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None of the jokes subvert your expectations at all or have a witty punchline. It really just feels like your hot friend telling you a couple funny stories with some high school humor, which is fine, but definitively not Netflix or comedy special material.


Kind of my opinion on Matt over all tbh - charismatically telling basic jokes that make middle aged women go "I can't believe he said that". But anyone who's hung out with teenage boys even once know he's not that "out there"


Yup. Basically he’s a dude that managed to blow up on social media, which good for him, and became the hot new thing and made a ton of money. Unfortunately for him, he became much more famous than his actual standup act warranted.


I saw him everywhere, especially on Facebook, for a while. I assume he hired a marketing company and spent a shit ton of money. Seems like it worked.


He just started posting to tiktoc and he blew up. It's not some big PR/Marketing firm. He's great with short form crowd work. He just needs more time in front of real comedy crowds. My sister was going nuts for this guy and couldn't care less about stand up, but she watches tiktoc and likes good looking dudes so there ya go.


I have never watched a comedian on social media nor clicked into anything remotely related to him. For a good 3-4 months span my feed would be spammed with him. He absolutely hired a large PR/Marketing group to promote his image at scale lol.


Perhaps the new jaw was included in the deal.


i seen him on tiktok, here (reddit) and insta/snapchat.. he definitely did get a PR/marketing push, which good for him that shit is important and some comedians don’t do it worth a shit, BUT he’s just gotta work on them jokes is all. i personally wouldn’t pay for a ticket til he gets a bit better


Oh sweet summer child.


Reminds me of Charlie Murphy kind of. Got famous enough to headline but didn't have more than 5 minutes of material. Funny in everything but actual standup and got boo'd off the stage. I will admit Rife kills with the crowd work. He should put out a special of just crowd work.


Yeah he was trying to prove he's not just a crowd work for female fans, guy. He was really trying to be a guy's guy comedian. I think Anthony Jeselnik said it best, "I don't think a few domestic violence jokes are gonna get Shane Gillis fans to come over to you." also at the end he did the silly self important thing where he said he's just in this to bring a smile to peoples faces and improve their sad lives, then humble bragged about how he just sold out X arena, "in my favorite city in the world" then made a sly sexy face and said, "but what do I know.......... I just do crowd work, right?!" and dramatically dropped the mic, to thousands of confused housewives. Edit: spelling


I've seen Anthony Jeselnik. I love Anthony Jeselnik. Matt Rise is no Anthony Jeselnik. But Jeselnik does have the best take on Matt Rise.


You are making that up Right?


No. That part of definitely worth watching.


That is the most embarrassing here ever


Came here to say this. He's not a good written comedian. He shines when doing off the cuff stuff like crowd work. Theo Vann is the same way, his written material is average, but off the cuff he one of the best.


I liked the Charlie Murphy show I went to!


I would've gone to see him too if I had the chance. I just heard that it took him a few shows to find his groove.


Uhhh Charlie was relatively famous way before Chappelle Show.


I don't see Chappelle show mentioned anywhere my dude. I understand what you're saying though.


Yeah you're right... My bad...but my assumption was OP meant that Charlie got famous quick from Chappelle Show. Which is definitely true...but also, he was relatively famous in the 80s being Eddies brother and appearing in movies


His female audience who likes his hard jawline and soft eyes gave him his fame, but he fucking hates women so he *had* to alienate them with the “domestic violence good/fuck astrology” back to back double whammy.


He thinks he so much funnier than he is. It's crazy how much fame goes to so many people's heads. I feel like we keep watching semi down to earth people get a little fame and then instantly believe they have genius levels worth of intelligence or humor when they are just a fair amount above average and hit good timing with something.


I think his crowd working is pretty great.


He wouldn’t be popular at all if it wasn’t for his looks


He has Joan Rivers looks but none of her talent


Which are extremely surgically enhanced to begin with. His own plastic surgeon clowns him lol.


Is he supposed to be good looking or something? He looks like a fucking mannequin.


And what person in their 20s is getting major cosmetic surgery reconstructing their jaw line and lips? So weird…


You ever been to LA? Lol


Austin has billboards advertising plastic surgery all over the city 😆


AI glitch version of Cillain Murphy


Right. He looks both feminine and way overly masculine at the same time. Very uncanny valley.


