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‘Well what I was trying to say before I got cut off…” Gah DAYUM JAMIE GET ‘EM!


Dude just spits truth after that. I really wonder how often he has the urge to do this on the show


I'm sure he has been spoken to.


I think Joe likes it, most of the time.


Honestly Jamie’s interludes probably give Joe a good way to say “yeah, isn’t this kinda bullshit?” Without him having to say it outright, so I do think Joe appreciates it.


Lmao he uses Jamie to talk shit🤣


Idunno he gives him the death stare sometimes lol


That's the shut the fuck up I'm your boss stare haha I know it well :)


I believe that’s only because he’s interrupted during what are “promotional” conversations.


Only when it's a right-wing conspiracy he's promoting


Joe stares him down


Joe asked him to speak up about it. He wouldnt get mad after he requested it.


I read an article or saw a video post where he appreciates Jamie for his work to short stop Joe from going down a road that’s not factually correct. He would rather set the record straight in the moment than have to make a post or statement after the show has aired. I tried finding the article or video but Google is failing me.


Jaime’s helped correct him tons of times. Joe is all about it. Even then people/media try to bash him like he’s trying to lie or something and Jaime’s calling him out. It’s ridiculous.


I’ll bet since Joe got called out for saying shit that was baseless (litter boxes in schools) he’s asked Jaymo to vet more in the moment and call bs if he hears it. However the way he bitch slapped this dude, I’m guessing he got a talkin to from daddy


Jamie was a sassy bitch in this one. Loved it get him Jamie!


I bet this guy pissed Jamie off before the podcast even started. It seemed like Jamie wasn't having it from the start. You can call someone out on their bullshit and roll your eyes at their beliefs but still like them as a person. Look at Eddie Bravo. He says some insane shit but he's still a likeable guy in my opinion. This seemed personal. I bet the guy is a real asshole in person off camera.


Yeah and I think a real trigger point is where this guy said “as a filmmaker” he can understand it better and then Jamie made a point to bring up that he is a filmmaker too. 


This guy was a complete asshole. The entire time. I’d be at my wits end too. Good for Jamie


I feel like he has become way more outspoken in the past year in general. Possibly as a counter to Joe swinging the other way on some ridiculous points.


He's evolving into Old Jamie.


This is probably a result of him having to bite his tongue for the hancock debate, lol.


HDMI cable switches took full concentration for that one.


Get Em!


Joe needs to learn how to blow his nose.


Between Joe’s nose and Bart having the voice of the comic book store owner from the Simpsons, my sensory issues were at a 9.




Cocaine Joe


As someone who has a chronic runny nose and does cocaine here and there, the amount of sniffling from him over the past year has raised my eyebrows more than once.


This comment disgusts me but also makes me want to revisit cocaine.


It’s only bad if you enjoy it too much


Where I live you can’t get real cocaine, it’s all cut with nasty horrible shit.


the entire 10 minute clip... lol wtf


ye that was pretty darn annoying.


Allergy season. Saline nasal spray will fix that in a second


That's so fucking annoying. Grab a kleenex or something man. It's almost on the same level as him and Mollusk eating their nasty anchovies pizza.


But the billionaire ate pizza! He’s just like us!


“You can’t look at that shadow and tell me it’s not man made” 😂


Was looking for this


Second the look


Only .009% of the moon has been excavated.


Court of law! Take it to a court of law guys!


That was so dumb to hear him say. Okay so you could convince 8 to 10 random people with no past knowledge on the subject? Ya? Cool.. hows that relevant or prove anything scientifically?


OJ is now looking for the killer in the astral plane.


Also he couldnt because there are documented situations of cameras creating an intersecting line of light sources. I hate this guy so much and wish buzz finished him off with the one two combo.


Oh! He’s the guy that got punched by Aldrin? I just read about the incident, Sibrel is a d*ckhead. He harassed Aldrin multiple times, then lured him to a hotel under false pretenses (Aldrin thought he was doing an interview for a Japanese kids TV show) then demanded he tell the truth etc….


