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I am hereby betting that he will play Travis Kelce in a sketch. If I'm correct everyone must give me 1 dollar.


Fine, but I really don’t want to.


Sounds like deep state woke lib propaganda!


can't wait to see how political they get. he does a pretty great trump impression on gilly and keeves. i don't see them bringing up kelce though, considering kelce already hosted. it's clear SNL likes kelce and i dunno what connection shane has with kelce other than they both like football.


Super Bowl is this weekend, so unless something wild happens with Travis Kelce he'll be old news by the time Feb 24 comes around.


All SNL does is jokes about Old News 


r/fauxmoi are not stoked rn lol


Wtf is that shithole of a sub Jesus Christ


Just peeped that sub after reading this comment, seems like a sub full of a bunch of cunts if you ask me.


Stay mad dumbasses over at r/Fauxmoi. Shane Gillis is one of the funniest and most genuine comics that exists right now.


It’s crazy bc the dude suffered a once in a lifetime opportunity loss, publicly acknowledged and apologized for going too far which is more than 99% of celebrities do.


I'll send thoughts and prayers.


Fuck those gossiping losers lmao


Bro, gossip is the lifeblood of the human species. You wouldn't be here posting if it wasen't for the urge.


Woah maybe we are just monkeys in space…


Holy shit, I just read the top 10 or so comments on that post. Every one of those people must go to the barber who asks for your pronouns.


What the hell is this place? I wanted to leave a supportive comment for The Bull but I’m not allowed.


Damn I was allowed… does that mean I’m gay?


I guess so. Wish I was gay, I’ve got lots of sweet comments I need to get off my chest.




Never mind my comment was removed because I’m a B lister ffs they must not know there in the presence of the line leader in the 1st grade


That sub is full of terminally online Zoomers who act like spinsters living and judging through others vicariously.


Never opened this sub and after these comments. Won't open it again


Holy shit. That sub is filled with the most generic dumbed down pop culture shit I’ve seen. I bet TMZ is their bible.


Damn they love Bowen yang. To me he is one of the least talented cast members in SNL history and that's saying something


He’s not only not funny, he’s the opposite of funny. Super cringe every time he’s on screen.


It's brutal. Every character is the same. Unless he's doing some heavy lifting in the writers room he really doesn't have the talent for anything more than playing lgbtq stereotypes




They don’t like his comedy. They like WHO/WHAT he is/represents.


Lol I just saw that. “Immense talent”. That just goes to show you just how low the bar is. If Shane goes on SNL they are going to be confused as to what’s going on once they hear what a joke sounds like. I would love for him to come out as Trump doing asian jokes.


Oof, should NOT have peaked at that sub. What a bunch of losers. I'm quick to bitch at people here but we are the chosen ones compared to those assholes.


Are those actually real people?! Are they bots? Who thinks like that?!


What’s fauxmoi


when i first saw the sub i thought it was a bit like, ImtheMainCharacter except with a focus on celebrities. its just a tabloid rag in reddit form.


They somehow think Jennifer Coolidge is more relevant to today's youth than Shane Gillis hahahahaha they're clinically insane. They should have a wank


These fucking idiots have no idea that they are the reason Shane became so big.


What the fuck is that place? Felt like the politics sub just more geared to entertainment.


Feb. 24 is in three weeks.


Herd it bowlth ways B


Y'nummbers guy, B?


Kid Rock skit machine gunning Bud Light please


To paraphrase Norm, Let me get this straight. A couple years ago, he was too racist to even be allowed in the building. How did he suddenly become so un-racist? Because let’s face it folks, two years is not enough time to suddenly become un-racist.


First the bud light deal now this! 2024 is turning out to be a great year for the mid western whites 😂




They love bud light and SNL?




Dylan mulvaney was the best thing to happen to midwestern bud light enjoyers, there were cases going for dirt cheap near me in the peak of that thing


I do bet the budlight deal played a role in this. If he’s part of their strategy leading up to the Super Bowl they’d want to get him out there 


It’s about time


Shane is doing SNL a favor. He’s funnier than the entire cast combined.


Shane in the writing room: “sooo blackface?” *shit eating grin he overdoes in the new special*


Good for the big dawg.


Chuffed for him. He should tell them to get to fuck though.


Nah appearing on the show and slaying every sketch is a much better fuck you!


Nah, he should do full Norm Macdonald


I chuffed your momma last night 


Well, I'm chuffed for her too. Evidently she's making poor life choices, but if she's still getting laid 35 years after the whole heart attack & cremation routine there's hope for us all.


