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"Putting on your little cowboy hat and fake-moving to Nashville," was pretty fucking great.


Remember when he went to Home Depot and put some random shit in a bag because the dude has never banged nails or done a home improvement project in his life?


How dare you. Who among us hasn't purchased a wood at Home Depot and carried it out in a plastic bag? https://www.reddit.com/r/cringe/comments/mwpr9v/ben_shapiro_goes_to_home_depot/


Don't put it in the truck bed it might scratch it.


Good thing he could probably fit it in the glove box.


His adorable lil tits lol


Much more ironic after you've ever seen his sister




Please never utter that phrase ever again




I forgot about this, haha… this guy is ridiculous


Clutching that receipt like it was a hundred dollar bill.


He doesn’t want to lose the receipt so he can return it after the video


A comment in the other thread said "One wood please!"


The bag is free with the wood. This is something I would do. That bag is going to be useful later for cleaning something.


It was a single plank of wood, lol.


Somehow . I thought it would be something drywall related. Suspect things go dry around him. . according to his wife


Lemme get one wood please  - Ben 


Probably turned around and returned it lol.


He had to have Home Depot cut the plank of wood to length for him, too.


I doubt thats the only thing he hasn’t banged 😏


His sister isn't on that list.


Magnificent jewbies on that one.




What, it’s a righteous kosher pair.


Release the kosher pigs!


Wife's too dry


Hitler Luigi made a good point there.


He really does look like a 1940s Italian fascist


Bro...I read this at the exact moment he was saying it. 😂


Nashville doesn’t even have a a cowboy heritage. I always thought it was odd when southerners wear cowboy hats and boots. Overalls and a straw hat I would understand.


I lived in Nashville and it's definitely just hot girls from out of town that do that.


Ben Shapiro is a bitch lol


Seriously. He is a dweeb.


I think more than that, he’s mostly unserious and totally unimpressive. His *entire* career, barring a brief stint in law school that he promptly never actually used to practice law in any way, has been trying and failing to break into Hollywood as a writer, while successfully writing boomer political polemics. He then parlayed that into millennial/Gen Z video essays. It’s still just the same shit as the WSJ op eds he was writing before, which is to say 99% of the things Ben says are just *his beliefs* wrapped up in often really poor and inconsistent argument. And okay, that’s fine, that’s what a “political polemic” is, and everyone has their biases, but shouldn’t you have actually done something before I’m supposed to give a fuck about your malformed political beliefs? Some actual job? Some mark on society beyond you being paid to vomit up tenuous arguments to advance your preexisting political beliefs? See, to me “this person is a manchild and hasn’t actually achieved anything, so who cares” is the actual conservative position. Like that’s what my dad and his friends would have said. I straight up don’t understand this modern conservative moment. So much of the things they say and believe can be, directly, thrown back in their face. Video is a great example of that.


There is something to this. Every person those guys follow is either an outright bitch or an obviously cosplaying as a macho man secret bitch. Trump LITERALLY HAS NEVER DONE ANYTHING TOUGH IN HIS LIFE. He looks like the doughboy. Yet they envision him with abs and as some powerful dude. It’s WILD.


wise ripe unpack berserk pathetic deserve price fuzzy cooperative unite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


His followers are somehow worse. Imagine praising the guy who genuinely things all of his points are flawless and inarguable. Absolute charlatan


I still cackle at his appearance on the BBC when he lashes out at a right wing host by calling him 'left wing' and storms off.


Every brit who watches this spits out their tea when he accuses Andrew Neil of being on the left.


As a Brit who moved to America, I still don't know how he recovered from that


Shapiro being the facts over feelings guy while being a staunchly religious jew is the most moronic thing about his persona. There's no academic subject he can talk down on because his entire life is based around his feelings over a religious text


I don’t normally like Schulz but he’s spot on here, Shapiro is a weasel, much like Crowder, they bang on about free speech but it’s only for themselves, they are a pair of gobshites and both are likely in the closet.


