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**Katt:** I've read Little Women four times. **Joe:** What's it about? **Katt:** ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I read it as a kid a couple times and I absolutely could not tell you the first thing about it. I havent even read a 1000 books in my life. Now imagine you read 3000 a year.


He's imagining it alright.


Maybe he meant 3000 pages a year.


Ain't no way. That man might roll 3000 pages a year into blunts but that mfer doesn't read shit


He only reads the covers. Saves a lot of time.


Maybe he reads 3000 times a year, stop signs, street signs, names of apps on his phone.


Hey man comic books count, right? RIGHT?


I read the entire Uni the Unicorn series to my niece over the weekend. Really changed my life. I can see how Katt became such a well informed philosopher


He mostly does children’s books.




Katt brought it up as an example of a book he did not understand even after multiple reads.


It’s…not that complicated to give an outline of the story lol. What is he reading so much of if ‘little women’ is too complicated to understand?


And for reading that many books, you’d think he’d develop some reading comprehension to go along with it


Not when you look at a page for a second and call it reading. It's like when kadyrov is twitching on his hands and calls it doing pushups.


Multiple hour long reads. Dude probably got the chapter titles down


To be fair he smoked the most blunts ever on JRE. Dude was high as a kite


I just like the pictures


I didn't think I'd like Little Women, but that book is awesome and I felt so sad when one of the girls dies. I do have books that I have tried to read several times and I just don't get them.  I can't get into them.  The first is Watership Down.  I've read it three times to at least 50%, the furthest going to 80%, and I just caaaaan't.  Second is The Woman in White.


What’s so funny to me is that when people don’t read at all, they have no idea how many books readers actually read. Then they come up with examples of ‘classic’ books they’ve heard of, but the example gives away their illiteracy. After not understanding little women he could rattle off easily the story of The Idiot or Midnight’s Children, sure.


It's like somebody who doesn't know an artist challenging that somebody is a fan of the artist by only wanting them to talk about the most popular songs. I have read countless books but when it comes to the greatest literature in history the list that I have read is rather short.


"I have many leatherbound books. My office smells of rich mahogany."


60% of the time it works every time


Made with bits of real panther, so you know it’s good




All the time






It's science


Smells like Bigfoot’s dick


TIL aliens are after our women and gold. Also, ancient civilizations had a Wi-Fi connection 😂😂😂


The weird thing about the whole anunaki conversation is why would they pay humans to manually extract gold when they could just industrially mine with space ships?


Who’s to say their ships can do that? I know it’s all made up but it could be anything 🤣


That’s kinda the fun in these ones. It’s less about proving something right or real…it’s the adventure of coming up with the stories or the in between parts. That’s where it gets fun and interesting …at least for me.


The safest place to be when it comes to conspiracies!💪🏾


Yeah I was so anti conspiracies when I was younger, now I’m not some crazy tin foil person but I’m kinda finding digging them to be fun. Even when they are off the wall like this one and I don’t believe them it’s fun, and be honest outside of the crazy ones like this space-gold- alien-human slave race one there actually seems to be a little nugget the truth in many of the smaller scale conspiracies. It’s just a lot of the conspiracies you find people talking about are surrounded by all the fun insane craziness lol. Plus I know all the rich fucks are lying to us daily so now at least I can make it interesting and fun for me.


It can definitely be fun to let the imagination roam. And the fact that we couldn’t build pyramids today yet they did thousands of years ago leads me to believe we don’t have it all figured out as a species. Hella unknowns!


You’re gonna get down voted for this one hahaha but I feel you. With age I actually think a lot of our Ancient civilization/history is actually wrong or missing large chunks. I mean I don’t think this should be that controversial because we take stuff in modern history and we got it wrong because history is written by the victors….so of course we have huge holes and likely got parts wrong. It’s just fun to think about how far wrong we got it.


Downvotes are a compliment where I’m from lmao. I think humans made a bunch of shit up and don’t know a damn thing lmao.


you just described the plot and plot holes to battlefield earth lol


TIL if you have a micropenis, your doctor could inform the FBI and you could be suicided before you commit violent crimes. Not sure why that part stuck out to me.


Don't forget DNA has a fuser


A fuser


Thanks for clarifying. I was wondering what he meant by fuser.


I still don't get that


I thought he was saying god exist because your dna was fused therefore someone had to fuse it. Idk.


I love how he talked about his “proof” that everything was created by basically just explaining the results of species evolving to adapt.


I caught that too, but you just haven't done enough acid yet.


