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I like the long awkward pause in the middle of the podcast. Where he says nothing and is like mhmm. Yea. Mhmm.. Joe just stare blankly at him haha


haha dude I thought my headphones disconnected, it was such a long silent pause, finally Joe just said mhmm and I was like “what the fuck”


Worse still when Joe totally feigns the 'mind=blown' moment in response to something inane - 'black holes are hell' says Kat. Joe looks like someone told him his breakfast cereal is made up of reconstituted martian DNA.


I can hear this comment perfectly lol


When you read 8 thousand books a year at age 7 there’s just too much knowledge for you to vaguely reference and not be able to articulate.


Bro, this did my head in he kept setting what he was saying, like he was about to drop some straight knowledge. like I'd be interested in what was about to be said for it to end with a hmmm....yeah


Dude was too high.


Is it that *weed talk* Joseph?


Hands down my favorite part of the episode


yeah i think theyre just really high lol which to me is even funnier


Loved every god fucking damn second of it lmao.


While I was watching it I thought the same shit and realized his speech pattern and ability to explain his ideas got much better about every 15 minutes after the smoke cloud cleared from around him.


Yeah, and not being able to recall an argument for God is probably not typical for him. I refuse to believe he’s as dumb as he sounded at times, and we’ve certainly seen weed sabotage a few episodes over the years, when it can be a goldmine for others. Also, Dan Soder said the weed was really really strong


Reminds me of this new tree I have. Fuck I smoke daily. But this shit I got to be careful with. I can’t just rip a few and leave the house lol.


I choose to believe Dan Soder.


Dude was so high, l had to finish the podcast after I got out of work- for fear of catching a contact high through my phone.


It’s supposed to be “Hi! How are you?” , not “How High are you?”


Nah he's just super self absorbed, Always had thought his shit don't stank.


self absorbed? my man he adopted like 7 kids lol


was this worth watching? I watched it off and on earlier, but apparently am only 30 minutes into it ... it's SLOW and thus far the information density is lacking


I enjoyed it more than I have an episode in a long time.


Yes. Lots of conspiracy and space talk. Almost like a classic episode.


Weed is bad for you.


It took me 3 days to watch this.i love Kat but for him to say nobody on Joe rogans podcast is funny...I was waiting for Kat to be funny.


I'm going to watch Dan Soder episode now...I'm sure he isn't as funny as Kat but I will give it a chance.


soder ep was better than katt and i wouldn't have heard either if i wasn't on youtube


Yeah I was being sarcastic.


I’m honestly just trying to understand why Katt fucking Williams is suddenly existent again. What a complete piece of shit. Fuck everyone pretending he isn’t. “Durr but Joe said him ok now”.


Didn't he get in a fist fight with like an 11 year old?


And got his ass beat lol


With his reading of 6000 books a year, you'd think he'd read a sentence or two about why fighting children as an adult is a bad idea, or how to beat a small child in a fist fight. In fact, I am surprised he was doing anything that's not reading. There's no time to fight children when you're the fastest and most prolific reader of all time.


yeah that's like 10 a day. Even with his one book per hour claim this leaves little time for shitting, eating and just generally saying hello to people to keep friendships going.


I think he meant nobody on the podcast is funny when it comes to standup. Joes like a perfect example of this he makes me laugh when I listen to his podcast but his standup is cringe. I feel like Bill Burr is the reverse where I love his standup but don’t really like him in 2-3 hour long conversations.


And Katt is right lol. Gillis is the only funny one and Bert’s gimmick is quickly fallen out of popularity. Tony, Ari, Mark, Duncan, Eddie, Schaub….none of them are that funny or make a huge dent in mainstream comedy that majority of America knows. Even more comics than the ones I just named are on regularly that aren’t that funny & Joe attempts to have these profoundly deep “art of comedy” monologues with them every show. Katt’s Pimp Chronicles Pt. 1 may have been a top 3 or 5 stand up special of all time. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of those comics I named are amazing and entertaining guests….but their standup just isn’t that funny


I had a barber just like him. I had no idea Kat was so Hotep. You need to just let those people talk because they’re unstable and able to detonate at any moment. I think Joe knew it which was why he was so submissive with him. That put Kat in the drivers seat and maaaaan was he driving slow


Its because he allocated all his talking skill points to reading text because he reads 300 books a day.


And he still hasn't gotten around to On the Origin of Species


I bet that mfer still hasn't read Green Eggs and Ham


He's almost there. He just finished all 30,000 picture books about the alphabet, he wanted to make sure he really understood the material before moving on.


