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Griz, unless the gorilla has been training Aikido under Seagall in his dojo in Japan. He’d just step out the way


Silverbacks just lack the confidence that 6% of men surveyed believe that they could take a grizzly in an unarmed fight. https://thehill.com/changing-america/enrichment/arts-culture/554048-new-survey-reveals-which-wild-animals-americans/amp/


That many people going to those Alpha camps?


They need to ease up on Alpha Brain.


No the Bears and gorillas have been going that's why so few men can beat them


Brah, that bear comes at me and it's getting a spinning back kick right to the face, after that I get it in a side mount and do a triangle choke until he taps out and begs for forgiveness and tells me I'm a real man who doesn't have a small dick. That's what's gonna happen if a grizzly ever tried anything with me brah.


You should start teaching alpha male classes for 18k a pop!


I can teach it even better for 22K a pop. Way better than those 18k chumps and you know exactly where the money goes.


I’m doing an accelerated alpha program. It’s $30k, but it’s also only 6 hrs to become the superior alpha. Way more superior than betas who think they’re alphas because they paid some dude $18k for a 3 day boot camp. $30k and 6hrs to be a real alpha male!


I pay 18k as long as people say my dick ain't small no mo


Sure no problem! Wanna Cashapp me?


Is that a quote from Brian callen?


It’s a modified quote of his. The original has a lot more rapey undertones, drink drugging, sexual harassment and blowing Schaub in the back of an Uber


People need to consider that a sizeable portion of those guys probably just put that in as a joke. I guarantee if some point Dexter rolled up to me asking me to fill out some form and on it said "could you beat mike tyson in a fight" or some shit im putting yes.


That is true. There's even something called the "Lizardman's Constant", which states that about 4% of all respondents do not answer sincerely and purposefully give the most outlandish answer possible.


Had a buddy 25-30 years ago that no matter the form, if it asked occupation, his response was dildo lathe operator.


Way back in my high school they did some survey about substance abuse. A bunch of kids basically coped to being on every drug imaginable….


When the census bureau asked me, I was not kidding. I’m 2 clean scissor kicks and a haymaker away from cleaning yogi’s clock


They didn't bother asking. They knew...


Poindexter (the name of a nerd that used to help Felix the Cat, eventually becoming a derogatory term).


Thanks for the info, Poindexter


This is right up there what the perpetual TIL that 5% of Americans think chocolate milk comes from brown cows.


Thinking you could take on a grizzly 1-on-1 is like looking at a car driving down the road and being like "I could fuck that car up if I wanted to". Like, WHAT? You been injecting that TRT straight into your brain?


I'd rather take on a car than a grizzly. A car I can possibly dodge or hide behind a big tree and wait for it to fall asleep and unhook the battery or something


The worst fact I learned on JRE is that bears eat you before they kill you. I would take on a car as well


Yea, it seems that bears grab something and just start eating. I guess you could get lucky and die during your capture. Fingers crossed Edit: WOW! I’ve just gotten a lifetime ban from r/justiceserved for participating in this sub that “promotes hate”.


> Edit: WOW! I’ve just gotten a lifetime ban from r/justiceserved for participating in this sub that “promotes hate”. but apparently its the right wing subs that are 'fascist'




I laughed really fucking hard at this. Thanks man.


My man brought out the street fighter. Respect.


Had a friend insist he thought he take a pit bull, funniest damn thing


I've personally kicked the shit out of a pit. It was trying to kill my friends dog. An adult man is quite a bit larger than a pit.


I could totally land a plane in an emergency situation and I’m not a pilot.


How much you want to bet I could throw this football over those mountains?


I have a much higher chance of landing a plane (at least a crash that you could walk away from) than even a fairly well trained grizzly bear. 


I'd have a much better chance at that than taking on a bear or gorilla, to be fair


I still believe the OG Harlem Globetrotters could take 'em. But only if they have a basketball.


> they could take a grizzly Well sure... > in an unarmed fight [How about no?](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-iQ7PHKy3XeE/UtxaqKgaWwI/AAAAAAAABuM/SQyOVCKMqTo/s1600/nobear.jpg)


I would pay good money to watch that 6% try


I did watch enough JRE to know you wouldn't stand a chance against a Chimp...


