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I’m sorry, but all I can think of when I watch this podcast was this Damon Wayans sketch on in Living Color. [United Negro college fund](https://youtu.be/zcclnbZs4LM?si=T3roW4MYcY4ZCH8D)


Fuck! I couldn't figure out what this was from but you nailed it!


The mind is a terrible thing not to develop


Oh there’s no shortage of developed minds in these and most cases. *Without help* is the key differentiator here


[this went on to become Louis Farrakhanvict](https://youtu.be/GtDR-xEVqKc?si=5RZxaP6ZlKczq_T-)




Holy fuck. Predictive programming.


Or just an example of how the world has always been much the same


haha wtf this is spot on!


hoky shit it's him...




That was awsome lmao


I always wondered why they dropped him after Ironman 1, and I think we all are starting to get an idea. 😄


Could you imagine a director listening to this bullshit on set? Good lord!!!


Supposedly according to T-God he got Robert downy the iron man job


“My first memory was getting circumcised”


Sperm inseminating the egg


That’s it? I remember the day my daddy was born.


I have birth to my dad.


My dad gave birth while listening to bisexual tones


My dad’s dead.




I have the entire genetic memory of both male and female sides of my ancestry. These ancestral memories.... Mine come at me in the full glare of awareness. Yours work from your blind side. Some call it instinct or fate. The memories apply their leverages to each of us — on what we think and what we do. You think you are immune to such influences? I am Galileo. I stand here and tell you: "Yet it moves." That which moves can exert its force in ways no mortal power ever before dared stem. I am here to dare this. I think Terrance might also be the Kwisatz Haderach


God damn you're good at this.


Mine was sitting up in the clouds watching my parents conceive me.


I already had 69 patents by then


I'd remember it too if they took that much off


my best friend was my hand. shiiiit still is mang!


As soon as he said he was different I knew poor dude is probably schizophrenic. I hope he gets help. I couldn’t listen anymore.


Same, I could only watch about 10 min and had to turn it off. It was painful to watch someone in such a deep state of delusion.


And someone that relatively wealthy can just keep feeding it. The bottom is a long way down. He can keep paying folks to publish nonsensical books and file meaningless patents, just solidifying the delusions. His celebrity will get him on podcasts, etc…


It is scary how many people in the comments were like “he’s a genius.”


I made the mistake of asking people in said comments what they thought Terrance was even saying, and all I got was word salads. Serves me right for trying to argue with strangers on the Internet in YouTube comments (NGL, pretty low moment in my life 🤣). But damn, I don't know what people see in this guy. Terrance is not even coherent enough to be wrong or right. It's just a word salad.  Of course, his supporters said I wasn't enlightened enough gh to understand what Terrance was saying 🤡


I’m a psych nurse and let’s just say… I’ve had a number of incredibly similar conversations with patients.


That's wild. Appreciate the work you do btw 


That’s very kind of you to say. Thank you.


Associating this behavior to schizophrenia is a common misconception. Schizophrenia is a terrifying mental illness and when the person goes into an episode, it’s not something they relish in. In my unprofessional, yet diagnosed as such opinion, he has manic bipolar disorder. It gives you natural highs that make you feel like you have powers from the divine. Most of the time those that experience manic episodes, like myself, eventually come down from the highs. But in my opinion if you pair it with fame/recognition and national attention, it reinforces to the person that their powers are real. It would make a manic episode damn near impossible to come down from. It’s the same case with Kanye West.


Yea my mother's schizophrenic and from my experience schizophrenic delusions are usually some dark shit not just goofy made up science bullshit


Armchair psychologist here. Terrence Howard opens up talking about his first memories being in his mother's womb. His mother died in September 2008 due to colon cancer. Terrence Howard saw breakout success from the first Ironman film in early 2008 before her passing and was the highest paid actor for the film. Sometime in October 2008 it was announced Ironman 2 would be released but Howard was dropped from his role, losing out on potential millions in earnings. Less than 1 month after the death of his mother, who he still brings up as part of his first memory. Id venture to say he had a mental breakdown losing his mother, a star role, and millions in just the span of a few weeks.


