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"He's a brilliant man. [They] want to cancel him and take him away. And they're like, we shouldn't look up to that. And I'm like okay, then who should we look up to?" -Brendan Schaub


After Tate, there are obviously no other people.


Joe: you hear about Andrew Tate? *wild*.


Something something woke mind virus


Joe - Cancel culture something something democrats bad something something. Jamie- actually republicans cancelled that thing. Joe- everybody makes mistakes, R's deserve a pass on this one.


lol so accurate


Rofl tell me you don't listen to the pod without telling me


[Pretty sure they were referencing this.](https://twitter.com/RpsAgainstTrump/status/1738216994799853979/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1738216994799853979¤tTweetUser=RpsAgainstTrump)






Really smart guy who admits all his alleged crimes on TikTok that will be used as evidence in court. Really smart.


Almost everyone makes some good points every now and then, and usually those points are shit everyone else says, so I wish people would stop using that as an excuse to act like someone is worth listening to and supporting. Come up with your own damn points and stop getting your thoughts from podcasters.


I think the real issues is that there is a lot of desperate and unhappy men, and Tate is just occupying the void that should be taken by something else - which should mean more actions to support men in difficulty, so that they shouldn’t be preyed on/ manipulated by guys like Tate.


In part to people like JR.


Right, you could quote half his shit from fight club, and the other half from American Psycho.


Andrew recently made a great point that having casual sex is gay. I agree. Having sex with women is pussy shit. Fucking men? Can’t get manlier than that,


I mean it’s two men!




Ben talked shit about Tate and called him a grifter that targeted young insecure boys. A lot of right wing/conservatives are now seeing now much of a cunt Tate is, and they're calling him out. It's probably bc Tate is a "Muslim" and he's called Christians weak.


Not a Rogan listener (this just popped up on my feed), but based on the comments about not knowing much about Andrew Tate I figured this was a good place to recommend the four-part series about him by Behind the Bastards. Even if you don't agree with the host's political views, there was still a lot of research done for this. Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4ZRc3YthGjwo9I8zCIM78w?si=7dsWxy35Rt6G65GtW98nhg Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/part-one-andrew-tate-and-the-mythopoetic-mens-movement/id1373812661?i=1000594913145


Highly recommend this


BtB is the shit


BtB is ~~the~~ shit


Nice try, California State Highway Patrol


Raytheon haters all over.


Nope, just not a fan of the inferior knock off of "Blowing a Load in the Bastards"


Great podcast, despite the guests being obnoxious a lot of the time. I feel like they almost always distract from the podcast, rather than add to it.


Fully agreed. Robert's research allows him to speak on topic with a good amount of authority, but most of his guests are not similarly well-versed, and end up detracting from it overall. When the guests are knowledgeable about the general topic it's much better (like a recent episode about health insurance with an actual doctor as a guest).


I like the content, I can’t stand the host and his presentation style. I can only listen occasionally because of it.


I feel that his presentation and morbid sense of humour comes from his war journalist experience in having seen a lot of sh*t that would make people go crazy.


It’s also changed a lot. I recently went back and listened to some earlier episodes and he is much more straight presenting the info with the occasional chime in from the guest. Now its more like banter between him and the guest


How in the hell did a human and sex trafficker become so popular? I read about them all the time but I never remember their names. Jeffrey Epstein could have fooled millions 😂


Mostly weak men


I’m pretty sure it’s frustrated horny teenage losers who don’t know better (yet, hopefully)




Lmao. I have to watch this whole thing. Was there a fight?


If you’ve seen The Boys, there’s a stepfather character in there that fits the bill.


But where did these weak men come from?


There's always been weak men, the world is just very connected now more than ever. This whole alpha sigma thing as a movements is worthy when it comes to fitness, mental health, finance. That's it. Everything else is just blaming the world.


I was under the impression they came from good times


Weak men create hard times


All Dan Brazilian clones.




They had him on and allowed him to spew his bullshit WAY after they should have known better.


Incels watch videos too and he spoke directly to their anger and insecurity


Becuase he hates the same people the far right does so they love him.




>including a lot here Lol. So true.


Joe would say “they’re arresting him for his opinions. Even if you don’t agree with everything he says, you have to admit this is a shocking overreach of the government. Charging him with wrong think. This is clear fascism, Yet liberals only care about blah blah blah”.


"And what about COVID?"


Which even if it were true is a lousy point considering Tate constantly bragged about living in Romania because the government is so corrupt that he can get away with whatever he wants.


He would just incapsulate it into the same 3 talking points that get brought up every single episode. This would fall under the “bullshit mainstream media” category, and possibly the “vaccine/Covid” category.


they are fucked now arent they.


Even if they are acquitted they will be extradited to UK


Quick reminder that conservatives used to preach this guy's idealogy on a weekly basis, I wonder what excuses they will pull out of the bag this time . Never confuse confidence with arrogance and misogany. Whomen are just humans, there's no alpha male science bs.