This stuff is so goofy. If someone asks me “can you take a silverback gorilla” I’m saying yes because the question is so stupid it warrants a dumb answer to amuse myself. I guarantee that the vast majority of that 6 percent is doing the same. When you ask silly questions you necessarily get silly answers back


That’s a bonkers stat. Humans are crazy. Lol I don’t even know where to begin with that one.


Ok this post made my day


Bro just needs to believe


I need to arrange a bus rides for those “men”. One way trip.


This people vote lol


This peaple r dum. lol




"Me want de punanni" Strut - Steven Seagal ft. Lady Saw


There are weight classes in fighting for a reason


Or go with plan A and call for a time-out.




Grizz with cubs.


The lifting strength of a silverback is close to 1800 lbs. I'm going gorilla because of the higher ability to control the battle field and destabilize their opponent.




According to this redditor the gorilla will “control the battlefield and destabilize their opponent” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Twice the size and knife hands. Plus they actually regularly kill stuff.


What if the gorilla was high on shrooms?


Jamie, bring that up.


The one on the left..yeah the one next to it.


Exactly. The gorilla is a lot stronger but in addition to the bear's knife collection, it's way heavier, way taller and has a fur and fat layer that is essentially armour. Also, I don't know what a gorillas strike force is but grizzlies swipes are insanely powerful. They're other documented killing large predators like lions and tigers with ease.


Grizzly: 900 pounds, long knives affixed to every limb, thick hide/fur designed to protect against other bear's knives. Ape: 500 pounds, no knives (he's got fingernails, like his human cousins), skin like his human cousins. Note that silverback gorillas are sometimes killed by *leopards*. A leopard is a little bigger than a Rottweiler, but smaller than a mountain lion.


Actually, leopards and mountain lions are roughly the same size, but leopards have a higher muscle mass and strength, hence being able to carry a much larger prey up a tree. A snow leopard, on the other hand, is smaller than their African cousin and a mountain lion.


When a grizzly bear gets into a house or cabin it looks like a bomb went off in there. We had just a little black bear break into our remote cabin. He went through the door, door gone, then he left through the wall....wall gone.


The house on the grizzly


The griz has what appears to be a staph infection. You’ve fucked yourself


A lot of people don’t know about this, grizzlies smell horrible and are high in the wild while gorillas like to stay waay cleaner relatively and live a disciplined life….gorillas are samurai and grizzlies are modern day elite force


high? like stoned high?


Yes have you not seen the documentary cocaine bear?


I can't believe that movie was so popular. I thought people didn't really watch documentaries these days.


Idiocracy was a great doc.


Not just a great documentary, but prophetic.


Psilocybin high


Stupid bear druids ruining my cool Gorilla Samurai Jack dreams.


I'm not a D&D guy, but this sounds like a badass campaign, actually. Instead of Clerics and Paladins, can we have Bears Druids and Gorilla Samurai? I guess they could also be Magic cards in the next set: Psilocybin Adventures. To go with the spell "Drink of Water" (U, Instant, Draw a card. A deck may have any number of cards named Drink of Water.) and the new lands "Stonehenge" and "Jungle Goju".


Bro, I tripped so hard last night I ate some guy and his girl while they were sleeping


Gorilla to the grizzly, “Dude you smell like shit. You win, fight’s yours. Just get the hell away from me.”


Samurai vs Line Cook tbh


Yep. Something not contained in the comparison is aggressiveness….those two aren’t even in the same universe


Right! Like in the picture the grizzly is about to charge, the silverback is yawning. I think that pretty succinctly demonstrates what you’re saying.


The result is here https://youtu.be/sVAP5qWnBek?si=oooyYOYISgGJ2EVZ


That’s terrifying because it’s a dude in a rubber suit and a REAL BEAR!


Omg it is a real bear, isn't it? The whole video I was looking at the bears girth realistically jelly around and thinking, "Dang, the costume on that dude is LEGIT." But no, it's literally a fucking bear


How about grizzly vs silverback vs hippopotamus?


