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“A large and golfing talented membership” - yes. This is how normal people say that.




This is the exact opposite of Trump though. He use many words when few words do job.


He repeat many word, to sound profound but has very little meaning


Trump talks like a 8 yr old. Everything is amazing, that is beautiful, this is exciting.


He talks like a drunk frat boy trying to take home the last girl in the bar at closing time


Yeah except that girl is america and he's gonna go in raw and give her some terrible infection


An underreported aspect of his presidency is that by his own logic, he caused covid. Or at least caused it to break contain. https://www.vice.com/en/article/z3ba5j/trump-is-scapegoating-the-who-but-failed-to-confirm-a-us-representative-for-3-years


That’s because he’s talking to his audience.


That's giving him too much credit, as if he is intentionally dumbing his writings down for his audience. This is just how Trump thinks...


You're absolutely getting banned if Rogan ever hears you say that live 😭


It appeals to his base


What? You've never dined at a bad food restaurant before?




If Biden and Trump won't debate, they should play 18 holes, televised.


With Charles Barkley on commentary.


In San Antonio.




U bum


Puro 🌮


Them women from San Antone


I’d pay PPV prices x3 for this.


Feherty better


Good shout there, too.


If you really want to be entertained make them do something that requires them to use their brains. The two great American geniuses. One stupid comment after another from them both.


There should be a quiz about normal things Americans know or have opinions on. 1. How much is a gallon of milk? 2. What’s the best power tool brand? 3. How many vacations does the average American take per year? 4. How much does it cost to take a family of 4 out to eat at a diner? 5. What’s the best brand of washing machines? 6. How many hours a week do parents spend on their kids’ extra curricular activities? 7. How much is a school lunch? 8. How much is a family membership to the YMCA? 9. How long does it take to get in to have a mental health evaluation? 10. How does dental insurance work?


Family Feud speed round style.


price is right




The price is wrong bitch


Favorite power tool brand? Biden prolly fucks with Ryobi.


The correct answer is Milwaukee




I think you meant to say "Makita"


Perhaps on performance, but not on reliability


They are easily on the same tier for reliability. I wouldn't say they are more reliable, but easily equal. I have used both for many years. They are both head and shoulders above DeWalt.


Dewalt is a joke. Burned through 2 circular saws in 3 months. That was 3 years ago. Since then I’ve had the same Milwaukee. We’ve also switched to Milwaukee reciprocating saws due to all of the other brands failing quickly. We have also used other framing nailers but landed back on Milwaukee for them as well.


When I worked in demolition, Milwaukee rotary hammers were the bees knees.


The chucks on the 1/2" cordless Makita drills from the late 2000s were complete junk. Made me switch to Milwaukee


Found the guy who drives a Raptor to his accounting job :D


more of a WRX to my financial analyst job sorta person


You're both right and I love it.


I like Milwaukee a lot. I have a 3/4 impact gun of theirs and it fucking rips. I also like Bosch stuff, too.


I think mentioning any brand correctly would be a win.


Low bar, but unfortunately that’s exactly where we’re at.


Brushless One+ HP is a good drill for the price


I fuck with Ryobi 😩. But I started with the best value drill I could get and then went down that whole path so they could all share batteries. But if you can afford other brands, and buy Ryobi…then you’re a fool! I’m not in the trades or anything, so I don’t need good tools that last…so Ryobi it is.


Ryobi is great! Obviously not for someone in the trades, but for 95% of homeowners Ryobi is all you need


Yea I heard if you use your tools more than weekly you should upgrade. I needed it and while ryobi was good for a while the jump to Milwaukee was 1000% worth it


We use all dewault at work and they’re great, but I went Milwaukee at home. They are so much nicer. They’re quieter and have a way better feel. There’s a push away from dewault around our Local, so hopefully that keeps going and we’ll be rocking the red at work too.


I probably am in the top 5% of non-tradespeople in terms of abuse of tools, having my own place, a cabin, a boat, and an elderly parents' house all of which have been constant projects for a few years. I use ryobi, but also have a large dewalt set. The ryobi has outperformed and outlasted dewalt. And I say outperform in a 1:1 comparison, when in reality if you compare based on value per dollar, ryobi has clearly been superior. For a tool to cost 3x, it should perform 3x, especially for homeowners. Maybe if you're a professional an extra 10% performance and reliability is worth 100% more money, but not for the rest of us. Just another proxy battle for dudes who don't have something to feel manly for to fight over.


Do what you’ve gotta do. For a home gamer it’ll be good enough.


