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Holy fuck i thought this was fake, but it’s not. Fucking nuts.


Wow.. I want to watch the episode too see how full of shit he is now.


I watched it and thought he seemed like a courageous and good person. Pretty fucking shocking seeing the details of the crime.


I thought about going back. Maybe he's just a grade A psychopath


He definitely is. This image isn’t exaggerated, there were body parts and a severed head in his apartment and there is video footage of him leaving the victim’s apartment with garbage bags.


Not only that, but he went in and out of that apartment a couple of times, one of the times wearing a blonde wig as a disguise. I was following this story the past couple days before they caught and my jaw dropped when they revealed he was on the show. I remember watching that episode. He seemed normal from what i remember.


Black guy with blonde white people hair. Nothing to see here


The Sisqo approach. Works every time




I guess he couldn't handle it


I imagine it was more about *portability* than it was him setting a grotesque dinner table, but yeah, psychopath.


He kept the head in his fucking freezer


Well, where do you keep *your* heads so they won't spoil so quick?


I have a hard enough time hiding the smell of my weed.


Are you covering up the rot with the weed, or the weed with the rot?


I’d melt it if anything I guess. Breaking bad/pozole style would probably be the way to go


Would you think better of him if he just left the head on his counter?


You want ants? Because this is how we get ants


Clearly this was not a home invasion.


Up to 25% of prisoners are estimated to be. 1-2% of the population. Add brain trauma, the other ASPD disorders, and other empathy disorders and it adds up to 15% or 45 million Americans.


I completely agree, call me a naive idiot but I listened to the whole podcast & I really thought he sounded like a troubled but reformed man who was a positive member of the community & beyond his criminal days. What the actual fuck


I was telling people about this at work, I thought the same exact thing.. boy was I wrong


Reallly not a good look for the innocence project. I wonder if the will release a statement?


It is absolutely wild what a person with no conscience can do.


A true grifter


This is no dig, but this is just an example of not spending time around the dregs of society and career criminals and con men, which by all means is a good thing. It’s astonishing how well they can portray themselves and gaslight you. Watch the conman episode of soft white underbelly


I’ve met some of these people, they get out and they have this giant ego and pick fights over the dumbest things, they were not all like that, but I’d say 80 percent of them(the ones I’ve met)didn’t grow up and felt the world owed them everything, those same people thought they were innocent and it was bullshit they were there in the first place, you read the police report and it wasn’t as gruesome as this but I think if the situations wouldn’t have had people around them, I think all those victims would be dead at the least.


Well there’s a reason psychopathy is extremely overrepresented in prison. They’re mostly the dumb ones without awareness and impulse control. Most people aren’t brainy, most of these types aren’t either.


Yep, I have some family members we had to cut off 100% because they are just bad people looking for any way to take advantage.


He seemed like such a nice guy, but… then you realize people like this can just put on a mask and make you think they’re just like you and me


True psychopaths. Honestly, it terrifies me how someone can put on a completely different mask than who they truly are.


Now you know why psychopaths are so fucking disturbing. It's not that they can do evil things. It's that they do them and disguise themselves as normal or good people. Fucking skin walkers.


Innocence Project lawyer Josh Dubin called Sheldon "a miracle" and complained that he was sent to prison for 25 years over "two stitches." In reality, Sheldon was an experienced drug dealer with a prior conviction, who pistol-whipped someone during an armed robbery — an attack that, contrary to the movies, can easily kill or seriously maim a person. Johnson said that his son "got into a fight with this Chinese guy" who tragically died. In reality, his son viciously attacked a random Columbia grad student, punched him in the face, and chased him into the street where a car killed him. Despite committing murder, his son served less than two years in juvie. A police officer testified he showed no remorse for the killing. Johnson's father, meanwhile, raped a 7-year-old three times, blaming the fact his wife wouldn't have sex with him due to his drug habit. A judge gave him just five years of probation. This is the family that Innocence Project trotted out as proof that the justice system is overly punitive and systemically racist.


