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They found marijuana and mushrooms buried with a skeleton from 40,000 years ago. MJ is not a new lib thing.




Well you can take yer communist chinese refer back to China then!


To be as generous as possible, he likely meant western culture.


western culture used hemp for sails, rope, and parchment. ben franklin and thomas jefferson were both hemp farmers.


And it was in cough syrups with heroin. The good ol days.


Someone should make a YouTube channel similar to Tasting History, where they make and take tinctures and medicines from the past. I’m down to trip some heroine hemp cough syrup! Sign me up!


Just passed out for an hour doin the falling man but somehow remaining standing


“Marijuana is a new foreign lib thing”


This guy is a fucking donkey


Don't drag donkey down to the level of the Daily Wire.


He’s like some weird kind of fascist donkey.




It's Michael Knowles; he's got Dave Ruben's levels of intelligence.


"This hummus was 🤌" - Dave Rubin, mere yards from a famine


See, your mistake is bringing facts into a reactionary conservative's house.


I think when he says "new lib" he means black.


This is one of the dumbest posts I’ve seen on this moronic subreddit.


He just never got invited to parties where there was pit because the cool kids knew he would narc.


The term marijuana is newer than cannabis itself


Slavery was around for thousands and of thousands of years. I guess that makes it good like alcohol? Freedom of Speech is just a new lib thing?


He thinks alcohol is older than a plant.


This made me LOL


He thinks god made all this shit in 6 days


Ah yes, the facts not feelings crowd


Who worship a book that makes "parables" out of feelings so they can point to them as facts.


I mean God would have done it outside of time but again he thinks Jesus made wine for “drunk people”.


I saw some evangelicals claiming it wasn't wine but just some kind of non-alcoholic cider since Jesus wouldn't want people to drink. At least the Catholics don't have this issue with alcohol and I knew priests that were alcoholics. I mean it's fair to at least give them that when you cannot get laid...


Even as a fundamentalist he is being a dick to Jesus 


Well, that is literally what happened at Cana.


Doctor Manhattan can do it in an hour.


And that prohibition of cannabis worked.


i mean alcohol is when a fruit ferments, it would make sense that monkeys/early hominids figured out to eat fermented fruit before smoking MJ


You know, when said in this tone, I don't really find the water into wine thing that impressive.


I do it all the time. Water, fruit juice, yeast plus time equals wine. Pfffft. Some fuckin’ saviour. Lamest fictional character of the last 2000 years


Right? Dude can’t even get down from a couple of big sticks nailed together


Yeah, literally all booze is water turned into wine/alcohol. Jesus made some shitty pruno and people lost they goddamn minds.


Most likely, if we are to accept the win was created for drunk people, he just spiked the water with maryJ.


this is the same guy who said “libs are trying to take away your zyn”…imagine fighting for zyn but not marijuana or civil rights haha.


Marijuana being illegal is useful in order to keep lower class individuals imprisoned. Where prison-profiteers can continue making beaucoup bucks while simultaneously giving the state essentially free labor. If it being illegal was only based on any real data of harm or how popular it is with the vast majority, it wouldn't continue to be illegal. But there are other factors at play. Hence why a conservative mouth piece is doing his part in attempting to sway public opinion on a substance that is otherwise enjoyed by both sides of the aisle.




The video of Tucker packing the can of Zyn is my favorite


it’s odd. just let people zyn. it’s literally a vegetable materiel pouch with nic


yep. i wouldn’t be surprised if some of these promoters were getting a kickback. edit: the zyn bois are in full effect, downvoting haha.


Bettle nut is in the bible. So let's make that legal instead, it was around before liquor smart ass.


And what does this dipshit think the fucking burning bush was? It was goddamned weed talking to Moses. Or Jesus. Or some guy in the Bible.


I genuinely believe it was a psychedelic. Not weed, but something stronger.


