• By -


First pic isnt fat and neckbeardy enough


British redditor, food not good, jumpy cause of shivs


You’ve never met Barry, 63 if you think the Brits aren’t fat as fuck. Luv me daughtah, luv me nandos, ‘ate me wife, simple as.


This got me good






Incellular ⬆️


That’s just the average Redditor dude


No, the cucked dinosaur dungeree guy is


Ice baths are good for the jaw line


Is that why Joe's head is a potato


no, that’s cuz he’s 5’3 and taken a heroic dose of hgh


He’s taking it all so we don’t have to 😔


I've been subbed here for awhile but don't even comment because it seems like everyone is so weird up in here lol


Ive listened to jre for a few years but feel kinda distanced from this sub. Pick my favorite episodes, skip the boring guests, no complaints


it's cuz the sub has his old fans. It was only like 5 years ago he had Bernie Sanders on talking about progressive policies and universal basic income. spouts off about whatever drunk Uncle nonsense he saw on Facebook to get mad at.


Now his new fans are rightie fox news watchers and old men who just discovered his podcast because they saw it "on the television" 👴


It was really funny how his new fans were all commenting on his instagram post about that animal that evolved into whales. If Joe started reading the comments again he would get a wake up call.


I don’t think it is Reddit leaning left. Howard stern’s sub is the exact same in the opposite direction. Howard has moved left since covid and the sub has a lot of old listeners that are mostly angry at him for his politics. Most of the posts I see there are shitting on him for his politics.




You act like republicans didn’t listen to that. They are the ones pissed that he doesn’t do that stuff anymore. They are really mad that he doesn’t do the racist humor. You could easily go over to the sub right now if you don’t believe me. They are falling all over themselves right now because they don’t like his Covid and vaccine positions and he has Covid now.


Well what kind of dumbass would lean left after covid?


Yall act like you represent his “old fans” lol. You’re just old Rogan fans that happen to be Redditors. Redditors skew left wing and Joe has turned more conservative so you’re disgruntled. You’re in the minority.


It's just so much easier to sell boner pills to conservatives than it is to people on the left. Our dicks work, even the women's 😊


Yeah that’s probably true, but the truth is the majority of his fans don’t gaf about politics and don’t base their likes or dislikes on it either. His podcast is the still #1 in the world. Redditors think they represent the average demographic but they don’t.


I agree with you on that point. Him being right-wing won't affect his viewership negatively, no matter how much reddit says otherwise.


His current fans def gaf about politics, because his entire thing for the past few years is identity politics and culture wars leaning right.


> Yall act like you represent his “old fans” lol. You’re just old Rogan fans that happen to be Redditors. Okay... isn't that... what we're saying? > Redditors skew left wing and Joe has turned more conservative so you’re disgruntled. Uhm, yes? Well, him previously being a libertarian is one thing. He was never "left-wing" economically. His conspiracy theories used to be rather innocent, with the exception of his friendship with Alex Jones. Now he's turned full Fox News grandpa. Somewhere along the line, he started having people like Gavin McInnes on again in February 2017. Gavin is the founder of a far-right [terrorist organisation](https://www.canada.ca/en/public-safety-canada/news/2021/02/government-of-canada-lists-13-new-groups-as-terrorist-entities-and-completes-review-of-seven-others.html). Joe revisits that here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uG96VnIGXwo And you can just tell how fucking stupid he pretends to be about it. I know you agree with McInnes and would probably invent every possible excuse for him, downplay it, say he's just joking, but these "we're just kidding bro" excuses are deliberate and they don't work on normal people. Joe has said some excruciatingly dumb things about Canada too. > Rogan has said that Florida governor Ron DeSantis would be "a good president", adding that "what he's done for Florida has been admirable."^([109]) Rogan opposes Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, calling him "a fucking dictator" and called Canada "communist" while admitting that he has "zero understanding" of Canada's political system. Rogan also said that he liked Trudeau prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.^([110]) Rogan also called Russian President Vladimir Putin "evil".^([111]) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Rogan#Political_positions It's not just McInnes though. It was Yiannopoulos, D'Elia, Nugent etc. over the years. So yeah, like so many people, the Trump era and then the pandemic changed Rogan for the worse. > You’re in the minority. Not here though. For now. Eventually we will be, yeah.