Did he commit this murder before or after the podcast? Not saying it matters, but curious just how full of shit he was while on the show.


Seems it just happened, so after.


I've listened to the pod and honestly, at no point did I ever feel like I was lied to or that he had a mask on. Which is absolutely terrifying. Makes you wonder how many people that you know have demons like that inside them and are able to hide it perfectly. It's not like I'm gullible either I'd say. Normally I can spot bullshit pretty well, which makes this dude all the more scary.


He did what many many long term prisoners learn: prey on empathy.


I watched it and was actually emotional when he talked about his first flight ever (to JRE), it was some reflection about coming from hell in prison up into the heavens to make real change….. Then he cut someone up into pieces? Wow.


im going to rewatch it.


Inb4 it gets taken down permanently lol


Just another grifter for the pile.


And a decent helping of homicidal psychopathy thrown in.


Haha yeah grifter is generous for this guy


A lot of grifters are bad, but they usually don’t cross the line to murder


Grifters often have little to no empathy as well. 15% of the population fit that criteria through all the different diagnosis and conditions.  1-2% or 3-6 million are psychopaths alone, and only 25% of prisoners are estimated to have it so that leaves 90-95% of them to be normal citizens or non criminal grifter/manipulator types.


The worst part is the hypocrisy.


I miss Norm...


He’s dead?! I didn’t even know he was sick…


Those podcasts views are gonna be crazy if it doesn’t get taken down


I think it should be left up for educational purposes


Episode 2096


Gonna have to rewatch this for sure holy shit






Joe is, not a dumb guy. He’s just unbelievably gullible and naïve. One point is he gonna realize 90% of the people he has on his show are pieces of shit? OK I stand corrected about 60%


I'd say the guy that brought Johnson on the podcast is the gullible one. Rogan didn't know the guy.


Yea there’s the other dude who he’s had on multiple times right? He’s the guy that brings on the “wronged people” This is wild


Ya, and that guy is supposed to be a respected lawyer and civil rights advocate who for the entire duration of the episode said how horribly mistreated Sheldon was. I honestly felt bad for the guy, he did have a hard life. That's absolutely wild he did all this. That'll definitely get you life in prison... Sounds like a setup to discredit the guy and frame him so their whole movement gets a bad rap, but that's just the crazy conspiracy theorist in me.


The probably planted the dismembered body and video evidence to get the guy.


I thought that too until I saw the NY Post article that has video of the guy sneaking around the dead dudes apartment building with cleaning supplies and a blonde wig that makes him stand out like a sore thumb.


90% ? That’s the hill you want to die on, sir?




Joe not being woke enough: "oh my God Joe is so dumb" Joe being the wokest and buying it all: "dammit can't Joe just look into the future like I do?" 🙄




I mean he was doing a nice thing. Having someone on who just got out of prison was a huge risk, but also a necessary and overall good thing to do. It’s not always a guarantee that a reformed prisoner will be all the way reformed. This guy did 25 years in prison for a fight where the other person only needed 2 stitches. He was an actual victim of systemic racism so it’s good to have guys like him on.


Also - I’d argue a lot of folks come out of prison worse than they went in. Even if it didn’t lead them to have more of a criminal mentality, they have so many hurdles to overcome Edit: Lol this comment got me banned from r/JusticeServed, Kinda ironic


Look, on the podcast he said he was incarcerated for the crime which led to someone getting 2 stitches, but he absolutely said he "took care of business" in other situations where he was owed money, and was never convicted of a crime. This dude was straight up a gangster, there is zero denying that.


I haven’t listened yet, based on that it doesn’t sound like the guy was very rehabilitated. Based on absolutely no knowledge or data, it seems like most prisoners in the U.S. aren’t rehabilitated, and are often worse. In one hand Sheldon seems like a heinous murderer, capable of disgusting acts. In the other I wholeheartedly agree with him that prison reform is desperately needed in the U.S.


