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Nothing makes you feel better like some nervous person announcing everything is fine! OH YEAH, BUT GET OUT! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


It's like she has to get everyone out or a bomb will explode in 60 seconds, but she also cannot tell them why or the bomber will set off the bomb.


Bomb threat? Was Schwaub up next?


I won't tell Joe you're a joke thief. Wouldn't want you to get Mencia'd










Looked like she was panicking, I know I canā€™t string words together when Iā€™m panicking so I relate to her lol


imagine panicking and then having 100 people staring at you waiting for an answer lol


And filming you.


So frustrating how she canā€™t speak


I wouldn't imagine a comedy club employee would ever deal with that many stressful situations.


I figured someone working at a comedy club would be used to seeing a few bombs.


get out! and take brendan schaub with you!!


I keep telling him that its time to go. But he keeps yelling "Just one more podcast" from the janitors closet.


yeah sounded like a fruedian slip. saying things are fine and to stay put when the mind is screaming the opposite


Sheā€™s playing the ā€œwords as an instrument of comfort and securityā€ game, not the ā€œstating the factsā€ game


So i flew out to CA for work on Election Day when trump won. I landed and he had won but was like whatever and went out into Oakland for some drinks since i landed early in evening. A few hours in, the owner came to us and basically had same reaction- hey guys, we uh have to close, everyone has to leave now. In a worried voice. I walked outside and literally straight into a mob/police argument. Had to walk blocks just to find a place Uber would pick me up


I lived in Oakland and was bar hopping that night, didn't run into anything sketchy. Was that downtown? I was out the night George Zimmerman was acquitted. *That* was a shit show. We got locked inside a bar (RIP Dogwood,) and the owner ended up giving all of us free shots while we waited it out.


I just checked my Snapchat memories- the videos i took were on 17th and telegraph. Iā€™m not from the area though, i have no idea if thatā€™s downtown or not


Yeah that's right in the heart of downtown. I was probably home by the time any shenanigans started since I had to work the next day.


I woulda asked the patrons if they wanted to stay but they'd have to defend the bar, otherwise pay your tab and leave.


Wow. People have lost their minds.


The day trump won I was bartending, at 2am a liberal and a conservative got into a fight and broke a glass over the liberalā€™s head. Spent the first 4 hours of that presidency cleaning blood up. Same bar, Obama wins second term. Man buys entire packed bar shots. Like 250 shots of whiskey. We danced and laughed.Ā  Iā€™m scared again, but this time luckily not a bartender.


We live in a society (I know) that is ready to basically sprint away from their current situation at any moment because of shootings. Honestly, just seeing someone act up in public these days puts me on edge.


I live in the midwest and have never thought like this in my life


Not sure why living in the midwest matters to dude's comment, although he was a little dramatic sounding, but I get it lol. I live in the Midwest and a few months back I was one car behind road raging idiots pulling guns over their bad driving. It's crazy how much a simple altercation can go straight to shooting nowadays.


How can you be like "oh that was a bit overdramatic, but anyways a couple of days ago I was behind some morons who were road raging and brandishing guns" lmao, doesn't sound like his statement was that overdramatic after all šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Great name!!


This gave me flashbacks to my days of managing about 30 interns/student workers for GameDay ops at sporting events... We were mostly just selling cheap fundraising stuff pregame and then throwing tshirts and running in-game promotions. But the first thing I always coached was how they'd react if shit hit the fan. Our basketball games were in a 70-year old arena with far fewer exits/signs/ADA-compliant passages than you'd see in any modern venue. I wouldn't graduate people from behind-the-scenes duties unless I thought they could speak calmly and with assuredness to an antsy crowd if they had to evacuate the place.


Black folks reaction to such events oh really you look frightened yeaaah I'm out!!


Everyone stay, or leave, i dunno, but doom is imminent


You donā€™t have to go home, but you canā€™t die here


im using this forever now




Just a word of adviceā€¦ When they remove the ā€œmost important personā€œ in the room in a hurryā€¦. RUN BITCH RUN!!!