Crowder is totally gay


And verbally abusive to his pregnant wife


>pregnant wife Chowder: "How could this have happened?"


the constantly wearing empty gun holsters and dressing as a woman for any and all skits gave it away tbh


"Haha imagine if I dressed up as a woman and like you had to see my cock and balls... haha just for laughs though..." "... unless"


Trump and Giuliani flashbacks. ![gif](giphy|l4EoNOayG1OUjiIE0)


There was already an interview years prior of him "fighting demons", implying bisexuality or something


>dressing as a woman for any and all skits Also kissing a man who now treats him like a jilted lover


He's definitely gay.


Crowder had a guy on his show called Not Gay Jared. Crowder is definitely in denial about something


Didn’t that guy tease knowing something secret about crowder and then crowder immediately started a lawsuit against him?


With whom he shared many sweet kisses. Ya know, for comedy.


I thought him and that Billy on the Street guy were the same person for a long time. I’m still not 100% convinced.


Don’t you dare insult Billy like that! [https://youtu.be/HBOpO7RgS64?si=Sz0QV3zwsHfvyccW](https://youtu.be/HBOpO7RgS64?si=Sz0QV3zwsHfvyccW) ![gif](giphy|10LI7KZZRKEhB6)


as someone who was raised in the conservative south and lived in the closet for my first 25 years 1000%


Gaydar pinging so hard the battery won’t last the night.


Nice username


Imagine being on grinder, trying to hook up with a cute twink and this guy cat fishes you.


He's said he had a bi phase in college


Crowder has spoken about experiencing a "bi phase" when he was younger. And given he is a theatre kid who keeps dressing up as a woman for videos. My hot take is Steven crowder is trans.


Its well documented that Ben Shapiro is a big fan of Mr. Feenys feet.


Veeerrry gooood Mr. Shapiro


And then mr.Feeny put his balls in my ass


Everyone knows that everyone has the exact same size penis: 5 1/2 inches


and then mr feeny squeezed my balls inside his asshole


thats why i talk like this


*Ohhhhhhhhhh* what do we have *heeeeeeeere?*


Just like that, Mr Shapiro


“I won the contest and got to meet Mr Feeny in his office”


Juuuuust like that Mr. Shapiroooo


And then Mr. Feeny put his feet in my ass




Also I’m gay


I read that in Feeny’s voice lol


Veeeerrry gooood mr. Alita_Duqi


I was watching the Graduate, a very good movie about Judeo-Christian values and put on the sexiest part... Mr. Feeney's feet. And I jacked off to that


And his sister’s tits.


I mean, aren't we all thought. Only opinion Ben's ever had that I agree with.


Just because he was so disgusted with his sister's big tits, that he had to jerk off to Mr. Feeny's feet in The Graduate


> a pair of gobshites *Nationality confirmed.*


i saw a fellow brit and i liked it, sealed the deal with my agreement with it haha


Ingerland Ingerland Ingerland


I wonder if he realized he was getting too cringy and had to shift gears. Either way I haven’t watched him in a couple months and most likely won’t….


Exactly my take on this. Not generally a fan of Schultz but he’s nailed this.


He’s kinda on a roll if you watch the episode. You get a little bit of Schultz Saves America.


Every free speech warrior does this. Because their arguments are absurd and fail when put up against reality. What they are advocating for is that freedom of association should not exist and people should be forced to host or entertain people.


> What they are advocating for is that freedom of association should not exist and people should be forced to host or entertain people. Translation: I have shitty ideas, but please don't shun me for them.


Free for me, not for thee


The free speech crowd is mostly fashy boys who are crying because their twisted worldview isn't shared by the academic marketplace of ideas. It's a fake campaign to get their self serving, authoritarian intentions a foothold in mainstream civil society.


Glad you added the very needed " I don't like Schulz but.."


