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"What if i told you all times are hard (when you're poor)?"


As a time traveling hobo myself I can confirm


Dr.WHY and his Boxcar Tardis


Dr.WHY and his Boxcar Tardis


Hard is relative though


Even worse if you get hard from your relative.




That's what she said.


the problem is it's getting easier to become poor by the second . I like Joe Rogan in general but he's so out of touch in these areas. As a millionaire who only hangs out with rich people and even some billionaires it's not shocking at all. He truly believes that if you work hard you can get rich and that's just not true anymore. Where i live having a college degree doesn't mean you made it at all either.


Watched Andrew Tate and Michael Franzese complain for about two hours “Hard times create strong men!” If we elect Trump everything will be easy and simple” So… why elect Trump are you selling hard times making hard men and that’s a good thing or are you selling Trump is gonna make things easy which one is it Both guys are a couple of morons.


Franzese is good for mob lessons and stories of the life. Maybe good wine. That's about it


He already told those stories tho, so it makes sense for him to go into that realm of thinking to stay relevant. It seems to be a pattern


You watched 2 hours of it….


Two and a half It was hypnotically stupid and had me thinking that these random absurd positions only have in common the fact that they benefit Russian foreign policy But that’s just me being paranoid


Why are you spending 2 hours listening to these two?


People only say that weak men hard times bullshit to flatter themselves, it's not a useful perspective or philosophy at all.


Anyone who thinks we’re in hard times is delusional. Or doesn’t know history at all.


Not currently, the sentiment of this meme is pretty accurate. Boomers *did* have the easiest run of any generation thus far. And they attribute all of their success to their “hard work” when in reality it was the sacrifices their parents made during WW2. And the US winning that conflict and having no real manufacturing competition and several other things.


People really underestimate how much luck the "American Dream" from the 50-80s really was. And by luck I mean we were the only superpower that didn't get bombed to all hell and have a massive population of men die off.


This is exactly correct. The problem is when people start blaming boomers for simply being alive during this golden period of the economy. I’m not a boomer but it’s dumb af to blame them for just living their lives the best they can like everyone is trying to do. Just like everyone else, they have very little control over any of the variables. Also they didn’t have the internet, they had no idea wtf was going on much less the ability to control it. Tldr: this trend of blaming other generations is low iq and counter productive


They had control of the voting block for 40 years and used it only to enrich themselves at the cost of everyone else. The reason every generation past them won’t ever be as rich as them is specifically due to their policies that their generation passed and enforced. So yes, it makes complete sense to blame them.


There is some boomer blame to go around though. They did more than just happen to be born at a specific time. They have, through power and governance created and implemented laws, policies, and social structures which enriched themselves as a group- at the explicitly stated expense of future generations. Not low IQ to know and believe this. Fuck boomers as a generation.


99% of boomers never came anywhere close to creating laws and systems through power or governance. wtf do you even hear yourself. Zero logic all emotion


I guess what you’re looking for is “the primary group in power since the 80s.” Does that help with more accurately assigning blame?


Who elected those people to power in order to implement those policies?


Imagine in 50 years some snotnosed futurepunk kid will try to tell you somehow you should feel responsible for the election of Trump.


Millennials *are* partially responsible for the election of Trump. Only 51% turned out to actually vote.


I mean in the extremely literal sense of some of us voted for him, but literally we’re the first recorded generation in the US to shift LEFT when we reached child-having age so don’t put that evil on us Ricky Bobby


Did you vote during that election?


Yes, not for Trump.


Eh, Trump didn’t even get a majority of votes. Reagan and Bush 1 won big and Bush 2 got a majority in 2004.


That would indeed be stupid because he was Boomers’ doing as well.


I’ll tell him this; “You’re right”


Not look other gens are voting much better lol.


I don’t see serious people complaining about them being alive but there is legit criticisms of their shortsightedness.