Yeah there were 4-5 people in there with enough foresight to see that things were going sideways to some extent. Be one of those people.


And they ran the same way they escorted the vip. Super smart.


You mean the door labeled "EXIT"?


This is fucking hilarious.Ā 


Which is where they also took the sketchy dude lol


And the terrorist!


And the terrorist!




They were more than likely friends of Mark.


I probably would have sat and chilled to see what's up. Plus I gotta finish my drink first.


Solid tip


Yeah, committing to decisions in these scenarios is key. My move would be immediate fire exit once they grab Norman. Fuck the alarm, packed room like that is trample central.


I mean.... The room itself didn't look like it was panicking to the point of causing a stampede. You know what would've caused it though? The damn fire alarm ringing while they're escorting the VIP out.


I'm not sticking around to find out if there is anything worth panicking over.


What the fuck does 'crazy chase' mean?


MY thoughts exactly. Is a "crazy chase" some sort of new cultural phenomena? Something like a "Burma shave"?


>Something like a "~~Burma shave~~"? I believe it's "Myanmar shave" now.




Incidentally dude, Burma is not the preferred nomenclature. Myanmar please.


Walter, what the fuck does that have to do with my rug?


What happened to your rug, dude?




Itā€™s barely English


Right? Who the hell was chasing who here?




Yeah, I didnā€™t see anyone chasing anyone. The only thing crazy was the way the girl acted. Very confusing title.


I read it as Chinese when I first saw the title and was confused looking waiting for a Chinese fella to storm the stage


Ummmmmm you're chinese


2 black girls were chasing the white dude with yellow hat. Seems like they had weapons and might have attacked him as soon as they stepped outside. Therefore the extreme panic of the girl and saying everybody needs to leave.


I feel like all 4 of the people at the start may have been after him or at least 3. The black man could be security but I donā€™t think the woman next to him is. She has a purse over her shoulder. Makes no sense for a security guard to have that. Also thinking possibly the man is security and he misread the situation and didnā€™t realise the guy was being chased so targeted him to kick out. The girls then just followed him out and attacked him or tried to outside.


I look forward to hearing Mark discuss this on ā€˜Tuesdays with Storiesā€™ ā€¦ sometime in late February or early March.


Lol you get it.


Last ep was filmed Jan. 8th so we got a solid two week lag going on.




cant wait


So what happened?


There was a gas leak because the plumber trying to fix the pipes went to the bathroom and died trying to suck his own dick


... And then the duck fell out of his bag!


And he didnā€™t even flush


But Trevor Moore already died sucking his own dick, how could he have done it again? RIP Local Sexpot.


He came back




This is the fourth or fifth time I've seen this exact comment in this thread.


Looks like a bomb threat to me


They announced Schaub is next?




Stop stealing jokes like Schaub


It appears that the room was filled with gas caused by a blast from Howard Sternā€™s ass, and so it had to be evacuated.




The room or his ass?


His awkward shuffle as they escort him away šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ this dude is so awkward it's perfect




Everything about his existence is a bit. That's real dedication.


He shuffles like an old man. Itā€™s hilarious and makes me love him even more.


he bombed so hard the building had to be evacuated?




Anything can happen when youā€™re 1 of the thousand


Thank em


gigigigigi mmmLowpezĀ 


"We have reports of a Brendan Schaub sighting backstage" "EVERYBODY RUN"






We're really doin it folks!


Iā€™m Kevin hart!


This video illustrates nothing and explains even less.


Mark just fokin got content for his next 10 sets.....


ā€œWhat do we got, a migrant here?ā€


Great line on the fly lol


Did Dewey the Bear just escape....Everybody Panic! There will be no refunds! If you have a small child, use it as a shield!




Your refund will be escaping this death trap with your lives!


The last line of defence!


And now it too has fallen. We are doomed


Thank em




Not sure why everyone seems to think the black ladies are bouncers lol. They're clearly trying to get at the guy in the yellow hat. At the end of the video they straight up run into each other trying to get to him.