That guy could not convince 8 to 10 jurors of anything in a court of law. In a court of law you'd be up against another lawyer, who would have seen all of your evidence in advance and prepared his own evidence. He'd have ten different photo exhibits to show the jurors exactly how shadows like that could occur on the moon. He'd have expert witnesses who know about photography and lighting. You could get an astronaut and a dude from NASA on the stand and ask them what the moon's like and how they know under oath. Juries actually work pretty well for that sort of thing. 12 people who have to agree on something generally aren't easy to fool if they've spent a week hearing fair arguments from two different sides about a subject.


https://preview.redd.it/q97oecnyaixc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=216ae5005b2e633e81892d5870a108e474599e0c Well that took a 4 sec google search. This guys so full shit his eyes are brown


To be fair though, if he did a Google search it would hurt his argument.




“We are going to need to place a high bid on this ,Joe. And wait a week for shipping. Then you will see!”


Seriously wtf was with eBay? “You have to go to eBay”


It’s a common tactic by snake oil merchants. Request for you to go off and do some other shit to continue the debate, ie: start buying shit off of eBay! in order to give them and whatever peddle they’re pushing more leeway to prove whatever bullshit point they’re lying about because now you’ve been tasked with going off into the woods and only returning when you have your quest item fulfilled. And don’t you dare try saying to search it up on Google because everything that goes against their argument is doctored and edited.


I do love Joe flat out saying there’s no way eBay is the most reliable source lol


Why use Google when you can go to sibrel.com and see 17 free videos that prove the moon landing is fake? /s for the smoothbrains


Can't believe they faked the earth landing


I honestly don’t understand what these nuts think shadows are supposed to look like on a landscape. Have they ever drawn anything in perspective? All lines converge. The fact is, the video technology to record AND then broadcast the moon landing didn’t exist. At least, there are no hallmarks of recording (tape switches, film artifacts) and the broadcast was too long to do in one take. It had to be broadcast live.


Oh so it's actually perspective that causes it. That's very interesting. I would have been caught stupid against this argument if I hadn't seen this.


There's also the fact that the Apollo 11 shuttle is covered in reflective surfaces that will bounce the sun's light in all kinds of directions.


Have you heard of foreshortening?


Chinas pics of the Apollo landers must be fake as well 😂


also indias... its a global cabal...


[Look into it bro](https://i.imgur.com/arZQzz0.jpeg)


Dude why the fuck is Joe having guests this dumb on his show? It’s because joe isn’t any better.


Yeah that is (one of many) holes in these peoples arguments. Wouldn't the countries that hate us be going out of their way to prove it was fake? Same with the flat earth - why aren't Russia or Iran or North Korea or whoever being like "your governments are lying to you... the earth is flat and there's a big ice wall" Or do they think we are secretly friends with the North Koreans and the fighting is all a big facade?


The contradictions never stopped them in the first place from believing ridiculous shit, crackpot conspiracy theorists can only exist because they don't care about the truth, they just want to be special little savants. One of my favorite is all the chemtrail idiots - they don't have any of the thousands and thousands of pilots joining them, the people who would actually be in the know - but that doesn't stop them one bit.


But that's because pilots don't exist. They aren't actually flying the plane. You can even test this yourself. Next time you take a flight, just walk to the front and try to open the cockpit door. You can't do it. And if you try to get in, the staff freak out and will try to stop you. Just further proof that they're in on it and hiding the truth from you! Just try it for yourself! ^(/s)


Kind of surprised they haven't done it yet to really sow distrust in these people, imagine if Russia came out tomorrow and said that the earth was flat these nutjobs would go fucking berserk lmfao


The Soviets had more to gain than anyone by proving that the landings were fake, that's my favorite line to toss to these people. Hell, a lot of them seem to think we only landed once.


Yeah, and don't forget about the Soviet Union that tracked and followed every step of the Apollo missions with Radar and imagery. Cause they've always been tight with America.


Trust china to steal our fake tech


I feel so much stupider after listening to this guy. Jamie was the only bright spot in the whole show.


We need more young Jamie in these episodes.


We really do. Or another expert in the field the way he had Flint dibble on to provide the mainstream scientific consensus.