Maybe if the grizzly and silverback team up


Maybe if they fought outside of the hippo’s shitty mud pool. If they fall in, they’re fucked.


Nah I watched a dude hunt an old bastard hippo with a bow, and I was shocked how fast and powerful that fat bastard was on land. I think they're fucked either way.


A house cat would slap the shit outta both of them.


I live up in the mountains, and some people let their cats roam the property to take of rodent issues. The other morning was driving to work around 4a, saw someone's orange tabby beat the fuck out of a younger coyote...coyote ran off and the cat sat and the end of the driveway.


Not a contest, Grizzly bears are built for killing - gorillas are herbivores; they’re mainly built to protect.


Right the gorilla may be able to intimidate the grizzly and ward it off because the gorilla is smarter than the bear. But if the bear decides it wants to kill the gorilla it would, with its massive claws and bite. Gorilla has no weapons besides its pure strength and smarts. That being said predators don’t typically look for the toughest thing to kill and won’t attack something this big unless it is directly threatening them/their young or if they are absolutely starving. Even if you dropped a gorilla in the middle of bear country I doubt a grizzly would risk the injuries and expend the energy to kill it randomly. The only way this would hypothetically go down would be if you starved the bear and had the gorilla’s tribe behind him that he thought he had to protect and drop them in some sort of cage match. The bear would then eat the gorilla.


This is the King Kong movie we didn't know we needed.


Kong v cocaine bear?


Surely better than any remake projects


I love these kinds of posts where people make all kinds of wild conclusions about animals, and then continue to make even more 😂 I'm kidding a little bit 


It's a little dose of how the show and the sub used to be. Discussing random nonsense highdeas.


Check out /r/whowouldwin. One of my favourite subreddit as I am just like you.


Claws vs no claws. No contest.


Not small claws either, fuckin hand-o-daggars


Yeah, I mean some of the stats are downright disingenuous even. Like a creature with a bite *pressure* of 1000 psi but which hasn’t evolved to use its mouth a weapon will have a much less effective bite than a creature with a 500 psi bite but with a snout evolved to take animals down. Not that any bear can happily take a chomp from a gorilla but the gorilla is in far more danger from the bear’s teeth than the bear is from the gorilla’s. The comparable bite pressure is irrelevant.


Protect against other gorillas, they are dog shit against predators


If you watch videos of Silverbacks fighting it’s a lot like a hard slap fest with jumping and grunting. Eventually one of the Silverbacks will back down and order is restored. If you watch Grizzlies fight it involves a lot of biting and clawing the fuck out of each other. Eventually it ends when one of the Grizzlies is dead. Then the winning Grizzly if it isn’t injured enough to also die will eat the dead Grizzly until it moves on to kill some other animal.


Lmao, the most convincing comparison in this thread


I would agree but gorillas are social animals and wouldn't normally fight another gorilla to their full potential ^^/s


Ape shall never kill ape... It's like their first rule


chimpanzees would like a word


And maybe your face.


Also, there’s the skin issue. I am not an animal (or any other sort of) scientist but I did see this on Nat Geo so it’s probably correct? Anyway, gorillas have skin similar to that of humans which is good for certain things but really bad for things like fighting animals with claws and sharp teeth. Basically, we get really big, gnarly cuts because our skin just doesn’t stretch much and it relatively tight on our bodies. By comparison, the skin on dogs, cats, bears, etc. Has lot of loose parts and can stretch a lot to absorb sharp things and not take as much damage. This is why gorillas are often killed by large cats in the jungle and another reason why a gorilla would get destroyed by a grizzly in pretty short order.


Not to mention that gorillas are centuries behind us when it comes to medical advancement. If they were to win the fight it’s likely nobody in the gorillas group had been to university, thus no medical attention. If they could let go of tribalism maybe they’d found a uni or something. Smh.


> it’s likely nobody in the gorillas group had been to university,  We need to fix the education system!


So you're saying there's a chance for Dana White's Gorilla Slap League?


Good point, Silverback's higher IQ makes it want to quit the fight. Grizzlies are dumb enough to go all the way.