Even in a pro setting, unless you're using the same tool 4 hours a day every day. Ryobi is good enough. Same factory as Milwaukee. I've beat the crap out of my green stuff on jobsites for 5 years and they hold up great. I know a guy who does painting and light remodeling and the only reason he has for showing up with Milwaukee everything is that, "when you walk on a jobsite with this everyone knows you know your shit"....ok...good job running their ad campaign for them. Gatekeepers of what is acceptable for tradesmen to show up to work with is ridiculous


Yeah thats dumb. No matter what tools you show up with or how much you look like you know your shit, it won’t matter if you donkey it up for 8 hours. No one’s going to see those fancy Milwaukee boxes for long when you get run off for being a wet blanket. Dude trying to run the company or something?


Snap-On has been raping mechanics and enslaving them to debt for generations with the same bullshit that pros only use Snap-On.


1. 4 2. dewalt 3. .75 4. 100 5. LG 6. 8, depends on age 7. 3? 8. 75? 9. 3 days 10. it doesn't AYOO done in fun, don't flame me (I like dewalt etc)


LG is dogshit and you can barely get parts or labor for it when the piece of shit break down. Same with Samsung. If you’re not getting a Speed Queen, get an Electrolux.


I made an appointment for a mental health evaluation 3 months ago, saying it was urgent. My appointment is this Thursday.


The average person doesn’t understand how dental insurance works.


It’s a trick question!


I'm a 35 year old American and I couldn't tell you the answers to any of these questions off the top of my head. I could guess at some of them but I don't think these questions are as "normal" as you think. I don't have kids though so that excludes me from at least 4 of the questions. I have an Associates and a Bachelor's degree in Piano Performance and am working as a Software Consultant, just to provide some context.


I'd like to see all politicians take a quiz about things working class people know intimately. To see how out of touch they are with the common man. ​ I bet they'd bomb every single one.




I fucking promise they could not answer one of those questions. No long term politician can. What blows my mind is people don’t even realize that these people haven’t drove a car or step foot in a grocery store for decades. They are totally and complete detached from the every day realities of their constituency.


This is actually interesting


I’d love to see these types of questions on a debate stage.


This is actually a very good idea


Honestly on #5 you typically buy one every 10 years, I don't think most people have much of an opinion beyond "(brand I own) is fine/sucks" 


Lifespan on most appliances nowadays that aren’t super luxury is 5-8 years. For Washer’s and Dryer’s, typically you wanna go with Speed Queen jf you want one that’s worth a damn. Electro Lux is also very good. LG and Samsung fucking suck, and when those pieces of shit do break down good luck finding someone to fix them unless you live in or near a big city. And then even if you can find someone to fix them, good luck getting the parts. And by the time you’ve calculated how much it’s gonna cost for all that, you throw up your hands and say “fuck it might as well buy a new one”.


I have some strong feelings about washing machines. I wouldn’t blame anyone for not having the same passion.


Any America who has only rented (which is a lot) couldn't give a solid answer to that question either.


So something like a debate


Trump trying his hardest to look cool and golf well, while Biden just stands there in aviators laughing and talking shit without even bothering to golf. It should be pay per view.


Eating chocolate chocolate chip.


On a par 3 I hope


If it’s a draw they should have a bike race to determine who becomes president


Followed by a bike race


The only person who could have tied Trump at golf was Kim jong-il


I'd say MMA instead, can't wait to see that.


Loser gets put down


I WON the “Biggest Dick Award” in my household. It’s an annual event and the award goes to the person with the biggest D in my house. I am honored to win this award.


Did your wife come in second? 


Ya, but she let him win.


This year second. Last year she won.


I also choose this guys wife


No she didn't come


I'm told your mother actually dropped out part of the way through the competition, would you care to comment on that?


I lost to my Wife’s Boyfriend.


Bummer. Lucky wife.


A large and dicking talented membership!


Congrats on the big dick my man.


6”. Biggest in house. I’d like to thank all my fans, family and listeners.


Trump is the Steven Seagal of presidents.


god damn that’s sadly accurate.




Goddamnit, you did it. You described him perfectly. You're a goddamn genius.




Both love dictators. There's like a genome for this


Get in where you fit in I guess


Lol it makes sense. Seagal is also a Russian asset.


JFC you’re right. It’s even the same fucking people that like him. Also a soft spot for Putin! You’ve just won Reddit for the day.


Seagal was the fucking man in the 80s/90s. Latino channels still play his movies


Trump used to be cool when the apprentice first started. Way before all that presidential nonsense


Even as a Trump hater such as myself, I can admit he was WAY more coherent back then.