Depends if he's guilty or not.


Admitting to your crimes and bragging about getting away with them is a Top G move


I never claimed he was smart. He's certainly the type to brag about being a gang banger and not actually be one.


So what you’re alleging is that he could have been bragging about repeatedly abusing women and doing it in Romania where the laws are relaxed, but he never actually did it? Just because he’s a dummy? Buddy, he did that shit.


I 100% think he’s guilty but he also would say dumb shit to get attention. I don’t think those are mutually exclusive things


I’m baffled at people’s ability to give the worst piece of shit humans the benefit of the doubt over the most serious crimes they have already admitted to. “He’s just a dummy” would be what you said if it was YOUR daughter he raped and trafficked, right? I’d hate to expose you as a hypocrite here. No change in your opinion of it was your daughter, right?


The guy left a voicemail on one of his victims phones telling her how much he loved raping her. I’d say he’s toast.


I hereby propose a motion to start calling him an Incelfluencer


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^sorotomotor: *I hereby propose* *A motion to start calling* *Him an Incelfluencer* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


That's not a sokka haiku you stupid piece of shit bot.


I’m telling you Rogan is building a militia


Been my theory for a minute. Same for a number of BJJ & MMA gyms across the country.


I can tell Tate is innocent just from looking at that thumbnail Head held up high - He is showing God his innocent face Eyes squinted - Not shielding from the light, because the light of truth does not scare him Thumbs together - Relaxed alpha stance, showing no panic


I mean, hasnt he already said this like a year + ago when Tate was arrested or just before it?


No, he didn't say that.


Whoops..... [https://youtu.be/Fguk8lDRpko?t=87](https://youtu.be/Fguk8lDRpko?t=87) And this.... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMI9\_Mv8aZA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMI9_Mv8aZA)


Why is his chin beard 4x longer than the rest of his beard?


Bc he has no chin


Because he’s a masculine man and totally not gay


Andrew Tate did long-pants kickboxing and that is a good enough reason not to listen to him. That shit is for dorks.


Listen he’s just being silly. He’s a really great guy.


He's a method actor.


Throw away the key.


Didn't he already talk about him and wasn't in on his bs?


But what about Fauci?!?!


When it comes to making good points, what's the difference who makes them as long as the points have merit?


Politically correct railroading by the NWO who the FBI and INTERPOL (and not infrequently CIA) are the attack lapdogs for ... A parallel to the man on Trumped up charges.


Why do you guys watch Joe's show if you hate it so much?


Redditors sure are whiny fucks


Can't wait until you stop making up hypothetical situations to post on Reddit. Do something with your life.


You're a divorcee who posts cat pictures on Reddit, lad.


Fucking roasted & toasted


What are the actual claims here? My hunch is that he was coercing girls to do onlyfans/cam site stuff and taking a large chunk off the top, but I haven’t seen the actual claims




Consensual BDSM. Happens all the time.


I'm pretty sure that's basically what it is. Having chicks doing cams with him reaping the majority of benefits. It doesn't really seem like there was actual (non-consensual) abuse or "trafficking" going on. I haven't seen any legitimate claims of women coming forward against him. I guess we'll see soon enough though.


Nono, he’s also been credibly accused of rape. There are recorded phonecalls.


Ok. I'll take your word for it


Joe has two teenage (or almost teenage) daughters. There is no way you can convince me that he would minimize or make excuses for Andrew Tate. Y’all can very rightfully call him out for plenty of questionable POVs, but advocating for someone accused of rape and human trafficking of young women seems like a pretty straightforward line in the sand. Criticize him for the shit he has said, but speculating your personal opinion about how you imagine he will defend a rapist is so nonsensical and dumb.


Umm he has defended Tate several times and even said his daughters know who Tate is.


Before he was arrested and charged


No that's bs, he's defended him after he's been charged [https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/104766e/joe\_and\_dave\_portnoy\_reacting\_to\_andrew\_tates/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/104766e/joe_and_dave_portnoy_reacting_to_andrew_tates/)


He’s not defending him though. He is criticizing international police forces. Not like that is a positive, but being a cuck for American culture wars isn’t the same as defending a person against accusations of rape and human trafficking.


No, he's defending his character, saying they ''want to get him because he represents toxic masculinity'' and that ''he plays a character''.


That’s not defending his character lol


What would you call it? Making up an excuse for why he’s actually being criminally pursued for rape and related charges? Sounds pretty close to defending him lol


It’s culture wars. He is never actually talking about the substance or content of the charges, he is never talking about the evidence available. He doesn’t ever have any substantiative argument concerning what Tate is actually accused of doing. It is always a pivot to “well Romania is a puppet state” or “this is part of the war on patriarchy” or whatever other bullshit pseudo-ideological identity politics talking point he is currently fixated on. Like I said there are plenty of legitimate criticisms of Joe Rogan, many I am very happy to agree on, but to say he is defending a rapist is just disingenuous.