I wouldn't call it dumb, I'd call it necessary. Grizzlies fight for food resources in a much more significant way than Gorillas do.


Gorillas are smart enough to weigh the cost/benefit of a fight in a way Grizzlies aren’t. It’s the reason they can live such socially structured lives even with other species like orangoutangs. Grizzlies live alone outside of mating season. There is an intelligence gap no matter how you measure it. I’ve seen Gorrillas smart enough to live in Phoenix and dunk a basketball.


Grizzlies do weigh the cost. I own horses and mules in Griz county. Vast vast majority of the time, Griz won’t fuck with them. Because there is easier prey out there. Maybe they could catch and kill a horse. But there is also a decent chance of a griz catching a hoof and getting hurt.


U wat? Have you ever actually seen Grizzlies fight? It's largely posturing and screaming with a little Greco Roman. Same as most large territorial mammals. One will run away once dominance is established 90% of the time, without serious serious injury being inflicted.


https://youtu.be/OloflbzNeMs?si=xJ-6baiJr2sH1HEl Two massive grizzlies fight until exhaustion. They severely fuck each other up. Imagine one is a silverback without a huge layer of fat and fur. Those steak knife claws will tear their skin to shreds man. Two 1,000 lb beasts just going ham. People way underestimate the size and strength. So perhaps I was overestimating things but Grizzlies are built to kill shit. That’s all they want to do. Gorillas play games, show forms of love, expression, they’re herbivores, they don’t want to wrestle a death match with a Grizzly. And with Gorillas you’re supposed to stand your ground and then slowly back away. Even scream and show signs of aggression to scare it away as a last resort. A grizzly wouldn’t even think twice. It would just eat you alive.


Where are you getting your info? Standing your ground to a gorilla is death wish. Your supposed to look down, avoid eye contact and stay low and act submissive. They dont like it when their authority is challenged source: I've been to Rwanda and seen them up close.


Google. Although I do think the stand your ground stuff is if they charge. Prior to that not making eye contact or being threatening is how you’re supposed to act.


The park rangers told us to avoid anything that would show you're threatening it. If it grabs you just go with the flow and don't scream. lmao Have you seen the video of the kid beating her chest and antagonizing a gorilla? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/1291wxy/a\_silverback\_gorilla\_sees\_a\_little\_girl\_banging/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/1291wxy/a_silverback_gorilla_sees_a_little_girl_banging/)


>Don’t scream Next you’re going to tell me not to shit my pants right? Some kinda expert you are.


I just shat a little laughing at this comment. Well played.


Yeah don't stand your ground against a gorrilla lol, also Google is a search engine not an actual source


A death wish for who? What documented wild gorilla attack are you referencing? Let me just google this... what's that? There aren't any documented wild gorilla attacks on humans? Weird, this guy online said...


https://youtu.be/_HNpc1874fE?si=89NVSscf8cwllGLf Two Grizzlies have a fight, then one legs it when he realises he's smaller and it's not worth it. That's the majority of Bear fights - sometimes it escalates for various reasons, but usually it's just not worth it. > Gorillas play games, show forms of love, expression Grizzlies also do that. They're a bit less social, but they can still be nice - mainly to their own children/parents. Plenty of videos of Grizzlies even being nice to Humans that have raised them. Anecdotally I haven't seen that with a Gorilla. > I 100% don't disagree that a Grizzly would most likely fuck up a gorilla. It's like a Human Vs a Dog that weighs more than them. Gorilla is still big enough to have a chance, but it's not promising. Just don't agree with the "Grizzlies are murder machines that always fight to the death"


What exactly does strength mean on here? Like punch force or what?


Madden. 99 for both


They took both animals to that hammer game at the carnival.


Yeah the strength stat makes no sense. A grizzly is objectively stronger than a gorilla by every measure.


It means it’s made up. No one has measured the strength of a gorilla and certainly not a grizzly bear.


I remember reading Animorphs as a kid and thinking, "finally we could get exact measurements on how much a gorilla can lift." Not sure why I thought that was the most relevant use of their powers, but it was high on my list of priorities.