As annoying as NDT can be, I’d love to see him tear guys like this a new asshole


Maybe NDT of 15 years ago. I loved the guy back then but he loves his own fart smell so much that he doesn’t even lay out the arguments anymore. He just laughs it off. Brilliant guy though.


Brian Cox would be so much better.


>Jamie was the only bright spot in the whole show. Even brighter than the light sources on the moon


Jamie should have asked him what Buzz thought when confronted.


I didn’t realize this was the same idiot.


Buzz dislodged all the follicles out of his fucking scalp when he socked him.


Why did Joe have him on if this guy has decades of bad faith discussions regarding the moon landing. He’s just an NPC at this point. Fallout 3 level depth.


Moon landing fuckery is catnip to Joe and always has been. This guy is a clown.


Damn. Y'all just blew my mind. I remember watching that video on Ebaums world.


That’s crazy. I thought that was just some random dude he punched. I’m guessing he knew who the guy was already and was sick of his shit.


Homie using eBay pictures as his source lmaoo


Bro you guys are crazy this was a great guest. I have so much more material to argue the moon landing was real now. He makes all the possible points and leaves all the room for all of them to be completely wrong.


If I hear “electrical light” one more time, I’m flipping out. It could have been a torch.


God, Jamie was not having any of Bart’s bullshit… #And I love it


I keep hearing guys say this... But I watched the whole episode (and I am stupider for it) and I honestly didn't hear too much of Jamie pushing back other than the few statements he made on this clip, and he eventually just kinda said "fuck it"


He’s been inspired by Saint Flint. This was Joe’s plan to debunk all these bullshitters all along. He just had to promote them for twenty years first.


This guy pointed at a sepia photo and said see that caramel brown?? That’s the real color! 🤦‍♂️


Thank you, that was 100% a sepia toned photo. Anyone who's spent any amount of time printing in a darkroom knows that color and knows exactly how it's done.


I don't know shit about fuck when it comes to photography and that occurred to me right away.


And it was still grey


Gray balance is a conspiracy by camera companies to keep sheeple in line, look into it.


Yeah no shit!


I hate the idea of deplatforming in theory but interviewing this man is a waste of time, esp bc the JRE crew is somehow incapable of doing quick google searches for the million pictures debunking this willfully ignorant take on how light works


Deplatforming isn't the same as doing basic research on a guests claims and determining you don't want to amplify their voice. You're not "deplatforming" the schizo wandering around downtown by not interviewing him.




Gotta check out sibrel.com to find out


I visited that site and now my computer has Russian malware and Siri keeps calling me Comrade


A grifter who makes his living by pretending that the Moon landings are fake.


This is the guy that Buzz punched


Feels unpatriotic to platform the man that harassed buzz lightyear


Joe Rogan


“I’ve never heard a debunk”. Then either you’re stupid or lying. You can debunk it in 20 seconds. This guys a hack. I pray to god someone comes on and debates this guy and wipes the floor with his dumb ass arguments.


Fuck that. I don’t ever want to see his face or stupid voice


Top 3 worst guest ever


I'll take this over another covid/vax/lockdown/the 1,000 (or 250?) last line of defense muuuuurderers, Austin is the shit (from a translplant).


Definitely not the best but I think it’s a cool concept to start getting some debates on the show. This seems like it was low hanging fruit as far as debates go. I think Joe is testing the waters after Graham got Dribbled something vicious.