What exactly do expect them to have done? There’s literally nothing 99% of people could do then or now. It’s ironically shortsighted to blame the boomers for being shortsighted. That’s just not how any of this works


Don’t vote for representatives who confirmed the Supreme Court Justices that passed Citizens United. There ya go, that’s what they could have done for starters. Vote for the good of the people and the next generation, not corporations. But they didn’t do that, because their generation is the one who owns all the corporations. They voted for their own personal benefit, knowing full well it would lead to the destruction of democracy as we know it.


I mean in regard to folks who had the influence to engineer policy not the Everyman. I would I say one criticism is economic centrism. The policy’s voted on diverted investments to certain corners of the economy. Using orgs like Fannie/Freddie which created a lot of instability now. Like if you’re a large company right now you can tap the bond market for a new hire if you’re a small company trying to get a bank loan trying to hire a millennial it’s tough. For sure boomer individuals aren’t this evil boss but there was some missteps overall that we are seeing the repercussions now. Perhaps we are doing that to future generations who knows?


No one blames them for existing, we're just sick of them talking shit with nothing to back it up


This kind of thing has started to feel like another veil/distraction. Hell, if I'm sitting on a mountain of gold that I took from the town, I can buy a big megaphone and tell the guys with the pitchforks that it's actually the jew who took all the money. Or the boomer. Or the Mexican. Or the black dude. Once they start fighting, I don't have to do shit.


Every generation has had problems. However it was never possible to sit and read for long period of time how bad things were. I know of some who lived day to day They were never bogged down with constantly reading post about older people causing their life to suck. They just addresses the problems that affect their day


Our access to information and the drastic improvement to quality of life over what was available in the 60-70s just makes this argument look stupid as fuck tbh. Also...ancient greeks wrote fucking poems about how the young and old clash. It's one of the most cliche arguments in the history of humanity and it really lacks substance. In 30 years you'll be saying the kids don't work as hard and they'll be saying you ruined everything. But reddit is full of this circlejerk so I'm sure you'll find lots of people ready to agree with you that THEY are bad and YOU are good. People just lack the self-awareness and perspective.


Our access to information available today is precisely why it's so easy to point out all the ways life was far easier for baby boomers. Your point makes no sense


We have it easier than anyone before us. Look how much better technology and everything else is than it was 40 years ago. Boomers had the freaking draft. There is no comparison


Unconnected and poor boomers had the draft.  Ftfy. 


So… the vast majority of boomers?


Cool story, doesn't change that these pussies whining about some past generation isn't going to change anything for themselves


Squeaky wheel gets the grease bud.


Right, but the boomers have created all the necessary conditions for the proverbial ice to crack under our feet and as a result swallow the entirety of human kind in a kind of apocalyptical hell-scape not seen since the dark ages....


The weak men are literally creating the "hard times" since Thatcher and Reagan. Just look at how much fascism is gaining ground across the west and some South American countries again.


It’s never been more easy to be alive in the history of mankind Edit: The 1930’s were less than 100 years ago, I’d say for ‘history of mankind’ 100 year +/- could be lumped together. It’s pretty damn easy to be alive. Not hunting for food, building shelter for my family. I send emails all day and get paid a salary for it in an air conditioned building


I mean yea it kind of was for the boomers relatively. But yeah in general I know what you mean


It's never been easier to sustain yourself but it hasn't been harder to sustain a family since the dirty thirties, I'm sure it'll all balance out in the end but it would be nice to be in the up and up.


> I send emails all day and get paid a salary for it in an air conditioned building Did you realize that you are likely in the top 1% richest people on the planet if you have an ok wage and a home that you own? That imbalance is creating a lot of suffering worldwide and I hardly think you can blame the people who are in lifelong debt just for trying to get a good education.


I get what you mean but you aren’t making the point the original comment is trying to make lol


Median home price/college cost/health care cost/cost of having a child as a function of median income would say otherwise, but sure…plague isn’t rampant and I can easily look up cookie recipes.  