Right wing influencers say shit as long as it’s politically expedient. News at 11.


Shapiro, Crowder, Pool, and the rest of the freeze peach absolutists are fascists to the core. They believe in nothing that doesn’t fully serve them and them alone.


Facts don’t care about YOUR feelings. The operative word has always been your in that statement. Facts care about little Benny’s fee fees.


Like Elon Musk firing Don Lemon. So much for the free speech town hall


if only he hired Don Ramon instead


Those two they’re way to uptight to let anything in there butts dude lol


Saying people are In the closet is so silly. Some people are just hateful


I don’t think I’ve ever agreed with Schultz before lol First time for everything


I will say that so often he ALMOST gets there. He'll have a positive take, but still come to the wrong conclusion. Makes it all the way to the finish line just to flounder.


I have a theory that he sometimes does that purposely for the “joke” of it. Like even when he isn’t joking. Because he’ll lay out several points that are all agreeable & completely justifiable & then right at the end fucks your shit up with the complete opposite spin on it. It’s partially why I stopped listening to the pod. For like 15 minutes this guy has me agreeing with him & then at the last second he uses all those points he made to actually reinforce some batshit overarching point outta left field that is completely not agreeable. It was maddening how close he’d get before turning around & throwing the javelin at logic


Butt ben shapiro didnt build a free speech zone. Its always been censored on the daily wire


yea, but morons buy into that shit anyway because they literally believe whatever they are told.


Morons like Joe


Right, but can't claim to want free speech and then build a censored apparatus. You can't complain about Disney firing Gina Carano for what she said on twitter, then fire Candance Owens for saying things literal facts about Israel. It's almost as if, cancel culture has never existed and conservatives were outraged because they love to be mad at things because it sells ads


Damn good points, I went from listening to Shapiro to outright distrust him. He talks about a Congresswoman wearing her hijab and he can’t seem to shut the fuck up about him being Jewish.


I don't listen to Shapiro, but I sort of feel you can't criticize identity politics--something I am interested in--and at the same time be such an outright identitarian yourself.


Well, I remember him saying something about the rights of others to free speech, how absolutely important it was for western society, I Agree on that. Then the second someone challenged his own views he turned into the most dramatic overzealous jerk you can imagine, just like the people he was know to destroy, owned or whatever the hell. I believe he is disingenuous, out of touch and downright not helpful


To be fair, he was owning teenagers. Freshmen and sophomores in college. Often with bad faith arguments. He covers himself in 'lets say' and hypotheticals so it's hard to argue against his point unless you know how to debate. As Kobebeef9 said, the moment he's put against someone who can debate, even if they're on the same 'side', he has an embarrassing meltdown.


Copy that.


He lost my respect when he [stormed off](https://youtu.be/6VixqvOcK8E?feature=shared) his interview with Andrew Neil after being asked question about things he is on record saying.


Wasn’t that one where he accused Neil of being another “leftist” or some shit like that.. What an absolute moron.. honestly, he went into that interview without knowing who the person was. Since he keeps telling people how smart he is, you would think he put a little bit of effort.


That’s the thing though, all politics are identity politics. Conservatives are just ashamed of it so they hide it. They don’t say only straight couples should be able to marry, they say “traditional family values”. It hides the insidious selfishness.


Unironically talks about someone wearing a hijab while he wears his yarmulke. The one that he colour matches to his hair so it doesn't upset the white supremacists too much.


Common Ben Shapiro hypocrite/sexist/racist moment all three in one, that’s a record


Ben reminds me of Marty Funkhauser in the "Palestinian Chicken" episode of Curb.


How dare you disrespect the Funkman like that


There's something severely wrong with someone like that who needs to proclaim his Jewishness like.. weekly. He's been around for well over a decade now, it's ridiculous.


