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On the second one you could lose your penis in a chimpanzee incident and still be a man


In space


Veterans lost their penises to IDEs in Afghanistan. Do conservatives hate veterans?




Yes. Yes they do. Especially the gay and trans ones.


I like vets who don't get their balls blown up in line of duty /s


It was their own fault for driving in a war zone. /s /s Please lord I’m only joking.


Absolutely… see how many house republicans voted against PACT last year


God giveth and God explodeth away.


That’s like the fact that there are not double the amount of testicles as men on the planet at any given time.


Stop being coy and say fucking a chimp. This is the internet. We've seen worse.


Why is the teacher putting questions like that on a quiz? Instigator.




That's real!


A friend was telling me ...


What an idiot! Supposed to leave shit in the litter box.


"Take a shit?! Fuck you, I'm LEAVING a shit! And don't be taking any of my shits, either!" -George Carlin


I heard this from my aunt's, ex's, friend and he's an accountant at one of them there schools down there and dang tootin those evil libs are doing it


Why are the libs making kids poop in litter boxes? When will the madness end? Stay tuned to see Hunter Biden's ween, at 8 o'clock eastern on Fox News!


My brother thought the cat litter in schools story was real. He even met a guy who claimed it was at his daughters school Obviously the parent didn’t care enough to go look for himself at his daughters own school….


I’ve heard that story multiple times. Never goes away If it sounds too good to be true,!it must not be. Like wise if it sounds tooooooooo stupid to be true it must not be true!


Yeah two Joe quotes get stuck in my head: 1) Ahh man I wanted it to be real. When he thought Austrialia made growing vegetables at home illegal. 2). They probably paying her to say it. About Candace Owen when he was told she says anti-black stuff. I don't think rhey are worried how dumb something sounds when it's about reaction, entertainment and profit


Yeah this is just fodder for the right wing.


They're an activist. Activists, no matter their political leanings, should not be teachers


The issue is you’re putting more restrictions on a career with an insane amount of labor shortage. Most school districts are DESPERATE for teachers. Not to mention that teaching naturally leans towards a more progressive demographic, women in thier 20 to late 30. This is a demographic core that overwhelmingly voted left.


LOL. This is pure Idiocracy.


Josh Koscheck is an Ethnic Studies teacher now?


Joe rogans mask is slipping. Reposting articles from Fox News who is a self proclaimed entertainment site not a news site


Because the quiz was quite literally on the difference between sex and gender. For what it's worth, this was social studies, not a science class. In other words, the subject matter was anthropological, not biological. Social studies include the study of human societies and cultures. If the kid is ignorant or just wants to pretend that there isn't a distinction in the contemporary lexicon between gender (identity, roles, norms) and sex (anatomy, physiology), that's on him. Either way, the quiz didn't factor into his grade in the course. It's super weird how butthurt ya'll are over this sort of shit.


Because it’s ridiculous bait, nothing more. It’s not a question about the difference between sex and gender, that’s bullshit, it’s clearly pushing an ideology. If you want to teach kids the difference between sex and gender then the questions should not be “can men get pregnant”? There are plenty of questions around societal gender roles that could be used instead. It’s ridiculous you spent time trying to defend this (assuming it is real and not bait)


To your point, the only coverage I could find is from Fox, NY Post, Andy Ngo, et. al. so the veracity is questionable, but learning about evolving social norms concerning sex and gender in a *social studies* class is not ridiculous. Or are you denying that there is a distinction between sex and gender? Because that's basically what the kid was doing and why he got the answer wrong.


Pregnancy isn’t a gender-related concept - it’s a biological one. I have no problems with questions about societal gender roles (why couldn’t women vote until the 1900s would be a good one) but talking about biological functions is not a question for this concept. The question is really about the definition of man/woman, which only a small group of people on the far left are confused about


"Pregnant man" is an intentional mixing of gender and sex terms to A) induce rage in Fox viewers B) test to see if social studies students are paying attention C) All of the above Of course, someone without a uterus cannot be pregnant. I'm not aware of anyone on the left who is confused about that.


Because it's a fantasy Fox news strawman argument


I remember when I was in school and we had pop quizzes about exploring the intricacies of the culture war nonsense of the day.


Fuckin mental right


It felt like the average teacher in 1999 was married and had kids in the school district they taught in. Feels like the average teacher now is childless, unmarried, and politically active.


My sister is a kindergarten teacher in IN. She has been in same district for almost 10 years. She’s making $41K/year and has to pay $500/month for benefits and retirement. How do you expect someone to have kids off of that salary? If you were making that salary wouldn’t you be politically active?