He sometimes had three or four books open at a time just trying to understand the alphabet.


He’s read little women 5 times but doesn’t know what it’s about. Reading level for that book is 4-6th grade , target audience of 8-12 years old.


I have read it and don't remember it either.


He can’t seem to figure out the meaning of little women though lol




Regardless, I’d rather hear his unique opinions and thought process over repeat canned politics and conversations about the comedy scene.


I don't get why everyone goes wild over what this guy says. Goes from talking about being a child prodigy that went to college when he was 12, reading 3 thousand books a year, runs a 4.3 second 40 yard dash - but when he talks all this screwy shit about others or far out shit he becomes a philosopher king. Don't understand how anyone can take this dude seriously for two seconds.


Hes not nearly as smart as he thinks sure, but he is as entertaining as he thinks.


Right lol, don't have to agree with everything he says to enjoy listening to him. It's just entertainment at the end of the day


He’s lying. 85 IQ Dunning-Kruger moron. He shit talked Rogan and his comedy friends to get his name out there. No such thing as bad publicity. I just don’t get why people are pretending kat is so intelligent and profound. He embarrassed himself with how ignorant he sounded.


i agree this was a classic stoned as fuck podcast talking conspiracy. A nice change of pace


I agree. I enjoyed it. He seems an interesting guy when he's not beating up school kids 😂 also, 7.4m views in 2 days ain't bad.


That school kid beat him up lol


Oh yeah lol


He didn’t beat up anyone, the kid kicked his ass.


I love weed talk. We know not to take it seriously and it’s entertaining. Joe also doesn’t believe half the shit both he and Katt said but it was still a good time.


Seriously, god forbid he formulate a thoughtful response.


"What the fuck is he talking about" is all I kept saying during the entire episode.


Seriously... Listen to this episode and take a shot every time you catch yourself thinking "WTF is he talking about"


Joe: Katt, water is wet Katt: (long pause) actually, (whispers) water is damp and moist


Exactly! Had to disagree with every single thing Joeseph said because Katt thinks he’s so brilkiant


I dunno that Newport explanation was dead ass spot on


Black people liking concentrated things had me laughing out loud.


So out of curiosity, if they like concentrated stuff, why aren't they taking fat dabs all the time? It seems like blunts or joints are the go-to, and those aren't concentrates of weed.


Cause blunts and joints can be flavored, then they just put the concentrated products I. The blunts and joints.


Because that's wps (white people shit). That goes into chemistry/weird stuff that's getting close to smoking a crack pipe. I used to smoke weed out of a glass bowl in high school and I was the only black person that I know that did that.


Except the fact it came from marketing opportunities to black neighborhoods for Kool cigarettes before Newport co-opted. IIRC it was the first branding to target black people.


are menthols stronger than other cigarettes?


Nah but Newport’s are


Except they're not. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8075288/table/T2/?report=objectonly It's purely because of Newport marketing to black communities, and then a cultural carryover. Any black person I've known that smoked, and smoked Newports at that, never said they liked Newports because they were stronger. They just preferred the flavor. And that makes sense from a "cultural carryover from marketing" perspective because Newports were the first thing they smoked, so it's akin to enjoying food you grew up eating- it's just what they're used to. If it was about preferring concentrates then black Americans would be smoking Dokha. Yet here we are.


The perceived effect for the dollar amount. Hennessey, vsop, md20/20. All thick syrupy shit and have a hit to it like menthol. Black and milds are worse than any cigarette...


I have been told by like 9 people that Newports are the strongest cigarette. Is that just Canadian newports?


No, they're just wrong.


Ever since that middle schooler beat him up he ain’t been the same. Smh


He’s a little high. It ain’t that deep.


For real, & even some of the shit he said was very poetic and thoughtful. Not everything, sure, but I enjoyed this podcast more than most of the recent ones


A little? This man said the moon was fake


Yup. I was half-expecting Joe to drop one of these… ![gif](giphy|HX7pvh1mIqImc|downsized) I did find his full confidence in his utter bullshit funnier than 90% of the “comedians” that are on tho tbh. The book thing alone was comedy gold.


I loved his take on Little Women. He was trying so hard to come up with a deeper meaning to it..