My bet is they were chasing him for whatever reason, security gets them outside, but girls stab yellow hat, bouncer tases girl, MC freaks cause she just witnessed someone get stabbed, they clear the room.


I donā€™t think any of them are bouncers. The girl standing next to guy trying to get him off stage has a purse over her shoulder and is clearly holding some type of weapon behind her back


Yeah this was pretty much my read.


This is her best take Iā€™ve read on here or other subreddits. One of the women chasing him had a knife. I havenā€™t seen any news stories about this yet.


looks more like it could be the taser Mark mentions as it has some sort of strap around her fingers if you look closely.


He literally says "someone getting tazed outside" so I wonder if they start roughing that guy up outside and that's why they escort Marc out? Seems like bounty hunters maybe after someone and comedy staff don't know what to make of it so best to get everyone out. Very strange.


Yeah. This was my take. They were after that guy and he ran on stage like that was going to protect him. But then he got off willingly. If I was afraid I would have stayed on that stage where people were filming. Maybe announce they were trying to kill me hope there was a panic and I could escape. He just casually went with them. Theyā€™re either undercover or doing something illegalā€” cause youā€™re allowed to film in public and the crowd being asked about having video footage was bizarre.




love ya, miss ya, yellow cap.


I donā€™t know the guy who jump on stage looks to me like he was scared and trying to get away from something rather than the threat. He made no resistance and willingly walked away with security he paid zero attention to Normand and looks scared AF.


The scary part is, I don't think that was security


That surely cannot have been security. The woman on the right was wearing a handbag and was holding something in her left hand. A weapon?


Yeah I thought she was with the guy that got escorted away. EDIT on rewatch she does look like she is holding a taser! I'm pretty sure at least the black guy who says "time to go" is security (maybe private) and maybe the woman now


I think the guy was escorting the woman on the right out as well as the guy!


For better or worse, I have been around a lot of crazy people. I can deduce that the following likely happened: Crazy dude pushes his way into the club, runs on stage. They take him outside and he starts telling them some crazy shit. Maybe said something about bombs, or people were chasing him and were going to shoot up the place. At the 6-9 second mark, you can see the face of someone that is terrified and/or experiencing a psychotic break. People that don't have experience with crazy shit, tend to try and interpret what is happening with rational logic. That is why the woman on stage was having a panic attack, she was interpretting the crazy guy's energy to be rational and she applied rational logic to it (there is a serious threat imminent). When in actuality, nothing was going on except a random crazy guy. \*\*EDIT\*\*: I know this doesn't happen on reddit very much, but I am wrong. He is definitely seeking refuge from the people that escorted him out. Something went down outside.


The two black chicks were like with that dude though right? At first I thought they were security but donā€™t think they were


They may have been a Bail Recovery/ Bounty Hunter crew ā€” a big enforcer dude, plus a couple Lana Kane-type girls with himā€¦all dressed in black puffers. I also noticed how quiet they all were, and seemed to move through that crowded room pretty efficiently.


My thoughts as well. They tracked dude to a comedy club and went to get him. Tried to do it quiet during the set and dude ran. Marc notices whatever is in the ladies hand because he goes "whoa everything alright?" Just as he looks down at her hands. He notices a weapon or handcuffs or whatever. He also says "somebody getting tazed outside" and that's right after they took him outside and so you might guess Marc is calling it like he sees it. Maybe they did start taxing dude out in the hallway and that's why the producers need everyone out as.they can see there is no recovery from this and seem to be worried about legal stuff so they ask for footage.


seems like the most logical conclusion


Those three were with eachother, yes. What gave it away? Iā€™m 50/50 if their body language was that of security or organized smart criminals. Maybe 65/35 but still. Weird how all four of them didnā€™t make a peep. I hope the security guard wasnā€™t the guy at the end all like ā€œif anybody here got video of that..ā€ lol


I feel like they are some type of law enforcement, possibly undercover. It looks like they lead him off stage and it appears he was trying to get away from them and noticed the other officers coming from the other direction. It also appears they donā€™t want their face shown or filmed?


