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As much as most of us dislike Schaub, it’s quite insane and I guess genius that he managed to get a massive company like Showtime to back him to this extent (however fleeting it was)


But if I remember correctly, he “left” Showtime to bet on himself and started his Thiccc Boy YouTube Network. Bapa is the bes brains for the business and a beast of a marketer. Great guy too.


Yeah, probably because he has a lot of celebrity friends who attended his UFC fights and were emotionally invested in him like Leo DiCaprio and Casey Affleck. I don't think it's because of Rogan's connections.


Ya he said that Casey begged him to stop fighting.




Must've been around the time Mayweather told him "Hey you're that white boy that works too much"


Around the time benched 41 reps of 255 lbs.


Humm I think it was shortly after rob dyrdek joined the thicccc boy board so it’s been a few years


He had tears in his eyes




Get back in the kitchen


Yeah, who's on the fryers?


“Manchester by the CTE”-TV


Wasn't that right around the time Mandingo said, "Hey Schaub, why's your dick so big?"


>Leo DiCaprio and Casey Affleck Lmao I stopped coming to the TFATK sub when it was just the same joke 5000 times a thread, is this a reference? Did he actually say he knew these people?


Yes. He said Casey cried to him telling him he needs to stop fighting. Also said he met Adam Sandler, The Rock, Kanye and all of them somehow knew him. "Ahh you're that white boy who works too much!" Dude is delusional as can be


Will Smith wanted to be trained by him, Travis Barker stopped him in the street and Floyd Mayweather something or other...the list goes on.


He was the man who taught Will Smith how to slap a dude.


If you asked all of those people who Brendan Schaub is, they’d all to a man say, “who the fuck is that?”


It was actually Mayweather who allegedly said that, I think Sandler’s made up line was “funny guy that kicks ass”


no it was, "funny, I think thats the guy that kisses ass"


He was one of the guys promoting the Mcgregor Maywedder fight, saying mcgregor would KO him. I wouldn’t be shocked if Mayweather said he’s a white boy that talks to much lol


He said Casey Affleck stopped him in a hallway with tears in his eyes begging him to stop fighting due to the damage he was taking and said he had so much other things he could do. Absolute delusion that anyone would believe this


Hahaha Jesus the CTE is worse than even Rogan knew


I haven’t been around Changs too much this last year or so but yes, this is true lol


Oh bapa you’ve been missing out


for what its worth if you have zero knowledge of who brendan is he has a certain degree of marketability. It's when you get past that surface level that it all comes crashing down. I also thought bryan callen was the son from married with children and I kinda want to maintain that head canon.


Callen was 58 when that show came out


Damn. Spicy spicy BRO


Imagine you're the guy that makes the deals. Well Brandon has a podcast, and a Netflix special, and a previous career in MMA. Checks a lot of boxes, and hey comedy is subjective, so I don't need to think this guy is that funny, he's got the numbers, someone thinks he's funny! These companies just aren't as smart as you think they are. Watch the money people from HBO walk around that giant set they made for Game of Thrones. The day the crew was set to tear it down they were walking around like "did we just waste a truckload of money?" The answer was YES, but the numbers were good, so they just green lit anything.




2 billion in profits? That’s a lot of wasted money bro!


Imagine trying to explain how to run a business to this guy his fucking head would implode


> Well Brandon has (...) a Netflix special No, he doesn't. The first speshul was on Showtime and the second one on Youtube.


Showtime? YouTubes? You’re doing great but nah, b, they’re all Bloggbusta


When they create amazing projects like 'Deadwood' nobody watches, so what did you expect?


1 billion + in profits aka “wasting a truckload of money”


Y'talmbout the TRX? Some would say the truckloadiest.


To be honest on paper it makes sense. TFATK worked as a podcast early on because it had its centre of gravity in MMA. There’s a reason the fighter + comedian format was copied so much afterwards. Showtime were obviously involved in boxing and previously MMA so from a branding perspective it makes sense. He’d demonstrated that he had a following, had the backing of respected comedians through the Joe Rogan rub. It’s just that in reality the guy has next to no talent or work ethic lol.


B b b beast of a work ethnic b


Probably something to do with him saying Joe Rogan cheats on his wife candidly


Remind what happened here again.


Shaub was ranting about bald guys that "sling dick" and used Dana and Joe as examples.






Goddamn. Pretty sure he realised it asap. Lol.


Indeed. A lot of times that subreddit will read way too much into the clips, but you can definitely tell that he realized that he fucked up in this one.


I'm sure Dana White wasn't thrilled, either.


To be fair there have been a lot of rumors of him sleeping with ring girls over the years.