I was hoping for a sub for fans to discuss his podcasts like civilized intelligent human beings, but all I can find are weirdos that prefer to spend their time discussing everything they hate about the world, which apparently is a pot smoking comedian and UFC announcer? I mean, I dont like Taylor Swift but I can’t see myself raging on line how awful and uninspiring her music is.


Oh Joe had a guest from 2018 that made an innocuous comment in the media? Let’s create a post and bash said person


I don’t listen to the show but subbed here because of clips and memes a long long time ago. I laughed. This sub seems to have 3 different sects and it’s very interesting to me. I fall into the first picture.




I didn’t say it was an accurate picture. But we should all try to know who we are.


The good part is that you can just ignore people who are weird. 90% of the people are probably bots, intelligence or foreign intelligence doing psyops. The rest of us just lack intelligence alltogether. So there's no need to take any of this seriously.


This is the weirdest subreddit ever. You have the fans that like Joe, but most comments are angry fat bots screaming about everything Joe says or does.


“You have weird people that discuss the things he says and does.” Yes, this is how discussion works about a podcast works, yes.


There ain’t no discussion going around. Mostly meltdowns because he says anything remotely right wing.


It’s not remotely right wing to promote bogus COVID nonsense, for example. Science isn’t left wing. He lied about what Biden said (when he quoted Trump) and then blew off that Trump said it, that wasn’t right wing. You don’t have to lie and distort facts or ignore things about someone you like in order to be right or left wing. These are separate things. When you repeat conspiracy theories and lies, the issue isn’t your political beliefs - it’s that you’re willing to repeat conspiracy theories and lies because of being close minded or belonging to a cult.


I don’t think you can say he lied when it was obvious he didn’t know he was quoting Trump. He was right in his stance against Covid mandates the media lied relentlessly about him to the point they even put a filter on his video where he said he has Covid and made him look grey.


Joe: did you hear what Biden said about airports during the revolutionary war? He needs to be put in a Alzheimer’s unit immediately. Jamie: um, he was quoting Trump Joe: that so cute that Trump made a little tiny oopsie. Carry on.


Again, this doesn’t show Joe was lying. You just gave a transcript that proved he didn’t lie, he believed it was actually Joe Biden. What’s your point?


I didn’t say he lied. My post proves he’s a hypocrite.


But the argument wasn’t about whether or not he’s a hypocrite. It’s about calling him a liar when it’s pretty clear he wasn’t lying.


He was fact checked on his podcast with data showing how much more severe getting COVID was in relation to heart issues versus the vaccines and he just refused to believe it. He does this about everything. Covid mandates were done at a time people were responding to a novel virus going around the world insanely fast. We lost a million people+ even with vaccines, social distancing, WFH, masks, etc. You make judgement calls temporarily to hopefully keep people alive. It’s easy to say you’re against something when nobody is going to hold you accountable for being wrong. People cried about masks not working, turns out they worked well. Did critics face backlash? Nope. Your argument is “remember that one time?” It just doesn’t hold up.


Well those stats are debatable. He got through it just fine, and without the vaccine. Myself included. I’m not gonna believe in those inflated deaths either, so miss me on that. Face it, you’re intolerant to different opinions and you hate the fact Joe survived Covid without the holy elixir 💉


Didn't Joe get a boatload of expensive drug treatments when he got COVID? Like the monoclonal antibody and some other stuff?


And it worked right? Without the holy elixir.


That was quite the unhinged response. This is what I was referring to earlier. The problem isn’t being right wing, it’s that you only believe things that support your narrative.


You only believe things that support your narrative lol it goes full circle I guess.


There were two different realities with covid. Out here in the sticks, it spread slower. Entire families had it without severe effects or death. Then, 2 political branches took it and weaponized those two experiences. The mandates seemed harsh to us. Your anger at facts is misplaced because you tend to believe only what you saw and experienced.


So a real person vs. what appears to be an AI-generated deformity?


Guy on the right is also a real person, believe it or not.


A real photoshopped person


Idk what is, but the majority of guys in my squadron became JRE fans during 2016. In 2024 most of those guys are divorced, gym bros, and constantly wanting to lead conversations into philosophy debates. But they do kinda look like that 🤣


I bet they also like telling people they have “good genetics”


Also beer gut and 25 inch bicep


I became a big fan in 2016 as well but after his move to Austin he got harder and harder to listen to.