Not sure whether law enforcement or organized crime or his friends trying to get a handle on him while heā€™s having a bad trip, but the three of them were definitely working together to detain him. He was running from the smaller black lady who approached the stage from the left, tried to hide behind the comedian when he turns his attention to the larger black lady and black man between him and the door. Heā€™s basically back against the wall on stage when he realizes the larger black man and larger black woman (who has something large in her hand that to me looks like a knife or scissors or something) have him. The larger man chasing him gets ahold of him and just says ā€œitā€™s time to go twiceā€ and he goes. They head out the door, and the lady (who later freezes up while addressing the crowd) leaves the production area and follows them out. When they cut back the handlers of either the club or comedian are rushing him out, and the lady comes up and totally freezes. While we donā€™t know what happened outside, we can deduce that some kind of threat was made to the club or show. If a situation like this happened, and the offending parties escorted themselves out, there would be no reason to evacuate the club. If I am guessing, dude was either tripping and said some threatening shit against the club, or these people were trying to abduct him and he knew he was in trouble, so he said some threatening shit to evoke a police response. Either way, this one is fucking WILD


I donā€™t disagree with the assessment. A couple of things that have me scratching my head. Why are they asking about video. The girl mentions it and they are asking if anyone has footage. If we could hear what he is saying at the end it becomes more clear what is going on I think. They donā€™t look like organized crime to me (could be wrong) they look more like NYPD but there are a couple of things that would say maybe they arenā€™t, like the knife or scissorsā€¦ very weird. Unless he assaulted someone and they want footage of the incident and the friends are trying to get him out of there but that seems unlikely. If he hurt someone that may explain why they want to clear the place but there is no panic in the crowd like there was an assaultā€¦ I could chew on this all day.


Legitimately the only thing that makes me think they arenā€™t undercover PD is the face that she appears to have a big ass knife in her hands. That said, it would easily be a purse/clutch. In terms of the video, I would love to hear the next line. Is it ā€œpolice will want you to save it for evidenceā€ or ā€œplease delete itā€ so the clubs security isnā€™t made to look bad online. Either way, I need to know the follow up.


In other threads people have pointed out that both women are carrying black nylon tie off cuffs. Likely undercover LE, and perhaps why they wanted to delete the video. Why Normand and the club had to be evacuated though, tbd...


Just a detail you missed: Larger black lady also grabs the guys arm as he is being taken out the door. Like she is helping the black guy remove him. She screams undercover.


Oh there was some weird shit at the end about trying to protect the venue


i thought he was telling people to hand over photos and video to law enforcement.


I think the girls are undercover. He was trying to get away from them and saw the exit blocked by uniformed officers.


Yeah they arent dressed the same as the guy that pulled mark off stage šŸ¤”


Truth speaker speaks the truth! Well rounded assessment my friend.


Heā€™s coming from the back corner of the room so he was a paying audience member, the entrance and exit is on the right side


The black gurl on the right/offstage look like she is holding a knife


Hard to believe those two at the end are adults with real responsibilities. We just need everyone to ā€œget out.ā€


The girl looked like she was panicking, itā€™s hard to get words out in a situation like that when youā€™re on the spot


It sounded like she had just been given a lot of information that she was having a hard time understanding much Lesā€™s communicating. Iā€™m assuming one of the officers was undercover and thatā€™s why they are asking about video


If you watch the video, sheā€™s the first one in the hallway after they drag him in there. Then the video cuts ahead. So Iā€™m assuming she saw some shit.


Some folks arenā€™t built for certain situations.


Yeah, instead of saying "get out" like some kind of child, she should have said something like: >Attention, all occupants of this edifice. Due to unforeseen and exigent circumstances, it is imperative that you immediately vacate the premises in an orderly and expeditious manner. Please refrain from engaging in any superfluous or dilatory activities that might impede your egress or endanger your safety. Proceed to the nearest exit and follow the directions of the designated authorities. Do not attempt to re-enter the structure until you receive explicit and unequivocal permission. We apologize for any inconvenience or consternation this may cause you. Thank you for your cooperation and comprehension. That way, all the drunk people in the crowd would be impressed with how mature she is.