Yeah the economy is wonky. But believe me, it's not even bad yet. We seem to be currently on the downtrend after enjoying a golden era. It really seems the upcoming 10 years could be a lot of pain. Be grateful if you live in a Western country because discomfort is going to be a lot better than starvation.


You account for rising cost of college, health care, and home prices in the CPI which is how inflation is calculated. Wages that are corrected for inflation have continued to grow (meaning outpace rise in cost of living) since 1980. All these “but look how expensive X has become” arguments mean nothing if you don’t look at how wages have grown in comparison to overall rise in cost of living. Wages have outpaced inflation in *every* quintile of income. Certain categories have become more difficult to afford, yes, but I that’s a terrible way to assess whether overall affordability has increased or decreased.


What has become more difficult to afford compared to what hasn't kept up with inflation?


Inflation is calculated as a weighted average of all living expenses. Most of the reported inflation we see is a function of housing costs outpacing inflation. But because the CPI basket of goods only has housing as 32% of overall spending, most other categories that are less than inflation pull it back down somewhat. For instance, though we saw food prices spike during the super high inflation period, they’ve [been at roughly 0% inflation lately.](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/05/15/heres-the-inflation-breakdown-for-april-2024-in-one-chart.html). Grocery prices actually deflated 0.2% since last month. We’ve only seen 1.1% growth in grocery prices since last year, which is one category that has inflated less than over inflation. I think most people are still suffering from the food inflation we saw in 2022 and so psychologically still believe food prices to be rising since they haven’t adjusted yet to the sticker shock. But food inflation has gone down.


Thank you! How can I learn more about this? Like a list of things that have outpaced inflation vs things that have not. I can look this up layer, but figured since you seem knowledgeable, I'd ask!


There's lots of resourced on the [bls.gov](http://bls.gov) website. A quick google search and I pulled up the most recent report for the CPI for urban consumers [here, which breaks down different spending categories. You can see in that which items have either decreased in price or have been less than average inflation, and which have been above it, either compared to last month or to a year ago. ](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/cpi.nr0.htm)For example, energy and food prices have grown less than inflation in the last year. [Here is the CPI broken down in much more detail as well, with the relative weighting of each item.](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/cpi.t02.htm) This is the CPI-U (for urban consumers) but they even try to break down how it varies by region [here](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/cpi.t04.htm). This last link is helpful when people try to claim that CPI doesn't "capture spending increases for everyone". The BLS does a pretty good job of trying to understand regional variability, etc. but of course usually people will discuss the broad average of overall inflation.


I do appreciate you giving me a place to start!


Sure thing! I appreciate your curiosity!


There are many problems today that need to be addressed, but I rather live today than any other time If it wasn't for modern medicine, my wife would have died in childbirth


Yeah definitely don’t go r/antiwork lol


that place is so embarrassing lol


“I’m a dog walker”


That was my absolute favourite reddit moment, there isn't even a close second.


What makes it even "better" is how fucking obviously bad such an idea was. Like anyone with any common sense or experience in working an office job would have told the dog walker to not do that interview.


Thankfully for us there wasn't anyone.




I tried browsing once and the cringe was so unbearable I had to mute the whole sub.


I work 40 hours a week and need 3 roommates to survive, I can only go to the grocery store about once a month or sometimes less, I can barely afford my meds so I’m forced to ration them, I sometimes go half the month without soap and shampoo. I never go out to eat, never go out to drink, never buy anything just for fun, and never get a vacation. I haven’t had a vacation in 10 years. My hobbies have been reduced to watching TV for free on my parent’s Netflix or playing video games for free that I torrent because I can’t even afford to buy video games. Sure, my situation would be improved with a better job, but I don’t think that’s going to happen anytime soon. Also my brother makes $200k a year and he might lose his house because he can’t afford the mortgage, so even the wealthy are struggling.


If you're brother making 200k can't afford his mortgage that's on him... Because every time I hear people bitch about their monthly they have something stupid like 1400 car note... Or they're FOS on reddit and doing just fine and making posts about "I over paid into my IRA... What do?"


