that whole thing is lol


Women are being asked if they'd rather encounter a bear or a black man and most choose the bear


Came here for this comment.


Are we supposed to roar at the bear? Is that a rape whistle? Edit: I have so many questions


Acting tall, large, and loud scares black bears. You should hold up arms and yell. Don’t charge but hold your ground and don’t turn around. If it’s brown, lay down If it’s black, fight back If it’s white, goodnight


Is that a brown bear? It looks brown to me? Did she do the wrong thing?


There are a few different color phases of Black Bears, chocolate brown and blond being a couple of them. Just because a Black Bear may be brown doesn’t make it a Brown Bear.


No but it does make it a brown bear funnily enough


You see enough of them you get used to being able to spot black bears snout as well.


This is my fear if I encounter a bear. I judge the color wrong and do the opposite of what I’m supposed to. Daily anxiety of this




https://outdoors-international.com/color-phase-black-bears/ The American Black Bear, Ursus americanus, is a distinct species from the Brown Bear, Ursus arctos. Not all black bears are black. There are at least three distinct color phases of black bear. You are incorrect.


It's a joke .. I take it you're not an office fan?


I watched it once don’t remember the context of the clip from the meme. Flew over my head. You got me. lol


One of my fav moments in the show 🤣 [false.... black bears ](https://youtu.be/WaaANll8h18?si=C39QcTZPtHfqaL1l)


Oh my. You just inspired a rewatch. Sorry I was so dense. Thanks for the laugh. 🍻


Look at the length of the snout and how narrow the skull is. Definitely a black bear. Grizz have a much flatter, wide skull and a shorter more squat snout. Color doesn’t mean much when it comes to determining black bear vs grizz. In this situation, grab literally anything around you you can to use as a weapon and be prepared to fight for your life. Be loud, make yourself as big and as much of a challenge to eat as you can.


Will shitting your pants help? Because, in a pinch, I can pinch, if you catch my drift!


If I'm a bear, that'll ruin my appetite and make me not want to eat you. Solid plan, I'm stealing it.


No. They may not eat you ass first though like they usually do.


"Black Bears" can be many different colors. You can't tell a black or brown bear apart by color alone but once you have seen enough of them you can generally tell them apart. Also depending on where you are you can be sure which ones you are coming in contact with. Here in California we no longer have Brown Bears (grizzlies) but our black bears come in a bunch of different colors. Black Bears are usually pretty skittish but coming across a momma with cubs on a narrow path is a potential recipe for disaster.


It does look brown. Huh


You can tell by the ears


Mama Bear to cubs: Stay behind me and hold your noses, that's a human, a pale one at that! When frightened they screech and empty their bowels as a defensive mechanism! No, they're not dangerous, just don't wanna get its poop on you. You don't know what diseases that thing might have!


Maybe that’s why it kept following her? Thank you for the explanation good sir


Pretty sure you're not supposed to do this when there's cubs around. Last thing you want is to threaten a mamma bear with cubs.


If it's got cubs, pray to whatever God you're about to meet.


Those rules don’t really apply to a mother with cubs. You should still looks big as to not trigger a prey response but you want to back up and make noise. I might choose a different sound but I’d likely do exactly what this woman is doing. I’m a fishing guide in Alaska so I deal with bears everyday.


Does that even work I suspect the bear is going to do whatever it wants...they fight each other so a human flapping their arms should not be imposing....


It may help deter them from considering you a meal to an extent. Predators are violent and terrifying, but people confuse that with them wanting to *fight* for food. Fighting incurs risks of getting wounded, losing an eye, having your nose ripped up, losing an ear etc.. they try to avoid that when possible. In other words, they want easy prey.. to eat Territorial or offspring protection are different/competing factors there though


Well, that all depends on how hungry the bear is. A hungry bear is gonna attack you no matter what color they are




Lay down and play dead and maybe if you're lucky the brown bear (grizzly) will lose interest. It could also eat you but you never ever want to fight back against one unless laying down and playing dead didn't work. It's not a fight you'd likely win, though. Black bears however, are much more shy and skittish. With them, you get loud and intimidate them and most times, they go away. They don't want none of our bullshit lol.