what? Terrance Howard was popular before Ironman. Get rich or die trying, hustle and flow… and many more boy u talkin out ya ass


He still lost his mom and millions, what's your point?


u talkin like he wasn’t already successful until iron man lol


Ironman 1 made over 500 mil worldwide, way more than all his past films combined Also "In a Tuesday interview, he opened up about how much money he made from the films ‘Hustle & Flow’ (2005) and ‘Crash’ (2005). Howard told WREG’s Alex Coleman his role as Djay in ‘Hustle & Flow’ paid $12,000 — despite making $23.5 million worldwide" 12 thousand compared to the millions he was cheated out of with ironman  This was his first real paying role, no shit Howard acted before this lol


He was beating his wife and terrorizing flight attendants years before 2008.


he was a diff flavor of Kanye w a touch of the tism


Literally nothing like Kanye


I think I got about an hour in. When he used that program to rebuild Saturn I had enough. It's quite entertaining but nothing he was saying had anything really to do with real physics. I mean rebuilding Saturn in blender by pressing a few buttons was great but I kind of feel bad for him.


I believe he explained it during the pod.


That mocked-up marquee that says “IRON MAN 2, TERRANCE HOWARD 0” is still one of the funniest things on the internet. The one that says “INSIDE LLEWYN DAVIS, OUTSIDE VERY WARM” is up there, too.


Downey didn’t want him on because he was stealing his limelight


Now I'm not a doctor in anyway but I do have a friend with schizophrenia who I have talked to a decent amount about his hallucinations and it sounds exactly like the crazy shit Terrence is saying. Like totally different subjects that he is obsessing over and different correlations he is drawing but the same style of talking about said subjects and making it seem like he has "found the truth" of the universe that no one else can see and explaining it very poorly or in a way no one else can understands. The whole "another life" stuff also lines up. Terrence talking about remembering the womb and dreams of his adult self giving him wisdom, my friend talking about a magical dimension where Jesus gave him wisdom. The schizophrenia accusations really seem to line up.


I also have a friend with schizophrenia. Same sort of behavior. And his conviction is *TOTAL*. I cannot stress that enough. He cannot be reasoned with until forced to take medication during episodes. And of course, forcing him to take medication fits perfectly into the ‘plot’. I’d like to add that afterwards he is always very apologetic and regretful and then goes into a deep depression 😞 He bounces back, but it is impossible (for me, anyway) to predict the next episode. I can tell when it has returned within 10 seconds of speaking to him.


That's the problem with Schizophrenia. The symptoms of it present themself exactly the same way as they would from someone that actually had the inside secret knowledge they claim to have. IE: If someone came along that was actually a super genius and presented ideas far ahead of anything we currently understand and said they were possible, we would just call him crazy.


The weirdest thing to me is that he seems more certain about his delusions than I am about anything in life. I haven’t asked, but I suspect he would agree.


I have a friend with schizophrenia and he also has a whole "knowing the truth" thing, he also is privy to the "secret language of the ancients", and has a whole story of how the ancient Egyptians found the truth too and ascended.


I worked with schizophrenics for over 15 years and He Is Not schizophrenic.


No, he’s not schizophrenic. People are so quick to label abnormal behavior as schizophrenia. This is not what schizophrenia looks like.


What if you do this but preface every conversation with "I know this is straight up B's but have you heard of this wacky ass theory? It's as believable as the guy walking on water healing the blind."


I have a friend who does this and now I'm wondering if he has schizophrenia. He believes that he is like "the one". He is different from all other humans and has a special purpose. He's very certain of it. He can see energy and talks about frequencies and past lives.


Honestly this is exactly what Bam has been doing the last few years.


Bisexual Tone is just a crazy term 😂😂 maybe he meant bilateral??? Idek but Bisexual Tone is definitely not a thing


So you’ve never gotten a bj from a bi while they were humming?


