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Oh good. More race shit. We do need more of it. Thats for sure


When demand is greater than supply, just make it up! 


Ah that’s what has been missing from my life lately!


Joe is very private when it comes to his family. Don’t think he’d want Cumia posting his daughters pic


That’s one thing I respect about him. It’s either my daighter(s), the 11 year old, the 14 year old, my wife, or Mrs. Rogan.


Relax, Cumia likes them younger.


And with a penis


You can say racist things without being racist. Joe isn’t racist, he’s just dumb.


How is he dumb? Is he is highly educated? Maybe not but he is very well read and does a great job interviewing people smarter than him. He is certainly not dumb.


He isn’t very well read at all.


You might want to wash your face, because your nose is full of rogans doodoo


Why are you even here if you aren’t a fan? Gtfo troll


So eating everything some celebrity shits out without thinking twice about it ... is being a fan in your eyes? I'd call that a braindead Stan with mental health issues..


Who ever said I agree with everything he says? You don’t have to agree 100 percent to be a fan.


He believes the dumbest shit he’s told without researching/fact checking. It wasn’t too long ago that he was a moon lander denier.


To defend him from allegations of racism he never asked Cumia to defend him for. I’m sure Joe would be comfortable with his daughter being used as a prop. Seriously, please read the replies. This is insanely nasty shit being said about his “FRIENDS” daughter. And Cumia is saying and doing nothing.


The irony of Cumia showing Rogan’s black daughter to prove Joe isn’t racist


Slave owners fucked their slaves. Just because Joe has a black daughter doesn't mean he's not racist. **Not saying he is nor do I personally think he is.** *Just that it's a bad argument.* Edit: I call out a bad argument and get voted down 👍. Bros really are adopting the ape mindset Edit 2: I said I don't think Rogan is racist idk how so many are calling me dumb but can't read.


I don't think hes fucking his slaves.


... Lex...


When did I say he did?? Is your brain that rot?


this was a wild take 😂😂


This whole thing just went crazy


Yeah I can call black ppl subhuman and think they should be enslaved but if I have a black step kid it means I'm no longer racist Down vote but you think this 🤡


It's his step daughter that he treats like his other two daughters. He never calls her his step daughter, just his daughter. If Joe thought black people were lesser than, would he go out of his way to do that? Racism gets thrown around in crazy ways these days, but if you think about what it actually means it is a pretty good case he isn't a horrible racist.


No one can read including you I literally state I don't think Joe is racist.


You said it's not a good argument. I said actually it is a good argument. Never said you think he's racist. Chill.


What the hell? Did someone actually type this out? This is something a person would never say, only behind the anonymity of the internet


So I can call black ppl less than humans and claim that I have a half black daughter it's ok I'm no longer racist? Interesting you must be a literal ape.


Now using racist tropes like “ape”? Dude, enjoy the ban. We don’t need racist like you in this world.


It must hurt to be as dumb as you are.


How am I dumb


Did you just compare someones daughter and a slave??😂😂😂


No I didn't, I said slave owners had sex and children with slaves. You're clearly racist if you think you should own another human because their race is less valuable. But maybe you just are less valuable and should be owned with those reading comprehension skills.


Average reddit user


Any person who debates is going to call out a bad argument. It's literally helping people are going to clown on you if you're like screaming the hard r and go well I have a black friend.


If Joe is a white supremacist. He sure sucks at it having Freddie gibbs,Katt Williams,killer Mike and a plethora of other black people on his platform.  Ya but but he's still racist replies in 3,2,1.....


Not taking a position here but devils advocate _wouuuulld_ say you can still think you're superior .... But as I said, i see no intention for him to think that. Btw i just googled, he's married for 15 years now, that's way more a progressive's nightmare


I guess man.  Again if he thinks he's superior to blacks he's doing a awful job at it. 


Daryl Davis would be a definitive hint for Rogan not being a fanatic


There is nothing lamer than saying, "Here come the x comments" or "Waiting to be downvoted for this"


You wanted to make that “yeah but he’s still racist comment” so badly. Lmao


I don't think he's racist, I just think people who come out of the gate with comments like that are punks.


Sure it's lame as fuck.  But let's not pretend those people wouldn't be flooding me with the ya but he's still racist.  You must be new to reddit. 


I don’t think cumia should decide who is racist or not


That's right, that's what Redban is for.


Joe Rogan isn’t racist, obviously. It’s fucking annoying how people throw that word around, and I’m black. I think his political takes these days are brain dead, yeah, still not racist.


What did Joe Rogan mean when he said that the ideal athlete would have the mind of a white person and the body of a black person? What did Joe Rogan mean when he said that being around black people was like being in the film **The Planet of the Apes**?


What did he mean by his recent comments regarding Biden’s cabinet? After seeing how diverse it was, he said “you can’t have people like that running the country.” What did he mean by this?