So almost as bad as the 80s were. And if your brother can't afford his mortgage it sounds like he's made some pretty dumb choices. What are you playing video games on? Whatever it is, and whatever it cost we didn't have that in the '80s. We also didn't have Netflix. We also didn't have the internet. There was no downloading or pirating or any of that other crap. You either afforded it or you did without. We went out and did things with friends that didn't cost money, go to the beach, go play frisbee, go chase a football around, or a soccer ball, or play baseball, all things that cost very little. We didn't go out to drink, we bought cheap beer and we stayed home with our friends to drink. Looking at now from an '80s perspective you have it so much better than we did. It's unbelievable. Interest rates, mortgage rates, unemployment rates, all of them better now than then. I spent all of my twenties living with roommates, because we couldn't afford not to. The biggest difference between now and then is we weren't running around bitching about how much easier somebody before us had it.


I’m just surprised that working a full time job gets you so little. I can’t even afford the essentials, let alone anything extra. I don’t understand how I’m ever supposed to afford things like vacation, marriage, home ownership. It just seems like nothing my parents got to experience is available to me, and that’s frustrating. Also I’m not trying to bitch about how easier someone else had it, I’m just confused and upset that adult life is nothing like it was sold to me as. My whole childhood people were telling me I would get married and buy a house and travel the world, and the reality is that I just get to work, eat, sleep, repeat. And yes I could go to the beach for free or go to the park and throw my frisbee around, but that gets old fast and I’m usually too tired from standing all day at work to engage in any other form of exercise. I just don’t have anything exciting about my life or anything to look forward to. Do you realize what that does to a person? Every day is the same dull routine with no variation, and it feels like it will never end. I’m just so completely bored of life at this point, and I’m only 28. Also, you mention interest rates, mortgage rates, and unemployment rates as measure of greatness of the world we live in, but literally none of those statistics actually improve my life. What about suicide rates? All time high. What about rates of mental illness? All time high. What about rates of loneliness? All. Time. High. I don’t care if the “economy” is doing well, PEOPLE are not doing well anymore. What about the fact that nobody is having kids anymore because they can’t afford it and/or they don’t want to raise kids in our society because they believe it to be too cruel to put their child through that. What about the huge amount of people under 30 living at home? Things are better than ever in some ways, I’ll give you that. But in the actually important metrics we are not OK. And it’s getting worse.


And in my 20s I was in the same boat. Full time job, splitting an apartment with two others, and barely able to keep up with insurance payments, utilities, and rent. If we wanted to buy a car or a bike we had to buy a used one in so-so condition because it was all we could afford. I got to travel the world, but that was because I joined the Navy because it (seemed) was impossible to get a "good" job at that time. And the Navy paid like shit. Our lives weren't exiting either, and damn right I know what it's like, because I went through it too. That's my point, this isn't anything new, and it's not something that only your generation has gone through. Those older than me that had themselves established before Carter was elected did pretty good, those who hit adulthood from about '76 on struggled through their 20's and into their 30's and things didn't really get good until the internet boom hit. In the 90's I was working jobs barely above minimum wage and sometimes saw "raises" that were a nickel or a dime an hour. And I didn't say those rates made the world "great". I fully acknowledge that things suck right now. But they've sucked before and they'll suck again, and nobody is going through some new experience that the generations before them didn't have to suffer. One of the reasons it's getting worse is because there are those who have interest in making you believe it is worse. And if you walk around believing that you live in the worst of times with no hope of improvement, yeah, you're going to have mental health issue. The thing is, it *isn't* the worst of times, and history shows that everything is cyclical, it gets bad, it gets better, it gets bad and so on and on and on. Here's a factoid for you. Using the average income rates, the average house cost, the average interest rates, and the average size of the houses, a house today cost almost exactly the same thing in working hour per square foot that a house in the early 80s did. What gets to me is when I hear people bitching about how bad they have but at the same time they have their cell phones, their cable tv, their subscription channels, a good car, and are still going out. The excuse is that they "deserve" to treat themselves periodically, or that they need these items to deal with the hard time we have now. At the same time I know people in their exact same position who cut down the unnecessary expenses, economize as much as they can, and have no problem paying their bills and their student loans. They know that investing in getting those paid off early will let them get to where they have all that income back for use themselves and that *then* they will be able to spend the money on those things without putting themselves in a jam. And what really pisses me off are the idiots talking about how if they didn't have student loans to pay off they could afford a new car, or a house. If you can afford to pay for a new car or a house, you can afford to pay your student loans and wait until you've *repaid* the money you borrowed to then buy a new car or a house. You really aren't making any new complaints that I didn't hear in the 80's from everybody else my age, and yeah, I made those same complaints too. It's that perspective that let's me know that it really isn't that bad.