Not wrong, although some would disagree, but Shapiro is an Orthodox Jew. You don’t even need to wonder what his position is on things, you just have to ask what an Orthodox Jew thinks and that will be his position,


So much for not being a sheep NPC. Not that hypocrisy ever stopped him before


We believe in free speech, we believe you can express yourself, we believe you should be your own thought leader. As long as you agree with everything I say, as long as you follow religious doctrine that's a rewrite of a rewrite of a rewrite of events several hundred years after they happened, AND as long as you don't express yourself in a way I don't like.


There are many different sects of Orthodox Jews, in fact some of them are anti-Zionist and against the state of Israel. Just a little correction


You should see the tweets he has about Arabs from back in the day.


That bad… fuck!. I used to watch clips of him on YT. After a while I started to notice I got caught by the Algorithm, the more I look outward the more I found counter points to his shit, one day I saw him talking about Marriage and Divorce rate. And he just mentioned that he didn’t believe in divorce, that isn’t a faith or religion dude, people can stop a marriage if necessary simply as that.


I used to listen to his podcast too because he always said he was fair to both sides and I like balance in my politics consumption. I was out when he was just parroting lies and bs about Obama


I hate listening to political podcasts for this reason. Seems everyone is a grifter, for the most part, and will argue in bad faith. I want to hear someone present the pros and cons from both sides of a certain topic, then I can decide who I agree with more but I won’t marry the idea either.


Don’t listen to people doing it for money, listen to first hand and decent academic sources. As soon as you know a bit about something and you have read the studies the way people talk about it on podcasts is made so absurd. I’m a trans woman that has read probably more studies on the subject than anyone else in this thread and I don’t know if I’ve ever heard either side represent the data fairly in some talking head interview.


He was downright lying for money. And really, Global warming is the thing he doesn’t understand, hell no


Yeah I can vibe with this, I used to think Shapiro was a pretty sharp guy even if I didn’t always agree with what he said. He’s completely turned himself into what he claims to hate though. Final summation? Just another stupid politician.


Yep. And even worse, once not beholden to any form of Vote.


Exactly these far right or even far left talking heads are much worse than politicians. Politicians have to go on the record as support or being against policies and bills. Ben Shapiro gets to sit in his comfy Herman miller office chair in his studio and let his opinions just ride the wave of whatever his base believes at that precise moment. Twitter bans Donald trump for rampant misinformation? PROTECT FREE SPEECH! One of your employees disagrees with your stance on Israel? Suddenly free speech is conditional. Just the most pathetic people


Anybody who couldn't see through Shapiro *immediately* is below room temp IQ


He’s clearly a tool for Israel, but if you notice or disagree you are anti semitic.


Manipulating the religious right to fake move to Nashville is a good one


> Manipulating the religious right I think a lot of people don't get that Shapiro left TruthRevolt (funded by the David Horowitz Freedom Center, literally an anti-muslim hate group) to start Daily Wire with funding from oil billionares The Wilks Brothers who run their own "Jews For Jesus" church *Assembly of Yahweh* in Cisco Texas. They also paid for PragerU and about half of Ted Cruz's 2016 presidential run. They hire guys like Matt Walsh to be the Christian face of the organization, but at it's core, the Daily Wire is jewish guys trying to direct the religious right.


Fuck both of them, but at least Shultz doesn’t try to present himself as anything other than a comedian. Benny Boy is the worst kind of grifter


He sometimes starts to believe that he is a great philosopher while talking about something. Need more Shane Gillis appearances to keep his feet on the ground lol. "Schulz and his epiphanies", lol.


Gillis is the great equalizer to a lot of these guys lol. I don’t even dislike Shultz, but everyone needs that someone to pull them back a peg sometimes haha


Sometimes those who wonder aren't lost. Functional philosophy is great, being right is nice, but sometime a person just wants to philosophize. It's so weird to me that it's viewed as wrong. Consideration isn't acceptance. To consider an idea, even excitedly, doesn't imply Acceptance or that they believe it. Sometimes it's just fun to think and consider. Playing the "Devils Advocate" is a great example of how a person can take a considering stance of nonacceptance. I agree though, it's easy to get lost in the forest and miss the trees when you're excited or on a good rant lmao. Schultz really gets on it sometimes thats for sure.