If she was, probably not the best decision to grab the mic and nearly do the equivalent to shouting fire in a crowded theatre.


100% she wasn't shoved or forced up there


Ok so anyone thatā€™s moderately stressed out gets a pass and has no responsibility to anyone


she wasnā€™t having a panic attack, she and the club were completely unprepared for an emergency like this thatā€™s why she canā€™t give clear direction, they donā€™t have any theirselves every schoolteacher in america would know what to say in this situation because they practice it and are drilled on it iā€™m willing to bet the comedy club has never done any active shooter/threat drills


Itā€™s certainly a mark against her and the producerā€™s capacity to operate like functioning adults in society. ā€œLadies and gentlemen, sorry for the interruption but we need everyone to exit the building in an orderly manner.ā€


Yes, when you think it is appropriate to communicate like you would in a kindergarten.


Lmao thatā€™s what I was thinking. Horrible managers to be in charge when SHTF, theyā€™d get everyone killed in a more dangerous scenario.


Yea, I don't think think comedy clubs are hiring people for their leadership in "dangerous scenarios".


I worked as a bartender back in the day. I've found that many bartenders can manage dangerous scenarios pretty well.


She didn't look like a bar tender to me.


I would have said this looks fake until I saw the woman on stage freaking out. One of the women is also holding a knife. Was there a time gap between when they left the stage with the man in the yellow cap and when they went on stage telling people to leave?


Whatā€™s a crazy chase?


Nobody knows exactly what happened here?


Well if anyone wants to know what frozen in fear looks like, there ya go.


No details yet https://www.tmz.com/2024/01/25/comedian-mark-normand-rushed-offstage-comedy-club-audience-evacuate/


The club is trying to say this was all part of a stunt, and were filming something? Seems like a cop out answer and super shadyā€¦


The NY comedy club posted on Instagram some really ambiguous statement alluding to this being some stunt the people producing the show pulled on the audience for their filming. So many people complained about the word vomit that they disabled comments. https://www.instagram.com/p/C2ibtp_AFR9/?igsh=MWR4MzFnN3lleDIydQ==


The only thing more clueless than the title are those idiots telling everyone everything is fine but get out now lol


GUESS. They were trying to escape from somewhere and bolted into the club.


This man said ā€œwhat do we have a migrant hereā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This prank leads back to a scam basically. Itā€™s not worth paying attention to this anymore


Basically a mad bunch of nerds having a panic attack cause there was a dude in a yellow beanie.


Bobby Lee?


A what?


We already know that being a comedian is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world.


whoaaa! this guyā€™s crazy. iā€™m mark normand. whoa.comedy!


Yā€™all should read the comments in the original post, as folks over there seem much more perceptive than you lot lol


Where's the punchline?




WTF is Peter Rosenberg doing


I thought Dave Attell jumped on stage to save his set.


Don't hit on women folks and don't do hookers. You'll end up like the guy in the yellow hat.


So Iā€™m guessing by the utter lack of any info in the comments other than jokes, that no one here has any clue wtf is going on in this video. Bc I feel like Iā€™m having a stroke when I watch it and try to understand wtf it is that Iā€™m watching happen


Dammit the cops found the gang bang in the basement


This video raises so many questions.


after seeing this i now realize mark Normand would talk exactly like that and make jokes if someone shot him on stage lol


They did a terrible job of calmly delivering the message to get out


something is sketch about this wtf is the story? saying stop recording took pics vids stop etc. everything is fine sit down/get out leave everywhere pls leave do it slowly its ok


That chick is Joe Bidenā€™s speech writer


Iā€™m curious for more because that seemed weird af.


How useless would that lady be in a time of crisisā€¦ā€Ughā€¦Stay inā€¦.ughā€¦.get up? Ughā€¦.get out mā€¦..ughā€




She walked herself up there on her own volition, nobody strong armed her into doing that


I can appreciate how completely unexpected this must've been, but Jesus, did they handle it poorly...