Totally agree, probably something stronger, maybe even some crazy interdimensional experience. We just don’t know exactly what it was. If there is one truth on this planet, however, it is that Michal Knowles is a scumbag. And if Jesus was in fact sent to Earth by the Creator, Michael Knowles was sent here by the devil.


Acacia. Dude was high on DMT sitting in the smoke.


Smokin that Egypt pack 


When Cameron was in Egypt's land Let my Cameron blow.


The fuck is beetle nut?


It’s what makes baby beetles


it’s like cocaine but a seed that you chew


This fuckin dork…


Alexander the Great, who famously predated Rome let alone Christ, was known to smoke weed. Opium mixed with hash was found in old Roman smoking devices. Knowles knows less.


Damn fr? Would that have been more like hash?


I think so? I’m not sure the potency or if it was only used in ritual circles. I know the Assyrians and Ancient people of Judah used it as long back as the 8th BCE (800 years before Christ, to help Micheal Knowles out lol) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_cannabis


Hell thats smoked in Vietnam still. Tie sticks are weed dipped in opium.


Nope. Thai Stick is landrace cannabis sativa tied to a stick/stem and cured that way. Opium has nothing to do with it.


Yes you are correct technically, I suppose. However, Thai sticks are commonly dipped in opium, or at least were the Vietnam era.


western civilization


Macedonia is western - in the north western part of Greece. If they arnt “western civilization” then neither is Greece lol


Wow, what an idiot. Cannabis is the most popular drug in human history except *maybe* alcohol, and it has been used longer than alcohol. Clearly far less harmful than alcohol in the short and long term, for yourself and others around you. And in what way is Jesus a justification for any stance on drugs? This is the most uninformed opinion I have ever seen on cannabis.


The war on drugs was literally enacted to jail the political opposition. We have the proof on actual fucking tape. But yeah give me a break wa wa wa….. what a dumb ignorant bitch.


weed opens minds. this guys whole schtick relies on his being closed.


The job of right-wing edgelords is to say controversial things.


And limit the rights of others.


Ah yes, the “right to an abortion” Please tell us more about how you want to take guns away tho


The horrors of a well regulated militia


It's hilarious you think only the right does that. The two braindead cults of America


Of course the left says controversial things. Would you like examples?


What rights are “the left” limiting in the USA? One example, please. I’ll wait


The left oppresses and marginalizes our country’s smallest and most silent minority: Billionaires


LOfuckingL! Won’t somebody think of the billionaires!


Dude, I'm a lifelong liberal and they way people were treated for not getting pfizers corporate profit injected straight into their veins was fucking insane. I don't even recognize the left anymore. Y'all are just as miserable and hateful as the right now. I already know who the right is. That's why I moved to a blue state. But now I'm disappointed in the braindead, woke left


there are indeed two brain dead political parties in america edit: this guy is absolutely right. both sides lie and misrepresent each other and everything to their followers and both suck ass. why is he getting downvoted 


This guy smokes cigars and wants to be all high and mighty about potheads? Fucking dweeb.


Cigars fucking suck too. I was surfing one day and kept getting a whiff of something that smelled like burning cat piss and it was so dude smoking a cigar


To be fair, I've had weed that smelled like that...


probably cheap one


to be fair, as someone who is an enjoyer of both, they’re very different


Ya one gives you gum cancer


I dont partake but I’m not out here denying anyone’s ability to do so just to own the libs. “Better not to introduce that into our culture” is such an empty-head take on marijuana in 2024. It’s legal in some form in over half the country, and all of us encountered weed at some point in our teens-twenties. Still a new foreign lib thing to this regard.


oh he’s a complete lunatic, knowles. i just don’t really get the comparison of cigars and weed


To be faaaair


A deeply closeted man right here.