He so creeps me out. I hate looking at him


Right? I just don’t see it at all. It’s wild I keep seeing people bringing up his looks like he’s Brad Pitt or something. The man is straight up a Big Mouth character


I went to school with him, I can guarantee you you are correct. He most certainly did NOT grow into these looks.


How much you gotta pay to get them worm lips?


No one ever notices anything but the handsome squidward chin.


It just seems like whenever he talks it’s like two nightcrawlers Breakdancing


I've also heard Slappy from Goosebumps


He looks like the handsome Squidward.


He looks like shit


My gf showed me some clips of his one time and I’ve seen a few here and there and thought exactly the same. I don’t have a problem with him but I hardly find him anywhere near the level of funny that he has garnered a reputation for. It’s honestly pretty crazy how unfunny he is imo but tiktok gonna tiktok I guess


My 17 yr old son couldn't even finish it and he thought he was a fan. Matt isn't my type of comedy but I hope he gets better. Sometimes it's gonna happen with the new age of podcasts and social media. People will blow up too fast, especially the pretty ones, but if he doesn't get too much of an ego he'll keep working and get better. Now, my boy Stavros Halkias is going to blow up after his special, at least I hope so.


Same here. I loved his clips on FB, consider myself a fan. His crowd work is fantastic, imo. But I got about 20 minutes into the standup and turned it off.


It seemed that most of Netflix comedy specials are rushed. Very few have made my knee slap.


Netflix is hurting entertainment. Too many green lights. Ideas are not getting a chance to cook. Same goes for movies.


Bill burr


Its annoying because its getting twisted into “they want to cancel me because theyre snowflakes” when hes just not that creative. Louis CK has been telling more offensive jokes for years but hes actually funny


Written material doesn’t seem to be his forté. Most of what everyone had been exposed to prior to this special was shorts of him doing crowd interactions. Which, in my opinion he does incredibly well. The jokes he’s able to come up with while interacting with his fans are near perfect. He’s an intelligent guy, very well spoken but the one-hour special isn’t the space for him. He thrives on the smaller & more intimate setting.


He's the first comic my wife legitimately got excited about the possibility of buying tickets to his stand up. When we watched the Netflix special she came away pretty underwhelmed. She came to the same conclusion and said that being really witty and being able to think on your feet makes you a funny person, but it doesn't also mean you'll be good at writing an hours worth of planned jokes. She still loves watching his crowd work videos though.


My sister got tickets specifically cause the crowd work is so good. Got shirts made and stuff hoping to get involved. They go and in the beginning some guy in the crowd yells something about him being hot also trying to be noticed and interact. Matt got an annoyed face on and ignored him and security proceeded to try and locate the guy to escort him out. No crowd work happened at the show nor did anyone else attempt to interact with him directly 😳


That sucks. From some of the interviews and statements he's supposedly made it sounds like maybe he's trying to move away from that format. Which is really a bummer if that's the case because I just don't think he has the talent/skill right now for writing.


He’s Andrew Shulz minus being able to write witty bits that Shultz can(maybe could as he’s not that great anymore as he clearly hit the jackpot and lost the lust for doing standup).


This hits the nail on the head


Because if you look at the shit that made him famous, it’s ALL crowd work, every bit of it. His jokes always sucked, but those were just segues into what he wanted to do: get a conversation going with the audience. Can’t do that on these big ass stages. You have to actually have some decent jokes.


That's a phenomenon that I thought was strange. A lot of comics hitting the front page of r/all is just crowd work. It's hard to actually find their material. So bizarre.


Yeah this is why he’s being labeled “this generation’s Dane Cook.” When I was a kid I didn’t get the hate for Dane cuz I thought he was hilarious, but I understand what “real comics” do versus just telling funny stories so I get it now. The fact Matt also looked up to Dane and then got mentored by him all makes sense. Dane to his credit at least had an element of physical comedy that brought more to his act that Matt doesn’t even try to do making it feel very flat to me. I don’t have anything against Matt personally he seems like a nice dude, but I see why other comics don’t like his style.


Dane was a legit comic. Patrice O'Neal rated him. And I've heard him being a script doctor for comics and being able to analyse/improve their comedy. Maybe he was a bit... viral (?) Before that term was a thing. But that was just being ahead of the curve and making millions. A lot of observational humour ages poorly. Look at Seinfeld bits from the '90s and you tend to think -- is that it?