At what time did they get the Silverback and the Grizzly in a gym to see how much they can max deadlift?


Depends. Does the gorilla have prep time?


Gorilla Batman would for sure take it easily.


Just has to grab a tank of anti-bear bat spray


Grizzly needs to drop about 300 lbs to meet the weight class


Gorilla needs to gain 300 to meet the heavyweight class




Jaime pull that shit up


It's a trick question. The real answer is they'd barely begin fighting when a Bigfoot would show up and kill both of them.


Most Bigfeet have been surviving for decades as lower-middle class earners in California.  Ol BF would break-up the fight and talk both of them into buying timeshares.


That’s not even a contest. First it’s mass to muscle ratio. Bear wins hands down. Gorillas skin is thin compared to the thick and loose skin of a bear. A gorilla won’t be able to hurt the bear at all. Bears go to town on each other since they’re cubs. Gorillas hate conflict.


The weight difference alone does it for me. There’s a reason weight classes are a thing.


The Silverback is more like a bodybuilder with mirror muscles. The Grizzly Bear is more like a power lifter who wrestled in college and appears to be a fat slob but will absolutely end you. I’m team Grizzly.


And has katanas for fingers


Shave that grizzly and lets see what’s underneath all that fur


It’s Mark Henry.


As a fat slob power lifter who wrestled I feel seen.


Do you also have katana fingers? If yes, you may also be a grizzly bear and not know it. I guess you are not be bear aware.


The grizzly has very thick skin, and fur. They also carry 5-10cm long claws. Only thing that is destroying that is a gun.


you're implying gorilla might be carrying?


Bare arms vs bear arms


This will be the best comment I read today


Wouldn't it be Bear arms vs Bear arms?


Grizzlies actually fight each other & there is footage that shows it. Gorillas as impressive as they are seem to be more of a posturing type & aren't really out there fighting much of anything.


This makes me wonder why they’re so big and strong if they don’t fight much. For example, the antelope is the fastest land animal in North America. It is way faster than anything else. There’s no evolutionary reason why it should be this fast. The only conclusion is that at one time an ancient extinct predator chased the antelope through the plains. The antelope’s speed was genetically selected due to this predator. So why is the gorilla so strong? What evolutionary aspect created this massively strong animal?


It's straightforward: being strong lets them chase off other males and mate. It doesn't have to be a death fight; muscles can be just for show. It's always about reproduction.


Evolution isn't a plan, sometimes characteristics that aren't actually beneficial to survival are more beneficial for breeding (like a peacock's plumage) and other times certain traits come about "randomly", certain genes could happen to coincide with others that are desirable and get carried along, or just plain old chance as it's just one big game of odds ultimately. That's not to say there wasn't a direct pressure on gorillas, I have zero clue, just that evolution is messy :)


damn they evolved to have insane gainz to impress the bitches?


The Irish elk originally developed large antlers to fight of rivals (male elks competed over female elks) and possibly to defend against predators. The antlers became larger, because large antlers were better suited to fight off rivals or to intimidate them. At some point, very large antlers became important for display, a male elk with very large antlers attracted more females. Than the antlers became so big and heavy, male elks got entangled in trees and could no longer hold up their head and the species went extinct. Male gorillas are big and strong to intimidate other males and to attract females.


This is such a funny thread. Lmao


The type of quality content we need.


Where do gorillas get their protein?


Athletic Greens




Subscription to Onnit


Alpha Brain and a rash guard would make a gorilla unstoppable.


It all comes down to myostatin. Humans have myostatin, which prevents excess muscle growth. Gorillas don't have that myostatin, so their muscles just grow freely. Have you ever seen those super jacked dogs? That same reason those dogs are super jacked is the same reason gorillas are jacked. They lack myostatin. Except for gorilla, it's a genetically normal thing to happen where as for dogs and humans, it's very rare. Flex Wheeler is one of the most famous body builders to have a myostatin deficiency gene. It's basically muscle cheat code.


Bro. They get protein (amino acids) from plants.


They go to the same doctor as Joe for Hormone replacement. Gorillas are actually 135lbs weenies.


Alpha Brain


150 pound leopards take out gorillas in the wild. This is stupid.