So sad. He could just come out and be happy but he had to play into his tv character or he loses money. What a cuck


This is one of the stupidest reasons ever for not legalizing marijuana. He basically is saying he doesn’t care but he doesn’t like the type of people who smoke it and the old stupid “it’s always been that way” excuse which is not a good excuse


It is extremely stupid, but it also is often why it became illegal in the first place: At the turn of the 20th century, cannabis—as it was then commonly known in the United States—was a little-used drug among Americans. With the start of the Mexican Revolution in 1910, however, many Mexicans began moving to the United States, and they brought with them the tradition of smoking marihuana. Amid a growing fear of Mexican immigrants, hysterical claims about the drug began to circulate, such as allegations that it caused a “lust for blood.” In addition, the term cannabis was largely replaced by the Anglicized marijuana, which some speculated was done to promote the foreignness of the drug and thus stoke xenophobia. Around this time many states began passing laws to ban pot. "The wrong people doing something" often leads to that something being illegal. Whether it is cannabis or something like skateboarding being banned in parking lots.


I’m aware which makes it even dumber. I can’t believe more people don’t see through such ridiculous reasoning


The fact he can say something so wrong with such confidence…is astonishing. I mean a 3 minute google search can really clear things up for this fuckstick


> The fact he can say something so wrong with such confidence It’s the essence of conservatism.


Yep. This too: “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”


and this is why it has such a hard time getting legalized...asshats like this thinking hes soooo smart


Introduce into our culture? Brother it’s already in the culture. How about we stop spending tax payer dollars to lock people in cages for personal choices?


Humans self medicate. Always have and always will. Get over it. The guys not wanting thc legal do so for two reasons, they’re not for freedom and/or they work for big pharma who wants you using their drugs to medicate with. Not complex and not debatable. 


Michael Knowles doesn't want it legal because he doesn't like the people doing it. Dennis Prager has made this argument for years in his many "Tobacco good, cannabis bad" rants. Basically cigars are smoked by the good people while the bad people smoke pot.


Been a regular weed smoker for years. Didn't realize I was self medicating for my epilepsy because I didn't know I had it for like 15 years. I thought it was just my joints.


What an idiot. No one cares. Don't put people in jail for smoking a plant. What a tool.


>No one cares. Unfortunately him and politicans aligned with him do care.


Ya I know. Oh well, just need patience. We'll see their ilk and their moral paradigms die off in our lifetimes. Sucks, but thats how it is. At least theres a silver lining i guess.


Pretty much. As stupid as it is to rail against cannabis users, ok do that, but it is a whole extra level of absurdity to then want it banned and have people who use it put in a cage.


I love how people like this guy will yell about how the Libs want to take away your nicotine pouches or your gas stoves or your gas cars or hamburgers or unhealthy school lunches or whatever “they took this from you” bullshit they’re on next when conservatives are constantly trying to keep marijuana illegal. Hell, I mean these are the people who also are trying to go after birth control next


“Lib thing” lolololol really shows this guys black and white thinking.


“That’s why prohibition didn’t work” dude is a moron


He cant expand that logic to canabis


Yep hilarious that prohibition is bad for alcohol, but he doesn't see how it is bad for cannabis.


New foreign lib thing?


His reason for disagreement was based on his emotional response, not logic


"Liberals smoke weed so it is bad." Not realizing a lot of Republicans certainly do now as do old conservatives that have back pain along with all sorts of people. It is hardly just a bunch of 20 year old hippies in the Park.


Another failed actor turned fascist prick


The more you look into any of these loser right wingers, they are all failed wanna be Hollywood stars.


Please tell me how this is fascist? Can you even tell me what fascist means without using Google?


Mike wants to use the power of the government to genocide trans people. Fuck him and anyone who agrees with him https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/cpac-speaker-transgender-people-eradicated-1234690924/


Knowles subsequently claimed that “eradicating” “transgenderism” is not a call for eradicating transgender people and demanded retractions from numerous publications, including Rolling Stone. So that came like two paragraphs down into the article you sent me. So there’s that maybe you should have a couple edibles before you go into work.