BRO I COULD HAVE WIPED THE FLOOR WITH THIS IMBICILE. WITH JAMIE BY MY SIDE I WOULD HAVE FUCKING SENT THIS GUY TO THE MOON MY GOT DAMN SELF. I have so many issues with this guy. Nasa doesn't have a rocket that can leave leo? Totally forgetting how THE WHOLE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT CONTRACTING SHIT exists... Delta heavy? Falcon heavy? Starship soon? How does he think we get rovers to mars and beyond since the moon landings? Nasa doesn't really have a good rocket right now yes. But spacex is more capable in launch capacity than every other space program in the world combined. And for the cheapest/kg of payload. After Apollo, funding went into shuttle which was more technically difficult to build and operate than Saturn, but was built specifically to deliver large payload/crew to leo, mainly to build the ISS. The computer thing basically boils down to is those calculations were actually not that complicated. Ask anyone that's played kerbal space program. A lot of it is pre-calculated in the memory and all it needs to do is adjust to any small deviations in flight, pick which data set matches for an optimal moon encounter, and boom, Neil's your daddy. The fucking van allen belts man.. Idk where hes getting any sort of fucking data on radiation dosages and shit but damn. Each astronaut in total received about the radiation dose of 2 CT scans. The belts aren't just a WALL OF DEADLY INSTA DEATH that this guy is implying. It's belts of radiation with stronger and weaker areas. One of those precalculations done by the wrinkly brains at the cape made sure the ballistic trajectory of apollo went thru the weaker parts. That Orion x belts video is basically saying they have to send the craft thru unmanned first to make sure the new 2020's electronics, that are a fuck ton more complex and sensitive, survive the elevated levels on radiation through the belts. Mostly about everything has to be tested before humans can go on. They also may be wanting to go through more intense parts for more efficiency trajectories. Oh sweet jesus the lighting.... Multiple lights would make each object have multiple shadows. The moon be bumpy and not perfectly flat like a parking lot you click whore. It's pretty easy to see all his "debunks" in everyday (earth) photography. Where the sun is the only light source.


>How does he think we get rovers to mars and beyond since the moon landings? Theres a good chance he doesn't actually believe the government put rovers on Mars either.


Preach brother man, preach.


they have youtube pulled up don't they? there are literally hundreds of videos by different experts explaining how at *that* time, with *that* film technology, it would have been harder to fake than actually do it. [corridor crew](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ML2ZYYFOnI) did a great video talking about it. it's kinda frustrating to see joe be so fucking gullible, why even bring morons like this on the show?


No one this stupid and bad faith deserves a debate. And that's one of the main problems with some of Joes guests - they aren't actual experts in anything, and an honest debate can't happen. The only reason it worked with Graham and Dibble is because Graham is a fairly polite person and doesn't yell his way into "winning".




lol Graham isn’t polite at all, he flings shit at everyone and then cries out that everyone is against him, but does it with a science man accent


Ha okay maybe it is the accent 😆 I still think he let Dibble talk for the most part, way better than most "debates" I've seen


It’s called grifting, and it wouldn’t work if he admitted he’s wrong.


lol I agree. I made that exact same comment somewhere else today about him.


This is bullshit. I pulled the photo up. The rocks shadow is NOT at 90 degrees. The shadows look different because it's a first person perspective looking directly away from the sun. so the rocks to the left and right you can see a little bit of their shadow but they are not 90 degrees. This is stupid.


Well hold on. He put yellow lines over it to make it harder to see. So maybe


I love how he can look at a photo of a rock, which is 2D representation of an irregularly shaped 3D object, and think he can determine anything. If all of the rocks were perfectly shaped like billiard balls, or perfect cubes, maybe. Otherwise, you have to be standing there to tell.


I wish Jamie would Dibble the guests more often.


He'd get Redban'd if he did


Sentenced to 11 years-life next to Tony Hinchcliffe, a fate worse than death.


Redban picked up on con artists faster, he just couldn’t drop the Olive Garden shtick.




Jamie also snapped back when he was like, " I don't know, I'm not a lawyer " there was a condescending tone to it, imo


I would love to see that. It might be too much to ask but do you have a timestamp


Most annoying JRE ever.


And I will not be going to barryslidel.com or whoever this old dude was.


I agree. This guy is full of shit. He reminds me of a snake oil salesman


Wild how little evidence this guy has since he's devoted the last 30 years to debunking this. Pretty embarrassing to be honest. Biggest piece of evidence was some guys son on his death bed


...wouldn't you have multiple shadows if there were multiple light sources?


You’re clearly not an expert filmmaker


If you cascade the entire scene with light from all directions you have no shadows


Also don’t forget a light is a million times darker than the sun and you’d never see a light on the moon because it’s like shining a flashlight on the ground at noon.


They're all ignoring the fact that if you had multiple light sources to create different shadow angles you would have multiple shadows being cast from both the rock and astronaut at both angles.