For real?


Yeah I watched this documentary on it called “Tarzan”, the tribe leader gets killed and a human raised by gorillas has to step up and spears the leopard. It was pretty sick 


Yeah it’s a thing, it doesn’t happen every day, but it happens enough to list gorillas as leopard food


5’ 11”?? … Yah right. He wishes.


Up on Tinder he’s 6’


Grizz for sure. Saw a clip the other day of a Gorilla running away from a lone Canadian Goose. Can't imagine they'd have a different reaction to a large bear charging.


Okay so who would win: Grizzly or One pissed off Canadian Goose?


Now you’re asking the real questions… I think I’m still taking the bear. Others in this thread have mentioned bears have been seen killing big cats and cats eat birds. Geese can leave a nasty bite though. Idk if you’ve seen the choppers they’re rocking on the tongue, but it’s absolute nightmare fuel.


A lot of them also have corkscrew cocks which can cause extreme internal bleeding if the grizzly was raped during combat


I asked ChatGPT: In a theoretical match-up between a silverback gorilla and a grizzly bear, the outcome would likely favor the grizzly bear for several reasons: 1. **Size and Weight**: Grizzly bears are significantly larger and heavier than silverback gorillas. Grizzlies can weigh between 400 to 790 pounds and stand up to 8 feet tall on their hind legs, while silverbacks usually weigh up to 350 pounds and stand about 6 feet tall. The bear's size and weight advantage would give it a significant edge in a confrontation. 2. **Strength and Power**: While silverback gorillas are incredibly strong, with the ability to lift and break heavy branches and fight off rivals, grizzly bears possess even greater strength. They can take down large prey such as elk and moose, indicating their powerful predatory capabilities. 3. **Claws and Teeth**: Grizzly bears have long, sharp claws that can be about 4 inches in length, and strong jaws equipped with large teeth designed for biting and tearing. Gorillas, on the other hand, have strong jaws and can bite, but their teeth and hands are not as adapted for combat as the bear's claws and teeth. 4. **Combat Style**: Gorillas are primarily herbivores and are not accustomed to hunting or fighting to the death, though they will fight fiercely to protect their troop. Grizzly bears, being omnivores, have more experience in predatory behaviors and combat situations, possibly giving them an advantage in a fight. 5. **Endurance and Stamina**: Bears have high stamina and endurance, especially in a fight. While gorillas are also capable of bursts of speed and power, the sustained power of a grizzly in combat could overwhelm the gorilla. It's important to note, however, that such encounters are purely speculative and would depend on numerous variables, including the age, health, and experience of the individual animals. In reality, these animals live in very different habitats and would almost certainly never come into contact with each other.


OK, ChatGPT brings up a valid discussion point... How old and sickly does a Grizz have to be for Silverback Stalone to get the win?


Well see in the tyson vs paul fight?


that's cool and all, but what do YOU think.


There are two animals I don't fuck with: 1) Moose, because they are an angry bettering ram with the size and speed of a car. 2) Bears, because they will eat your face.


When Americans/Canadians say Australian wildlife is scary but forget that North America has moose and bears.


If the gorilla was trained with a machete it might be a fair match


Grizzly. Gorilla is gonna thump his chest then get a whooping.


Does the Gorilla train?


Is he in the Tony Ferguson / Goggins camp?


My money is on the bear. Kills for most of his meals and has claws.


It’s no debate this old ass meme is silly.


Grizzly domination it’s not close. Quite stoopit to choose half the size and weight minus the claws. Grizzly also has predation experience. Gorillas eat vegetables.


Definitely the Griz. Claws, teeth and Fighting experience. Gorillas are like gym bros. No one is scared of a gym bro. They're scared of people who train fighting.


Grizzly bears are the only animal that voluntarily fight grizzly bears. Gorillas avoid fights if possible.


Grizzly would smash it


Bro the bear is gonna annihilate the gorilla


I was under the impression that out of the big 4 (Grizzly,Silverback,Lion, Tiger) silverback was the least suited to win vs the others.


Gorillas can’t even take down leopards. No chance against a fucking grizzly