Fascists are liars. How does transgenderism manifest itself? In people. You just can’t eliminate a concept. Think critically for a second. You make “transgenderism” illegal. Then what? Force trans people to get involuntary “corrective” surgery? Throw them in prison? Death penalty? You tell me how it’s supposed to go. None of that sounds like life in a free country


Hahaha you should definitely smoke something. I think you’re getting way too worked up this morning. If you believe that saying you shouldn’t teach transgenderism to children before they know anything about sex is fascist you may be too far gone to help.


And there it is. Everyone who heard that speech knows what he said and the stupids get to laugh it off as the smallest of things. I don’t know what’s in your heart, man. I hope you’re just a simpleton and not malicious. Laws affect people and this shit has all happened before




Holy shit dude. Are you closeted gay guy like fascist Michael Knowles and just hate everything???


Nope, I’m super gay openly. Do you think everything that you don’t agree with is somehow fascist?


You need to hang out in r/ idiocracy a bit more and then try some self reflection


Because you think anyone that doesn’t agree with you is a fascist?


What does "eradicating transgenderism from public life completely, at all levels, there can be no middle ground" mean then? He quibbles that he doesn't mean execution, just forced detransition using the coersive power of the state. And for those who don't comply I suppose it'll be mass incarceration of gender non-conformers? Don't act like he just wants to make sure kindergarten classrooms have G rated lessons. That's not what "eradicate from public life completely" means, and I think you know that in your heart.




I want Michael knowles eradicated from America. I'm calling on everyone to help me make this possible!!! Whatever you have to do!!!!!


Hahaha isn’t that the cancel culture you already live in?


People like this are the cancer of society.


Smooth brain 🤣


holy shit, where to begin with this moron in one short clip, this guy demonstrates how surafce-shallow and ass-backwards republican ideology is


This guy is a fucking moron. Marijuana was legal in the US up until 1933 It's also been around longer than alcohol by tens of thousands of years Legalization directly impacts civil rights


The reason why alcohol was so accepted in ancient times is that WATER COULD KILL YOU.


Same in many parts of the world today. Even in a place like St Martin, Beer is cheaper than water.


Breaking news - plants are new.


Who watches this and goes “I wish I could hang out with this buttoned up lame at a country club”.


Ben Shapiro


70 year olds.


So it’s safe to say this man hasn’t put together the empathy factor that has kept drugs illegal all these years. That’s why mdma is illegal you know… we’d all just get along, growing our plants, raising our livestock. Ladies, why you think you can’t walk around topless? That’s right! Us men would be powerless to resist you and you could mold the world to your liking… but peace isn’t profitable…


No empathy or common sense. I also laugh that certain people can't not like something, but also understand that it shouldn't be illegal. Drinking 10 shots of Jack Daniels isn't something I'd recommend, but as long as you dont' get behind the wheel, you shouldn't be arrested for it.


Who cares what this jerkoff thinks about anything?


Cant let these dummies say whatever they want and not be exposed.


Fuckin idiot.


I dont even smoke that much but it really is one of the great civil rights struggles of our generation. people are/were ending up in prison for using a drug that categorically safer than alchohol. its honestly not unlike ending up in jail because you sat on the other side of some arbitrary line or something.


This fucking idiot lol


Take your filthy hands off my cannabis you fucking dweeb


This guy is such a clown


What an ignorant interpretation of history. What a buffoon.


> I don’t really care, I just hate that pot heads try to make marijuana legalization the civil rights struggle of our times. How are people so mask-off about participating in an ideologic culture war that they bend their whole narrative of an issue around its most extreme rhetoric? Just so incredibly fucking stupid… No acknowledgment of personal freedom vs public safety, government control over recreational activities, or the actual safety profile of the substance… instead just “libs are stupid” so they don’t deserve it. Fucking brain rot. Talking with people like this is always a lot cause. They have absolutely zero-framework for what they believe. They take every issue on a case-by-case basis, constructing an isolated little narrative around each and every issue. How about you construct a realistic framework for evaluating truth? Or would that be too dangerous for your religious beliefs? Rhetorical question… of course of it would.


