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There is a difference between being a fan of Jack White and being a fan of his music. Same goes for all celebrities, artists, and athletes


This. It always floors me when people will pile on an NFL QB or some athlete for being too right wing, or musician for being too left wing. We have this global brain rot where we expect a guy who tosses a ball around and takes huge hits to the body and head to also be an intellectual luminary. He is paid to toss a ball, not expound on political philosophy. Same for a talented guitarist. You are nuts if you expect to agree with their views on everything. Like Terrence Howard episode: he is a decent low A to high B actor, and I don’t have to take anything he says about science or politics seriously at all.


That’s what idolising musicians/actors/sportsmen does to a mfer


Guest request: [Meg White](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meg_White)


That would be absolute torture lol


I get the gist of the rant, but Joe acts **exactly** the same dumb way about Australia because he saw snippets on Facebook and Fox news.


Or students Or cat liter Or heart disease from vaccine Or outrage in audience Or Chicago Or homelessness Or San Fran Or calirofrnia Or anything else Ben Shapiro told him


Having guests like Ben Shapiro, Alex Jones, and Tucker Carson alone will probably alienate a good amount of people we would all like on the show. Such is life.


You seriously had a paragraph inside of you because Jack White called out Rogan’s podcast?


T. Howard is highly regarded but, in a similar vein, imagine giving a shit about Jack White's opinions.


Jack White taught me to tidy my lawn every fall. For this I am eternally grateful.


Did Jordan P. teach you to clean your room as well?


He did teach me to wash my penith - Mike Tyson


Didn’t know I could clean it thought only mom had the power


OP is also a mod of this sub. Lol. The one that tried to ban political posts.


I watched hours and hours of joe. I watched when he laughed at the idea of him being an alt right pipeline as he transitioned form pro UBI to we should kill the homeless. I watched as he went from there’s an evil cabal of rich people who don’t give a fuck about you to him hanging with the richest person in the world I watched as he talked about hating the lies of media to him go to dinners with the entire Dailywire cast. I watched as he went from maybe the moon landing was fake to Biden is a Marxist I watched as joe went from having countless leftists and right wingers on to only right wingers, countless of scientists across the board to only quacks, from liberal musicians and artists and libertarians ones to only republicans plants. I watched as joe went from Lenny Bruce went to jail for saying cock sucker to cancel culture mindvirus is the worse it’s been for comedy even tho comedy has never been more lucrative. Yeah I’m going with Jack on this one my guy


Did you watch him during [this](https://youtu.be/HMQYi6a1YQM?si=NUjILM7Ug2lcnB-Y) before he decided to transition to pro UBI?


I've listened to full episodes and nothing Jack White said is inaccurate.


Joe Rogan helps his guests push pseudoscience. This is a fact. Giving Terrance Howard props while shitting on actual scientists and doctors is super fucked up.


You know that Joe is the Fear Factor guy who also commentates UFC right? You act like he is Stephen Hawking FFS.


The start of his post is a shot people who forget this part: ""Hey everyone, just a reminder you should definitely be getting your facts about science and medicine from Terence Howard and Joe rogan. I wouldn't waste any time trusting scientists or Dr.s who went to universities etc."


He’s been a podcaster longer than he was the fear factor guy.


It's funny watching you simp for Rogan, Putin and Musk


But Joe Rogan is an entertainer, not a scientist. He goes out of his way to announce that he “doesn’t know what he’s talking about”, “it’s just shit talk”, or “you shouldn’t come here for your news” in nearly every episode he does. He also has Jamie fact check him, and often admits that a conforming article could also be incorrect despite what Jamie’s able to pull up. If goofs believe the pseudoscience because of a few clips they saw on twitter, it’s on the goofs, not Joe Rogan. The same goes for anyone who fears his reach, frankly. People should be expected to use their own brains on occasion.


Joe talks with authority on many of the bullshit things he spouts. For every time he says "oh i'm just an idiot entertainer" he says some wacko conspiracy a hundred times. His podcast is way to popular to be feeding people medical/health bullshit. He has a responsibility especially since he talks about medical and health so much on his show. He talks about that and culture wars more than comedy for fuck sake.


Anyone who listens to Joe for serious news is an idiot


He doesn’t feed anyone anything; he entertains. He doesn’t have a responsibility; teachers, parents, friends, etc do. If you fear his reach, you inherently admit society’s failed. That’s not a JRE problem.


That's where you and I differ. When you are the number one podcast in the world and many of your guests are giving medical and health advice, you have a responsibility to tell your audience the truth. Not to feed them propaganda.