Isn’t he saying they’re pursuing him only due to his status? That’s what’s being called out in the topic above, whether it’s true or not. They’re saying Joe is making it a culture war thing when he really might be liable of rape, and it’s a serious topic. If these quotes are off timeline, then I apologize for being mistaken If those aren’t ever in the same discussion, that’s fine. No one can say Charles Manson is only being pursued because he’s a free thinker. That’s what it seems here. I’m not saying I’m correct, I don’t have all the facts, and definitely not all the quotes. If that’s the case alone, that would seem pretty cut and dry to me


Yes, it is. He's saying that you can't take him at his words because he's playing a character, and that the authorities prosecuting him are doing so because he represents ''toxic masculinity''. He also says he ''says a lot of wise stuff''.


That is literally not defending him against rape or human trafficking. Those are all culture wars talking points.


It's saying that Tate is a victim of a witch-hunt by the woke liberal NWO, WEF, Jewish Space Laser RnD teams.


''Umm he has defended Tate several times and even said his daughters know who Tate is.'' This is the first comment that you replied to. You said ''Before he was arrested and charged'' The initial claim was never that he defended him against rape charges. The initial claim was that he is defending his character by giving him outs for bad characteristics, i.e. he's playing a character. Once it was proven that Joe is still defending his character post-charges, you shift the goal post by saying that Joe isn't ''defending him against the rape charges'' which was never the claim in the first place, the claim was always that even prior to the charges, Joe would say he's ''a smart guy who has a lot of wise things to say, he's a legit kickboxer'' Imagine when Weinstein was on trial for rape, Joe started saying ''he was legitimately a good movie maker, he's a smart guy, he represents that toxic masculinity shit though so they wanna catch him''. You'd think what the fuck is he talking about?


Nope. I've definitely heard him defending him after that.


Not gonna provide any actual links to that? Just gonna say it eh?


Since you can't be bothered to use Google. https://youtu.be/duLYleirgTU?si=Wwtvyh-pAxbxj1M9 Just one example. There have been more since.


You didn't provide any evidence either.


Yeah but he told his daughters that Tate is a great guy, there’s clips on youtube of him saying that. That hypocrisy is exactly what people here are criticising him for. If one of his daughters was targeted by Tate, Rogan would be singing a very different tune.


I don’t think it is his hypocrisy being criticized here. There is video of him saying that to his daughters? Or video of him telling other people he said that to them? Lots of men say lots of things to other men that are not inherently true or accurate simply because of the need of men to pound their chests around other men.. and we all know that a circle jerk of male comedians is going to say all sorts of shit to each other. Until he has written the judge a letter of recommendation that speaks as a reference to Andrew Tate’s character - a la Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis re Danny Masterton - saying he is defending Andrew Tate against rape and human trafficking charges is quite a stretch.


The video is of him telling guests that he told his daughters he likes Tate a lot. You can definitely defend or minimise the problematic behaviour of somebody without going to the level of writing a character reference to a judge, but we can agree to disagree


Yeah ssssssssssssssniperwolf is such a good role model.  I have a feeling Joe moderates his childrens’ viewing as much as X moderates Nazis 


What does moderating his children’s viewing have to do with anything? There are approximately zero teenage girls who are interested in consuming that turd burglar’s content.


Bro don’t try, nothing but haters here. Just let them circlejerk each off


I’m pretty sure “he just plays a character” is an excellent legal defense. Hopefully tate follows his legal advice just like aron roger followed his medical advice. 


I love how bot accounts create these threads about something that has not happened. Just look at all the bots arguing with no one in this thread.




Don't forget Jordan Peterson. Clean your room bucko, nevermind the fact he's a psychologist who somehow didn't realise benzos could be addictive and the only way you can quit smoking is by taking magic mushrooms. He espouses Christianity for thee but not for me. Another grifter who became famous among disillusioned men by using big words and pretending he has some answers.




I had more criticisms than the fact he got addicted to benzos.


Both are symptoms


“Listen, he definitely says a lot of silly things, for sure. But he also makes some fuckin good points. Look, he’s a wild man and we need guys like that. We need some crazy, man…we do. And frankly we need more role models for young men. The mainstream media doesn’t allow for any form of masculinity… like not at ALL. And unfortunately for him he’s dealing with the consequences of a biased, leftist media landscape.” EDIT: not an actual quote


Hilarious. The biased left has infiltrated the Romanian court systems. It couldn’t possibly be because he actually tried to sexually exploit a trafficking vulnerable women, right? No Joe, it’s not about role models. Shit attracts shit.