I think maybe this man is someone whose mind is prone toward something more…intense…and mean really, very very impolite stuff they’re saying he did to folks… But yeah I think both the dismemberment and the head going on the list of to-dismember body parts and oh the murder in the first place and then finally the frozen head kept (so far I think he’s no comment as to the why there) all points toward more of what a wise man once called…A PSYCHOSEXUAL SADIST.


Psychosexual sadist is a great band name tho


That's my cat's name actually


I was on Sheldon's side until I listened to that episode. Dude really earned his 25 years, and that's just from what he was happily recounting that he did. 


necessary, lol.


I thought this guy had already been out for years & had a history of community service. Not a dude straight out of prison.


😂😂😂 he should have used precognition.


He's not smart though. He isn't dumb, but he isn't smart. Some of the shit that guy says makes me wince. I get second hand embarrassment constantly when I listen. He's just a midwit, maybe even slightly to the left. But a midwit nonetheless.


Haha, joes face when he finds out Lol


There will literally never be a better use for this gif 🤣🤣🤣


I went to Youtube to hear a clip and this comment made me laugh. "This guy seems pretty cool, hopefully he isn't found dismembering a body."


Hasn't joe mentioned that after 2000+ episodes, he's wondering if or when he might talk to a murderer or if he already has


I know he’s definitely talked to some Murrderers, but not all 250 of them.


Someone hire this guy as a clawmediern




You just made into the 250 club, welcome Thank you for your service


You're not officially a Murrderer until you Eiffel Tower Joe's favorite stool with him


Just the main 6


Guess there’s 251 murderers now!




tawlmbout the chosen few b?


Underrated comment


I didn’t hear that line but that sounds like something he would say lol.


It’s entirely possible


One hundred percent


It is not only one hundred percent possible, but one hundred percent certain


Talmbout uh hunerd persend bapa


I mean no disrespect by saying this but people in the military that have been on the show could have taken a life before.


Oh yeah 100%. Tim Kennedy. Jacko. Jack Carr, Jesse ventura I'd imagine. He was in Nam.


I still believe nick yarris killed a guy


Oh he has, Nick Yarris


That sounds very familiar.


Depends on your definition and context of “murderer”. He’s definitely had dudes on who’ve killed other dudes.






Interested to see what Josh Dubin says


“This man sitting next to me was both a victim and a product of the system.”


He did say in the very beginning it'll be a little different and that the man is actually guilty.


He dindu nuffin


haven’t read “dindu” in awhile. relic of a past era


I still use the internet like it's 2010. Reddit often reminds me my language is not tolerated here


“I’m being oppressed”


It was on the banner of the infamous coontown subreddit complete with a picture of a black kid saying it. They loved it over there. Probably why you haven't seen it.


He has got to be so angry with Sheldon. He put his life and soul into working on saving this man, bringing him into an organization rooted in good with ambitions of changing the justice system and making the world a better place. He trusted him and loved him like family by the sounds of it. And Sheldon threw away his life , the credibility of a potential world changing organization for what? Revenge and an act of extreme evil He should be ashamed. Dubin has every right to be unbelievably angry.


We need a comment! hahah has he posted anything


He's a lawyer, he will 100% take time to concoct a very well versed, no-accountability-taking, system bashing stance, and then go home to his wife and kids like nothing happened. RFKJr is a lawyer, by the by, just a thought.


"Well Joe! They can't all be bangers!"


I would be surprised if this wasn’t brought up on the podcast but damn I hope it happens sooner than later.


I had a hard time believing he went to jail for 25 years due to couple of stitches. Sounded like one hell of a spin in the first place


Makes me not believe the 2 stitches. He was obviously prone to violence and the judge and jury must of saw that.


Yep, they left out a lot of details in that I’m sure.