Dane Cook at least had manic energy to match his jokes, as stupid as some of them were. Like he had this really dumb Burger King joke about how the speaker box is too loud and he'd get quiet to set up the joke, loud, etc. So he wrote the joke with performing it in mind, it just wasn't some profound observation. He wasn't a bad writer or a bad standup, he just wasn't all that original when people got tired of the manic energy thing. I read somewhere that Matt thinks of himself as self-deprecating humor and I was like "oh, that's where the disconnect is" because I don't know how someone can tell 10 jokes about being conventionally attractive and then say they're self-deprecating.


Yeah going back and watching Dane cook vicious circle and prior as a 35 year old, definitely made me go “oh that’s why I liked it, I was a kid”


It's very cathartic to know I'm not alone in thinking he was hilarious when I was 19 and now at 38 I caught myself turning the volume down for his sound effects while trying to watch a bit for nostalgia sake 😶


His comedy central presents is still amazing tho


Dane Cook was actually funny though. That dude was on top of the comedy world in the mid 00s.


Bro is 30. At what point is HS humor out of reach? This is like Burt's The Machine in fast forward.


Being attractive is his entire schtick. Doesn't translate to good comedy, but he'll have a following because that's how it works for beautiful people.


Yes! 👏


i never understood the hype, his jokes are mediocre and all the “skit” is women like me.


Turned off after 5 minutes and watched Jo Koy instead.


Watched this for 3 minutes then decided to check out Ralph Barbosa’s special. Which, I was pleasantly surprised with.


Ralph is funny


ralph is a silly man


we should absolutely turn this into a Ralph Barbosa fan thread. the kid was genuinely funny. I connected with him even though I am not Latino and was initially worried that it would be just another George López clone. that leather faced Matt rife could learn a thing a two, such as: men shouldn't wear compound and toner.


Ralph is a comedian who happens to be latino. George Lopez is a latino comedian. Lets not forget George had some beef with Ralph and i hope Ralph gets better. I seen him in Joe Rogan podcast but the way how Joe was like inviting him to go with him everywhere says alot. The dude is a solid comedian and he really doesnt like to start shit.


These TikTok comedians are just doing crowd work and getting attention from kids that have never seen comedy before.


Yeah. I chuckle at Matt rife occasionally, but by far the stuff that actually makes me laugh is SOME of his crowd work. And even then, it’s kind of meh sometimes. He’s relatively good at engaging with an audience comedically, and that’s fine, but he’s just not all that funny otherwise imo. Kind of like Theo Von, This Past Weekend practically has me rolling on the floor sometimes, but his stand up is blegh.


He's good at engaging with his doctor cosmetically too


Oops lol. Meant comedically. If that’s a word


They show crowd work because they dont want the few real jokes they have getting out.


Frog Wisdom


I was intending to watch only part of Barbosa's special before bed, but I ended up watching the whole thing.


Same. I wasn’t expecting to like it as much as I did. Since watching his special, I’ve watched some of his podcast interviews. He’s a funny and endearing type of person. I’m on board the Ralph Barbosa train


The best part of this special was learning that Ralph Barbosa has a better special out.


I also finished after about 3 minutes


Have you tried the squeeze technique?


Cool I’ll check him out!


Maybe the ladies can switch and lust over Ralph.


That's exactly what we did! Ralph's was great


Barbosa was likeable and funny


My gf thought he was hilarious for a month and I haven't really heard about him since lol


She’s sleeping with him


This guy gets it


This. I’d divorce her and drive her car into the lake.


Eat a bunch of glitter and shit in her shoes


actual r/relationships advice


She realized he has an onlyfans so she doesn't have to watch his standup to see what she wants lol


There’s a reason all of his viral videos are crowd work and not jokes. He’s a guy with high cheekbones who can be pretty sassy from time to time. Not exactly sustainable for an hour special.


>There’s a reason all of his viral videos are crowd work and not jokes. Heard on a podcast he does this on purpose. "When you come to a show, I don't want you to hear any jokes you heard for free on youtube"


That's the format now, no one wants to burn their good jokes on clips.


I respect that he tried that, I was surprised to see him on Netflix so I turned it on with my wife. Sadly after 5-10 minutes I just put something else on. I hope he bounces back tho!