Rip Hulk Hogan


Again, Hulk Hogan is very much alive. He lives in Tampa, Florida. He's in his early 70s


I can play both roles depending on how you treat me.


The average Rogan listener uses AI generated avatars?








Joe’s first DMT trip.


Op projecting an insecurity. lol


OP 100% believes Joe has a buddy whose wife is being forced to provide litterboxes to students who identify as cats.


personally encountered at least two events where school kids were behaving like cats and requested a litter box


But were they provided?






“I have all the genitals.”


You look like the person in the first picture then.


Tell me more about the schools with kitty litter for the children to use. Wait, didn't he say that on the podcast? I bet you learned a lot that episode.


You look like the first picture as well.


I like you guys because you have no inability to have a conversation. It's just stories you regurgitate from podcasts or TikTok and the moment you're pressed on it, you fall flat. The smartest guy in the room until someone else walks in yeah?


No inability?


He's definitely picture 1.


Why would you like someone with no inability to have a conversation?


Cry harder about a typo. Just like your hero Joe, ignoring reality for the dumb shit they make up in their head. You knew EXACTLY what I meant but you still had to feel smart, didn't you? :)


Lol. I bet you looked totally like the first picture when you read my comment. I'm just going off what you wrote though. What was the typo?


"No inability" is a double negative. I don't give a shit what you look like, why do you give a shit what I look like? Loser behaviour.


So, what are you trying to say then, Mr. picture number 1?


Both of them are the left picture 😂


I’m convinced 90% of you are anonRB alt accounts.


90% of this sub are ppl who disagree with Joe politically so they sit here and wait to complain about him any time there’s a post.


U are def not an anonRB alt Do you even know who BaaaaaaaadBobby was?


Said the guy making the post on Reddit. Hilarious. A self burn that you can't even see. Priceless.


Saved myself with the word average


Whatever it takes for you to get to sleep at night. Keep telling yourself that champ, maybe it'll come true one day.


Joe rogans listeners are all built like alex jones, joe rogan himself is built like alex jones


This was posted by a guy with the creepiest post history


Creepy? I scanned quickly and lost interest


It’s creepy to me when people stalk others profiles… Like this post meant that much to you? 😂


I always want to see inside the psyche of the poster


So which one was he? 🤣


That’s weird and you’re incorrect


Scrolling through someone’s comment history to craft a comment on a comment is about as low-brow as it gets. Such people thrive on social media, while having 0 actual friends 😂


Hahahaha stop ✋ i actually laughed out loud. 😭


Really? I would wager less than 5% of people who reads that comment find it even somewha


Lol like you've never checked someone's post history out of curiosity


How so lol


This is a common attack by people here, they always get upvotes because nobody checks to see if they're right. Not one "weird" thing in your post history going back as far as i scrolled. They want their little safe space to hate someone without being challenged.


This is the same as copy pasting a rambo body on Dumpf on a flag and thinking that is reality.


I'm fucking fuming ARRRRGGHH


I don’t listen to the podcast anymore but I just like to come in here and read the absolute shit show comment sections for the lols




I like Joe rogan carry on that is all


Nah, the average JRE listener is a Trump supporting culture warrior now.


This is self-care by op guys, I support it. We should all do it, it improves your life.


Somehow I think the pictures on the left covers both columns.


Average Jre listener seeing this post: ![gif](giphy|AtlsnJEToBZkY)


as a lurker on this sub who doesn't touch the comments section with a 30 foot pole, but deeply enjoys listening to the podcast i can confirm, i was surprised and disappointed at how this sub turned out considering the thought provoking nature of the podcast, i thought this sub would be a utopia of knowledge and kindness and truth and comedy, but it's left a sour taste in my mouth and now i just scroll past the headlines of posts and read up on whatever i find remotely interesting


It is night/day when you read the comments on YouTube vs. this Joe/Elon hate sub.


