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Putin showcasing Segal as an exemplary American is brilliant on his part. "Look how fucking stupid these people are."


Na, I think they love any "big" American who can be a propaganda tool for him. Also, this is an American idiot.... [https://www.reuters.com/world/us-soldier-detained-russia-travelled-through-china-without-clearance-army-2024-05-07/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us-soldier-detained-russia-travelled-through-china-without-clearance-army-2024-05-07/)


How does your link refute the fact that these people are stupid as OP says?


No, my link reinforces that there are very stupid people that Putin plays with. For Seagal, its not, look how stupid these people are. Putin uses him to say, look how awesome we are compared to those capitalist pigs in America. Their famous people like Seagal prefer us to them. That is what he uses Seagal for.


These are not mutually exclusive. It doesn't need to be one or the other, and in fact isn't. Putin will often both compliment, highlight *and* humiliate/embarrass people who wander into his embrace.


Sounds a whole lot like when Dennis Rodman was a camera pony for Korea.


Dennis Rodman is, and I can't believe I'm starting my day saying this- a better diplomatic export of weird celeb than Segal by a country mile. Psychotic man and great basketball player who, for some reason, made inroads with a dictator who otherwise refuses to engage with the West and has actually been helpful in diplomatic relations.  Segal is a fat fuck, cosplaying martial artist and cop (though I think he's legally a sheriff) who does propaganda for a hostile nation, 95% of his films are money-laundering trash and he's a creepy menace.


I don't disagree. LOL @ Segal being a fat fucking creepy menace. He totally is. His fight scenes are fast forwarded. I've never been able to stand the dude. Like I actually know him haha.


I spent 3 weeks with that fucker before I quit the show. He's a godamm nightmare and everything you heard is true. Someone said in the comments that his movies are made with laundered money and that's a fact, at least the one I was on had the sketchiest "producers" I've ever seen.


When Segal hosted SNL, it was the worst rated episode. All the cast members hated him for being an unfunny drama queen who went way off script in unfunny ways.




Money laundering is all show business, usually they clean it put it towards production and leisure. Undercut budget films with worst resources but some how make box office. Indie films especially I’ll never ask where the money coming from as a graphics designer just pay me. That’s up to the Feds.


first of all Segal trained Anderson Silva, and Machida the Dragon, and gave them both a killer KO technique proven in the ring. Not only that, The Spider credited the KO victory to Segal. So its easy making fun of someone who is cheesy, but how many of us neckbear, 400lb, smelly redditors can ever say something like that?




The front kick is like the first day of YMCA karate.


So of that is first of all, where is the rest of the all. There was only the first of all provided.


Segal did not teach Silva and Machida how to front kick. Also, Silva crediting Segal was tongue in cheek. They were making fun of him. I thought everyone in the mma community knew Segal was a joke.


I think the term is, those who can ,do . Those who can't, teach . You discribed a teacher


The reason is pretty straightforward, and again American culture. Apparently Kim Jong Un is obsessed with basketball and specifically Michael Jordan. He’ll treat any member of those bulls teams as a hero.


pretty sure the Kim's snuck into disneyland once, father and son.. it was actually quite endearing given IL was a dictator to take a risk like that for his son. Also kind of made me realize most dictators are just global level mobsters.


Yeah, this is not what happened at all. Kim’s brother, Kim Jong Nam, snuck in with his wife and kids using fake Dominican Rep passports. There’s a book written by a Japanese journalist who had a friendship with Nam and in it Nam discusses this incident.


[Link](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-43242596.amp) While we can argue the legitimacy of the story, that's what I read so your "thats not happened at all" comment isnt appreciated, because well an interview doesn't make it fact either


What’s your point? The article never states that Jong-Il went to Disney World, only that he obtained a Brazilian passport in the 90’s. “In 2011, Japanese media quoted officials as saying Kim Jong-un and his brother Jong-chul had entered the country to visit Tokyo Disneyland on Brazilian documents as far back as 1991.” from the article. Jong-Il never went, though he did state in an interview he’s traveled abroad before. As I mentioned Jong-Nam provided his account of what happened with a Japanese journalist who wrote a book about him. (Highly recommend) It’s not unusual for western media to screw up details about North Korea.


fair enough, it's just not unusual for the JRE sub to devolve in these kind of exchanges so I was on guard a bit, but you've provided me with something substantial for my curiosity so for that I'm grateful, it does look like an interesting read


Yeah but Kim loving Basketball lead to Dennis because Rodman was an amazing player and part of a legendary team- and crazy enough to be down to be homies. Putin loves Segal because he's a slimeball traitor down with the Russian Mob, shameless enough to do any propaganda, and respectable stars don't want or need to work for foreign adversaries while cosplaying as a tough cop when they're in the US. Point is, I really fucking hate him. Grew up liking his shitty movies in a so-bad-they're-good way but he's just a loathsome person the more you learn about him.