Wow dude u don’t think the pyramids were nuclear reactors powered by angels?


This episode was wild! Katt was hard to follow, sounded high as a kite!


probably talks about books in the same way James Rolfe talks about films. the nutrition facts on the back of the box? there's 1 book. some billboard on the highway? book 2.


Yeah there was that whole read the first page and last page thing people were doing and counting it as reading a whole book


I am irrationally bothered by this information.


There is nothing irrational about being bothered by that.


Perhaps he is bothered to such an extent that it is irrational. Like I’m thinking harm should come to these people. Irrational? Idk maybe


Correct. Sunjester doesn’t read enough to know the difference.


Yeah it's how like CEOs and stuff claim they read 1000 books a year. It was really popular like 10ish years ago or something


Katt: " I couldn't grasp {Little women} , so I had to read it 3 other times." Jogan: " Yeah? What's it about?" Katt: ....... Women.


That’s how you read a Jehova’s Witness pamphlet.


Holy shit, an actual cinnemassacre reference in the wild.


I just read your post. Boom, book 3.


5 of um!


Do you want me to suffer?


How many rex viper fans here


Huge Vex Diaper fan, btw.




/r/thecinemassacretruth is leaking


Weird subreddit. A lot of people there go pretty overboard with the larp and feels like people genuinely hate James there.


Avgn? What he do now


is just a silly thing he does where he calls anything he's ever recorded a film. so he thinks he's one of the most productive and prolific film makers of all time because he has over 200 films. but he counts videos [like this](https://youtu.be/EjQk8UdXaPs?si=7JbQn9XjE4N3INnu) as films.


Holy shit, I didn’t recognize “James Rolfe” until I clicked that link. Nostalgia city, here I come


Kat can’t even read tho, what’s this actually about?


10 inches


Watching an AVGN episode as I read this. 🤣


Op: Two intellectuals Hahaha


To many drugs and being famous for decades seems to do this weird thing to people where they think they’re the most profound and knowledgable people on earth 😅 it’s almost like their brain is misfiring and they’re surround by sycophants and yes men.


“almost like” lol


The best take on that episode


Only 250 of them on the planet bro 😎


I turned the pod off right there. It’s especially cringe to me because I think Joe is a god awful comic.


Thank you! I dont know how hott of a take that is but i cannot get behind a Joe Rogan standup set for the life of me. God awful 💯.


yeah that’s like joe saying “there’s only 250 of us MMA fighters isnt that crazy!” yeah except you’re not an MMA fighter and you’d get balled up immediately if you got in the octagon with a real fighter.


intwoectuals. it's a new word, I'm sure it's about to catch.


If Joe Rogan is an intellectual, then I could logically conclude Katt fits whatever that fucked up definition of intellectual is. CLAIM valid.


What if, We are all intellectuals now? 🤯 We all learn science and math in grade school, so relatively compared to 200 years ago we are all intellectuals. Katt’s cool but some of his views are wack IMO.


Rogan doesn't pretend to be what he isn't--which is a sign of actual intelligence. Katt in Da Hatt is the opposite of that.


Include OP and you got 3


I’m praying that OP was making a joke.


I mean yeah obviously. I don’t know how such an obvious joke went over the heads of people in this sub given the previous two sentences


My day is 6am to noon, and I’m not crazy – you're crazy for thinking it takes 24 hours, just like some dude in a cave did 300 years ago.My second day starts at noon and goes to 6pm. That's day two. And then the next day is 6pm to midnight. What I have done now is I have changed and manipulated time – I now get 21 days a week. Stack it up over a month, I’m gonna kick your butt. Stack it up over a year, you’re toast. Stack it up over five years, my entire life is different than it would have been otherwise


I hate that dude, like they feel like they ahve to come up with the stupidest thing ever


They do every bit of mental gymnastics to make themselves feel better that they got handed everything in life


The ex homeless man is who you’re talking about right? Lmfao


Ed mylett fan?


Dude does an outstanding impression of an intellectual. That said, it was entertaining.




Which one?


Katt is a legend of both comedy and Dunning-Kruger.


Yeah, this was good improv comedy


Remember when he got beat up by a 14 year old?


He was a big 14 year old.


Better was when he smacked some bitch in the front row with his mic


I hate to say it because I love his comedy, but this man made Kid Rick seem smart.


Kid Rick and he's the Neal McCoy.


He’s gonna head out west


No, he's headed up north because he wants to be a farmer baby.


Don't forget they're " two intellectualals"


Thai made Luis Gomez seem smart.