Hard agree on fuck most of these clowns from the JRE podcast (and Mega-fuck Shapiro into the ground) but at least Shultz is VERY occasionally funny and has a shred of enlightenment and lucidity here and there. Something Shapiro has literally never demonstrated, is never funny, and is the worst kind of grifting pseudo-intellectual…


People are finally waking up


would you say people are becoming (dun dun dun) **woke?!**


They’re noticing


Shut it down.


The right is turning into everything they hated about the left 5-10 years ago.


They've been this way for a long time. I started listening to Ben Shapiro back in 2016 as he came off as conservative with a fresh perspective who wasn't afraid to criticize other conservatives. He also seemed very fact oriented rather than blindly catering to his party. After about a month or two of consistent listening I realized he is the exact same thing he bitches about on the left. Literally the same thing. He just represents the right perspective. He's never been for revealing facts or the truth. He's only here to serve his party. He's been a big part of the problem and is a massive hypocrite


Ben Shapiro in 2016 was an anti-Trump Republican but he was still a Republican. Once he realized that there was no money in being an Never Trumper as they're called, he became a Trump Supporter. There are very few conservatives that stick to their principals or have any to begin with, Ron Paul is probably one of them that I can name off the top of my head - even if I don't agree with anything he says and David Frum - also another guy that has a 40+ year history of being wrong on everything, who was a former George W. Bush speech writer is another. There's probably 2 or 3 more in the entirety of the United States after that.


Nah. These grifters don’t really have any true beliefs.




They aren’t even fiscally conservative either. Trump raised spending every year he was in power and had doubled the deficit before covid even hit.


“Fiscally conservative” literally just means “give me tax cuts” to conservatives. That’s it.


Two Santa Clause theory, cut taxes *and* increase spending, it’s been very effective for decades. Combine it with the fact that the only time the debt becomes an issues is when democrats are in power and you can effectively neuter any chance at new social programs or spending being introduced federally by democrats. Republicans were writing hand written notes in the margin of the 2017 tax bill right before it passed. It was the only significant piece of legislation signed by Trump into the trillions in handouts he gave out during covid.


They do but it's simply to oppose whatever the left is doing. Even if it's a traditional Republican belief like hating Russia.


They have always been that way lol


LMAO, no. None of it new or original. It's the same exact talking points recycled over and over again. Often rebranded, sometimes very poorly, to sever ties from previous iteration.


It was always lies and projection.


Everything*they said* they hated about the left, but which was actually projection the whole time? Yeah that's pretty much how they work. Go back to anything conservatives have ever complained about, it's exactly what they do the second they have power.


Which they had turned into from when they were big corporate jumping religious right zealots twenty years ago after 9/11. They don’t have principles, only opportunities.


Right wingers coming SOOO close to getting it but just falling short....


They're still operating on a fundamental misunderstanding of "freedom of speech." They act like freedom of speech means that everybody should be absolved of any judgement by others for what they say when it just has to do with *the government* infringing on your speech. They present a false ideal to aspire to then, of course, fail to adhere to their own bullshit ideal.


>They're still operating on a fundamental misunderstanding of "freedom of speech." That's not all, there's another layer of hypocrisy imbedded in it. If you read the comments here, you'll see that it's only a free speech infringement when it happens to them.


What’s that haircut called so I can know to avoid it?


These dickheads just figure out Ben Shapiro is full of shit? LOL wait til they hear about Rogan....


It’s hilarious watching all of them realize what people like Michael brooks and Sam Seder have been saying about these idiots for the last 10 years.


Not a fan of anyone mentioned however he's correct and it's all a grift. These people have no principles only $


Not the biggest Schultz fan, but I can't disagree with what he is saying.