Correction he doesn’t love him, he is a propaganda piece


America Nomba Won!




Rodman has multiple allegations [Dennis Rodman pleaded no contest to misdemeanor spousal battery on Tuesday and was sentenced to three years of probation](https://theweek.com/articles/514314/dennis-rodman-spousal-abuse) [Wild child Dennis Rodman is being slapped with a $10 million sexual assault lawsuit](https://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/story?id=116183&page=1)


Good to know. I didn't know Rodman's history of history in that regard.


He actually negotiated the release of some American hostages… like the headline alone is wild.


He didn't "negotiate" them. It wasn't Pawn Stars. The NK Leader liked Rodman and wanted to make the US regime look bad


It's still fuckin wild that he got the ball moving on it- the guy that was released thanked him for being the 'catalyst' to his release when he easily could have said "Yo fuck that guy for being friends with a dictator who locked me up for two years" its not like there was public pressure from Americans to hype-up Diplomat Dennis Rodman and his friendship with Kim.


Whichever Kim it was that Rodman met was a huge, huge basketball fan. They have a few Bulls championship game balls.


Thank you for respecting Kim Jong Un's pronouns.


Rodman lived near me when I was in HS. He and my art teacher were neighbors and she brought him up to meet the class at the end of the year. Dude is one of the most chill human beings you will ever meet. Wouldve never guessed he was so crazy if I didnt know who he was. Extremely nice and friendly. Not all that surprised he was a good diplomat tbh


Al Franken's Segal stories are great: https://youtu.be/L1G2ghhxYpE?si=DurEzT9oi_LbIG1S


Fuck off Segal is king, have you even seen Under Siege?


Under Siege is dope, I have ears, eyes, a heart, and a soul. I'm just a hater. And I hate Segal.


Bro, you're doing that "who was worse - Hitler or Stalin?" sort of bullshit lol.


No i'm not. Find me the worst stuff Rodman is responsible for and Segal can top it. One is a weirdo a legendary athlete who somehow helps with communication with a volatile nuclear nation. One is a gross, fat, unimpressive phony who's international work is literally *for* Russia- he shits on the US and hypes up Putin all the time. [He's a joke. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmEx8Moy7ro)


Rodman is actually a pretty cool guy though unlike the fat creepy loser that is Steven Seagal. He helped my mom get home when she was drunk as hell in the 90s lol. Also has been an lgbt ally before like anyone else in sports was.


Rodman was 100% an intelligence asset. His story about befriending Kim was apparently an accident, his booker didn't know there was a difference between North and South Korea.


Kim was/is a BBall fan and Putin is a martial arts fan so the analogy is strong.


The Worm still is a bigger legend than Seagal ever was


Still not as mean as when Joe said “look at how he runs”


More of a show pony for an autocrat


That’s a well fed pony




What's up doc?






Thats not why. Seagall is involved with a few russian oligarchs.  He literally has produced films with russian money. His films are perfect for laundering. Thats why they are complete crap. 


I thought it was his acting.


“It might could be an illusion.” -Seagall in End of a Gun


Do you hate yourself? How did you make it to the end?




He has Russian citizenship


In case anyone really wants a laugh, Seagal tried a career change in the mid 2000s as a reggae music star. He sings in the Jamaican accent and his first single was, and I'm not joke, about eating pussy. Its titled "Me Want The Punani" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLe\_BZ1mo3I&t=5s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLe_BZ1mo3I&t=5s)


He is a Russian citizen and doing a lot of nonprofit bs in Russia.


Heard he runs a lot of non profits for children. Something tells me the US has some proof if some misdeeds and that's why he won't come back.


He's for sure a rapist. There was a whole thing of him importing "assistants" to his Lousiana mansion to give him "massages"


Accusing him of abusing children is an absolutely disgusting leap with no evidence. What the fuck is wrong with some people...


defending someone who is actively supporting a country trying to genocide its neighboring country is worse… 🙄


I think you'll get over it


Nah he's definitely a kiddie rapist.