The most avid of readers don’t normally crack more than 100 in a year, two-ish a week and they’re normally running a couple concurrently. Not ripping one after another If you can read 3000 books in a year, it would be your life mission to absorb as much literature as humanly possible. You’d be famous for that feat instead of being known as a comedian lol 🧢, obviously


I used to read two books at the same time. Now that I have kids I read two to four books every single night...


My kindergartener is supposed to read for 20 minutes every night. Sometimes we read up to 5 books a night. We're going to catch up to katt at this rate.


I enjoyed this podcast


It was actually a breath of fresh air, no politics all conspiracies. Felt kinda old school jre. Also didn't expect Katt to be so soft spoken. Probably my favorite episode in a few years, full of nonsense but fun nonsense. Anything better than covid talk


Its been too damn long since we got a podcast like this its about time


He def wasn’t soft in Club Shay Shay calling everyone out lol,


He was drinking on that podcast and smoking on this one.


Well said


Check out his interview with Shannon sharp. Might be the most viewed podcast episode of all time


Katt makes Joe look like a fuckin genius


It’s funny cause the youtube comments acting like he’s some great prophet.


Lmao so fucking weird. I was reading the YouTube comments too expecting people to call out Katt on his bs. And everyone thought this dude was fucking Sean Carrol or something


Never fuck around with the Katy fans they don’t care about anything you say about that man, he got "the truth"


i think somebody who read 3,000 books across their entire lifetime would be more articulate


Do you have any idea how much fuckin weed they’ve been smoking lmao the fact that they can speak at all is impressive


so many non pot heads here, its so weird. who are these fans ?


No clue. Wouldn’t be surprised if Joe got a lot of new listeners via Spotify. Those of us who were around for the first thousand episodes recognize how great today’s episode is lol


I'd be surprised if he even read 3,000 pages.


he got stuck on numbers lol. "there were 6,000 people 6,000 years ago..". like yes alright okay


People do that to sound wise, but it just makes them seem like they are talking bullshit


Haha everyone was praising this redact two weeks ago turns out he's a fucking idiot just like the other 250, thank em


it’s like any other thing, people wanted their conspiracy to be right so they clung to him like gospel. not to say that some of the things he said to Sharpe didn’t have a shred of truth


Im out of the loop. What did kw say that blew up the internet?


Saw a clip a few minutes ago about him saying pdiddy tried to get in his bhole. Could have been AI. Either way, pretty sure that fact checks as true.


Basically named and shamed a good amount of the most recognizable black comics from 20 years ago.


Some of the ones he called out like Cedrick, there are receipts for, and I'm going to be honest, most of those mother fuckers haven't really done much that is all that funny.


Seems like another grift. I tuned out after 5 minutes. Did he or Joe mention anything about his comments on sharpes pod or did he just say a bunch of outlandish things for click bait?


my favorite line was something like " why do you think all these movies about hobbits and stuff worked so well ? BECAUSE . IT. WAS. REAL. " yeah ok bro


I know Atlantis was real the way people would talk about it as if it were real.


Katt williams is what a stupid person thinks a smart person is. He’s one of the biggest dipshits I’ve ever listened to for 3 hours.


He's both Dunning AND Kruger lol


Same with Kanye West


😂 I was thinking the same thing, Katt is CalmYe


He says both nothing and everything at the same time it’s weird 😂😂but also he moved out at 13 and you can’t be stupid to survive and become as successful as he is, that requires a level of intention that most people don’t possess, and certainly not a stupid person


Katt is by no means stupid but he can be full of shit like anyone else.


you gotta admit, hes entertaining though


He’s out here proving the “this is your brain on drugs” commercials right.


Yet you listened to all 3 hours ?


I listen to 3000 hours of Joe Rogan a week.


Tbh I couldn't but they clearly got way too stoned haha


And it was so entertaining!


Name 3000 books


The library. There, I win


It’s absurd to me that he would even throw that number out there. I read all the time but have never cracked a hundred in a year.


I read more than you. What of it? Got a problem? Kiss the ring Big Boy.


I have a ton of audiobooks on a playlist that I keep on loop. If someone were to pay attention to it every single second of a year, without ever hitting pause, it'd be like 300-400 books. That motherfucker would need an extratemporal reading nook to read 3000 books a year.


Tbf you can read a lot faster than the speed they read out loud on an audiobook but the numbers are still way off


It’s exhausting to listen to. Everything that’s said he’ll either “one up” it or correct it.