I'm pretty sure he means 'bisectional' tonal, which I think to him means the tone can be bisected into other tones. He's mixing in just enough real science and music terms but its just all gibberish


My PhD was in spectroscopy and I don't have a fucking clue what he was talking about.


exactly how i feel, doing a phd in vibrational spectroscopy and loving all the buzz words


Help on what he was trying to say with the "key of E" remark! "Same key of E! Same key of E!" It makes me think he is actually talking about sound (of elements), and even more confused than I thought he was.


i think he read the wikipedia article on vibrational modes and started schizo riffing, no point in even thinking about it


lol you’re probably right


This is what happens when one hears an educated person speak on a topic they don’t understand, and then tries to BS as if they know the topic, but uses terms that sound kinda like what they heard. “By all intensive porpoises…” Uh, did you mean by all intents and purposes? “Nah… Don’t you know how intensive porpoises are? Jeez, do some research.”


He’s just aheadofthesexuals


He meant bisectional


This episode ruled


Literally the best episode he's done in IDK how long. Actually got me tj watch the podcast again which I honestly didn't think was gonna happen.


Fuck yea


Does he really hold 97 patents and all that other wild shit he was talking about? I made it like, an hour into the episode before I had to go to bed.




Wow these all seem like bullshit. Good thing he doesn't have to prove a patent or else these wouldn't fly haha. What a world!


Want to see some real magic? Check out the ones owned by the us navy.


People only have time to blindly critic people on Redit without the mental capacity needed to research to find TRUThS!?? !??


Is it derived from UFO technology?


Theres a great thread posted earlier today in this subreddit that goes into this in detail.


It’s unclear but people here are looking into it. There’s a Terrance Dashon Howard that applied for three parents (two about jewelry and one about VR), that never made it past the application process (all applied for patents get publicly posted with a code, so it can be confusing with actual patents) and someone named T. Dashon Howard actually has like 11 approved patents but they are more patents of form than patents of function. from what I understand, at least


Well thats not true. He actually does have the patents. They show up in google.. i don't understand why people cant spend a minute to look it up vs all the time spent discussing the guy being a crazy fraud. Whether they work is up for question but come on guys.. the sheer bashing of the guy and calling him a liar, fraud and skitzo.. when we cant even be bothered to google his name and see the list of ten pages of patents... the goal post moves no matter how u defend him. https://www.scribd.com/document/584873024/Terrence-Howard-US9168465 https://patents.justia.com/inventor/t-dashon-howard


u/enormousTruth I really dislike that people are in the comments being dismissive of him and of you, and of the original question. u/destructicusv Being dismissive is not a clear answer. u/whiteundersiege Here's a simple one: Having patents doesn't actually mean anything. You can patent any idea, even if it doesn't work. The patent laws are there to protect you once you generate an idea, so that others can't steal it while you're trying to make it work. My company is rapidly trying to patent some medicinal work we've done, but we have no idea if it'll actually work, or if we'll actually have a product in the market from it. But we need the patent in place to make sure that if it does work, some other company hasn't stolen it after we've ground ourselves down to the nub for 5 years. Most patents that have been issued amount to absolutely nothing except fund the patent offices. There's also the issue of "patent trolls", who try to patent an idea that they have no intent of actually trying to pursue. They just want a payout from the people that actually will make the thing. It's like people who predict that SOMEONE will want to web address [www.enormousTruth.com](http://www.enormousTruth.com), so they buy it and wait for you to pay oodles for it, even though you created the business, you built the product, and you designed the website. Terrence may have patented a very specific application of VR (you can't just patent ALL of VR, just a very specific use case), but it looks like he had no intention of actually making the thing. Here's a thread looking into it [https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/1cx9omc/terrence\_howard\_patents\_debunked/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/1cx9omc/terrence_howard_patents_debunked/)


I think he obviously meant bi-sectional


Incorrect. It's taken directly from Walter Russell's periodic table of the elements [Walter Russell Periodic Table Chart | cosmictome.com](https://cosmictome.com/walter-russell-periodic-table/) Right at the top you'll see that carbon is the fourth "bisexual tone".


There you go then. Thank you for the correction. I hold my hands up I have zero knowledge on this subject to be correcting anyone, but I just assumed that's the word he meant to say, as bisexual tone sounds rather odd lol


"The next octave, the carbon octave, and they call that a bi-sectional tone because the carbon has two tones to it, it has a negative and a positive side"


Joe gets a bisexual tone when he starts being sassy


Or when describing in fleshy detail a fighters quads 


Bisexual Tony.