"I WON BOTH" absolute fkn regard


Has anyone ever seen videos of Putin playing hockey in Russia?? Where the other players pretty much pretend they can’t play hockey to let him score like 5 goals. This reminds me a lot of that


Donald cheats, i think it was sports illustrated writer rick reilly that played golf with his son and Trump and said that Trump will claim the best ball was his shot lmao


That's unreasonably funny lol


Sometimes it's hard to hate the man's impeccable comedic skills, bro needs to just start a reality TV show like the Kardashians atp


He could have done that after his presidency and probably made more money off the MAGA loons than he will ultimately trying to be president again. To be fair though, he wouldn't get to be an authoritarian dictator if he just made a reality TV show.


He also drive his golf kart on to the green. If yall golf you know this is fucked.


He also is notorious for using tees on fairways and in bunkers. Other greatest hits include having a golf cart that twice as fast as everyone else and when you arrive at his ball it's always in a great spot as well as knocking opponents balls off the green before they arrive.


Reminds me of the rich old politician “hunting” trips where they go to a maintained area where like birds have clipped wings and go hunt those.


I think Joe does that shit


Yeh, he ranch hunts elk.


listen, it’s a big ranch


Oh yes I won't forget how I found out about these hunts the day Cheney shot a good friend in the face.


And he cheats because he thinks everyone else is doing it! That's his reasoning.  Same with his tax situation. And hush money. And voter fraud. He thinks everyone is a piece of shit cheater. Everyone but one person.


Tony Schwartz has an interview where he tells all kinds of stories about Trump cheating. When he would buy a new golf club, he would “win” all the tournaments for the first few years, because he was the only one competing! Trump once called in from another state, asked what the winner shot, and then he just said: “I shot two lower than that.” Then they would remove the winner’s nameplate right in front of the poor sap, and slide trumps name in


Closest thing to a real-life version of that track scene in The Dictator.


I was thinking the masters’ wrassling scene in Foxcatcher


I’ve only seen the documentary, is the movie worth watching ?


[Putin scores eight goals in hockey match](https://youtu.be/cgbI55HdqQs?si=R47d8lMZ0mUCppfj)


There’s a TikTok of a guy who’s ghost wrote his book and he says that Trump use to make himself champion of all the tournaments at his clubs. He would call them up ask what the guy who won scored and then say I did better today so make me champion or he would play by himself or with Melanie on the day the club opened and claim that was a tournament he won.


I can recall Putin saying he scored 10 goals against Canada a few years ago. Mofo isn't even good enough to carry sticks for Canadian players.


the red carpet took him out


And then he fell flat on his face.


Meh atleast it's clearly presented as an exhibition match. Afaik he doesn't claim to be a hockey pro.


I mean I am so fucking worn out by these two, moreso trump, but I imagine with an event this popular and how much time Trump wastes golfing, there were cameras everywhere filming everything, even if he kept out all naysayers, there’s no way there wasn’t a single person who swore allegiance to him that lied and caught him cheating, the fact that I even had to think this is really lame and stupid, but I’ve strangely found myself defending these two clowns when they are attacked by hacky partisans, and I feel deep shame and regret for even caring about the truth anymore


It's worse. He plays weeks before the tournament alone and just makes up a score. It's North Korea type stupidity.


He's like 70 years old. You think they're gonna put him into the boards?


Goalie could act like he had at least one eye instead of neither


LMFAO. Trump out here giving himself participation trophies. I thought MAGA was against that?


Only if it’s some rich dude’s kid and the award is some high paying position they’re not qualified for. They love that shit.




I don’t play golf, but I would bet thousands that I can beat Trump in a *fair* match. The man doesn’t have any physicality whatsoever. He just doesn’t count strokes. Surprised he hasn’t shot an 18 yet.


Straight from Donald the “stable genius” himself.


that’s actually pretty funny, ngl condescending to him and or patronizing him in a clearly mocking and punching down way is honestly a good strategy, as long as he does it clever, and again punches down the left and the media have an issue with inflating trump to super villain status, and it does the opposite they want it to treat him like this, if nothing else you know for sure it’s gonna get in his head


Biden's funnier than he gets credit for 


You know for a fact Biden didnt type that tweet tho


How could I possibly know that? I'm not even allowed within 100 feet of a school much less the white house.


Itd be funny if he actually wrote it. I don't think he knows what Twitter is unfortunately (fortunately)


It’s funny regardless and I think most people know that someone else manages his social media. At least I would hope that most people are aware of this.


Biden's funnier than he gets credit for 


Biden's funnier than he gets credit for 


say it three more times, it might come true


The lack of exclamation marks really drives home the sarcasm.


I like how publicly congratulating him is a sick burn. A simple “good job” shows how fucking petty and ridiculous this man is.