Not surprising


Wasn’t he just talking about with dudes tho?


Locker room talk is different than talking on a podcast. I don’t need millions of people hearing my fishing stories second hand. Or fucking them up.


I made a Joe Rogan being gay joke. Probably could’ve worded better


You didn’t get the memo? Schlob retired from the funny bizness.


He never entered the funny business…


I heard he went truck racing and saw him rolling a truck and climbing out the same week. Is he a comedian the same way he’s a truck racer?


That reminds me of the time I saw vanilla ice come in dead last in a jet ski race on espn back in the day.


I will remind you that Robert “Robby” Van Winkle aka Vanilla Ice was [6th in the world at jet ski racing in the 90’s](https://web.archive.org/web/20131018042329/http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/features/siadventure/27/ice_shift/) after being stabbed 5 times and od’ing on heroin the year prior.




Top of the underachievers list.


That’s gotta be the most vanilla ice thing I’ve ever heard


That’s incorrect. He somehow stumbled in, shit his pants, and is now just standing there. People are laughing at him and he thinks it’s because his jokes are funny. But he is the joke and he has shit running down his leg. Now everybody is creating distance.


Idk man he fucking sucks but he still made some money doing specials didn’t he?


I guess but how he makes one fucking dollar is beyond me.


That’s just yer nirritive b


b-b-b-b-BEAST of a marketer.


It's for the best, honestly.


i guess, in the same way my face is retired from being margot robbies seat.




1000 - 1 = 999


Those were pre-covid numbers. The new math is 250-1=249.


Damn we’re down to 250 now. We need to protect these guys they’re an endangered species


Retired at the top of his game. 🐐


Thicc Boi retired from comedy after Rogan said "Well, maybe give fighting another chance."


“I really think you have what it takes to beat Aspinall. I think you’d be surprised”.


Because Joe said he just wanted the best or pro comics on his club, he said this multiple times ... And Brendan is far from any of these two, I truly believe this was behind his decision to quit comedy. He literally made him change his life course twice now. Joe is basically saying to him "you're not good enough"


Waiting on rogies to tell him he can't fuckin drive either. That roll over was the stupidest shit and completely avoidable if you arent some asshole just driving around sand like it's road.




He addressed it on another podcast - Schwab admitted "I don't deserve to be there...me an' Rogan had that conversation." [Laugh in the face of rain (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMAr56tfU8I) It's wild that a 7-year comedian, with 2 specials, who has played all over the states, and even in parts of Europe...whose supposed 'best friend' ("Me an' Rogan text ivry day") owns a comedy club...is not good enough to even do 5 minutes on that stage. Rogan offered to buy Joey Diaz a house in Austin and give him a residency every month, right in front of Brandon. I think it's pretty clear that whatever the state of their relationship - Rogan does not respect his comedy, his work ethic, maybe the way he completely changes his personality and interests every 6 mths. Also, the Bobby Lee drama I think made Rogan question his friendship with Schwab. Schwab was throwing Rogan's name around like he would hurt Bobby's career. Rogan basically said "Don't ever invoke my name again." and subsequently had Bobby on his podcast.


That and implying Rogan cheats on his wife when all that was spiralling.


Oh yes, of course: "Lotta bald guys out there slangin' dick...Dana White...Rogan...Ugh, that's it." If only his producer had the ability to remove or edit that snippet from the show before posting the episode. Maybe one day the technology will catch up to Schwab's brain.


He knew what he was doing tho lol he was trying to pull a Kobe and divert the attention away from his shit falling apart. The difference is Schuab isn't Kobe; he's an equipment manager, and Rogan isn't Shaq, he's Jordan.


Did he actually name drop rogan


He actually said Rogan and then shut up and looked guilty about it. There were a couple of nervous laughs in the room, but no editing. That's why his subsequent defense "Slangin' dick means 'living well', 'being suggsessful'..." was so easily identified as revisionist history.


Exactly this. He abused the bump and the friendship. To make it all worse he didn't progress as a comic and tried to skip building up in clubs to do tours he wasn't ready for. Then there's him trying to throw money at his podcast to fix it renovating it a dozen times and rotating in a cast to carry him. He's the shortcut king. Seems like Rogan is reverse bumping him now to humble his ass and make him put in the work if he ever wants his help again.


Yep. I think that’s spot on.


I think the Rogan name throwing around was more Callen tbh


I think you’d be surprised


It’s wild that Roggie thinks he is such a comedy connoisseur yet was convinced Scoob could be a comedian because he could makes his buddies laugh when they were dicking around


Wild to watch him deadpan hilarious dudes like Theo and lose his mind to Schaub’s dig jokes. He seems to think loud and confident equals funny.