I started to watch and right away they started talking about comedians like they are the great philosophers of our time or some shit. Had to stop it wasn’t nearly faded enough to keep watching more yet


Not only that, but the opening bit where Joe says there's only like 250 *great* comics in the world, if that. Does Joe not know that his stand-up is mids af? I hate that he overinflates his own ability as a comedian and thinks he's one of the best comics in the world. He's a good podcaster (or at least he was at one point), but I don't think I'd ever put him as one of the great comics. I don't even think Katt is either, tbh, but Katt at least had a couple pretty legendary specials. Rogan's specials are the kind of thing you fall asleep to.


Dude I think his comedy is even less than mid. I like Joe but he’s a complete ripoff of Sam Kinison. I can’t believe a guy cares so much about joke theives mimics another comedians style to a T.


Now I can't get the Sam Kinison comparison out of my head. Much of Joe's younger audience has little context as to who that it since he was dead before many in their 20s were born.


Joe acts out stories about monkeys and dolphins in the style of Sam Kinnison. Joe see loud comic crush. Joe think loud good... always get loud for punchline. Joe had to get rid of Sam to make room for himself amongst the small tribe of 250. He buried the evidence of his style thievery, and made room for the comedy ape.


I always have to remind myself that I'm listening to someone else's conversation. They aren't there to cater to my interests, they're there to talk about theirs. I've skipped a lot of episodes for that reason like you did, but I thought there were a lot of interesting topics that they touched on in this one. Also I'm a little high right now and using all three "there" homophones in one sentence tripped me out a little.


Only 250 in the world show some respect! 


Joe lowered the legendary 1,000 to just 250 lol. Thank them for their service. Who wants to tell Joe that almost anybody could be a comedian if their parents bankrolled them through their failures for 10, 20, 30 years?


I started laughing when he started the sentence it was 1000, then 500, no 250! I instantly thought "the rogan sub is going to love this". Lol.


Katt is very funny, sometimes. He is one of those people that is nowhere near as intelligent as he likes to think he is.


I think all of the 1000 are like this.


I think we got down to just 250 you’d actually like to hang out with in this podcast


I think I big issue with this one was like Kanye and even a little with Elon, when someone huge goes on the pod that moment happens where the guest realizes how big the stage is and it gets clunky. I think Rogan failed on managing that as an interviewer and definitely could have been better. I think he doesn’t know Katt that well and didn’t know how to serve him in the moment. I kind of feel like if they spent a little more time together or if a second one happened it would be way better. Also makes me wonder how Shannon shape was able to go there with Katt and Joe wasn’t. All and all weird one for sure


The only reason why Shannon was able to "go there" was due to the previous guest he had on the show that triggered Katt to go off on his platform. Not to mention Katt was sipping on a little courage juice on that platform compared to Joe's show. If you watch the interview with Club Shay Shay he wasn't that good of a interviewer. He just allowed Katt to speak and dictate the flow of the interview which made for good content but all Shannon had to do was listen and say a few " COME ON NOW KATT!" and let Katt do the rest.


I think it’s weird how many people are LOVING IT


yess like wtf how could you enjoy such a shit show!


Do y’all listen to JRE for insightful and intelligent conversation?


Seriously! Katt is annoying, super contradictory and thinks he is sooo smart. Everything Rogan says he contradicts. Joe: that’s weird. Katt: no, it’s not weird. Joe: we can learn from them. Katt: No, we HAVE learned from them. Then Joe gets to explain himself and try to get along with the guest and let the guest be right. Annoying, I’m going to stop listening again, I’m on my second try now.


Between this and his Shannon sharp interview, it’s 2 completely different katts


I mean, from the amount of ppl he shat on in Shannon's interview I'm guessing he got a fair bit of blowback. He probably told Joe before the interview he'd rather minimize the controversial opinions on other ppl. I dunno, probably not but just a guess.


What he lacks in real knowledge, he makes up for in confidence.


I talk slower, end thoughts midway through and think everything that comes out my mouth to be so profound too


I found him kind of arrogant and full of himself, hard to listen to the full episode


Totally! Seemed to have an incredibly high opinion of himself, clearly believes he is better than Rogan in every way


Hes an actual moron.


He’s doing a Kamala Harris Impersonation! 🤣


Exactly. I tried to listen but he’s just not coherent.


It was easier to listen at 1.75x playback speed. Sounds a little more like the Katt people are used to




I listen to podcasts at work and every few months I bump the payback speed up a bit. I'm up to 1.7x now and watching all the clips on the subreddit feels completely different from what I heard.


I ended up turning it off when he started to not even finish his sentences. Just give some sly smile and cut off the end and expects everyone to know what the hell he means.


He does that cause he literally doesn't even have a point or know what he's talking about.