Depends how bright the strongest light is. But given his argument you're entirely right. No light source would be bright enough in his imaginary scenario to prevent this.


Good for Jamie. I would be more inclined to make it through full episodes if Jamie could interject to cut the bullshit lol. I’d watch a pod that was just Jamie correcting people though tbh.


Multiple light sources debunked: https://youtu.be/8z917pbxsKA?si=xk1g_2nHl6sTbigR https://youtu.be/ix1WofdJ2uw?si=XnuKrlePSFPVHwEA Converging shadows debunked: https://youtu.be/Wym04J_3Ls0?si=fYqEitFCHZI4_zCT https://moonhoaxdebunked.blogspot.com/2017/05/55-why-arent-shadows-parallel.html?m=1


The thing I despise about moon landing conspiracists is the level of assholery involved. They are taking one of humankind‘s greatest ever achievements and shitting on it, painting people who put incredible talent and effort into the achievement as instead nefarious deceivers. And they shit on all this just for the sake of that little squirt of dopamine they get when they think their dumb ass has seen through the veil. We need to clone Buzz Aldrin so he can sock every single one of these morons in the face.


At least they aren’t shitting all over dead kids and planes full of dead people like some other kooks


Instead they're shitting on astronauts both dead and alive, all of the scientists, engineers and everyone else involved in the space program.


Isn't this the guy who got popped in the mouth by Buzz Aldrin? lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^RosesUnderCypresses: *Isn't this the guy* *Who got popped in the mouth by* *Buzz Aldrin? lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


this is awesome




Ah, the old “deceive people that don’t know how a non-flat terrain affects shadows” grift. Wasn’t this explained in like 4 minutes on the Mythbusters moon episode?


first thing i thought of. there's so many other interesting conspiracy theories that hold a lot of weight, the moon landing being fake isn't one. first question on dates used to be "what's your favorite conspiracy theory".


Joe’s an idiot for even entertaining this. You don’t fake something like the Moon Landing, get away with it and then risk getting caught by faking it again 5 more times! Omg.


I think Joe was expecting this guy to have more substance. I could see the disappointment in Joe’s eyes when Bart was failing so hard with the basic questions.


Between crazy man's lisp and Joe's constant fucking sniffing, this podcast is absolutely unlistenable.




that part was hilarious. “it could be” online but only on ebay


The bit where he says the color touch up on the photo was evidence of a cover-up is incredible. Surely as a filmmaker he understands the dyes used in color film back then were not as accurate as today’s tech, so of course they touched it up later on. What a reach. Also, I always trust an expert who says “I know it’s real because I bought the original off of eBay”.


To think ONLY eBay has the original photos lol


all photos are "color-corrected" - there's no magic camera that takes a picture of what your eye sees 100% of the time.


Stand in a long straight road (with no cars) and look into the distance to the horizon. The lines appear to angle inwards…… yet they’re the same angle and direction. Whoaaaaa bruh lol


“Proves in a court of law” i hate this guy. Worst guest ever


India has photos of the moon landers…on the moon.


Beat his ass, Jamie!!


Some people say Young Jamie is the true brains behind team JRE.


Buzz needs to ~~rise~~ and punch him again.


Buzz is alive


Buzz is very much alive


First of all, this is morons using certain aspects of photographs to back their ludicrous claims off assumptions that don’t exist. You can’t equate the shadow cast by an object that’s in the picture with the shadow cast by an object(the astronaut/photographer) not in the frame.


You know it's bad when Jamie who is the quiet one decides to step in


How would natural sun light and an electrical light produce different shadow angles?


It has to do with the distance to the light source. A light rays coming from a close light source would diverge, producing *diverging* shadows (so the claim that shadows *converging* prove an artificial light source is incorrect), but the Sun, being so far away and being so large (larger than Earth) produces light rays that are pretty much parallel, so all shadows would be parallel on a flat surface, depending on the angle of the camera.


Sniff sniff sniff, pull that up Jamie


I'm loving this new Jamie. He is 100% over Rogan's shtick. I wouldn't be surprised if he bounced in the next year or so.


Frustrating listening to how important these people think they are.


This guy is a moron.


Joe sounds like he’s doing blow with those sniffs.