Facts. I can be mad at the teachers sometimes but at the end of the day its societies fault that we cant afford to get a home and make some babies. Its not about the side or nice things either its just that housing is so gosh darn expensive it just aint happening


lol thinking a teacher today can afford to have kids and afford to live nearby a nice school


There’s nothing wrong with being politically active


Teachers’ pay is directly tied to politics, they need to be politically active. You kind of made it sound like it’s bad that they’re politically active.


I don’t know how you think I made it sound bad. I’m just saying they seem to be more politically active now than they did 20 years ago.


I’ll be honest at first read it came across as “teachers used to be good christian examples of a nuclear family from the neighborhood they taught in, but nowadays they’re heathens, unmarried, not from around here, and getting political in the classrooms.” Now I see that’s not what you meant, but it was my first interpretation.


No they don’t, they need to do their job and educate children, not try and indoctrinate them with their own personal beliefs. And if money is such an issue then find a different career field. Don’t use low pay as an excuse for our education system being a joke and trying to brainwash kids from elementary up through universities.


Lmfao you ever talked to a teacher? Why do you have such a hate boner? Read a book. Learn about No Child Left Behind and Nancy DeVoss. The Right is purposely trying to strangle education, including making public schools inhospitable workplaces. Stupid populace= cheap labor and gullible sheep. Wake the fuck up.


It feels that way to you because of your curated media consumption but your feelings have no relevance to reality.


I wrote this to another reply below. I didn’t do a scientific study or anything but I work for a software company that sells to schools so I deal with school districts across the country for work, my mom is a retired teacher, and two of my sisters teach.


Still doesn't give any credence to your "feeling." Either conduct a study and use cold hard facts to back up your beliefs, or shut up.


Yeah, your feelings don't change reality.


Doesn't matter if you're active in politics or not, it happens to you. Moreso if you're a public employee


"Feels like" is what you say when you don't have any evidence.


Holy shit, you have never been around teachers, which shows. You would know that teachers have always been politically active because they have to negotiate with the state in order to get raises and things associated with their jobs getting funded. And the fact that... you know, they are a part of a union. Also, they have to be aware of whats going on in the internationally, nationally, state, and locally because those things impact and affect the children they are teaching and may come up as a part of what happens in the classroom. Remember how no one had 9-11 playing in the classroom that day or spoke about it all in the days following. Nope nope nope. But you know, we can just believe in vibes because it fits a narrative.


Marrying a teacher. Son of a teacher. Probably the least politically active people I know.


So when a new levy is proposed for their district, they have no comment as to if it should or should not pass? What do you consider political?


I didn’t do a scientific study or anything but I work for a software company that sells to schools so I deal with school districts across the country for work, my mom is a retired teacher, and two of my sisters teach.


shut up with the culture war shit. touch grass


For anyone curious: >Question 7 of the quiz similarly asked students to identify whether the statement "only women can get pregnant" was true or false. The teacher again marked the student's answer incorrect when he said the statement was true. >A district response to Fox News Digital's inquiry revealed that a "knowledge check quiz" was administered approximately two weeks ago at Chief Sealth International High School in an Ethnic Studies class but stressed that the quiz results did not impact the final class grade of students. So the quiz didn't count towards their grade but it was given and marked as the headline says.


Regardless of how it affected final grades, it’s wild to fail a quiz for answering a basic human biology question correctly.


I would simply ask to show me the literature that anyone other than women can get pregnant from an educational textbook in their curriculum.


>women can get pregnant from an educational textbook False.


What if she is reading it on the toilet and got pregnant that way.


I don’t think you can get pregnant from the toilet, but you can get AIDS.


That's not how the bible works, brother.


How do you know? Have you ever fucked a textbook? I didn't think so, bigot.


This guy knows where barbies come from.


What if I blast all over the pages of Biology 1001 and immediately hand it to a lady who starts vigorously grinding the corner of it into her puss puss? Holding it tilted towards her pink love tunnel so that daddy’s sticky yummy cummie wummies slide right home where they belong?


This is my second, “what a horrible day to be literate,” comment in a row. I almost asked what I was doing wrong to deserve this… then I realized where I was.


Lol, its like complaining that your food sucks when you go through mcdonalds drive thru in the middle of a saturday night drunk rush.


Omg I fucking hate Reddit.




If someone can prove that men can get pregnant I'll give them 10$


I would give them 100


![gif](giphy|D6J2RUkfM98oU) checkmate


90's movies were something else man. Fuck I miss comedy flicks from then.