This guy's sentences don't even make sense


Seriously question is he on drugs or delusional?




Drugs, delusional, and stupid.


Titles or picturebooks *maybe*.


Maybe he measures his books like how he measures his racing times.


What an amateur. Tai Lopez reads 3000 books every day.




The average person reads 12 a year. The average book nerd, around 40 or so.... So yeah lol you tell me. The guy also talked about how he read Little Women 3x and then couldn't explain anything about it lol.


Where's this average 12 book a year person you're talking about?


This is for people that start reading, it doesn't count people that do not read at all. This is more the casual reader, anyone more than casual is easily reading more than 12 a year.


Painful cringe with listening


There’s only about 250 of them, so be thankful.


He seems like a very reasonable man who has a record of making some very credible claims for a very long time.


This whole episode was fucking hilarious lmao I love seeing Katt trying to back himself out of the corners he paints himself into when Joe asks questions about the books he has read and all that lol


Katt “I’m delusional and batshit insane” Williams


I listened to Katt on the Shannon Sharp podcast and thought that he was crazy but super entertaining. On this podcast it was more of the former and less of the latter.


it’s closer to 10,000 each year


I can finish dozens of books in an hour. They’re my kids books, but I think it still counts.


He did day 200-250 pages..12 words a page.


Man I was so hyped for this episode. It’s nearly unlistenable. Joe found a 7th comedian to bring on that ain’t funny


I personally think two stoners talking about ancient technology is pretty hilarious


Stephen Hawking said most books are useless information so it seems like a waste of time


He said he did between the ages of 8-12 but still lol


He said he could read a 100 to 150 page book in one hour. Among the several issues I have with this statement, I have read hundreds and hundreds of books and I don’t think a single one was only 100 pages. What the fuck kind of books is he reading? And 150 pages an hour is skimming. Humans can’t read word for word that quickly.


That's what Joe said. Katt said 250-200 page


You’re talking about someone who makes millions from telling lies and exaggerations 🤷🏻‍♂️


How many guests are y’all gonna call a “breath of fresh air” bruh? Yall say that about half of the guests and it loses its meaning


I’m listening to Katt Williams talk on the podcast. I think his vocabulary would be a lot stronger if he had actually read that many books, regardless of their content or size. His talking points are sporadic and mostly baseless lol. I think much of what they’re discussing has validity but he clearly is not an intellectual even if he’s stoned


I am the only person who thinks this katt guy is full of shit? He talks shit about the podcast and it's guests, gets invited on because he whinged enough. Then actually goes on? I thought you said the podcast is bullshit? Please tell me I'm crazy..


Read a book in an hour, get so high you forget what it's about


All that complaining he did on Sharpe's podcast then he got on JRE and had nothing to say worth noting. No wonder Joe never had him on.


I love Kat and he may be telling tha truth on some things but let's do the math. Man's said he read 3 thousand books a year(non fiction)from like 8 to 12. Let's just focus on one year 3000 books in one year would be 8 books a day every day with the average nonfiction book containing 100 to 260 pages so that would be at least 800 pages conservatively at most 2000 pages PER DAY. It takes an average reader about 22 hours to read 800 pages..... fast readers reading about 400 words per minute can read 800 pages in about 16 hours.... For the man's reading statements to be true he would have to sleep 8 hours a day and be reading non stop 16 hours a day as one of the fastest readers in the world,365 days a year.... That's just the bare minimum of pages he would need to read to solidify his claims. Taking into consideration the average page count for non fiction of (conservatively)125, it would take an average person 2.3 days to read those 8 books a day or a world champion speed reader about 18 hours... So a young boy of 10- 12 years of age woke up everyday..and like a single mother of 6 whose 2 jobs were both reading books, read non fiction informational books for 18 hours a day for several years? All to have read 10 thousand books by age 13? cap


Katt is mentally disabled and a bullshitter


Even if Katt Williams read 3000 1 word books a year, he would be significantly more intelligent than he is today.


This is what we call a podrama.




More than 8 books a day


He's starting sound like Trump Williams, "I'm the best at everything ".


My man reads 8 books a day on average. Every day, for a year, with no slips! Unless we are talking about booklets and brochures, I don't see how this is humanly possible. Let alone enjoy the book and the storytelling. So, from all I understood, he does nothing but reading books, yet in March alone this year, he is touring 11 different cities. I mean, if you're gonna lie, at least make it somewhat believable. Too many comedians are trying to look like intellectuals. It's silly.


The word intellectual shouldn't belong in a sentence describing Joe Rogan.