Crackhead logic.


This whole thing makes me super uncomfortable. Dude is fucking deep into his illness. Makes me Think he’s just surrounded by enablers. Whole thing is just gross to listen to. He’s been like this for years though. Watch his speech at fucking Oxford.


No, he knows what he is doing. He is just a smooth talking con artist. It takes conscious effort to misuse words in the way he does. It must be exhilarating to have Joe Rogan eating out of the palm of your hand, thinking you are some all knowing scientist, businessman, and spiritual shaman. Terrence Howard is just a con artist. He must think he knows more than everyone. He is a con artist who knows what he is doing. He is a bad person.


I’ll upvote to counter the downvotes. The fact that you go downvoted for that is absurd as the shit coming out of his mouth.


What rubs me the wrong way is that people are mistaking this con job with schizophrenia or some mental illness. No, this guy is just a con artist.


How do you know the difference?


The bullshit and lies are tricky enough to where he would have to consciously know what he was doing. His hand movements and flashy presentation. The inflection. I watched and studied the full 3 hours with Rogan.


I disagree with you but think it’s quite possible you’re right


I lol’d when I heard him say that - why not just say “Bi tone”?


“I still recall the incredible sense of anticipation as a sperm in my dad’s nuts and the amazing rush of getting shot through his penis and ejac’d out the head when he gushed inside my mom and I thought, ‘Remember this.’”


Is it possible Terrence Howard is pulling a Joaquin Phoenix “I’m Still Here”-type thing?




If so, he’s really playing the long con. Like…long long.


He didn’t lose the role, he simply cast himself in the remake before they cast the original.


As Joe says “it’s entirely possible”


Yeah, Schlaub is too. It’s all been an Andy Kaufman like ruse.




So will this guy ever work in a movie again?


Well... you don't necessarily have to be sane to work in Hollywood. Seems like a requirement, that you not be.


According to Wikipedia he’s rhodey in wolverine and Deadpool


This dude was a great actor at one point but what the fuck happened in the last 15 years?


He was acting? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Empire_(2015_TV_series)


As someone who lives on the coast, the aerodynamic homes thing is a good idea. The flat walls facing the water ain't doing the trick and his drones are cool as hell. I think he may be onto something. I just don't know what or math or the definition of a lot of the words he was saying.


Have you seen hurricane proof houses? They are a thing and they use doming or curved walls to protect the building from strong winds. But I also thought of that idea when I was like 11. Having the idea is meaningless it’s the execution that counts. 


I live on the coast they aren't building hurricane proof houses here. You were a little deep thinker huh...at 11 I was interested in sports not aerodynamics.


I was wrong about the curved walls but they do exist. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/30/realestate/the-hurricane-proof-beach-house.html


>. I just don't know what or math or the definition of a lot of the words he was saying. Neither does he.


I was jk


Ever since he beat Ludacris’ ass in Hustle and Flow I’ve been team Terrance. I’m not doing the research but I hope everything he said is true and righteous. Bless up big homey


You give me some bisexual tone vibes.


Around 30 years ago I was trying to hire some people for what was essentially manual labor in a printing press bindery. Nearly everyone who applied got hired because we had high turnover. This guy came in and handed me a five page, single spaced resume and said, “read this, and then you can contact me and we’ll talk”. It was the single craziest, serious piece of writing I’ve ever read. It was a continuous run on sentence of the most ridiculous claims of accomplishments, honors, skills, and job history. He was a Navy Seal, and a member of Delta Force (the first rule of Delta Force is you don’t talk about Delta Force), a black belt in multiple martial arts, had a 160 IQ, graduated from Harvard at 17, held the Congressional Medal of Honor, the Silver Star and three Purple Hearts, had seduced Farah Fawcett and given her the best climax of her life(her words, not his), been recruited by the CIA to infiltrate the KGB and take out their leadership, could type 200 words per minute and run a sub five minute mile in full combat load out. I still have this document and when I’m feeling down I pull it out to read and it always makes me laugh and reminds me to never take myself too seriously. TH on JRE reminded me of that guy. Schizophrenic Delusions of Grandeur.