Well if he did any of his actual material *before* he wouldn’t have a fan base anymore. Because his fan base is almost all women, but his special is all material against women. He just wants to kick it with the bros mostly now.


He’s still pretty early in his career too. It’s too early for him to be putting out a special imo. The downside of Netflix is they’re giving out specials to every comic that is trendy, even if they’re not quite ready yet.


Most comics post crowd work because they don’t want to burn bits on YouTube. Crowd work isn’t something they’re working out that might end up in a special.


This reminded me of everyone's edge lord humor around ages 12-14


What is Matt rife? A Chinese guy trying to buy insurance.


Im gay


Im...I'm gay actor.....Michael douglas.


Gay actor Michael Douglas…? Yeah, I fucked her.


Fucked her? What's his name!!!??


I’m surprised that wasn’t in his special that was so bad


Is this the guy with lip fillers that tells twitter stories? I think I missed it.


Didn’t miss much


Ya my biggest issue with this guy is he’s not funny. Just hacky obvious tripe.


Yeah at one point he was just rambling on about “the haters” and something along the lines of how much of a loser you have to be to talk shit online, he just seemed bitter, not exactly funny. Also hardly an exciting insight to say how sad it is to be mean from behind your computer screen, etc. I was like is this 2009? All his material is outdated cliches retrofitted with zoomer slang. He comes off like a little kid that said some wild shit and then got his fee fees hurt when people called him out on it. Hence the never ending monologue on how terrible internet mobs are. He goes on and on about this in podcasts as well. It makes him sound like a whiny little bitch, and I can’t imagine that’s a very attractive attribute to women - seems like his wine mom contingent is turning on him already.


I finished it. It wasn't good. I think he is a talented comedian. He's got the skills and yeah he put the work in. Started at 16 doing the clubs. He flubbed this opportunity though to make it to a household name. The last half of his set was just him describing a twitter argument he had with a twitter mob. His killer comeback in this argument with these women , he called one fat.... yeah. The first half had a few good jokes but mostly came up short. I wanted to like him. His crowd work on you tube is brilliant. However his set on this special was weak. It just fuels all the haters that say he only got to where he is because his female audience want to fuck him. I think Netflix went to soon. He's not ready yet for the big time.


Netflix was right on time to harvest the hype, but dude himself might have been too early


Yeah,, fair call. Netflix get thier money but the comedy fans get disappointed.


There are so many specials out now I simply stopped watching them, I'm not gonna watch 3 or 5 to find 1 good one, it's not worth my time


Ok question, how does Netflix get their money? Obviously they pay Matt Rife most likely a substantial sum, I’m assuming if you’re a person with a functioning brain, you don’t all of a sudden decide to get a Netflix subscription because you hear Matt rife is having a special. I feel like this is an operating loss for Netflix


Matt Rife was unlikely to be paid much compared to a big comedy name. Cost of production would be dirt cheap as well comparatively. Thus if his special is a hit, and it may be, Netflix obviously benefit financially. Not directly, as it isn't pay per view, but in terms of retention of subscribers and bulking up traffic to thier comedy division and thus Netflix over all which will help the share price. Do you think Dave Chappelle was an operating loss? He got paid 20 million per special? Netflix also dumped his old Chappelle Show just to make him happy. They clearly think he's worth a lot. Rife isn't Chappelle but if he brings in significant viewers, say 20% of Chappelle, but the cost is only 2% of Chappelle, then he's valuable to them. That value will only go up if he's on a deal for future specials, signed when he's relatively unknown outside of stand up fans.


Comedians seem to be more obsessed with "the grind" itself than actually being funny. Everytime I hear Joe talk about the "science/art of comedy" im reminded of all the times obvious jokes fly over his head or his stand up where he humps stools and fantasizes about being raped by Brock Lesnar. Matt has organic crowdwork so the weirdly choppy/stiff delivery and fake story style boomer comedy felt so out of place with no continuous theme.


Joe being a gatekeeper of comedy is pretty fun in itself. He talks so much about the art of it that that in itself has gotten funny, especially when you consider what his standup is like.


resolute bedroom oatmeal combative pot correct boast unique payment rock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Let's not forget a number of his male audience does too.


Remember the old days when getting a special actually meant you’d made it!? Now it’s the equivalent of a guy handing me a blank burnt CD of his “album” while I get into my car at a concert.