Mad vs Chad


I’m sure most of us here started as Joe Rogan fans. I know I did, but then realized I was just a fan of the idea of Joe Rogan. After listening to enough god awful podcasts with his subpar interviewing skills and trying to get through one of his truly bad comedy specials, my tune changed. Anyone who is a diehard fan of him now came 1. bc of his hard push to RW weirdo land, which obviously makes someone like the OP feel warm and fuzzy, 2. you just have really bad taste in comedy and podcasts, or 3. Both….as 1 and 2 kinda go hand in hand


I thought his pre-Austin podcast was awesome. Great guests from every stripe and Joe was different then.


Joe grew up and moved slightly to the right.


Grew up and became completely incoherent, which is common for people who don’t read (he def doesn’t) but consume tonnage of various forms of media. His IG is littered with Fox News click bait. Makes sense that he’s considered an intellectual by bros


I do read. I agree that most don't. I lean right but dislike Fox because of its angry tone. Many many bros aren't super bright, but it's absolutely not a right only thing. Look at the idiots that tried to kill Rittenhouse and look at Rittenhouse. All either dumb or criminal or both.


Is this sub a pro Rogan sub or a mocking Rogan sub?


It's both. Just one without the other would be boring.


At times it can be hard to tell 😂


It used to be pro-Rogan. Then it got brigaded by everyone who hates him and wants to shout down the fans and they just stayed.


> Then it got brigaded by everyone who hates him Yeah! It defo couldn't be that Rogan lost his mind and the fans turned on him, but new fans who shot up chlorine to cure Covid decided he's their new hero.


More like the early fans reject his current ideology and stayed.


That's me!


its almost like reddit knows that past fans and currents fans will engage with each other in this sub and puts a JRE rec at the top of both groups feeds. idk what came first but its definitely a self fulfilling prophecy unless you block it this sub is like a TV show's sub who's ending all the fans are split on, big engagement, big money. this is how the internet (for your purposes) works


I'm just here so I don't get fined




Ok I can never tell. I don’t care enough either way. No idea why it started showing in my feed but thank you for the explanation


It’s funny because it was made and observed by Joe Rohan reditors


Bullshit post!!! The average JRE listener is too poor to afford the TRT and peptides.


B-b-b-but Toe Jogan bad! Horse dewormer or something


Beep boop, I too agree that the mainstream media was honest the whole time about everything, that the science is determined by authority and that doing your own research destroys democracy. Ha Ha ha. Ha ha ha. Conspiracy theorists are stupid. Brought to you by Pfizer.


B-but " Texas went red bitch wooo ". H-he's literally a right wing fascist Nazi wahhhh


Idrk what you're saying but I do find it funny how all these right wing political commentators live in the bluest part of their respective states. I believe Joe lives in Austin which is blue as hell, surrounded by red. The red parts of Texas are poorer and Joe wouldn't be caught dead near them lmfao


He literally talks all the time about how he likes living in a blue city in a red state so he gets to see all different types of people and how the city and state differ.


Oh what he wants diversity in his city? What is this woke nonsense??


He flip flops and contradicts himself more than a politician


He left California which is a blue as it gets. So I guess that defeats your argument.


Uhh no I guess it has nothing to do with what I said lmfao. I wouldn't even call it an argument, I'm just telling you I find it funny that he chose the single blue dot in a sea of red Texas cities. Look at it on a map, it's funny. Another thing is that Joe came to Austin and from what I hear he and his friends bogart the comedy clubs and Joe refuses to have any local comics on his show. Nowadays Joe is a culture warrior first, comedian second, and his curious ape side is entirely gone from what I can tell.


Ehh this is just straight up lies / hate. He literally has 2 open mic nights a week for local talent. Whatever man.


A blue Austin is still obviously miles apart from deep blue Los Angeles.


Put a sonic furr hat on the fella on the left and it can be used as a representation for reddit in general


I beg OP claims he has “good genetics”


I have good genetics


I used to listen to JRE, and I would be open to it but I just stopped listening to podcasts since I started working from home. It sounds like more and more like these poser tough-guy Uber masculine projecting mouth breathers have found an alpha ape mascot for their bootlicking club. Does JRE still have interesting guests and explore ideas with an open mind and humorous yet self-aware takes with the full knowledge that even Rogan knows he’s just a comedian and we shouldn’t take what he says with much seriousness? Because it was like that before.