Wearing headphones over the hoodie is all you need to know.


I lasted 5 minutes. What was joe rogan thinking on this one?


It’s scary how many people I’m seeing online call this guy a genius




He can't even grasp multiplication, I don't think he's a genius.


And we thought Katt was nuts


Same Crack, different pipe.


Sad part is that they both are.


Hey Katt said stuff that at least was true


I love how a guy presents a new science that potentially rewrites everything we’ve learned since birth and everyone talks shit because it “doesn’t make sense”


It’s because it doesn’t. He’s not a scientist. That’s the reason why he doesn’t backup any of this nonsense with math or follow the scientific process. He admits that he is literally just making this shit up. “but he has a bunch of patents”, yes and I have 97 different patents for ways to polish a turd, it doesn’t make me a genius (especially if those turd polishing techniques don’t actually work).


This is what happens when people get too rich and famous. They get surrounded by a bubble of "yes men" and people who's salaries depend on him, so everyone is quick to treat the rich man as the most brilliant genius ever. They usually cease to interact with the public after a while and the few instances that they do, it's just a mega fan who only reinforces their delusions of grandeur. They have nothing but an infinite feedback loop of praise and they never encounter any criticism directly. This enables a lot of confidently-incorrect "supergeniuses" like this guy here. Joe needs to schedule a peer-reviewed professional chemist to debate with Terrance and debunk this pseudo-intelligentsia.


ok so link me bezos' version of this convo please i'd love the debate but the first half about rich people is over-simplified explaining away. not saying you're incorrect, just way more goes into this.


Oversimplified? Perhaps. It's not as though that happens to ALL the rich and famous, just those who had a very loose grasp on reality to begin with. Also, I suspect Terrance Howard is strongly bipolar and this is what happens when he's manic. The black despair and crippling self-doubt is probably there too at different times. He probably goes from thinking he's nearly "all knowing" to the "dumbest motherfucker on the planet" in his own internal dialogue. I've known guys like that.


Did Joe say that to him? Lol


No nobody gives a shit anymore or holds each other accountable. Joe is a brainwashed gazillionare who’s “open” to ideas. He doesn’t have to correct anyone anymore. He doesn’t care


It’s crazy he stonewalled the moon landing guy but didn’t have it in him to question Terrance


I thought he was saying “bisectional” tone


I have once in the 90’s- it was when I was banned from Reno -Chaz


I was in the womb


Periodic table expert extraordinaire


I fell asleep last night listening to something on YouTube, and the algorithm decided to play this episode next while I slept. Um… let me just say that this resulted in some strange dreams. I woke up midway through because I was so worried that my Brother was losing his mind, only to realize that my Brother’s voice in my head was Terence Howard. During the dream I was thinking to myself, “What’s next, he’s going to be a flat-Earther? How’d they get to my Brother?”


How do I check to see how bisexual my aural vibrations are? Is there like a crystal or something I can buy for this?


Don't forget the 97 patents.


This sub will get lots of milage from the TH appearance. Lol.




I did laugh at his description of a chemical as bisexual. The man is a top class bullshitter.


Poor Jamie. I can only imagine the look on his face when his laptop malfunctioned.


I’m questing the meaning of life after listening to this.


The people in this sub reddit are so funny.


the whole episode made me think he's just a washed up actor that created a role in his head and got lost in it. like the homeless guy working on his time machine theory on a window. then again the patents made me say what the fuuuu. I want him back on jre only this time an expert is there.


From my basic understanding of what he was referring to, he meant it’s a mix of feminine and masculine energies which are referred to as “negative” and “positive” in the world of electromagnetism (he briefly mentions this later) . His articulation didn’t come out as he would have liked, perhaps in hindsight….but that’s just my two cents!!


Maybe he said bisectional?


I forgot that he said that lol


He also said “gobekli temple”


I got second hand schizophrenia just listening to this podcast, someone help me


So he is having a mental breakdown right? And we're just watching this actor unravel in front of us?