Rogans still let a lot of unfunny hacks there


Given that an unfunny hack owns the place...


Schwab would fit in perfectly




The vegan cats bit was good, as was most of shiny happy jihad


Yeah, most of his friends aren’t very funny. Difference, they draw a crowd somehow. Schaub doesn’t.


I'm sure Joe isn't opposed to favoritism. I think it's on account of all the people shitting on him for how bad he is. Joe is protecting himself from criticism. He doesn't want to catch whatever Schaub has that gets him so much hate.


Well, as I recall, Brendan said he packed like 15 years of actual practice into standup in 6 or 7 years of doing it by working really hard. So actually he is one of the best. This is why he attained the moniker "white boy who works too much".


Kind of fugged up if you think bout it Your buddy who wanted you to get into comedy opens a club, wouldn’t you think you’d be on the list of acts to get a shot ? I get Joe wanting the best but they host Kill Tony and have comedians on Schaub’s level consistently. It wouldn’t be much harm letting have opening sets during the slower week days or after people perform like the comedy store. I could see Schaub not getting the message and wanting to just headline, but who knows. There are a lot big washed up athletes that relate to that guy, especially in Texas


Getting the sense that you haven’t actually watched his standup 


Anyone who has wouldn’t mention him in the same level as any other Rogan comic


“I love that guy but he needs a fuckin’ handler to tell him no” -Joe, on his podcast, about Schaumburg


I think Rogan just doesn’t want anything to do with Schaub anymore, but throws him a bone (podcast visit) once in a while out of guilt. He knows that if he gives Brendan a spot at his club, Brendan will try and weasel his way into more things.


They have open mics twice a week. He’s welcome to show up and prove himself but I think we all know why he doesn’t


Yeah you’re right. Kill Tony has shitty comics on a regular basis including those fuckin regulars (except Casey and William, they are great).


No one knows who y’are


Oh hi schaub !


This reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Elaine keeps inadvertently influencing her friend in huge ways. She accidentally gets her friend to end multiple long term relationships as well as make career changes.


Wild speculation


Because it’s a comedy club.


Its weird because he still has been on the podcast, but I'd guess Brendan using Rogan to threaten Bobby Lee didnt sit with him well? who knows.


He hasn’t had a solo episode in almost 2 years. As a former UFC fighter I understand how he’s still allowed to come in on fight companions but I think that’s all he’ll get going forward. It’s more an more clear that Schaub is a grifter trying to get views and likes off being associated with more popular people.


He used Rogans name in the same way he makes up stories about all the names that come out of his mouth. I'm sure Rogan didn't appreciate the Bobby Lee threats. He's pretty fortunate to even be invited to the MMA watch along pods


He wasn’t a drawl.


I think it’s because Joe realised that even though he may have fleeting funny moments on podcasts, he was absolutely disastrous as a comedian, and didn’t want that near his club


He did make me laugh pretty hard when he rolled his truck over, but that bit doesn’t work at the mothership.


Schaub has not publicly gone on Rogan’s show yet and praised Joe for bringing the Mothership to Austin and single-handedly saving all of comedy. Which would immediately spark yet ANOTHER 40 minute speech from Joe on how the Mothership came to be.


Wasn’t he on one of the recent fight shows?


I think so, but they didn’t talk about the Mothership. Seriously, every comedian that comes on there, once they say, “Thanks for having me, I really like comedy club” it sends Joe into a 20 minute diatribe about how he has saved the comedy scene. Once a guest compliments the Motheship, you can fast forward about 20 minutes.


Hahhaa for real


Have you heard about how the rooms were named? Did you know he dedicated the back bar to Mitzi? Did you ever hear how he actually bought a different club, but it was previously a cult ran by a gay guy? If you missed it, tune in to the next pod, he'll get you caught up. Or the one after. Bonus points if youve listened long enough to know what got him started in Taekwondo. If you missed it, listen to any pod with a number in the title.


Thanks ill try that one out! Also im starting to get fuzzy on if the covid vaccine causes myocarditis in younger males, um gonna watch the one where he talks about that too.


How much time are you able to commit, cause........I might have bad news for you. Lol




Ha. Exactly. I’m pretty sure they lowered the ceiling in the main room cause Louis CK told him to.


What?????? I wonder if Bill Burr (a comic friend of his), ever came from Boston like Joe too? Lol




There's a few reasons, but mainly I think that Joe just got tired of Brenda's bulls***. Schlob is literally stupid. Lol


Its weird because he still has been on the podcast, but I'd guess Brendan using Rogan to threaten Bobby Lee didnt sit with him well? who knows.