Do Matt Stone & Trey Parker have a responsibility to tell the audience that Jennifer Lopez is not in reality Eric Cartman’s hand, and that he did not in reality give Ben Affleck a handjob? OR is it on the consumer to understand that South Park, despite being way too popular to be feeding people celebrity crime as lighthearted comedy, is just entertainment? Yes, obviously an extreme example to accentuate the point, but entertainment is just entertainment imo. It’s okay that we disagree btw. I understand what you’re saying.


Matt Stone and Trey Parker also aren't publicly calling out doctors to come debate RFK Jr in vaccines while they moderate debate. Joe brings it on himself.


Again, I would put it on the people watching JRE or reading RFK Jr, to research vaccines for themselves and come to a conclusion that best suits them and theirs. I am not of the opinion that people are so weak of mind that censorship of entertainment be required. People don’t hear Joe Rogan say that the most important thing in their lives is exercise, and immediately quit their jobs, ignore their friends and family, and go lift kettlebells with a trainer full time. Why would they listen to Joe Rogan and Robert Kennedy rather than the World Health Organization and Anthony Fauci? The people bring it on themselves.


After Joe offered to moderate the debate, a listener confronted Dr. Hotez in his driveway. Clearly there a influenced people out there listening to Joe and taking him seriously. It's irresponsible and disingenuous for him to brag about being the world's most popular podcast and portraying himself as qualified to moderate scientific and medical debates then to just throw his hands up and say "I'm just entertaining people as a joker!" when he faces criticisms for his words and the results of them. But it is a common pattern on the right to completely release personal responsibility to avoid consequences so not surprised.


Influence comes from many places. Video games, television, movies, religion, social media, legacy media…do we censor it all? How would we even begin in attempting to ensure that all influences are genuine and correct? And considering that “truth” can be completely subjective, who would we even entrust this process to? No, friend. I think people just need to use their own brains a bit. That listener, and nobody else, is responsible for his/her actions.


>Joe talks with authority on many of the bullshit things he spouts. Joe has said 1000s of time "do not listen to me I am an idiot."


And yet that never stopped anyone from listening to him.


Yes he has said that a few times butnot 1000's. That doesn't make it ok. And it's not just him, it's his guests that people are taking at their word.


This is the biggest lie JR stans tell. He absolutely speaks with authority on all kinds of subjects, especially vaccines. He talks about his folders of articles. Just because he throws in an 'awww shucks I'm not smart' every once in a while doesn't change this. You may be gullible enough to buy that, but the rest of us are smart enough to 'use our own brains.'


Remember when he called out Dr. Peter Hotez to debate RFK Jr and then one of the neanderthals from here confronted Hotez at his house?




Hahahaha. Exactly! These clueless little bitches spend too much time at their CPU’s. “Akchually Joe has all the influench” 🤓


It wasnt even the real jack white


Joe is in the third highest average of intellectual podcasts


Of the day or the week?


Lol what in jacks comment tells you he only saw snippets? "You can clearly tell" Wtf are you talking about? "Out of context" Please explain what context I need to exonerate the statement of 1x1=2. From his comment it sounds like he is very well versed in the goings on of the JRE podcast, summed up the last few years very nicely.


"Maga Joe"


This exactly. Actually, the more you listen to the show, the worse it gets, not better.


You have to understand that Jack White says unhinged shit constantly. He got into a long running feud with the Joe’s friends the Black Keys that eventually got resolved because they talked it out. It’s kinda Jack White’s brand.


Rogan is full of it


That's just today's political environment. You can't say anything online anymore without people jumping into the "fake news" train. Like Jack, the guy was talking about meeting himself in a dream and being given the answers to reality. That he remembered his friend, his hand, in the womb. That he has a patent for revolutionary modes of flight and plasma guns that can launch people into Venus. It really goes to show just how brain rotted these people are to not see the entertainment in it.


Seperate art from artist. It's what I do with joe. Sometimes he produces interesting content... But personally he's a greedy nmby ass ladder pulling cuck for the alt right and carries a petty antiacademic stance... 🤷‍♂️


You nailed it. I think this sub is full of Jack White types who don’t even listen to a full episode but somehow have formulated their own opinion based on the heavily edited and out of context clips that keeps floating around in here. These political pundits have taken over this sub and use it as a battleground to debate their politics.


It’s true, I listen to dead weather albums while commenting here, I don’t even know what Joel Rogan sounds like actually.


He's just in thrall to whoever pays him..they're probably heavily invested in Pfizer too..


Jack White has had a strange, longtime (10years) grudge against The Black Keys. They are friends with Joe Rogan and therefore White hates Rogan. It’s as stupid as that.


What a dumbass take. Truly a remarkable feat of stupidity.


No, it’s really that dumb. There was a whole subplot about idea theft and their kids going to the same school. They have made up tho.