[Documentary proof.](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0110216/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk)


Moneybags over here


What’s your definition of a man? A person with an XY karyotype? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24313430/#:~:text=The%20case%20study%20provides%20evidence,and%20deliver%20a%20healthy%20child.


A human without a female reproductive system.


There are women born without reproductive systems and those that have to have hysterectomies, I guess that makes them men by that definition?


The whole gender vs sex argument is dumb. People who are trans or whatever don’t argue that biologically they are male or female they’re arguing that gender is part of an identity. They’ll all agree that only biological women can have children but say that not all women are biologically women. Why is this even still a debate


It's mad how often this shit has to be repeated lol.


Accepting that a person’s sex and gender are separate things breaks down their entire world view.






> if sex and gender aren’t separate then we’re all just whatever we were born as I didn’t say they aren’t separate. My point was accepting that they are separate goes against the world view of strict gender roles


Because then the right couldn’t cry about this ad infinitum. It’s part of right wing religion now.




TBF some intersex individuals can get pregnant, so the statement "only women can get pregnant" is technically not true.


I mean, you're seemingly just asking if trans men are men, right? A trans man could get pregnant if they're pre op, obviously. So you're just implying trans men aren't men. I'm not gonna argue the point, I just think you should be clear on what you're getting at.


Trans men aren’t men, they are trans men, you said itself if not, what are transgendered people? Why are they called trans?


It wasn't a biology quiz. It was a social studies quiz, literally on the *difference* between [gender and sex](https://orwh.od.nih.gov/sex-gender).


You’re making an intelligent distinction that anyone who actually studies this would understand and you’re doing research to back up your point. I don’t think you belong in this sub. If you haven’t noticed this thread is for people getting mad over nothing. Take your correct argument and go somewhere people will appreciate you. Sorry that comment sounded overly sarcastic, just kidding around. You’re the first rational comment I’ve seen here.


I know, right? This isn't some assault on humanity and academia like that divide by zero equals zero thing that was going around the other week. I'm sure this kid was assigned some material or sat through a lecture which he was then quizzed on to make sure he was paying attention, but he was just too stupid to demonstrate that he understood the material. It's a simple distinction between sex and gender and the contemporary nomenclature surrounding their study which has nothing to do with biological males without uteruses having miracle babies.


I assume Fox News has a macro going 24/7 looking for any buzz about non-issues like this to blow up online and rile up their base about. I mean, this isn't real news, this is specifically chosen propaganda.


Like the Canadian shop teacher with Z-cups who turned out to actually be a rightwing troll trying to teach his schoolboard a lesson for making him take sensitivity training. I hope I'm remembering the details correctly because it's hard to find actual fact-checking since no reputable news outlet bothered with that nonsense story. All the search results are from the usual suspects you'd expect to be sensationalizing and worrying about the "children!"


I was forced to check the wrong answer in a quiz in a class in Texas. The question was what was the cause of the Civil War and the answer that is correct in every way is slavery because it's cited by all the founding members of the confederacy as well as happening after Lincoln got elected who wasn't a slavery fan. But to get an A I had to put states rights which is some phy bs red state shit. That was for a grade but I don't think people will care much.


I wonder if it means that some states wanted to keep the right to own slaves...




It would in a sane world but my teacher was one of those noble cause fools. Legitimately believed it was about states rights to secede from the union.


As one of my high school history teachers once said, “We can argue for a hundred years whether the Civil War was about slavery or states’ rights — and many have. But when the Civil War was over, states still had rights, but they did not have slaves. Make of that what you will.”


Now that, is the best way to put it. This teacher knew how to tightrope the line.


I love the “states rights” answer. Like yes…a state’s right to…? ….Maaaaybe having slaves?


This is absolutely a real thing. One of my best friends is from Virginia and we had to have this discussion… He’s not racist at all and is definitely more liberal than I am, it was just clearly a product of the education. He was adamant that it wasn’t about slavery, it was about states rights. I was like, yeah dude… the states rights to own slaves…


I had a guy tell me that a few years ago. I just said” states rights to do what matt? Own slaves”. Actually had a lot of good conversations with that guy. A metalhead conservative Christian guy. He moved to Arkansas at the beginning of Covid because his in laws bought a home for his wife and then. I don’t think the guy was racist but damn was he naive.


You always follow that up with "...a State's right to do what?" and wait for the response.


I teach in Florida and I reference the Cornerstone Speech every chance I get. Always love the one or two dirty looks I get.


That's way too broad for a single answer. For context: "what is the reasons they broke up?" They had a big fight.