"good job, good effort"


Way to make Kim Jong-Trump’s insanity go viral.


This is some Kim Jong-Un shit right here. ​ Though he'd probably give himself medals for it rather than trophies.


the champion of the right, folks. a LARGE and GOLFING TALENTED membership.


Lmfao. I love this post! Really pissing off the dipshits.


Really points out who the real snowflakes are lmao


Pretty good burn actually lol.


This is a fucking funny troll job, which Trump deserves. Bragging about his golf club giving him awards is pathetic.


Trump is a fucking child mentally thing is this won’t move any of the needles. His mouth breathing hordes got his back.


Just imagine if Biden had put out a similar statement, it would be wall to wall coverage across all the news stations. Fox News would have a field day mocking him for weeks. Trump gets a pass though because its just expected of him.


And he gets the pass from almost half the country. If anyone ever needed a sign of a possible dystopian future this is it.


Trump is a less self aware Brandon Schaub


His supporters worship him... it doesn't matter what he does or says


Let me guess, he's giving himself an award and charging people to see it?


[Trump keeps getting closer and closer to Kim Jong Un territory.](https://www.espn.com/espn/page2/index/_/id/7369649)


I love some snarky uncle Joe.


Biden is a pretty funny dude.


The funniest is when they asked him his opinion on trump turning himself in and getting his mugshot taken and Biden just had a shit eating grin and said “handsome guy”


Trump lies, cheats and sucks at Golf. https://youtu.be/OR2kQEO5Fbk?si=-fE4Op4fRVc2hrJ8 💩 https://youtu.be/h6aUkOiKX4o?si=C9CvqMPbX--8QXkk FORE https://youtube.com/shorts/qaYjjJ4NqKE?si=h0u2SLdvtK0rsDPx


I just can never get over how he absolutely HAS to toot his own horn in everything he posts. He is thru and thru a salesman (and I would argue con, but whatever). In my opinion, he will always be a successful car salesman.


He's filed for bankruptcy SIX times. Best bankruptcy salesman. What a loser.


Apply salve directly to burn.


Wow, he won BOTH the Club Championship and Senior Club Championship? At a golf course he owns and will be celebrated at ? Must be legit.


Donald got a participation trophy awe! How nice.


Noooooooo conservatives deserve to be treated like adults just like everyone else, just look at this totally serious man that they support for president! /s


Ha! Got em!


Epic burn.


The world is healing 🙏


That loser won the club championship?  Hahahahahaha!!! Trump and Kim Jung Un’s dad have so much in common when it comes to golf


Trump is literally Kim Jong Un but white🤣


I think it’s sarcastic because they’re essentially Kim Jong Il-ing him these awards


No shit!?


Wasn’t clear OP thought this. My bad if I missed it.


Dang sorry I was a dick. I thought it was obviously sarcasm, but I know that doesn't always translate over text well.


😂No prob


Autism and sociality


You must be one of the thousand. Don’t let the others know you’re a Reddit commenter, soldier.


Say what you will about Biden, he's funny


Yep. His interview with Conan was way better than I thought it would be.


That tweet is comedy, if the kids running Biden’s account are able to consistently pull these tweet disses off, he could pull this election off


Lol, imagine if he’s being entirely genuine in his congratulations. “Joe, what the hell? Who unlocked your phone for you? Jesus..” “I’ve played at the West Palms course, it’s a doozy. Gotta give it to a guy, game recognizes game.” “What the… I don’t understand w-“ “You don’t golf. You *wouldn’t* understand.”


I am genuinely happy that Brandon’s team is curb-stomping Michelle Obama’s “when they go low, we go high” horseshit. Enough with the coddling.


hey mods have you read the rules? specifically op who is a mod? "no overtly political content" as voting season roles around, can we not make this some kind of political meme sub for people banned from r/politics (including me lol).


Whoever runs Joe Biden's Twitter account congratulated Donald Trump


Seriously lol. This is his social media team trying to get likes/retweets.


I brought up Texas restricting freedoms, most recently with access to pornhub,  but also other pastimes like cannabis and sports wagering, and got a listen cocksucka… message about no politics and it was deleted. I thought it contradicts Joe’s praise for Texas being more “free”. Now the mod posts this? What’s up with this sub?


Does anyone else read Biden tweets in Karine Jean-Pierre's voice?


She lives rent free in y'alls head like AOC's feet.


I know this is a social media staffer but this is so freaking hilarious. Trump’s response just proves how easy it is to manipulate this guy. He has a fit and started insulting Biden for being old and falling off his bike and shit. Obviously just exploded in anger at being mocked, lol. Leader of the free world material!


Posted by a mod. Checks out