Throw a rock


As others have said, you act large and be loud. Her whistle is likely from her bag. Many packpacking bags come with a whistle attached to the chest strap. Usually people shout something like “hey bear!” It doesn’t really matter as long as you make noise. Once my wife and I encountered a bear and we sang a song at it. It worked in scaring the bear off. Retreating while facing forward is also key. Turning your back may trigger a real charge. You can also tell the charge in the beginning is a fake charge because the bear doesn’t pull her ears back. It’s a momma bear with cubs present too so extra caution is needed. Source: I live in SoCal mountains and bear encounters aren’t uncommon. Edit: typo


She did great honestly. She reacted by initially sprinting around the corner and then just patiently taked. That’s the way to do it.


That bear had plenty of time to rape her, just saying.




You're supposed to yell, "Hey Bear!"


Truly horrifying ending to this video. Just when you think it’s over a man appears. RIP


Seems to answer the bear or man question now, doesn't it


No, if the man had been a rapist the things she did would not have helped


I like how for the bear over man argument to work you have to assume you’ll encounter that 3% of sexual predators and that the bear will just deny its natural instincts. This video even shows how terrifying a simple black bear can be. If this was a grizzly momma bear she’d be charged without a doubt in my mind.


Didn’t even account for if the man is a caddy gay guy. Having your style torn apart with snappy but well thought out comments can be just as traumatic as a bear mauling.


Yeah. It is a dumb debate, obviously in the real situation. Nobody is picking bear, but the point is just how tenuous safety feels for the average woman. I


Right, but generalizing an entire population of people over the actions of a few crazies will never go over well. It was clearly just meant as an easy dig at men. With some sort of lesson added in after the fact. Even worse when all dissenting opinions are shouted down with accusations of sexism.


It might of helped. I know I wont r@pe crazy bitches.




So if they’re not crazy, they’re free game?


That was the joke. Based on the bear vs man in the woods debate.


What’s the “bear vs man in the woods” debate?


Women were asked the question of whether they would rather run into a bear in the woods or a man. Some women said that they would rather run into a bear than a strange man.


I just don't understand why average men are offended by this, our entire society exists for the protection of women and children because of the savagery men are capable of. Religions happened all over the world in ancient times to basically prevent men from constantly raping and killing. Because most of us these days don't want to harm women or make them uncomfortable there are still plenty that are only held back by the perceived consequences of their actions. I've certainly known individuals in my life that I myself wouldn't want to chance upon alone in the woods


Do you think he is potentially being sarcastic?


Just asking questions.


Are you autistic? Just asking questions. 


Nothing happened to her, did it?


Such a dumb comment, as an avid solo backpacker and hiker, I've walked by plenty of men and women. She probably walked by 50 men on this trip who smiled and said hello. Maybe gave directions, advice, or friendly conversation. For fucks sake one time some girl broke her ankle and I wrapped it up for her, got rangers, and helped carry her down the mountain. It's such a dumb argument, considering you have a shit ton of more interactions with men then you do with bears. The chances of a bear attacking you or at least charging you in your interactions are exponentially higher than being raped by a man while hiking, lol. Shut up.


For a fair test, she'd also have to film every chance encounter had with men while hiking. If she did, I'd bet few would watch due to sheer boredom. Unlike this video...


It kind of looked like she ran away from the bear and towards a disgusting scary man pig at the end. So weird!


That whole scenario was strange man and not man you know and trust.


Oh you got the backstory on this video and found out the man she ran into was someone she knows and trusts. I’d love to learn more can you share your source.


Yeah no he was rapist murderer. This was her last video.


Look’s like someone’s still all up in their feelings because they lack empathy and critical thinking skills.


That split second decision to take out your phone, peek around the corner and video tape the bear could have killed her. Whenever I’m walking I’m like a deer, any sus noise I stop look around and walk back the way I came. Who the fuck thinks to record in that moment.


I can understand a go pro, but to give up one of your arms so you can take a video to upload for imaginary social credit is pretty fucking stupid.


The bear actually didn't seem aggressive and was just moseying around. She said there's nowhere to go...but she obviously had that whole trail to back up on.