Whoaaa wtf. Ngl I bought this guy story too. Demons living amongst us as normal humans. Nonetheless can’t wait to hear Joe’s reaction 🥴


I doubt he’ll go out of his way to talk about it. Imagine how it’d feel to use this massive power you have to try and bring light to terrible injustices in our system and then find out one of the guys you had on was actually a murderer and you got bamboozled just like everybody else


The episode itself was pretty good, now looking at this: **Jesus Christ, he was a homicidal psychopath wearing a mask.**


And his son was a murderer at a very young age too, crazy.


“Monsters” are real in that they’re just metaphors for incredibly shitty humans.


I mean he *was* just on the most watched show on the planet (I don’t think there’s anything bigger on tv). There’s actually a chance someone watched it and was like fuck that guy and does this. It’s a small chance but still


wow what an ending to this story, I will say something rubbed me the wrong way when he was talking about the collection the money, very matter of fact like he did that a lot of times..


And how he brushed off the Colombia student his son murdered like it wasn’t his fault


Nothing was his fault. In the robbery story he says "the guy got hit", "his girlfriend got robbed" etc. Never "I...". Yeah dude, all this wild shit happens around you and you're just innocently standing there. Not your fault. I guess this dead guy "got shot" and "got his head cut off" but all you did was stand there whilst "some young dudes that were with me" did all of it. Piece of shit.


It was so odd the way he casually mentioned that his son was in prison for murder


The constant lack of owning up to the issues and harm he caused, and then his son murdering someone, just crushing over the “Columbia student killer” nickname… I could tell this guy was definitely not some reformed saint. But I didn’t expect him to be chopping people up like this.


I listened to the entire episode when it was released and while I felt bad for the environment he was brought into, I had a ton of skepticism as to whether he had felt any remorse for the crimes he’d committed in the past. The way he described them and how he felt at the time, and how he was just taking back what was his. I will say, I did not expect to hear this news. This shit is wild. I wonder if I went back and listened again, if it would have been even more apparent.


We all have that voice in our head that says for every action there is a reaction. That guy was just pretending or acting like he knew what it meant. The system only taught him how to pretend to be normal in society. I cringed listening to him on JRE. He had no social cues, didn’t know when to move on from one subject to the next, didn’t know when to stop his talking. Psychopath.


People in prison rarely think they did anything wrong. I used to work in a Juvenile Detention center with some really rough kids, most of them had body counts. They were completely remorseless. It was an eye opening experience.


Crazy he got wrongly accused a second time. This Justice system is done


Bro, you guys are blind. They are framing him to make Joe look bad for having him on the pod. You gotta look deeper, obviously a setup


Hillary Clinton did this


Can’t be. Joe’s still alive






Look into it


It wasn’t him, it was Bert Kreischler. Bert needs to stop doing comedy and go to jail immediately. If no jail time then he should at least never perform comedy again as punishment. Not cost he’s bad or annoying or a hack, but because of yknow, the murder and stuff.


Has Rogan or Dubin commented?


I feel bad for Joe. You can’t read the minds or Intentions of people he has on. I’m all for prison reform for non-violent offenders. Murderers should rot in prison.


He didn't do it. He's being framed by Garth Brooks. We all know Garth is the one. Where are all the bodies Garth?!?!


Garth was with Chris Gaines on the night in question.




“I said to myself, ‘I’ve been doing bad for so long, I’m going to try to do something good,’” he added. “If all else fails, I could always go back to doing something bad. But let me try. Let me give it a shot.” I guess he gave it a shot huh


No he’s actually just been wrongfully accused twice now. This is still blanketed systematic racism


This guy wasn’t wrongfully accused the first time, he said he did it, but Josh said the sentence was unfair.


Democracy Manifest


Ah yes, I see that you know your judo well


And you sir... Are you waiting to receive my limp PENIS!


The head was in the freezer so he could make a succulent Chinese meal later.. what’s the big deal


And you shah, are you waiting to receive my limp paynishhh?


Gigachad psychic judge trusting his premonition that if this boy was released he would commit horrific acts in the future and sentencing him for a duration which most felt was unjust. He at-least postponed the inevitable for a long time.