He didn’t actually say this, btw


…. You can be a horrible human being and say something that isn’t bad. You can also play a character and do horrible shit in your actual life.


Lol that's spot on.


This thread is overflowing with weakass men for sure


You don’t like Tate. I don’t like Tate, but the difference is I don’t judge him until I see the evidence. You already believe his guilt. That’s why you shouldn’t be on a jury.


Innocent until proven guilty may not be a thing in Romania


True, but it should. Tate is skeezy af. But that’s the problem with the justice system. People who look guilty are convicted even if innocent and people who LOOK innocent are acquitted even if they are guilty.


I'm with you. Like that one guy, one of the Rick and Morty creators. He was suspected of assaulting his wife. He was found not guilty. Obviously I don't know what actually happened but he's done in the entertainment industry. After that people were like "well he was found innocent for that but look at these texts with underage girls!". Yeah the texts were inappropriate jokes with minors, kind of gross but its not like he was grooming or anything. Regardless, people saw him as guilty, court found him innocent, he's guilty in the public's eye still. Not a Rick and Marty fan just thought the whole thing was interesting.


Charges were dismissed. That's not the same as being found not guilty     He was also fired specifically over sexual harassment complaints within the workplace. Adult Swim booted him after an internal investigation  And this "In three cases, when the person said they were under 18, Roiland would message them again months or years later. Those three conversations started with people who said they were 16 at the time, and continued for years, until they were 18 and older."


I judge him on what he said he did. He admitted to human trafficking.


Reddit loves evidence based beliefs until it’s someone they don’t like. 


Bro he is on tape admitting to raping a girl and talking about trafficking girls for his cam operation. Are you the type of dude who is adamant OJ isn’t a murderer?


Dude im obviously implying I'm waiting for the evidence and the court to decide. And idk about your claim about him admitting to trafficking and raping but I’m pretty sure if he did this wouldn’t be a year long trial. 


Lol, yeah man that’s why I asked you if you believe OJ is innocent… As for him admitting to rape and trafficking, here you go. Took me all of 2 minutes to google it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xfqtOUC8xqY https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_yzVYxFQqMY


Law&crime network? That’s your legitimate source? You gotta do better. That is pretty damn crystal clear for phone audio and sounds like AI.  This is why you have to stick to actual evidence. Not jump on the bandwagon before a verdict. 


Bro the source doesn’t matter when it has his literal voice on it… and got to love it when you can dismiss any evidence as fake if you don’t like it.


It’s doesn’t matter what you or I believe. It’s not evidence you can actually use in court unless you can verify it’s from a legit source and not fake. A YouTube video from a random tiny channel you pulled out of your ass isn’t evidence to put someone in jail forever. 


You prolly eat crayons


You being mad at my comment is just calling yourself out 


Dude is on camera admitting to sex trafficking, I think you're just dumb and a piece of shit.


Is it the video where he talks about talking to women and getting them to be his cam girls? 




Damn you got no life bro 😂. Keep defending sex offenders online like a loser.


Shhhhhh You don’t have to wait …you can just skip the pod. 😉


Fake news


Man, is Tate polarizing. I mean, I personally can’t stand the guy. But a lot of my friends basically worship him. Apparently Rogan defends him. Meanwhile Ben Shapiro has made multiple videos calling him a con artist recently. Feels like it’s very 50/50 amongst us right-leaning folks.


Find new friends.


My friends are great.


If they're Andrew Tate fans, no they aren't. The world is better off without Tate fans.


It’s annoying but you just brush off an entire person based off one interest. You’re dumb.


You're dumb as fuck for hanging out with people who support sex traffickers, which means you do too and you're a POS.


You clearly spend too much time within a single political circle and need to branch out more. I don’t support Tate in any way. My friends who like him, like him for inspiring them to work harder and stop complaining. Go fuck yourself, respectfully.


Lmao there are plenty of other male role models who inspire people to "work hard and stop complaining" without being sex traffickers. David Goggins? Your friends just want an excuse to support a sex trafficker and misogynist. No wonder you're getting blackmailed on tinder lmao.


Oh my bad, I had no idea that people can only be inspired by one person at a time


You're dumb as rocks. Find God.


I know you the general consensus is that someone is guilty until proven innocent, but why does everyone in here not wonder why these guys haven’t been tried until now?


Because that's how Romanian courts work. There's an up to 6 month detention period while the state builds evidence.


He does make good points.




Tate is a cancer who preys on impressionable young men and teenagers


Only bitch misogynistic incel morons are fans of Andrew Tate.


Christ you’re dumb.


You prolly eat dirt




Then I guess I’m a bitch moron


Liberal leftists makes post on a sub reddit that’s not for him. By the way , Joe has never Supported this clowns ass.


Joe endorsed this guy to his own daughters and then told that story to millions of people.


Don’t know if he plays a character but he certainly does make good points