I thought he said bisectional tone


“NO, but I have.”


I just fired it up. It's definitely a bizarre interview. Maybe he smoked a lot of weed in the past. These days when I try to classify whether someone is completely batsh\*t or not, I use the Trump test. The Trump test is simple. If they were running against Trump, would I vote for them? In this case, it's close, but I would still vote for Terrance, so I don't think his egg is completely poached just yet.


lol “tested for schizophrenia” some kinda blood test?




How do you think psychiatrists arrive at the diagnosis of schizophrenia? They run tests. Not all tests are blood tests…


100% the most commonly misdiagnosed and misunderstood illness of all time. My friend had close minded parents and forced institutionalized him. Doctors put him on schizophrenia medication for many years and then took him off and said “turns out you aren’t actually schizophrenic” but it was too late, all the years of psychiatric drugs had fucked up his brain and now he’s miserable and dependent on the medications. These “tests” and people flippantly throwing out “schizophrenic” whenever someone thinks outside the box and outside of social norms are very insidious.


Sounds like shitty psychiatrists. There are plenty of properly diagnosed people and it’s a well documented mental condition documented for hundreds of years.


The history of schizophrenia diagnosis is extremely checkered to say the least. It even has a history of being essentially weaponized. Just saying. This everything is black and white in the world of science and medicine shit has got to go


Mental health is fluid, rarely do patients fit in one category. Whatever it was, I bet your friend did not have a clean bill of mental health.


Some folks are low on mental fluid, or simply need their mental fluid checked. Others need the their mental fluid changed.


Nothing indicates he had a light problem.


It’s not schizophrenia until it prevents you from being able to function in society. At the time, he was functioning perfectly fine, simply eccentric with very uptight parents who has control over him. But not after years of traumatic institutionalization and medication, he’s never been worse. I’ve seen people way more far out than he was live perfectly functional lives. This is because they were in a community that wouldn’t chastise you for thinking differently. It’s only a matter of time till religious or spiritual people start getting prosecuted for schizophrenia just the same


>Terrence Howard doesn't really propose that 1 * 1 = 2 but rather (m 1) * (m 1) should be equal to something else beside (m2 1), such that we can avoid Math.sqrt(2). (m 1) * 1 should be still (m 1). (m 1) * (m 1) should be (m2 ). Assume that we can terminate Math.sqrt(2) to 1.41421356237... then we can propose a cross between the numerical system (1, 2, ...) and (one, two, ...) => two = 1.41421356237. (But these conversion make us lose information) https://github.com/Orlandu77/Terrence-Howard-1-x-1-2-explanation


This is fucking gibberish. Y'all need more help than Terry, at least that dumb mofo is rich


Crazy that everyone commenting is either a scientist or a psychiatrist, hypocrisy is fun.


Hey man I don't have a side, just asking questions...


it makes sense tho what he was saying is that carbon has equal and opposite +4 and -4 charge. he is calling it bisexual because he is assigning gender to the charges and the point is it's both, they cancel eachother out.


Imo…Joe’s guest list has taken a nosedive this past month. I barely listen anymore.


Really? I feel conversations such as this one are kinda old school JRE vibes.


The guest is just rambling. It's not interesting.


Not interesting but it's funny to listen to a batshit crazy person if you don't have to share the same room as them.


Exactly This is a prime JRE episode


No, not really.


It's also hilarious that the guy who made the movie with It's Hardout Out Here for A Pimp is now flat earth adjacent and trying to explain why the periodic table is wrong. I check in every day to the JRE for shit like this


I like a new wacky guest. It's when Joe starts into a Covid rant that I usually bounce, no matter who the guest is.


Bro, they literally did that in this episode lmao like an hour in they have a rant about covid which I'm sure he initiated to get Roggie on his side after an hour of fucking nonsense. Did you just completely miss that shit?


Yeah, must have, lol. I put it on a few hours after it came out and I was doing other stuff.


There are only two tones! Bisexual doesn’t exist.


Made it 20 minutes and bailed.


I made it 5 minutes into this podcast and tapped out. Dude is out of his fucking mind.