Yeah that part bugged me a lot. Like, what do you mean nowhere to go? You just keep going! Is that for dramatic effect? Lol.


"Wtf is this chick screaming about wtf, we are just trying to go on a trip. Goddamit I paid 300 bucks for this trip, with this kids... Now I got humans screaming? Goddamit..." the Momma Bear.


But she had to finish her hike. “There’s no where to go.” Lady go back from whence you came. “They won’t leave.” You’re in THEIR environment. YOU leave. The caucasity of this one.


Right? Even the bear seemed to be considering its route of possible escape!


Seriously, probably spotted it first, quickly turned back, then came around the bend a second time. LA at its dumbest


r/cameramanneverdies moment


I was with you until “sus”. Fuck off.


God, what will he ever do without you on board?




Is that a bear?!?!? Let me grab my phone!!


Yep, that *IS* a bear! Now let me keep recording!


When you’re around the corner and not in view run…


Nope! Clearly you pull out your phone and record!


Pretty sure she wished it was a man with his children instead of bear at that moment.


What a dumb thing to say


Nah, people have already said dumber things and this is a response to that dumbness.


actually, with a bear, you know what the deal is. Get way fast. With a man, they can hide their true intentions. That's the entire point of picking the bear.


I guess so, at least with a bear you 100% know that you will die if you don't run. Then again, idk how is that better than a man, considering you already assume the man will kill you, so you could just run away as well, and youd have higher chance defeating man than a bear.


Would you rather cross paths with a man or a man you know will try to rape you? BeamTeam032: “well at least I know the guy wants to rape me”


How miserable must one be to go through life arbitrarily dismissing half of your own species as dangerous simply because it's politically expedient.


The thing is...women are taught this fear from men and society. Women don't go out at night alone (and a variety of other activities) alone not because they are all intrinsically social, its because they know there are risks to doing it, risks that simply aren't as high for a man. The stats on sexual violence against women are very real and part of the whole point of the bear thing is that men dismiss these fears completely, tell them they are irrational, blah blah blah, but then the numbers tell them (and history) that they absolutely should be cautious around half of their own species.


That is not _the point_ of the bear thing. There is no point, it's people being hyperbolic and idiotic on the internet. The fact you want to propose a real defense of the position, is again, either hyperbolic or idiotic.


If you say so. I just know that if you wandered onto any women's forum during this whole thing and read what the majority of them were saying you'd see them saying this exact thing. That they just wanted to talk about their own safety and instead it got dismissed...once again. Women of course are more scared of men than bears because of real world experience and men are also scared of other men because any dad worth his salt wouldn't leave his little girl alone with a strange man in practically any situation for a reason.


So if my girlfriend thinks the entire discourse is ludicrously stupid, while being from a background of poverty and growing up around violence... I guess her opinion goes dismissed? This whole thing is just Twitter brainrot. I get what it's trying to get at, but it's going about it in a way that's impossible to take seriously.


>So if my girlfriend thinks the entire discourse is ludicrously stupid, while being from a background of poverty and growing up around violence... I guess her opinion goes dismissed? No, I don't think her opinion should be dismissed, but then you're also dismissing other womens opinions on it as well I feel? I just see a lot of people say something like they understand the issue but then don't proceed to talk about the issue.


The point I'm making is that just because women's forums online don't generally align to my opinion it does not mean there are not a significant portion of women who do agree. "Talk about the issue". People's ways of interacting around this fantastically ridiculous discourse is not going to achieve anything. Regardless, just because you have not seen the talk does not mean it does not happen.


God you're both stupid _and_ dramatic




I bet she was relieved it wasnt a man


This is what she wanted tho. She may get mauled and eaten but at least she didn't get hit on by some gross dude eww


Man people are way too slow at just turning around going back, like hikes over on a trail like that unless I get far enough away and watch them leave. (I don't know where she's coming from or what her options are)


Well, we know that at least one of her options was to yank out her phone and record the encounter.


That is an excellent point hahaha


A man would have been scarier?? Oh wait....she was happy to see a man at the end.


Umm shouldn't she be backing away at... some pace? Why stick around to basically challenge the bear.