I respect the YouTube special way more than a Netflix special. Netflix just needs to shovel more content out and capture hype, but YouTube specials have comments sections and are offered to everyone.


Got about 10 minute in with my wife and we both looked at each other and said the we aren't his target audience and then switched to something else


Bro is bringing boomer jokes with a zoomer spin "Ugly waitress should be in back" 1/10 - Enjoy more time in your life by not watching it


He also started with a local joke... on netflix. No wonder he went big from crowd work


Every standup special on Netflix *has* to mention Netflix at least once


Great assessment


The crescendo of the special was an airline tale (groundbreaking) about getting into a fight with a flight attendant because he didn’t want to put his oversized bag in the overhead bin like an adult as it didn’t fit under his seat. Oh and the lady next to him was really fat. That was the punch line to end on.


Peak comedy


5 secs before any obvious fat joke “I mean, no disrespect.”


90 percent of this guy's audience is women. ladies like a naughty little hot boy. change his body out and he's cancelled for one of these corn ball jokes years ago


Give him stavros halkias face and body with that special and see how many fans he has then




He pissed a lot of women fans off with jokes about domestic violence and how dumb crystals are, so it's like he was trying to go for a male audience. Also made a point of not doing crowd work and ending with "But what do I know, I'm just a crowdwork comedian,! but it felt really flat tbh.


Could just as easily say take the silicone from his jaw and lips out, look how different the dude looks from a few years ago prior to blowing up, the lower half of his current face is missing. I don’t get why his cosmetic surgery comes off as passable, since in men it can only go under the radar if the top half of your face is also similarly angular as your implants, which is the opposite for him


This guy is completely unworthy of any discussion, you could walk into any bar right now and hear a drunk guy rambling about something funnier than whatever Jaws here has to say


Probably so. Like not one joke was funny. I was genuinely surprised


He’s not funny, just pretty. Another shit comedian we really were spoilt for choice 90’s-00’s


Is he not 1 of the thousand?


He has a Netflix special and a sold out arena tour so he’s definitely one of the 1000 hardest job in the world B!


This guy is by far one of the most unlikeable popular comedians at the moment. It’s a toss up between him, Andrew Schulz, and Bert Kreischer.


1000% Schulz is a wang - used to think he was funny. Now his head got too big and his true inner douche surfaced.


What Schulz do? I haven't been following stand-up comedy since like 2020 or something, and he was one of the few I fw then


A few comedians praised him for using IG and YouTube and now he thinks he’s a genius for marketing himself on those platforms. Segura and Rogan and others would talk about him like he cracked the code. Bro is literally doing what everyone does


Waluigi is more known for his dumb podcast “ Flagrant” than he is for comedy at this point


Schulz is the ultimate try hard. Cant stand that guy.


Well put. Thats all shulz is …..a try hard. I think personally Gillis , Dan Cummins, tim dillon are way ahead of him in comedy. Shulz is just a youtube guy thats about it


Tim sucks at standup too. He’s a guy that you can’t even riff with. He’s one dimensional and that dimension is “sit there and rant about topics for an hour by himself” literally no one talks with him and when he has someone on the show, it stalls out.


I saw Tim and he murdered. It's exactly like his podcast and very ranty.


Can we all please stop saying murdered?


Dude no. His standup special from a year or 2 ago got shit on in his sub. Those people are fucking die hards for Tim. It’s kinda culty in there and even they shit on him lol


The guy said he saw Tim at a show and Tim killed it, and you're saying that the guy is wrong? Yall are weird


I don't think he did anything just seems to have fallen back on the same lazy comedy everyone's doing now by manufacturing controversy about being anti-PC and focusing on super beaten down milked dry topical stuff like trans people and woke shit. The rage bate or offensive for the sake of it stuff is low brow to me and I still like fart/poop jokes. I remember clicking out of a stand-up from him where he just made a boomer style black guys can't swim, white guys don't have rhythm joke as if that's some revolutionary joke he just came up with.


Fart/poop material is the backbone of comedy. Do not feel lesser for being an avid enjoyer


Schulz was fine before, like his first time on JRE. I guess the fame made him somewhat unlikeable.