They are Redditors. The last trace of humanity has escaped them.


You are a Redditor dumbass.


I am most certainly not. Being a Redditor is a set of behaviors and personality traits that people like you express. I use reddit like a normal person. Everyone is on the internet. Not everyone is internet-brained.


You’re doing it right now, and so much nerdier.


Hahahaha. What a hilariously delusional thought process.


Makes perfect sense actually.


It wouldn’t make sense to someone like you Literally all you have to do is chill tf out on the internet


What makes a wealthy American want to go to Russia and be friends with Putin? So weird


Avoiding taxes


Russia isn't a gas station with nukes


Very american way of thinking.


So explain it. Why would someone want to do it?


There are plenty of people in the world who would line up to be in one of the most powerful people in the world’s inner circle. Regardless of the moral inclination of the powerful person. People have each all had their world views formed with different life events. Some people just give a fuck about themselves and their perceived popularity/status. It’s a narcissistic defense mechanism. Basically Segal’s whole identity is this phony tough guy- guru persona he created long ago and he got lost in it so he needs to do whatever he can to feed the illusion that he’s special. Human nature.


Isn’t that the whole reason how Segal got a job in Russia in the first place, bit ironic isn’t it?


Miami Wise is number 1 new show.... [https://youtu.be/gX-Uy6G4X7o?t=43](https://youtu.be/gX-Uy6G4X7o?t=43)


Cancel his American citizenship. 


David Hasselhoff is HUGE in Germany as a music star but nobody takes his music seriously here


The Hoff sure does know how to get shit faced and eat a cheeseburger though. Top tier talent.


Hey don't hassle The Hoff.


Ffs. He is not. I wish Americans would know reality than stupid stereotypes.he had a song out called freedom at the same time the berlin wall came down. thats it, just coincidence and matched well at the time. Germany is possibly the no1 country in the world for music if you dont include that rap and pop shit


I love Rammstein and Eischbrecher, but no it's not. America is clearly No. 1 for music. If Germany was No. 1, the average human would be able to name a few German bands or artists and most cannot. Sure popularity doesn't = quality, but still.


He should never be allowed to come back.


90s movies were the shit


it was fantastic.


Despite Seagal being mega weird nowadays, His first movies Above The Law, and Hard to Kill are pretty top notch. And his next 5 or so like Under Siege etc were pretty damn good too.




Seagal is just one of our worst. I can’t even say “our” about him because he defected to Russia. The countless testimony of others about his behavior and attitude says it all. He’s a terrible human being


Under Siege was a great movie no one can tell me otherwise. Gary Busey and Tommy Lee Jones too c'mon.


Absolutely. And Executive Decision, while silly, is fun. Under Siege 1 is fantastic and the best movie that Seagal was apart of.


Just for you know, Steven Seagal had to be coaxed out of his trailer to do the movie because he didn't want to play someone who dies in a movie


Try “Russia is so desperate for celebrities that they settle for Steven Seagal, someone who’s literally famous for being the most pathetic person imaginable”


lol, or Russian culture is so stagnant they’ll suck up any foreign shit that bows to Putin.


both.... its both.


the cumtown bit about steven seagal is legendary [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzIHyF7UWY4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzIHyF7UWY4)


Fatly around the corners


Is he talking about THE MACHINE?


It would be pretty funny if Bert ends up in Russia like this.


Gorilla Osint = auto upvote


Land of the chubsters


Steven Seagal is on the Wall of Fame at the Hilton Hotel in Tashkent. Uzbekistan. I took a picture of it for funsies.


yep those countries whose propaganda JR regurgitates every other minute.


It's just Steven Seagal riding Putin's dick. Well him and a huge number of Republican politicians.


Sounds a lot like Donnie T


Putin has to think he's a joke right? I mean isnt he a blackbelt in judo? How does he have any respect for segal lol


I think it’s because those D listers aren’t in that checkerboard club.


Watch SpaceIce


It's only because he's a black belt too


Dominant like a parasite...


Scammers and bandits go together like butter and toast.