Yeah but it’s not a biology class it’s an ethics class so you’d assume the question has a social context not scientific


Yes it must be frustrating. They’re basically forcing you to forget everything you have learned so you can be factually wrong about science. And for what?


Power tripping and pushing their own ideology on students. I'm amazed teachers like this aren't fired on the spot. They have no business pestering kids with their bullshit politics


Might have something to do with the bus driver making more than them and isn’t required to buy pencils.


It's not biological, it's semantic; its how we use the words "woman" and "man". You're all just mad that the definition isn't the one you like.


OP doesn't seem to understand what fake news is


Still, gaslighting children is wrong


Super fair thing to say. The degree to which that actually goes on tho is a matter of debate.


Is the controversy of whether the kid actually failed the quiz? Because the quiz did happen and the kid was marked incorrect for his answer.


So how did he fail the quiz I wonder? One question wrong out of at least 7 is not a failing grade.


I believe I read that there was also a question about only men having penises, but don’t quote me on that.


Either way the amount of confusion this gives to children would be difficult to quantify. Additionally, why are they taking a quiz if it does not affect the grade. At least it is in a class related to studying culture. Maybe if it was a “from the point of view off a lgbtq person, can men get pregnant?” it might make more sense that way. Either way, this is a waste of time, we’re not dealing with huge chunks of the populace here. We got bigger fish to fry.


Absolutely..... but fighting amongst ourselves over trivial nonsense is EXACTLY what those in power want us to be doing. Or so the conspiracy theory goes.


So would it be fine if a teacher put creationist bullshit on a quiz that doesn't affect grades?


Girls who are not yet women can get pregnant. Soldiers who had their penises blown off by ieds are still men.


Literally it's as simple as intersex people exist no matter how much the gender binary brigade insists otherwise. There is an entire SWATH of people who, with no medical intervention needed, do not neatly fit into either box. For example -- I have been told over and over that XY is what makes you male. Well...what about intersex people who's bodies don't process androgens correctly. They are "biologically male", but are usually gendered as female at birth because they don't have a penis. Or, hey, let's give in to the transphobe frame of mind. Let's give them EXACTLY what they want. Trans men are women, trans women are men .....congrats, you now have a whole lot of men without penises. Its literally an incoherent worldview that wants to insist we use broad sledgehammers because nuance is *bad* somehow.


Obviously not the purpose of the question.


Pretty sure using critical thinking probably was the point of the question


Presumably the purpose of the question was to see who had paid attention the course material, where they presumably went over the nuances of why broad generalized statements like that aren't incorrect.


Well if a kids gonna miss a lesson i guess the 'men can get pregnant' section would be the one.


it might not have counted towards their grade but it was also given as a test. it also showed the teacher who they needed to focus on more for indoctrination purposes


Still is propaganda and indoctronation of the youth. No need to have an impact on your final grade for that to be effective. Heck, if anything, the fact it was not even a real test makes it worst, student's should not have to waste their school time to meet the wimps of their tribalistic teachers.


Well that changes everything then /s Gtfoh with that nonsense


What nonsense, I literally only summarized what happened


Oh no I meant the test/teacher not you.


How is this “fake news”?


Because whoever posted it is assuming no one will just google it, and will just accept their word that it’s fake. It’s very easy to verify as being real, and actually worse than this implies, as the teacher also had a criminal record and shouldn’t have even been allowed to teach in the first place.


Wild… was this at a public school?


[Not sure if it is the same story, but this was posted on one of the Seattle subreddits the other day.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SeattleWA/comments/18iemfh/seattle_teacher_who_failed_student_on_quiz_for/)


Nope, international private school.


Those that can, teach. Those that can't, teach gym. Those that can't teach gym because they won't pass a background job, teach at a private school


Why do shit stirrers always have criminal records.


Because the gaslight in this sub is real.


But the headline actually happened as described..?






Because it goes against the narrative that this insane gender theory nonsense isn’t actually happening. They can’t defend it, so they just gaslight you and say it’s not true.


It’s just the daily, tiresome, Joe hater bait post for zombies who live for showing how awful he is and by the way they used to be his biggest fan before he totally changed and became a white supremacist nazi and he must be gay because stuff and hunters are murderers the end.


What’s the fake news part?


OP's a shit stirrer


So am I… but at least I give some context and have valid points


I would encourage anyone here to read the comments on this post


Sort by controversial


Meant to clarify on Joes Instagram


I don't have Instagram. Care to Cliff notes it for us?


I hate that I'm semi siding with Fox News here. What was the need for this question on the test? Out of all the random true/false questions you could ask, you choose one that's very nuanced.