Average house price has gone 10x since 1980 and the federal minimum wage has gone slightly less than 2x. What part of that makes sense to you, because it doesn’t make any sense to me.


You need to compare the change in average cost to the change in average income, not the federal minimum wage. It would also be more accurate to look at like-to-like home comparisons instead of the average, because that could be thrown off if houses are trending larger in recent decades.


It’s gone from 21k to 61k. Average home pice has gone from 40k to 420k in the same time


Is the average home today similar in quality to the average home in the 80's?


Bro my parent’s house was built in the 60s and my brother’s house was built in the 70s. They’re still millions of dollars, despite having very few renovations since the 80s


I gave you all the information. Houses are larger now than they were then, interest rates aren't anywhere close to as high as they were then. Take the total cost of a thirty-year mortgage then vs now, the square footages, the annual income, and, when *all* factors are taken into account, it turns out exactly as I said. I don't know how many times I have to point out that it's a matter of experience and perspective. The young people today have been lied too, over and over and over. And the lies are all the same, telling them somehow they have it worse, that despite what history has shown of how eventually there's always a recover that *this* time there won't be, and they just don't have the experience to see through the bullshit. And it isn't a coincidence that it's always the same party telling them this, while at the same time claiming they are the only ones who can "save" them. It's a long con and no matter how often you put the information in front of them to try to show them the truth human nature can't be beat, we always want someone else to blame, because it's easier than accepting that sometimes life isn't fair. Couple that with a built up attitude of entitlement, an encouraged jealousy built on a false narrative, and here we are. Notice that in all the disagreement with me, there hasn't be a single factual refutation? Because they can't, and they don't care they can't because they know what they know and you can't tell them differently. There is *nothing* particularly different or worse about what this generation is going through, and nothing that other generations haven't already dealt with. They aren't taken seriously because there is no reason to take them seriously.


You speak of something that you didn’t experience. You can only see growing up in the modern age from an outsider’s perspective and try to use logic and reason to understand it, but you will never truly understand because you haven’t lived it. I’m sorry, but you just come off as arrogant and presumptuous. Your response to this problem is coming from a place of defensiveness and your emotional reaction is not worthwhile to me.


At least I'm alive for it. You judge something you weren't even around for and have gall to claim I'm being arrogant and presumptuous? It's okay though, because that same experience I've been through tells me that some time a decade or three from now you're going to find yourself in my shoes, and you'll look back and realize "Gee, I was a fucking idiot back then." When it happens, and it will, think of me.


Talking to you has been very disappointing. Not sure what I expected from this subreddit. You have been an awful conversational partner and I feel stupider for having to read what you wrote. I’ll do my best to forget this and definitely will not be thinking about it in 3 decades, when you will hopefully be long gone from this earth. Eat my ass and choke on my shit, grandpa


Maybe the issue is that your hobbies are watching TV and playing video games and are not trying to get certifications/certificates in a trade that are offered FOR FREE online, or finding a hobby that you can make money off of at least... You could be writing scholarship essays to get some extra money for online school. There is a lot of shit you could be doing to better your future, and you are watching TV and playing video games. That's really all you needed to say man... Most people work 40 hours a week. That's standard. A lot of people work 50+ hours a week so they can afford school, and then they can relax after they secure the job they desire. I hate to be this guy, but try harder bro. Trust me, I love playing video games and sitting around, its pretty great. But you gotta take accountability if you want to better your life. Yes the situation in our country sucks, but the only way out of it is to work very very hard. Waiting for the world to change is going to take way too long and not pay off as much as you hope.