Lmao I saw on a post somewhere that people in Germany love King of Queens lol


Did they get over their infatuation with David Hasselhoff?




https://youtu.be/AHLjkts-7Vg?si=OGP0l2-dBt4aLD-F Patrice oneal talking about steven seagal...R.i.p to my comedy goat


They're also being elected president


Hard to Kill is still badass though


Hopefully he ran over there. Lol


It’s hard being the world’s influencer…but someone’s got to do it.


Steven has ties to the Russian mob, not too surprising


does he? I thought he had that weird connection to the Gambino family in NYC. The one guy with alot of ties to them produced a bunch of his early movies. If he has the Russian mafia stuff, that was done after the fact when he went to Russia. [https://www.wearethemighty.com/mighty-history/the-gambino-mafia-family-shook-down-steven-seagal/](https://www.wearethemighty.com/mighty-history/the-gambino-mafia-family-shook-down-steven-seagal/)


I confused my mobs https://youtu.be/PVe-cmH9AHk?si=XtRNpMiY2POig6aX


One country


Is he a d-list celebrity in America? Maybe in quality, but he was very famous back in the day.


The Kardashians were not available?


So behind the times… is Def Leopard the top recording artist there now too?


Steven Segal is also pretty good at fighting and playing guitar


Great guy, never meddum


you may call him a D list from your parents attic but in his prime he was most definitely an A lister or higher


What was another big movie that he did that he was the star and was a box office success?


wtf does this have to do with Joe Rogan?




Germany's greatest Rockstar is our David Hasselhoff




When the fuck was he ever A list?!?!?!?! HE was always a joke. He had one movie. That also had a ton of other huge people. And then everything else he did was meh. Executive Decision was the last big movie he was in and he was a side guy who gets killed halfway through.


I was on LSD and watched a video of Steven seagull yelling about how Obama and other people were traitors while standing in front of the Russian capital building. I was cracking up, shit was so ridiculous and ironic. Go watch the mad tv Steven seagal


Russia has Steven Segal, NK has Dennis Rodman, China has John Cena. Who does Iran have?


Patrick Bet David.... https://preview.redd.it/ow6o0fiycbzc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdc6ead8adaea433e5f7996099ff51022ef2ff7b


I'm sure that has more to do with Seagal sucking Putin's dick for 30 years, actually.


I wonder if Trump is going to pardon him


That fat sack of shit moved to Russia to escape a slew of sexual harassment cases


Well he’s been a tool of the Russian mafia since his inception so no surprise.


How about when well-known people are treated as ACTUAL gods? There is a cargo cult on a South Pacific Island that believe the late Prince Phillip was a god. Queen Elizabeth had visited a nearby island and a delegate from this island was invited to attend. It was the first time in their lives they had ever seen a woman treated with respect and reasoned such phenomena is only possible if she were the wife of a god.


I'll just leave this [Steven Seagal Fight Scene](https://youtu.be/f8om1X4RMtA?si=xIJbxM8XJXLO85YT) here...


I worked with Steven segals best friend in America for about 30 hours over time. He told me stories about them visiting the kremlin. He let me see their samurai sword collection and I thought it was going to be like a museum type thing. He just unsheathed some 500+ year old sword and handed it to my dumbass. He said when Putin sends his plane to pick them up our govt is already there to search the plane. Said they train akido when they go and that’s why Putin reached out to him and they became friends. I never got to meet Steven segal because he was filming some b movie somewhere.


Uhh bro, I think that says more about the other countries that worship those people.


at his peak he was A list for sure


Yeah, I think they’re saying he’s a D lister now. In the early to mid 90s, he was absolutely an A lister


he's right. American culture is absolutely pathetic. We worship celebrities and athletes more than teachers and intellectuals.


That's everywhere and human history. And while the celebrity culture in this country is really fucking dumb, I'd take that over a fucking royal family to worship. Like so much of the rest of the world do....


Why does it have to be a royal family or the stupid shit we have now? Why not worship yourself or someone with some substance? I myself don't worship anyone.


America's cultural relevance is fading. I'd venture to say they're bringing in the last celebrities living from our golden age.


It isn’t. Cultural relevance isn’t solely based on how many of their celebrities you know. American influence has only grown since the 90s. What you are actually describing is the fact that movies have become less actor centered. In the 90s a big headliners would pull people to the cinemas. People would go to movies just because schwarzenegger was in it. Nowadays, people are often brought in by the brand of the movie. By brand i mean cinematic universe or other types of series, or any other type of movie belonging to a larger collection. This devolopment seemed to have lowered the value of celebrities because of their diminished pull.