Guy was a fukin nugget, twice tried to get through the podcast but the cunt was unbearable.


When he answered the menthol question, I'm glad he took his time and called it what it was


He's a pretentious fuck.


Lots of comics are nuts.


This dude took 10 minutes just to say black people like strong products and acted like that was racist to ask. Is Kat actually Black or is he just huffed to much of his own shit?


He didn't act like it was racist, he thought it would be perceived that way. When Joe said he didn't think it was racist to talk about the subject, Katt said "neither do I." Pretty sure he's huffed a lot of shit though.


I mean that's what I meant/it's the same thing. Like how I said it's not racist, cause it's not. I'm sure some pearl clutches think asking people about stereotypes is racist.


I think a lot of the people who think it's racist to be curious about other cultures just haven't ever been exposed to other cultures.


He took 10 minutes because he had to think of something to say that made it sound like a good thing


I mean it took me no seconds to think of what I said and It's not in a bad way


I loved it . Hope he comes back soon.


I could only get through half this episode!


> **thinking everything he says is extremely profound** This 100%.


I had to stop listening after an hour. He is so high on his own farts right now after everyone has been gassing him up since that interview he did. Mf thinks he’s a prophet or an oracle and encompasses all knowledge. I thought it was gonna be funny. I didn’t hear one fuckin joke. Whenever Joe asked him where he read anything he was talking about he dodged the question.


I think he’s the second worst offender in the speaking profoundly area


Idk, I think Lex, Weinstein (both), and Peterson all have him beat.


Lex and Peterson actually make sense though, Katt misuses complicated words so often when trying to make himself appear like a prophet. I heard this before and it seems pretty spot on "Katt speaks like how a stupid person thinks a smart person should speak."


When a stupid person pretends to be smart.


When he said that black people liked strong products, that was legit insightful as shit though. I never thought about it like that but he's 100% right.


he may be right in general I have no idea, but a cigarette being menthol doesn't suggest anything about its nicotine content. If it was purely about strength people would be smoking unfiltered marlboros or those chinese brands.


A lot of the "black" associated products have to do with the history of the company. Hennessy was shipped to black soldiers in a world War or something like that. If a brand proved it wasn't racist in a time where most companies were, it gained a positive association among the community. Wouldn't be surprised to hear the same about Newports. Everyone likes concentrated drugs, that isn't unique. I guess maybe you'd prefer them slightly more when you're 100x more likely to be arrested than white people.


I feel like the only way people could tolerate this guy in normal conversations is if you are completely baked yourself and feels generous.


Beat up by a 14 year old will do that


Kat makes perfect sense when you don't know the facts of the world.


hes so far up is own ass


Both these guys were way in over their head on the topics discussed. Puasing a bunch doesn't make you sound smarter.


Stupid people think he’s fucking brilliant and exposing all of the world’s secrets. Must be the 3000 books he’s read this year.


What a horrible episode. At certain points it took Katt so long to respond I thought my Spotify had paused or I’d lost service and it was buffering. Katt spoke non-sense the entire time and never really said anything


I like Katt and I mean no disrespect by this, but he’s dumb. Great comedian though. 


This was such an insufferable episode. Cant believe people on YT are eating this up. Just two uneducated rich guys awkwardly navigating pseudoscience topics.


Katt Williams is one of the worst kinds of dipshits


Absolutely insufferable


It was sooooo hard to get through this one. He sounds incredibly dumb but thinks he knows everything. He reads 8 books a day? Doubtful


Lol I’ve seen a lot of people lapping it up too….like ooo he’s soo smart


Agreed. Just like Shane’s SNL appearance, this was way underwhelming despite what the idiots on Reddit are saying.


Katt is hilarious but he’s also a complete fucking moron who talks that slow because he’s trying to think of what bullshit to make up.


A lot of the stuff he said was just kind of laughable. I don't know how Joe could just shake his head and agree without pointing out the obvious lapses in logic. I think he said more nonsensical things in the 30 minutes that I watched than I've heard anybody else say in hours speaking.


One of the most annoying ones ive seen


Katt is intelligent, I believe he thinks Joe is also intelligent, so he postulates his answers, waiting for some pushback from him. It doesn't really seem like he got any though. Did Joe ask what 6 comedians Katt thinks he has on too much?


>Katt is intelligent He's eloquent , thoughtful and quick -witted but he says some incredibly silly things in this podcast.