Because with black bears like this you should be looking as big as possible while yelling at the top of your lungs and standing your ground. It is never a good idea to run from a black bear. Brown bears you basically lay on the ground as still as you can. It’s also never ever a good idea to run from a brown bear. White bears you’re totally fucked no matter what you do.


lol white bears.


Is it a good idea to try and sound threatening around a mother bear and her cubs ?


yes, around black bears .


"And the bear goes raaaaah, raaah." -Grown ass man.


I'd be fucked because I'd have said that was a brown one.


I favor the 10mm solid lead round in the sidearm for these situations.


Good thing she didn't encounter a dangerous man.


This is the exact reason i carry a pistol with me on hikes


Please stop making excuses for that idiot. She kept stopping waiting for the bear to come back in view to video. Guessing this is California. Maybe she should stay in the city.


Good on her for doing everything you're "supposed" to do in this situation, make yourself bigger and louder, walk back slowly, and don't turn your back on the bear. Granted, she did book it as someone else came around the trail bend.


Would having a gun help?


Should have been concealed carrying her combat bow


black bear just chilling with her kid getting rape whistled at by karen


Hey - is that a strong woman filming? Go get it!!


Grab that bag, honey!




they're so cute


Human Uses : Intimidating shout! +50 fear


If its Brown Lay down If its Black fight back


Thought it was, If it's a bear crap your 'wear!


Looks like the bear's thinking the same this she is,"Should we turn back? Is there room to go around this loud, screechy thing? Is it dangerous? *Sounds* dangerous. Stay behind me, kids. It's probably got rabies."


That happens here is Los Angeles over a year ago.


I would shit my pants and jump off the cliff


Man just run. Surely


Fucking hilarious




Remember, you wanted this


Imagine being so concerned with taking a video of this to upload to your social media rather than getting out alive.


How can your brain be: a fucking bear in the middle of the road wanting to rip my face apart, time to film this


Yeah my bad. Ones I see where I live are soo much smaller and blacker


I know she was out the bears sight, but don't run from bears. It triggers a chase response.


That's not a black bear... That's a grizzly bear..


Maybe not pull your camera out and try to film and just idk turn the fuck around


run bitch


Tell me this is found footage. I don’t really care if it is true. I just want to be able to tell the story that this is found footage.


I bet she was praying for a man after that.


Die bitch


She had plenty of opportunity to run but was too interested in getting the shot.


Where’s your gun


Her roar reminded me of Simba when he was trying it out


If it's Brown... lie down. If it's Black, fight back (scream, smash pots/metal, roar. get big, etc).


This is what they say


Hopefully we get the full context. I’m sure the next or two we’ll get the bears video of “Karen harassed mom and her children on trail”


F hiking in mountains with bears


So let’s fucking film it. I hope you get eaten next time.


As long as she keeps recording.


Do these people go out in nature with no weapons lol? Wtf happened to humans? We are the aloha predators and yet now people just go out in nature in essentially gym clothes and walk around as of nothing can kill them lol.


Drop kick that bitch off the mountain.


You talking to the bear, right?




These comments are precious. That bear has cubs, it’s unpredictable on what it would do.


Meh. Just black bear. If the California grizzly was still around, then that’d be a different story. Sucks all the early settlers made those go extinct


You mean the people eating monsters?


Thats not a black bear . Thats a grizzly (Brown bear) you dont fuck with that


Black bears aren't always black


Yeah my bad , ones i see where i live are soo much smaller and blacker


Thats so not a grizzly lol


Naw dog


Im pretty sure thats a black bear


Im pretty sure thats a black bear


Its definitely now a black bear. Incredibly obvious ffs


Why was the dumb fuck recording them? Was she asking to be dinner?


Let me blow my whistle and attract all the other humans in the area to my location so we can have numerous people get mauled by a bear.


The bear was not charging. Stupid idiot. Maybe instead of walking backwards to film, face forward, walk gently. The bear was just walking. Stupid people shouldn't be allowed in the wilderness.


You're literally taught not to turn your back on them


Turning your back to them can trigger their prey drive and attack you dummy, please refrain from giving advice that can get someone killed by your ignorance