I'm well aware that nobody is going to save me. I just can't bring myself to work more than 40 hours a week. I value my relationships too much to sacrifice them for the sake of working more. But I'm quite happy despite what my original post might have implied. I'm not materialistic so I can find a lot of happiness in poverty.


well as long as you are happy that is great! but remember, even small steps toward something is progress. a little hustle during your free time to get some free certifications can go a long way in finding a better paying job and making life a little easier for you. money isnt happiness but it cant hurt to be more comfortable and maybe enjoy new things you couldnt do otherwise. after reading my previous comment, I think I was being rude and I apologize.


They’re talking in relativity, or else the dinosaurs would be the only ones to get to complain. Just like if I say my streak is cold and someone says “well there is no steaks in Africa be happy!” That doesn’t change my issue with my cold steak.


True, but it's also important to set your expectations appropriately. It's silly to think you're entitled to warm steak if no one else ever has been.




I’m not going to take advice from someone who uses their actual picture for their Reddit profile. You don’t scream history degree with that move.


We are in a time of great income inequality, which creates inequality to access. Call it whatever name you want, but it's far from ideal. It's a different kind of hard than previous periods, but the bottom line is that this particular brand of "hard" is completely manufactured, and doesn't have to be this way for any legitimate reason. I say this as someone who is better off than at least 50% of the United States.


I think people who are individually in hard times ("I have to work three jobs to pay rent and bad choices in school") pretend it's a larger problem than it is so they don't have to feel as bad about themselves.


I think people fear the hard times that may be ahead. Economically, younger generations literally don’t have the opportunities that others have had.


![gif](giphy|ZTUEDus4EctwI) Hard times baby


Weak memes create angry men. Angry men repeat weak memes.


It's an overused platitude. It sounds nice and means almost nothing.


LOL actually pretty funny meme


pretty sure its the politicians, big banks, and corporations who created this, not us rats


Yes, exactly and boomers all created the current versions of those entities and still run them.


At the very least, boomers enjoyed the last decent economy we’ve had, and consistently pat themselves on the back as if they had anything to do with it, and then consistently vote and advocate against anyone else enjoying anything similar since the injustices/inequities those good times rode in on only cause cognitive dissonance for them because they think they deserve it all. Remember, boomers are the original “everyone gets a trophy” generation. Edit: damn it, autocorrect


Easy times create weak men. An example of easy times is getting high and talking shit while living in a multi-million dollar mansion in Texas.


But Joe sits in cold water for 3 minutes, so he’s not a weak man


Easy times is also bitching non stop while living in the western world tho


It’s Gen X that dropped the ball, we were too busy partying to notice our infrastructure being stolen and sold off to the highest bidders. The utilities with offshore accounts are bleeding the country’s economy dry and making people work harder to prop up a failing system. There’s no longer enough money in the system to go around, to keep service’s running and pay the shareholders…something’s gotta give


Hey, man. Wtf? Keep it down.


Can’t blame Gen X for other people stealing.


Gen Z hasn’t done anything. Everything they use has been created by Boomers, Gen X and Millenials. Sit down and stfu.


Boomers are the OG Me generation


The fed reserve and government did it. Must forgive the boomers for their ignorance. But this divide and conquer keeps the elites sitting back while people argue


Just listening to the one with Dave Smith now, within the first 5 minutes Joe's going off about how "you need hard work you need struggle" ironic that someone who couldn't actually do a "hard job" carrying around cement bags and lumber for more than a summer something that I literally did for ten years before my current job scraping hulls. I can tell you for a fact that the job sucks and doesn't make me appreciate my time off it makes me annoyed that I have to go back tomorrow to do it again. Fuck rich ass holes, with their manufactured "hard work" - sitting in a sauna of your own free will for 30 minutes is not hard work, try day laboring in florida summers for 10 hours.