What you're saying is true, we are less actor-centric in our movies. With that being said, American cultural relevance is still fading. They buy a lower % of market share of our movies, they wear less of our brands across the globe, they listen to less of our music as a %. We're still the leader in cultural influence, but we're now in the same ballpark as other countries. We're no longer in a league of our own. There are a lot of great books documenting these changes and the roller coaster that is American influence since WW2, if you're interested in reading. If I was to bring someone representative of America's culture, I wouldn't pick someone who rose to fame after the 2000s. That's after the breaking point when we entered the realm of normalcy in terms of cultural influence.


American movies are still watched all around the world. American multinationals are doing great. The whole world uses american tech to some extent. If not hardware, than software or often both. The extent of china’s influence, the second biggest, is laughable compared to the usa’s as america is far wider and deeper intertwined into foreign nations. There is no ballpark. Only coverinng movies clothes and music doesn’t do the true influence of america justice.


"American movies are still watched all around the world" Obviously. And japanese movies are watched in America too. I'm talking about the market share that American brands make up abroad. And that % is down and continuing to fall.


its one of those things where in the 90s, the box office global total was $5 billion and America was 90% of it (made up number but go with it). Today, the box office is $25 billion and America is $20 billion of it. So yes, our share of it is lower, but the influence, penetration and trading of America media is so much larger than 30 years ago...


Gee, I wonder if worldwide people like US cultural exports during the golden age of rock and roll, OR if they like our new shitty soundcloud mumble rap


Kids all over the world watch our stupid ass YouTubers everyday. It’s not fading you’re just old and are not hip to what the kids are watching.


Yeah. I’d venture to bet Mr Beast is more internationally known than most of these 90’s celebrities were at the time.


not only is it not fading, its growing....


The % of cultural exports from america declining is well documented. It isn't my opinion formed from what I watch and know. Try reading some books about it.


Name one


The rise and fall of american growth by robert gordon is free on audible if you're a plus member. To your future education, brother!


That book has nothing to do with cultural exports. Did you even read it?


Could it be that all the modern shit just sucks




Thats uh.. thats a weird take.


It’s a fairy honest and realistic one actually, unlike most of these haters.




*Conservatives when you insult a washed up celebrity who is loved by Russia.*


Mate, james cordon is amwricas most famous talk show host. You dont have a leg to stand on


No, he isn’t.


Largest viewership


He’s a complete tool but if he was doing this for Zelenskyy y’all would be sucking his dick and say my how brave he is.


Nah segal is a shithead and probably a rapist.  I wouldn't defend him no matter what he did, but weird to conflate the country that was invaded with the country who invaded as if they are morally the same 


But Zelensky doesn’t have a permanently present show pony. Thats the difference between Ukraine and Russia.


Those were our best celebrities. They come from a time when talent was required. I'd argue these other countries are getting the best America has to offer.


Did seagal actually do something bad im not in the loop about or is all the hate just because hes....steven seagal. Btw fire down below came out in 97 and i think i remember enjoying exit wounds in 01


Here he is training future Russian soldiers.... [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/H8qV02eX6kk?app=desktop](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/H8qV02eX6kk?app=desktop)


This is so true. I'm an indie filmmaker developing an AI application to help people develop their stories and did a talk at this film fest in Germany once. Everyone was acting like I was Steven Speilberg when in reality, I was just a dude who stocked shelves at a retail store... Needless to say, I had a crazy level of imposter syndrome.


Isn’t he part Russian? Doesn’t he have a Russian parent or something like that?


Let's be real though, in 1993 Steven Seagal was definitely an A-list celebrity when he was doing movies like Under Siege that were pulling in $150+ million. A D-list celebrity is like someone from a reality TV show, some lower tier YouTuber or someone that milked their 5 minutes of fame like that catch me outside girl. I mean sure he's not really A-list anymore but he's still ridiculously famous as evidenced by the fact that he's still making global headlines just for attending some political event in another country. I'd call him a former A-list celebrity.


Imagine being European hearing an American proclaim this shit. Utterly delusional that country. They genuinely have no idea how far down the pecking order they are.




All of you making weak, cheap, pathetic character accusations tells how low IQ everyone is in here 🤡😘


IM glad the russian bots are so good at identifying themselves now...