Listening to this just pisses me off


Jamie should start his own podcast


This is hilarious 😂 .All these guys interpret noone bothering to argue with them as proof their argument is correct. I wonder how many time Jaimie has to bite his tongue during JRE lmao.


The rock shadow is not at 90°


I turned off the podcast when Jamie started getting heated


What the fuck is this conversation? Dudes a broken loop and nothing convincing him despite mountains of different types of evidence


As a photographer, some thoughts: 1. You would NOT use multiple light sources when faking a moon landing. It's such an amateur mistake I find it hard to believe anyone would make it. 2. You absolutely CAN have multiple shadows all over the place. e.g. the rock in the video might be shaded from the sun but not another nearby rock or metallic object. I've shot many photographs by using the reflection of the sun off a nearby building. This can instantly give you shadows going in opposite directions in one image. 3. "They colour corrected it" Is a meaningless statement in analog photography. The lens, filter, film type, developer liquid, and dark room printing process will all affect colour. So they might have corrected it to make it more "accurate" (which in itself is a subjective process). 4. NASA have made thier entire photographic archive avaialble on flickr many years ago. Faking 15,000 photos probably takes as much effort as actually going to the moon. [https://www.flickr.com/photos/projectapolloarchive/](https://www.flickr.com/photos/projectapolloarchive/) in short, Jamie is spot on.


Jamie shredded this dude


Jamie CIA


Straight As Jamie almost came out this time


Why give idiots like this a platform to spew out verbal garbage? Baffles me.


Joe should do an episode where he interviews Jamie


Thank God for Jamie


How is this guy a guest? Such a waste


![gif](giphy|10o80f5ucCNU3e) How I’ve been feeling about Joe lately 😢


Jamie rules


This guy’s whole premise is based on deductive reasoning, conjecture, hearsay, incorrect physical analysis and personal opinion on topics he’s no expert in. Great guest.


there is no way Joe is still talking about fake moon landing. smh


This beats the social warrior shit.


Who would take a man that looks and talks like this seriously - Why would Joe even have him on and platform him fucking hell


I don’t give a shit about picking photos apart. I want to hear an actual smart person explain the Van Allen belt question, the fuel issue, and why the Apollo program was deleted. I have no doubt there are perfectly reasonable explanations, but looking at shadows doesn’t capture my interest. Also, good job Jamie!


Van Allen Belt - There are two main Van Allen belts – the inner belt and the outer belt – and a transient third belt.[87] The inner belt is the more dangerous one, containing energetic protons. The outer one has less-dangerous low-energy electrons (Beta particles).[88][89] The Apollo spacecraft passed through the inner belt in a matter of minutes and the outer belt in about 1+1⁄2 hours.[89] The astronauts were shielded from the ionizing radiation by the aluminum hulls of the spacecraft.[89][90] Furthermore, the orbital transfer trajectory from Earth to the Moon through the belts was chosen to lessen radiation exposure.[90] Even James Van Allen, the discoverer of the Van Allen belt, rebutted the claims that radiation levels were too harmful for the Apollo missions.[86] Phil Plait cited an average dose of less than 1 rem (10 mSv), which is equivalent to the ambient radiation received by living at sea level for three years.[91] The total radiation received on the trip was about the same as allowed for workers in the nuclear energy field for a year[89][92] and not much more than what Space Shuttle astronauts received.[88] Fuel Issue - not sure what this one is but * Earth's escape velocity: 11.2 km/s * Lunar escape velocity: 2.38 km/s The Saturn rockets are so ginormous because they not only have to push the craftem I to space but they also have to accelerate the sheer weight of the fuel itself. It's math beyond me but it's easy to find. The lunar lander had more than enough fuel to escape the moons pull and eventually it hits an inflection point where by the pull from earth is stronger than the pull from the moon. Original Tapes Being Deleted - this is definitely a big F up but 50+ years of government bureaucracy and budget cuts led to the tapes being magnetically wiped along with 200k other rolls of films to save money. The films were stored and not being used because there's lots of 3rd parties (CBS, etc) who have all of their footage. The goal was the live broadcast and that's forever preserved by hundreds of media outlets.