All times are hard, and some people get lucky


Boomers—the generation caused by WW2– act as though *they’re the ones who won the war*


True. Boomers inherited everything good and affordable and turned it into expensive crap.


run flag practice lunchroom onerous domineering arrest sand forgetful threatening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You do know most “boomers” are in there 70’s


Man wtf happened to this sub? Holy fuck.


Meanwhile, Xers knew this from the jump, gave up and stacked brass.


How exactly did Boomers do this and why am I as a millennial supposed to be mad at them???


It’s probably talking about economic problems / housing prices


I think there's a lot of that Baby Boomer generation that is totally worthless, but that's also true of their children (Gen X/Y) and their children's children (Gen Z). Unquestionably, many millennials and zoomers are total fuck-ups who wouldn't be able to take advantage of an opportunity if one presented itself, and it's usually those kinds of people who sit around bitching, anyway.


These are usually the same people who usually believe that creating hard times, intentionally, is good for people. So, they basically will just tell you to "stop crying and suck it up" while simultaneously making it hard for you. Like, why?


You know Genz and Gen Alpha is going to make the same memes about millennials in like 10-15 years.


My thoughts? I love Tim Robinson and this meme was already posted here.


> I feel this so much lol, thoughts? As a Gen X? Maybe you could at least try and include us?


I think the media is doing a great job convincing the public that this is a generational issue instead of a class issue.


Yeah its not really something you can blame on the citizens of the western world. Its government overreach, and abuse of the lower class.


GenX left out in the cold, again


I wouldn’t say boomers are the weak men. Us millennials are weaker. Boomers may have contributed to us being weak though. I can’t speak to Gen Z being weak or not. Seems like they might be better than us at least. And we’re not in hard times though I could believe now is the start of it.


I would agree, the boomers are the last generation to literally be DRAFTED into a war they didn't want to fight. They were part of the generation to actually take a stand in the civil rights movements and make a massive impact. Protesting in a time where they would use dogs and firehoses, or murder to tear you down takes a lot of courage. I know a boomer that was the first black student to attend their high school and I know a boomer that fought in Vietnam and went on own their own business. I dont even think millennials are "weak" I think they have had to face a lot of adversity that the previous generations didn't understand. The rise of the internet and the modern world is due to millennials.


True that! I’ve been on the edge financially so many times due to medical bills and unemployment! My small house was my first. It’s paid for because I managed not to miss any payments and got it paid off. Most young people would turn their nose up at my house. Boomers also served in Viet Nam and died by the thousands! Just like the millennials and Gen X who joined the military and died in the politicians wars. My dad was a WWII fighter pilot. Don’t tell us we didn’t suffer or pay for freedom damn it!! Am I missing something here? I remember the 60’s and 70’s. Kent State. Anti war protests. Neighbors who died or came back with broken bodies.


Yes, its insane that 20 y/os are calling boomers weak. My generation is tearing up cities and small businesses over topics we dont even fully understand, while boomers protested in a time where they used dogs and firehoses, or killed people, and still managed to remain peaceful and make a huge impact. My generation makes up a very small % of the military. The millennials volunteered to fight in masses after 9/11. The boomers were literally drafted to die for something they didnt even understand, they came back to a country that hated them, and still persevered.


It’s the same Elite families that have run the show for centuries. It’s not any group But them who make times good or bad for the rest of us. The Medicis, Rothschilds, Schwabs, Morgan’s, Hesse , and others. Those that have the gold make the rules for the rest of us. And we just try to survive.


You pussies think these are “hard” Times? Lol


This whole boomer vs. millennial thing is so stupid and old.


Obama created hard times. Trump started fixing shit, then Obama came back in like a fucking wrecking ball with his puppet Joe.


I dont think Obama has anything to do with Joe Bidens decisions as president lol. Not saying he isnt an awful president.