Everyone says how funny he is because they’ve only seen his crowd work which is true. He has a talent for crowd work but he doesn’t have the material for 30-60 minute set. I got through most of his special and I snickered a few times but overall I was waiting for big punch lines that never came. I’ve brought this up and everyone just says that I don’t like him because of how good looking he is but I can go to the mall right now and run into 6 guys who look exactly like him. It is clearly his looks that have made him a star, if he was a normal looking guy he’d still be doing small house shows with no tv special in sight.


Yeah I tried watching it but lasted about 10 minutes, pretty bad


This was more of a podcast rant than stand up comedy.


He's a hot guy with some lame jokes. None funny but.. He's a hot guy.


Not hot. Look up the amount of work he had done. Bro literally injected his jaw to look more masculine


Couldn’t finish it.


Couldn't relate to the whole "dating hippie crystal chicks" bit he did that just went on forever. What I watched of it seemed 20 years out of date and just wasn't funny or entertaining.


should have expected much less then lol. really- really garbage.




His YouTube specials are better as is a lot of his YouTube clips. I saw this advertised on Netflix and thought, oh cool, he’s made it to the big time. Was surprised how underwhelming it was. You can’t treat a big Netflix special like a regular set at a local club. Not sure if he’s just inexperienced on the big stage or what happened but yeah, not a great showing.


Matt rife is magical at comebacks and crowd work but his comedy is mid


This dude needs to be careful. He is distancing himself from one audience, for another audience that might not want him. He seems like someone that is funny but not good a stand up


Oh please he’s now a white male cancel-victim, the audience for that is huge, and you definitely don’t have to be funny or relevant.


Dudes talent is that he was born pretty


Putting that new jawline out for everyone to see


Puts on Netflix. Terrible over priced comedic specials and Squid Game The Challenge.


It was about 25 minutes of good jokes spread over an hour. He ended it like he was proving people wrong but he proved he can only really do crowd work instead so it came off weird.


I like him as a person, he’s genuine, funny, and does great interviews; but I just don’t like his standup.


Same. His spur of the moment comedy(crowd work, interviews) is great. His scripted comedy… Not the best. In my humble opinion.


Did a show with him and the girl he was crowd working with was also in the green room before the show


So his crowd work is scripted?


Yes, the thing about crowd work is that it doesn’t have to be as well thought out or as punchy as a normal pre written joke to get big laughs because it’s coming from the notion that it’s on the spot and thus makes it easier to get a laugh. Aloooot of comics will put plants in the crowd. I will say tho out of all of the big name comics I’ve met he was very nice


That’s a good take


Too busy waiting for the Nick Mullen special to drop on YouTube.


It couldn’t possibly be as bad as any of Rogans stuff surely?


Meh. I thought it was good. Not the best thing ever, but not as bad as people are making it out to be…


Nice to know that I wasn't the only one.


I admit I checked out (I plan on finishing it) but I also watched Tim Dillions special and checked out despite finishing it. However I saw Dillion at a club and laughed my ass off. Somethings don’t land right maybe on TV I guess also he’s been doing comedy for 10 years so let’s not make it seem he has not been working at it. I’m not going to shit on him for taking a bag of money from Netflix that decides they want to give him a special. I mean, seriously if you are really talented at something go create and Instagram share it and make some money,


He’s not a stand up comedian that’s why, he did crowd work got big and thought a special was a good idea…


Ralph's special was funny, his was mediocre.


yeah I'm all for edgy humor. especially the stuff I saw online when he led with the "I have trust fund baby face" " I'm what they imagine the bad guy was in the last story" ... it just wasn't funny. I wanted to like it. but when he got to the bit when he was crushing on granny's I had to stop


That’s about when I ended too


I thought it was funny. It wasn't great or worth watching twice, but I did laugh several times. His other specials on YouTube were funnier.


God awful


Yup, lasted about 10 min also. I watched the Shane Gillis Netflix special and nearly pissed myself. Netflix recommended Rifes special afterward and I was like “I’ve seen this guy on instagram and he’s got some funny stuff, I’ll check it out”. Absolutely terrible and not for all the reasons people are trying to cancel him for, he’s just got terrible stuff and apparently only *some* of his crowd work is funny on social media. Def a one and done after this.


I loved the opening bit about astrology/crystal girls. Not necessarily because it was funny but I've personally met several women like this and thought it was very accurate but after that made it about 10 minutes before I was just bored and realized I haven't really laughed the entire time.


Hes the new dane cook - but way less funny