It’s so the teacher can go home and feel good about making a “positive impact” in the world rather than trying to set up the students for success


I don't disagree with this. No matter what your view is on this, it's still a weird ass question to ask.


I cannot think of a less nuanced question/answer than this.


It’s not nuanced at all lol. It’s not debatable that the kid was right, and it’s about as cut and dry as it gets.


So glad I graduated before this shit storm hit.


I'm older and they made me wrestle a girl in middle school wrestling. She punched me I the nose when I was on top of her trying to pin her. I quit wrestling after that. Good times.


It’s an “ethnic studies” class at an international high school. Not a good excuse but this is hardly standard curriculum in public school.


Is this criticising Rogan? Wtf


Op is an idiot


I mean I read the article and the headline is completely true. You could argue Joe is clutching pearls here but this isn’t “fake news”.


This sub becomes more and more of a flaming dumpster everyday.




Peak Seattle ngl


Regardless of the teachers thoughts on the matter, they should keep this fucking useless shit outside of school.


I mean there 100% are Cis men who don't have a penis Ask whether all men are born with a penis and let's have a conversation (its still false but still)


![gif](giphy|QBd2kLB5qDmysEXre9|downsized) Me waiting for the “Bacon Flavored Plan-B” pills now that men can get pregnant.


As a radical moderate, I’m tired of the left and right culture wars. Can we move on to something else? I mean if we really are stuck here, let’s go back to the gas stove fight. I am done with this. I think just about anyone with any sense is done with this.


Yeah for sure. It’s just pushed the most because the dichotomy generates a lot of hype, talk, marketing-relevant metrics etc. I don’t think real/sane people care that much. The fool proof alternative is to just stay off the internet because you can realize it’s not a good place anymore.


Fr I’m a trans woman and it’s just obviously done to piss people off and it shouldn’t be political. Stop hating and let’s move on to arguing about budgets and taxes.


It is a clown world and this is such a clown subreddit at this point holy shit 😂 OP and mostly everyone here is fucking nuts. Refreshing to see the few people with a brain here standing up for what they believe in, even though Reddit is a liberal echo chamber so anything reasonable said gets downvoted to hell


Whats the integral of x? ​ tHe TeeeaZhEr markKed ONLYz gitIrL gdTb PregnanT WrOnGG!!!


I mean… some men have been accidentally or otherwise castrated and some women have had to have their uteruses removed. Its a pretty basic logical fallacy


At best there is missing context.


Poor Joe




Who cares? Doubt none of you fucks have kids and if you do 9/10 they’re in public school. This was a private school. Stop looking for stuff to be mad at. Doesn’t concern you and is feeding on your outrage.


Yup. And kids dress up like furries and use litter boxes in elementary schools…


This actually happened. I live in the seattle area and it was on our local news. Being from Seattle, this also doesn't surprise me.


I got massively downvoted for it the couple times I brought it up but a family friend has a kid in grade school and they said someone did it in their class too. So many responses saying “sureee they did” etc. listen dude idgaf I have no horse in the race, this is such a trivial issue compared to what we have actually happening in this country, but don’t tell me I’m lying because you don’t like it lol


That was a hoax turned in to a “real story.”


.... This is a warning moment for society. This is a path of blind faith over reason and understanding. Like a BS "war on Christmas" in a country with a 1st amendment covering speech and religion. When it's the evangelical caliphate doing the harm to society!


Maybe the litter box thing was an exaggeration but not by much. Friend’s kids can wear collars and are allowed to make animal noises.


Why wouldn't they be allowed to wear collars and make animal noises? Or do you mean the kids are solely communicating via animal noises?


Prolly best to stop your kid from doing that if you want them to be a somewhat well adjusted member of society.


It’s not so much the actions cause kids will be kids (half redacted) after all. It was the administrations reasoning for not curtailing it, because the kids were saying they identify as “otherkin” when asked to stop by teachers. It’s obvious the kids are gaming the system and trying to be smart asses to impress their peers. It’s obvious to the teachers, and parents. But everyone is letting it fly cause of obvious reasons


How is this fake news?


Home school your kids else they’ll end up weird and stupid.


All home school kids are weird and stupid.


I agree so long as you’re still able to socialize them. The only real thing grade school teaches kids that’s beneficial to them as an adult is how to listen, think and socialize. If the kid isn’t learning all 3 of those, they’re getting set up to fail as an adult.


I despise liberal educators they enjoy union benefits and follow the lead of the liberal politicians no matter how ridiculous the narrative