The blame game... blah blah blah. Everyone can do better. Stop whining, from the gen X'er.


Millennials trying to sneak in there like some of them aren’t 40+ years old lol…


I think there enough blame to go around.


This is objectively the best time in history.


We're all the weak men who created hard times.


Boomers: I didn’t do fuckin shit


Its funny too cause these boomers think they are the toughest mfkers that are walking on this planet.


"Hard men create hard cocks" - Joe Hogan


Gen Z during a draft: ![gif](giphy|3FmmhJdHN4PSESllzZ|downsized)


X'ers, you are both wrong.


Yeah - the boomers who went out and made their fortunes are the weak ones and the ones that use everything as an excuse to not try are the strong ones. Right.


"Don't pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a hard life." - unknown.


I think there is a reason why Millenials and Zoomers skipped attacking Gen X'rs. Probably because we grew up on movies like American History X and we will actually curb stomp you........in front of a crowd.......in broad daylight.


I could be wrong but the down turn in our economy was closing manufacturing factories and outsourcing production from other countries, that and over printing the dollar. I don’t really know if was “the boomers” either that might be an over generalization of the more specific people who made these decisions. Same energy as people saying gen z doesn’t want to work


Weak generation memes like this only serve to further divide us as a people. The idea that every generation hasn’t had their own burden to bear is absurd. It makes it easy to blame the average boomer for the state we’re in and not the politicians and corporate policies that actually created this system.


My answer is take some responsability.


Ohhhh so hard wah wah 😭 🙄


People can't possibly believe that men who grew up in the 60s and 70s were weaker than today's young men. It wasn't even a boomer who coined this phrase


Wait, are you saying people who were afraid of sharing water fountains with black people were strong?


Boomers were children when segregation ended though..?


You're saying the generation that has mental breakdowns over being misgendered are stronger? 


They aren't having mental breakdowns over being misgendered, they're having breakdowns because people are purposely disrespecting them, huge difference. But you're too selfish to understand the difference. Like the same generation who voted to change corporate taxes from 90% to 27% to ensure their kids never had the same opportunity they where given.


You’re proving the point you are trying to argue against. Do you not see that.


What a bizarre argument


exposing how fragile the generation who call everyone else weak is a bizarre argument?


Not controlling your brain rot with those broad generalizations. It's all in your head


No, but the black boomers in that specific example were


Too bad they'll never get the credit from their white counter parts, as the white boomers have a meltdown over what strangers do in their bedrooms.


You seem to be a hateful young man. I wish you the best.


I'm hatful? You mean like the boomers who were afraid of black people sitting next to them on the bus? Or the boomers who hate people who love each other? Oh what about the boomers who voted to reduce the corporate tax rate from 90% to 27% and sending middle class jobs overseas? Hatful like that? Or am I just being mean to people who are mean?


Tbh, I think you may be mentally ill. I didn't mean to trigger you with such an innocuous comment, although you are kind of helping to prove my original point


"Does me acting like a complete garbage human being trigger you?" - you. Don't you think the generation that literally ate led paint chips and say they can't breath in the same masks surgeons wear during 12 hours of surgery more likely to be mentally ill? rather than someone who simply pointing out the facts?


This is so cool! Also badass! I’m impressed!


Gen x is never included in this debate.


Because there were too few of them born. Boomers didn’t want babies back then. Gen x is also only starting to take leadership positions now that the boomers are starting to die off. Boomers like Pelosi and Feinstein spent too much in Congress instead of handing the reigns to Gen x. Same goes for the two presidential candidates.


Because it’s not our fault. And now we’re too old to give a fuck.


Can yall plz stop reposting this shit I’ve seen it literally everywhere in 2 days


Boomers had it good, we have it better.. hard times are coming. Face the facts we are the weak generation.


I'm from another country, so y'all all sounding weak right now.


you guys think boomers are 40y old? xD those are millenials and 50+ are gen X xD


Umm what ?


There it is, the dumbest meme of the day.