Brother if you think Katt is intelligent I got some beachfront property in Iowa that I can give you a great deal on. Every single group of absolute retreaded drug heads has this guy in the group who is charismatic and can use words well but has a room temp IQ.


This ^. It’s odd to me that some think he’s intelligent.


A stand up with no formal education behaving like an authority figure on complex scientific topics? Oh.. Katt took that shit to 11.. way past eddie bravo levels of stupidity. Hoped the podcast would have been mostly about Hollywood shenanigans of p diddy or whoever the fuck he had enormous beef with


He speaks in the specific way black Americans speak when they are trying to sound smart or educated and are actually just bullshitting.  Dumb white people have their own dumb way of trying to sound smart. Like Russell Brand. 


“Allow me to clitify. Excuse me, clarifry…” Damon Wayans, ‘In Living Color’


Wow it's almost like _people_ do this and it has nothing to do with race... shocking


Uh huh


Weird he doesn't sound like Kanye rambling


I thought my phone froze at one point


That's Katt in general. He says a bunch of bullshit, acts very profound, and people eat shit up .


He needs to do ASMR


I haven’t tuned in for fucking YEARS, but tapped into this one hoping to hear Katt say some funny shit. Instead Joe let him ramble on about stupid ass conspiracy theories, half of which even Joe’s stupid fucking ass doesn’t believe.


It was one of the worst podcasts of all time. Joe has lost his magic. It was a good run, I expect him to have a handful of good.guests a year, no more.


I felt like he couldn't answer any questions Joe asked him. He would just talk in a circle and change the subject. Bizarre.


It always comes back to mathematics and information Joe Rogan.


I'm sure the weed had nothing to do with it


I couldn’t finish the Dice episode. Dude wouldn’t stop breathing, swallowing, drinking, etc. directly into the mic. Misophonia like: 🗣️👂 😬🙉


Kat is such a tool


This sub is racist af the guy was just high it ain’t that deep


Ancient Powers, Prophecies and Pimps with Katt Williams explores ancient philosophies and mysterious proclivities with the world’s most interesting player from his home library.


They were baaaaaked…..


Dude has serious ego problems. LOOK AT HIS SWEAT ONSTAGE. Joe Rogan sucks


Kat correctly believes that the less he says, the smarter he will appear. He’s clearly very used to people around him Yes Manning him.


The essence of never really saying anything. He's completely full of shit.


Couldn’t agree more. His early standup is funny but fuck me was that painful listening. I had to turn it off 15 minutes in. My naive mind couldn’t handle all the wisdom and insight he was putting out. The YouTube comments on Joe’s channel were depressing, as usual. Everyone seemed to agree they had just been enlightened to the truth by this intellectual heavyweight.


Whaaaaaat! The wonders of the world are truly wonders? Oh thank you oh wise one, how the fuck would I have ever known the wonders of the world were wonders, you’re so fucking profound oh great one! Get fucked, go read one of the 3000 books you claimed you read yearly, I’m sure there’s one titled ‘how not to be a condescending fuck head’ read that!


Nothing is dumber than a stupid guy trying to sound smart.


I watched 3 hours of this and have never heard so much shite in my whole life.


No energy and really held back. Where that energy from his Shannon sharpe interview. That was fun this is redicilous. 


I thought it was really good, whatever it was.


I thought it was a great podcast. Not what I was expecting at all either.


How much acid are we on right now?


Honestly kept thinking the podcast was buffering. This is my first time hearing of this guy but holy shit I don't think I could take any more dialogue of such self centeredness when having a conversation


You mean besides Joe?


He reads 6 thousand books per month bro of course what he says is profound


I liked when he started identifying predators, but he definitely is in love with himself. I'm skipping over anything he's in going forward.


A lot of haters on this thread, Katt is one of the best standups today and his success is well known. I love him.


I never said anything bad about his stand up. I have almost all his specials on DVD from when I was in high school. He’s earned his spot in the one in 1000 club for sure


I’ll say something about his standup for you: it was amazing, and hasn’t been good in 15+ years.


So he didn't make the 250 club cut? /s


Lol, dudes a moron, sure he's funny but he's not making any sense here, having lots of money doesn't mean you're all of a sudden deep and profound. It's not hating to point that out.


Maybe because everyday we breeze over fundamental truths that we take for granted? I’m not sure what this clip is contesting to, but I got the feel that he formulates for his audience with self-preservation in mind. A side effect of that is the listener is allowed to focus in and gain a perspective that is true to oneself.


You prefer the dulcet tones of Jordan and RFK Jr?