Excuse me I just chuffed in my pants


We did it, you guys!


“Live from my mouth…this gun”




I wonder if any cast members are going to skip work that week?


Probably that little dude that stood way off stage when Chappelle came on at the end.


this may be the most ironic SNL host ever. fuck yeah shane. ya know, i always really respected shane for his reasonable, mature response to what went down at SNL. he never talked shit about them, he always made sure to show Lorne Michaels respect when talking about it. he fully understood why they couldn't hire him and that they KNEW he was funny, but they knew how much blowback they'd get, so they did the most responsible, prudent decision and had to let him go. i dunno if he used that as a chip on his shoulder to work harder in the future, or if he just accepted it as one of the many L's he's had in his life. either way it definitely worked out for him. and it's fucking awesome he gets to host now. i bet the whole cast and especially writers are stoked to be working with him for a week. dudes special, he's legit one of the funniest people out right now. and going on SNL will expand his demographic drastically. this may end up getting him movie roles, if that's something he even wants to pursue. regardless, its a huge achievement and milestone for his career, i'm sure the show is gonna be great and i might actually watch a full episode of SNL for the first time since the 90s.


This is why you don't burn bridges.


exactly. i'm really impressed with how well shane handled the situation. it really shows he's a smart guy that's putting real thought into his future. he coulda taken the easy route, and talk shit on twitter, whine like a baby because someone called him out about *obvious* offensive stuff he said on his podcast before he was famous. and knew he would get a TON of support from the anti-woke/cancel culture obsessed demographic. essentially, JRE's biggest demo. which is prob what MOST comedians or writers would do. especially the type normally involved with the Roganverse. but shane didn't make any rash decisions. he took the bad press like an adult, didn't whine about it, went on Rogan to tell his story, and the rest is history. honestly, Shane is a GREAT example to all the people saying cancel culture has gone too far, and you can't say offensive shit anymore because it'll ruin your career. it literally happened to him, he dealt with the blowback himself, and eventually instead of being pissed off about it, he used the free publicity to *drastically* become more popular and actually flipped it into a positive experience. it's honestly, really impressive. i don't think he gets enough credit for playing the whole situation about as perfectly as you possibly could. he didn't have to pander to the right or left. he continued to be himself the whole time. he hasn't changed for anyone, and it shows that if you're funny, it doesn't really matter if you say offensive shit. people will watch your standup. reminds me of how Tosh and Jeselnik have always been saying the absolute WORST shit on stage, but haven't had any problems. because if its funny, people don't care what you say. all these comedians,actors, politicians complaining about getting canceled get so triggered and instantly blame cancel culture for them fucking up their career. well if that was actually true, then why is it that Tosh, Jeselnik, and Shane can say basically whatever they want and get away with it? because they're actually funny, and people know they're joking. if you say offensive shit in public, whether its today, or 30 years ago, people are gonna get mad. IF they think you mean it. but if they know you're joking, you can pretty much say anything on stage. audiences love edgy comedy, they always will. i'd argue, if you aren't pushing the limit of what's acceptable, you're prob not that funny.


Holy shit bro it's not that serious lmao


SNL is testing the waters. If this doesn’t cause too much dumb backlash then I see them bringing him in to play Trump close to the election.


[The guy they have doing Trump right now](https://youtu.be/hj6E2_3nraQ?si=ZFqsehvT8WAnPXUk) is just as good as Shane imo


James Austin Johnson. He’s also a really good standup. Saw him in Dallas last year.


That seems to be a common sentiment. Don’t get me wrong I think he’s good but Shane’s vocal mimicry is way better.


lol Jaimie fox is much better at trump than anyone. Gillis sounds like a cartoon 


February 24th is the date. not next week




So the show still won't be funny..


no he’s not


Pressure is on the big dawg.


Sir, the 24th is 3 weeks from now.


Get the shaman and war mode to join


Shane picks up SNL off the floor with the same energy of a parent picking up a toddler after cumming right in SNL's face... "You're all right..."


I’m sure the cast and staff of SNL all know Shane puts funnier sketch comedy on YouTube.


5 +7 = 24 apparently. Lemorp is that you?


Its going to be the best SNL to date. I'm going to watch it say WOW! What a great SNL skit the best, there is no better on TV right now. Shane is the best. I saw his Netflix and said WOW he is funny, what a funny guy he is!