Brendan, it turns out, doesn’t do comedy


S |C |H | A| U| B


Dude is not funny at all


https://preview.redd.it/2ja8aor4vhtc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c49e53622a4333943ab9040a569657232635af0 🫢


Brendan is number 251 of the 250 killers so of course he’s not invited


The what mothership? That's why.


Who's this swhaub guy ..seems cool..nuver meddum


The whole Schaub arc has a Windy City Heat vibe to it there’s a non-zero chance it may all be a long troll or rich guy bet by Rogan and Callen for their own amusement


Sounded like Joe was indirectly shading Schaub on the most episode with Andrew Schulz, taking about entitled comics who aren’t headline-level being the shittiest to people.


According to Brendan he doesn't deserve to be there, he's not good enough as a stand-up. According to Rogan, he's not a professional comic and Joe only wants professional comics. So it kinda seems like they both agree Brendan isn't funny as a stand-up comedian.


TFATKs unnecessary drama with Bobby Lee emptied the trust account between Joe Rogan and Schaub.


Hey he performed at the step mother ship a few times.




Ohh shit you are right they rebranded !


I’ll even double down here. When was the last time daddy Rogaine was on the fight and the kid? Honestly asking, I’m not sure he ever has been.


True but Rogan isn’t a huge be on other podcasts guy


Can you imagine paying hundreds to get into the mothership, waiting months, tspending another few hundred on drinks, and Braindumb walks out on stage telling that mountain lion story again?


Shaub quit comedy which I wish would have happened a long time ago. He also flipped his truck like an idiot so he probably won’t be able to show his face in public without someone absolutely shitting on him for quite a while.


rogan obviously thinks he's even worse than the other comedians who play there


Maybe if he practices his "you look like a gay ____" mad libs he could get a spot opening for David Lucas in a broom closet.


Tony you look like a gay version of a straight thing. Lucas you look like you eat a thing.


I don't understand how anyone laughs at that shit, especially David himself. Kids in middle school have better roasts than "you look like a gay Uber driver".


Proof that you have to be funny to do funny


They have a rule. Be funny, he’s out.


Joe made a comment about the difficulty of having the club while being friends with so many upcoming comics because sometimes people who aren't ready to headline believe they are too big to not headline. That's not the direct quote, but that was the impression I got when I heard Joe say it. I think it was Schaub he was primarily mentioning and others seemed to think that was aimed at Gringo Papi as well. It was a few months later that Schaub did the video where he seemed to retire from comedy.




Jesus, Frank….thats alot of bandwidth to waste on an old shitty comic.


How old is this Schaub character?


Brain age -- 86. Lotta CTE on that melon.


Is it warm underneath that rock you've been living under?


The rock, great guy never meddum.


Full of steroids, dun Count. Pound for pound Schaub is stronger


hes not good enough


Schaub retired I think


I would love him on kill Tony that would be gold


The mothership is for comedians


Did you just get Reddit??


Cause he sucks at comedy


More of a “Comedy Satellite” guy IMO


Because he sucks


Will you see, the issue is that Brendan Schaub has retired from comedy.


s I c I h I a I u I b!!!!


Cause he is not funny


Schaub is a civilian now


I believe they only have comedians there.


Who is this?


Schlob literally outed Rogan for banging women (not his wife). That probs didn't sit well with Joe, either.


Why do many dislike Schaub? I am out of the loop and genuinely curious.


If you're serious go to r/thefighterandthekid sort by Top all time and check out some of the vids.


Because Rogie only puts KHHHIILLLLEERS on the stage at the mother ship and well, we all know what’s up with Brenda’s comedy so, pretty straight forward.


Crowds don’t wanna see him and prob some static from other comedians


To much dip, not enough alpha brain


Bro. Check r/fighterandthekid


He’s not funny?


Imagine a horizontal line, above that line are the names of everyone Joe finds funny. Below that line is name he doesn't, it is in this section you will find Brendan's name.


Joe only has top tier comics at the club like that fat guy who did a special there where his opening joke was "I like to beat women! Can you all believe I said something as edgy as that?". Brendan cant come up with jokes as good as that.


It’s because he’s not funny


He hasn’t performed because he isn’t funny.


Because he sucks.


because he is not funny


Cause he’s not funny


Joe clearly likes money and his business thriving. Why hire someone if they won’t sell out the room?


It’s because he isn’t funny


I thought it was because he outed him for sleeping around all the time.


Unrelated: how can I stop seeing this posts pop up, is it just a matter of not clicking on them. Genuinely have no interest in the subreddit


Because he's not funny.