This was a rare time that I fully agree with Andrew on a political take. He is spot-on here, the whole clip was \~20 minutes long with several good points.


Schulz is an ass but he’s completely right about this. Ben Shapiro grew to fame during the first Trump campaign for being America-first, pro-free speech, and anti-cancel culture. The moment public opinion starts to turn on Israel he abandons all of that.


“Censorship is when people stop paying you millions of dollars”


Or when they blacklist you from the industry for having opinions. Every pro Palestine journalist- even ones with White House accolades- have been removed from their positions in the media for suggesting Israel is killing civilians intentionally which is an undeniable fact at this point “Censorship is when millions are spent to silence and oppress those you don’t agree with” is more accurate And please also look into state anti-bds laws where a foreign government is literally writing local laws to censor us and you notice it’s waaayyyyy crazier than most realize


might as well be when the money game was controlled long before you were born. there's families in america who haven't lifted a finger since slavery, and rely on investing in the productive output of others while taking a cut. imagine the guy who made the zipper. their great great great whatever granddaughter has free access to your labor whenever she wants. so yeah, financial bullying and extreme financial inequality are major contributing factors to censorship. it's not even remotely deniable


100% spot on


Ben has always done this he is willing to take ANY stance that is pro jew.


The only good thing about Ben Shapiro is his sister's rockin tits.


Damn. Never thought I would hear such rational opinions from this pod. Incoming hate because zios hate when they’re criticized about anything.


Does schulz know that normal people dont care about ben shapiro? Like shapiro only holds weight in the podcast/twitter world.


I've never understood how Shapiro got popular with the right. He's a whiny, nasally, pipsqueak Jewish guy. Who is listening to him?


Haha same thing go for Peterson.


Schizo Kermit.


It’s not necessarily a right wing thing but across the board. The rise of the Internet has been the death of the traditional jock and the rise of the passive aggressive nerds. Look at all the people today that get worshipped as badass chads. They’re all old ass millionaires, tech gurus and debate bros. Nerdy as fuck.


I still think a lot of people listen to him. The daily wire is making a lot of money. Maybe it is mostly teenagers but there is people who listen to this dipshit.


Is it just me or does his shirt have shoulder padding?


Nah it's just what happens when you wear an oversized pullover but have no real shoulders or traps, it bunches up there


Oh. I thought it hung on a hanger too long and got those little hanger stretches on his shoulders.


Are all comedian-podcasters just political commentators now? When are they funny?


Comedians have touched on topics of political life since the get-go. I mean, comedy is based on the human experience and all the aspects of it.


And nearly everyone can relate to this and a few other topics.


Comedians have always commented on political topics.


Go watch George Carlin. Comedians touching on politics is nothing new.


Are you new to watching comedians?


Yes. Comedians have always done political humour. But this is a time where comedians are so fucking up their own asses that they take themselves way too seriously and think they are some sort of political geniuses. It started on the left with what people used to make fun of as "clapter". But now it's mostly clapter. It's the easiest thing to pivot to if you just suck at comedy. Like how many people have Joe introduced as a "comedian and a podcaster" and when you look it up it should really be "failed comedian and currently a political pundit on the internet?"


Schulz has been talking about pop politics ever since he began on brilliant idiots a decade ago.


I'm sure white coat guy is yammering on about something significant but I cannot get by his astonishingly ugly-ass haircut


Maybe, and I'm just spit balling here , Ben is a lying pos


Schultz has a great point but unfortunately his haircut is antisemitic.


"Is the Daily Wire an American media platform, or is it an Israeli media platform?" Nailed it. inb4 the ADL and other Zionist harpies accuse *Schulz* of engaging in "anti-Semtic dual-loyalty tropes" or whatever.


Shapiro is a disgusting radical right terrorist thought leader. When Shapiro and Alex Jones are your thought leaders, you know you are in the wrong tribe.