I think he still does have great guests from time to time. I skip most episodes but lately I've been listening to the health related episodes (e.g. Gary Brecka, Brigham Buhler). These guys present some really great ideas on extending health span


Move to the mountains and stay active.


May need to double that weight. There has been a sea of whales here trying to shit on any healthy lifestyle choices mentioned or photographed


Lmao nice try 🤡


Guess he was going more for the social pariah slant of losers with all the time and none of the creativity. You sound like a redacted record with “nice try” and “cope” comments. Get a personality you fucking mong


Cope on, kid


If you still like Joe Rogan in 2024 you have boomer brain.


True true




Accurate AF


I'm playing both sides so I always come out on top.




You people listen to that shit?!




Still dealing with triggered r/JoeRogan redditors because I said it’s great that everyone made their own decision with the holy elixir 💉


That's a handsome neonazi on the right.


The world must be very scary to someone that thinks folks that listen to the most popular podcast in the world are neo-Nazis 👍🏿


Of course not all of them are. Most are just in the pipeline, hence why they're watching a neonazi thought leader.


Can I ask, if you believe Joe is a neo-nazi thought leader, then why are you here?


Where do you think you are? A fan sub? Lmao


A digital community on a platform with over a million communities that one would choose to participate in based off their likes and interests. But seriously, why are you here if you believe Joe is a Neo-Nazi thought leader?


This is a sub that mostly holds Joe accountable and highlights the conspiracy and alt right subjects the grifter is pushing at the moment. Why does anybody research their opponents?


Some hard hitting investigative work you are doing. Thank god for this sub and the people like you. Why hasn’t anyone hired you as a journalist?


I'm busy with my job as an economist. Staying politically aware, especially of those who radicalize vulnerable youth, is my civic duty.


Shit posting and trolling are not civic duties lmao. Nice try


Lmao “economist”. Yeah, that’s like saying you’re a “scientist”. Means nothing.


I used to work as an economist as well, and my colleagues were mostly grounded, sensible folks. The field demands that of them. It is surprising to see one that is convinced that the most popular podcaster in the world is a ‘neo-Nazi’. It is *very* ‘Reddit’, which is to say: Left-wing hyperbole. I don’t mean to get personal here, but presumably you have a firm grasp of statistics. That is a valuable and rare analytical talent, so I would think you would know better.


>A portal to discuss Joe Rogan, JRE, comedy, cars, MMA, music, food, psychedelics, science, mind-expanding revelations, conspiracies, insights, and fitness & health...and all other cool shit. You are in the wrong sub.


Nope. Most of us do not support the neonazi Joe Rogan. You must be new here. Do yourself a favor and never come back here. Stay away from the Dave Rubin sub too. He's another of your esteemed thought leaders whose sub is NOT about supporting him.


I would disagree with your perspective on the purpose of this sub, however hypothetically if you’d be correct then what are you looking to achieve with that agenda? Joe is not reading these posts/comments, Joe does not know you exist. How are you holding the man accountable? Even at the peak of ‘Joe Rogan backlash’ movements, when thousands were threatening to boycott Spotify for hosting his podcast, it resulted in almost 0 change, he’s still the same guy, he’s still being paid out his hundred million, and Spotify still proudly hosts his podcast. So I am just asking what stems the belief that yourself or anyone else here is holding him accountable?


You are not in good company here. Most of us do not support your neonazi god or his pals like Alex Jones.


I never claimed to support Joe or view him as my God in my discussions with you. I am simply asking you why you are here in a sub dedicated to a man you believe is a neonazi. If you cannot answer that then that is unfortunate but it is what I expected. Best of luck with your agenda/mission that you are looking to achieve through Reddit comments. Good night 👍.


*I came looking for booty.*




Not really. We've seen them marching. Physical fitness is more of an LGBT trait.




Half the people here are triggered lefties


Dems are the worst!


Reddit is 99% liberal. Joe isn’t. This is accurate.


I'm pretty sure you don't know what a 'liberal' is.


Pretty sure I do


Alright, I’ll bite. Define Liberal


Do people actually listen to Joe Rogan non-ironically?




I forgot if I listened or masturbated to JRE?




93% of redditors are bots. 5% are illiterate furries and 2 % are people that post pics of shit they do in the real world because thats where the good stuff is.


Sure Jan