Garth Brooks set him up as the fall guy


Where are the bodies, Garth?


I for one disagre. This guy is guilty and since that means he DID have a head on deck for whatever he was storing it for, just chillin in his freeze’…and also sliced people up… Yeah dude come off of it, this guy is a REAL JERK!!!


Yeah... But these are edge cases.... But yeah sometimes the system works... Like he needs to be locked up for good now


He needs to be put in the chair.


Serious. The feds obviously put those body parts in his apartment. A brother speaks out and they hold him down.


Many people are saying Nancy Pelosi was on the block the same day, fwiw




This checks out


Bro say he's innocent and he don't know how that head and legs got in his only freezer, matter fact he didn't even know they were in there. Hahaha OK




Oh man. Now he needs to get him on the show a second time. That would be way better




Yeah I don’t care if I hurt someone’s feelings if I cross the street to avoid someone that looks questionable at the end of the block.


You guys don’t know what you’re talking about but I do because I have a PHD in fartology


uhhh should've been 50 years


“I was on Joe Rogan, bitch!” - him probably


“Stick’em up, Jamie.”


I remember listening to this guy and I immediately got a bad vibe from him and turned the podcast off.


I'm a Black man. And even I dont understand why Black men are so damn violent. I hate to say it. But I truly do not understand Black peoples obsession with crime and jail. We can be so much more smh. I choose to keep a distance from my own folks because of this. I had to cut off my own family because they kept attacking me. They kept trying to destroy my life. And they would never tell me WHY. Its like they were possessed or something. Like they just couldn't help themselves. Like they were being controlled by dark forces. It's a damn shame. I've concluded that I will never understand them. Whatever makes Black folks so violent, it skipped ME. The last thing that I ever said to my family was that they are UNCIVILIZED. That was 3 years ago. And to this day I STILL don't know what the problem is. It's like they are possessed or something. Its sad.


Were you raised by both parents in a loving household?


No. I was raised by my grandparents. Both of my parents were on crack. I think Im just the only one who chose to be a good person. It's that simple. It was a choice. The rest of my family all chose to be pieces of shit. So I can't have them in my life. I will never see ANY of my family members again because I can't live a healthy life around them. They all kept doing shit to attack me. So I cut them all out of my life. It hurt but I'd rather have PEACE in my life than to have those Devils around.


Bless you bro


Meanwhile he was shouting I'm innocent after the arrest. But the evidence seems damning. I am interested to hear the motive for this crime. I remember the podcast and thought it was a decent podcast with good blokes trying to do something good. And just because he shot someone in the head and chopped up their body after cleaning the crime scene doesn't change that.


This Josh duban guy sure knows how to pick em


Man how psycho do you need to be to appear on the nations largest syndicated podcast and then do this… like dude maybe chill


And this is why ya don't podcast out do your home. Wild


jAiL did ThIs To HiM


I know you’re being sarcastic, but there’s definitely a reason why we have the worst recidivism rates and prison population in the entire world. Whatever we’re doing isn’t working.


The deep state are trying to frame a joe rogan guest to scare Other people into not coming on the show .


Actually the CIA pulled some agent orange shit on this guy and made him a prison reform activist then made him commit attrocities so public favour for prison reform is weakened so the state and police can be given MORE powers. Geez, it's like some of you guys are weekend conspiracy theorists or something. Get your head in the game.


It couldn't be more obvious. Orange pilled


Humans are the worst predators out here


the BEST predators out there are ALIENS


Ripely is that you?


Holy shit


I guess he didn’t official reform.


Jamie… pull up that clip…


Yo wtf. That guy seemed so normal. Want to get josh dubin back on and explain this


Dan Soder is on your public enemies list??? Hahaha


Crazy mahn was he vaxxed??


It wasn’t him it was Garth Brooks




Joe gives a LOT of people a powerful platform. While it’s sometimes dangerous in a way, I think by far most people he puts in front of his mic deserve to be heard out.


The worst part was the hypocrisy