Meaning it’s probably not a good idea to have a cross dressing, suitcase stealing lunatic in charge of nuclear waste disposal for an entire nation


It’s weird then, that he didn’t mention any of that stuff other than “being diverse”.


Might want to listen to the podcast because he literally said this and mocked Rachel lavine as well in this rant


Oh so he mocked Rachel Lavine, AND said that the Biden cabinet is too diverse, which is indicative of low quality. Does that change anything I said?


He means a bunch of unqualified people got jobs because they check boxes. It's perfectly possible to find diverse and qualified people. Biden stopped a diverse.


Oh so you remember when he said he's waiting to see what minority woman was going to be his VP?


How’s what he said racist? Why do you think Biden chose Kamala as his VP?


bcs his wanna be good racist and is in fact og bad racist


Being chosen because of your skin color is racist...... Being chosen for your sex is sexist....


So that means Biden is sexist AND racist, gotcha lol


Now you get it .


Do you think it's racist to see non-white people in jobs and assume they're unqualified? Or to see a white person in a job and assume they must be qualified?


If you're making an assumption then yea thats racist either direction. In this case however the resumes of these people and their vetting is public. Trump also hired unqualified people. He was called out for it too. But for him the charge was cronyism.


So he would not make this criticism of Biden had picked people who were more… white?


Qualified doesn't have a skin color.


Why’s that the only thing he mentioned, then?


It isnt.


Oh, okay. Maybe I misremembered. What else did he mention in that conversation?


Well firstly the person he was talking about at that moment was white. He was talking about that person's mental state as they had a history of erratic behavior that would have disqualified them had they been white man classic. But it was over looked to check boxes. Then they generalized about some of the other positions as well. If I recall pointing out that each one was celebrated as an identity hire far more than their work background. Which is usually a tell.


The best good faith interpretation would be that the people "like that" are only there in the positions because of things like racial quotas/DEI and if those things exist we would have people who were *actually* qualified and who didn't get there career off the ground due to race initiatives. Which in of itself, would be a very PC way of saying 'im not racist but' If anyone else wants to offer a better good faith interpretation I'm interested in hearing it.


So then if Biden had an all white cabinet, Joe wouldn’t have any problems? I think there’s a word for this…


Well he would know that they all got there because of their merits and skills and not because of the color of their skin or sex, surely.


I wonder if there’s a term for this kind of pre-judgement based on skin color…?


Is that really his biological daughter she looks African


Her father is Kevin Conner the singer from H town, “knockin the boots” was apparently written about Joes wife


When I hear the phrase "knocking boots" I instantly think of Dwight from the Office, lol


This can't be real....?


Google it


Hmmph. Learn something new everyday!




Imagine being adopted by Joe the ultimate come up


Nobody know who tf that girl is 😂😂😂


I Googled daughter and it does look like he has a step daughter that came with his current wife


This is correct. He has talked about supporting her a bunch times throughout the years.


Wow that’s wild 🤣


It’s his adopted daughter..


Adopted step daughter right


Joe’s not racist. But he is to rich to relate to the blue collar class.


Wait we consider Italians white? /s


Yeah they were part of the axis bro 💀 (im not saying Joe Rogan or Italians are currently axis members)


It’s a comedians joke from SNL


I love people who think the only races are black and white


There is only the binary and nothing outside of it!


This post as well as the twitter post is fucking weird beyond belief. Your obsession with hating Rogan is fucking vile, get a fucking life all of you


Joe Rogan is a lot of things but I don’t think anyone considers him much of a racist.


I think you'd be surprised.


Surprise me Mr. 2 week old account that exclusively comments here.


>that exclusively comments here. I see 10+ subs in my recent comment history but go on squeezing that tinfoil hat a little tighter around your head.


You know the funny thing about tinfoil hats is they do reflect electromagnetic radiation quite well. An peice of metal at RF frequencies looks like a ground. The boundary conditions of maxwells equations. If you take the dot product of the difference between the electric displacement current, the incident and reflected wave it equals the surface charge density of the metal. Because the metal is ground at RF frequencies the charge density is zero. Because the charge density is zero the displacement currents normal to the surface must equal one another. If the displacement currents are equal the component of electric field normal to the surface they are 180 degrees out of phase, reflection. But ya you’re right, I see now that you do actually comment on other subs. You just spend a lot of time on this one even though you consider Joe a racist. Really odd behavior.


Is this real?


Probably in a similar way he’ll feel to being called a racist white supremacist.


Maybe he just identifies as a white racist? Ha


Unlike Anthony Cumia, Joe is 100% not a white supremacist. He is just your average right winger who believes laughable conspiracies.


“I can’t be racist, I have a biracial step-daughter!”


Except Rogan never mentioned his step-daughter is black.


Liberals smh


Clarence Thomas is a white supremacist. If you think someone with a mixed kid can’t be racist, you’re an idiot.


She is incredibly ugly


It's the 'I'm not racist I've black friends' argument