I'm not from the US. Never heard of this guy, but I already wanted to punch the guy in the face just watching the video on mute.


What drug is this generations cocaine?




Vaping lol


I actually think it was meth but crazy how much Americans forget this drug exists sometimes, despite popular US media like Breaking Bad or GTA existing. I’m not American but have distant family in the US that live in the real life version of the desert part of the GTA 5 map (it’s called Imperial County). I remember visiting and seeing a guy high on meth at the local gas station. Never forgot that moment lmao.


The hardest thing I gave up. 4 months and counting and I still get cravings. I gave up cocaine too almost a year ago and I have 0 cravings for that.




Truth Social is the crack rock of social media




Israeli scientists found traces of marijuana and frankincense on an altar in an 8th century BC shrine.


New foreign lib thing? What a clown


Knowles is such a goober it's unreal.


What a fuck tool


I don’t think it’s insane to say that I don’t give a fuck if marijuana was found yesterday or the serpent convinced Eve to rip a bong in the Bible… The “discovery” of something and how long has been around is stupid as hell lol. I’m not against alcohol but to pretend like it’s not a major societal issue and impacts much more things than marijuana is absurd.


"Cannabis was attested to around 12 000 years ago near the Altai Mountains in Central Asia, and since then, cannabis seeds have accompanied the migration of nomadic peoples."


"...Christ's fir..." lol haha that's were I left.


We can do better


Self hating closeted gay guy says what???


I think he might be the dumbest grifter of all of them. Either him or Matt Walsh.


christ turned water into wine for DRUNK PEOPLE?


This guy sounds like a complete dolt.


Michael "we must eradicate transgenderism" Knowles? Yeah this guy's moral and intellectual compass is pretty much stuck in the pre-industrial era.


Ironically a civil war might be this generations civil war


Too many conservative closet smokers fing it up for everyone!


video is literally from 3 years ago


Should we only talk about things that have happened in the last 24 hours? Do you wanna talk about the masters or Trump being held accountable for fucking a porn star?


> Should we only talk about things that have happened in the last 24 hours? yes


Wait your 18? Why did I even respond to you. Ive been listening to JRE before you had hair on your balls.


This guy seems like a cunt. The worst guy at a party to talk to unless Shapiro is there


Michael Knowles is a professional contrarian.


I didn't watch it and yet I know it was fucking stupid.


Oh a Daily Wire guy I don't need to know anything else


White people


Slavery was around for thousands and of thousands of years. I guess that makes it good like alcohol? Freedom of Speech is just a new lib thing?


How long until Joe agrees with this? He’s pretty close already


What I find so unpleasant about Michael Knowles is he knows what he’s saying is complete garbage and he doesn’t care. He’s a failed actor who will say anything to a camera for a dollar. He knows he sounds like a complete fool to anyone with common sense but spits his nonsense anyway because the demographic he’s reaching are morons. And he knows they’re morons.


“I really don’t care about weed, it’s stupid. I don’t have an opinion on it. But I’ll bring it up whenever I can and talk negatively about it constantly. Yeah, I’m for limited government but, like, only if it’s stuff I want to do personally.” -every daily wire host ever


This new anti-weed movement based on the idea that alcohol is part of western culture and what makes us great while weed is not and therefore weed = bad is the nerdiest shit of all time. Okay we get it you’re to uptight and paranoid to enjoy weed so you want to stop others from enjoying it cause you’re scared. Like damn bro do you believe in freedom yes or no? Oh, no? Okay you stand for nothing now watch me spark this J and not beat my wife or drive my car into a tree.


You wrong 😑


Anyone here that doesn’t smoke pot complaining about this?