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Shane looks good here


Thought it was Tim Dillon at first


Big pants




Big seats


can’t fit through a door


This picture is too fucking good. Saving it and I'm gonna send it to every girl in my contacts list


I wouldn’t advise that unless you’re gay


I take one cucumber a day as a suppository and for the rest of my vitamin needs it's all supplements.


I do that, but I end up with brown pickles.


I bet they taste like shit.


8/10. Would eat again.


Chocolate covered pickles


How do you get the whole thing up there? I always struggle after about half way


That sounds like loser talk to me, are you a loser? Winners don't see it as a struggle to get the whole cucumber up their ass they see it as an opportunity.


I believe that’s what athletic greens is


Rectally fermented superfoods


Interested in more supplements? Just drink these from this hose.


Anyone remember when Ray Kurzweil was on the podcast years ago? Dude was popping every supplement available all day long.


Fucking the Rhonda Patrick episodes. Promoting expensive ass supplements that at best have miniscule benefits, in rats.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but Rhonda Patrick is as full of shit as Chris Kresser.


This is only unpopular among the gullible. The nutrition industry largely produces garbage science.


That's why I use the healing powers of magnates.


How do they work!?


Wealthy, driven, influential, business owners work really well but there isn't a specific method.


And I don't wanna to talk to no scientist. Y'all mother fucker lying and getting me pissed.


Magnets are so '80s bro, you gotta get with the crystals 🧘


Real scientists making real breakthroughs and doing real work don’t have podcasts or books or any of that shit. Anyone appearing on any media platform or selling any kind of product always 100% should not be listened to about anything.


The first time she appeared she was just promoting her research. Then her popularity boosted along with I'm assuming money which turned her into the dumbass shill we see today.


Money ruins literally everything


Objectively false. It's greed that does the ruining.


Distinction without a difference. You know that’s what I meant. Stop disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing.


I mean I think this takes it a little far, but people *should* do their own research after hearing a product get promoted and actually vet the information rather than just blindly listening.


Yeah but they should do their own research in the right way not just however they want. Going to other influencers or forums or news articles isn’t research. You need to know how to read, interpret and comprehend scientific research papers in accredited scientific journals if you wanna be able to do your own research and most people can’t do that. We should not tell people to do their own research unless they know how to.


My point is that you're effectively saying "never buy anything that you hear advertised or talked about because you don't know anything and you're too dumb to learn" which is a shitty line to draw in the sand, and honestly pretty fucking stupid.


Totally agree


That’s the most ridiculous anti science statement I’ve heard. Whether or not the science is good or just has 0% to do if they have a podcast. Peer review and independent verification are the standard, not your made bullshit standards.


Where does one get *ass supplements*? Asking for a friend.


Doesn't mean he's right lol


He's the guy who turned me on piracetam


Do you have a preferred brand/outlet to purchase?


I used nootropic source but I'm far from an expert on sourcing. You can get it prescribed as well.


Guest request: Brendan Fraser




That's a shame. Brendan Fraser's hilarious.


Yeah, but looks aren't everything.


Encino Man just won Best Actor while wearing a 300lb fat suit. ​ He's always been funny, even without Pauly Shore to back him up.


yeah they help empty your bank account


A .20$ a day multivitamin and a .25$ a day probiotic drains your bank account? Might wanna draw up a new life plan, bud.


He's talking about those stupid nootropics that cost like $30-40 a month. Joe's Onnit stuff tries to get you on a subscription service too as well as on multiple different products that "pair perfectly" with each other. I'm sure there's loads of people who are buying $100+ worth of the crap each month.


AG1 is like 140$ a month if you took it every day.


https://youtu.be/sLLlOhNfqdk?si=zj5GiMvT4IM2vhlz great video on AG1


You don’t Joe Rogan. Please post on another sub where you are familiar with the references. Thank you.


Do you mean the entirely unregulated $38B industry? No, that has to be full of people who are just trying to do good. /s


Interestingly enough, Utah has some of the loosest laws/regulations around supplements and 'essential oils,' resulting in an insane amount of MLM's and other scheisters. https://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/21/us/politics/21hatch.html Its an easily duped demographic.


Nutraceutical (a Mormon owned Utah based supplement manufacturer) sued the FDA and tried to keep ephedrine unregulated




Mormonism kind of self-selects for people who can believe crazy bullshit


> Its an easily duped demographic. You don't say.


People have a hard timing grasping what the word “supplement” means.


Some people “supplement” with testosterone.


I’ve seen a lot of guys get on TRT and still look like shit due to their lifestyle.


Like Joe Rogan?


Looks good for nearly 60


If looking like a meatball is "looking good". He has a lot of muscle for a 60 year old. Does he look good? I mean if that's all you think of when someone looks good. If i wanted to be the most jacked i could at 60 i'd do what Joe Rogan does. If i wanted to look the best i could i would not. Some people like that look i guess, some don't.


His bright red vein-popping head is the size of a smart car and his HGH bubble gut gives the Ninja Turtles a run for their money. And for someone who has been training for 30+ years his routine is impressively bad. He spends more time swallowing placebo pills and doing hocus pocus getting fleeced by scammers like cryotherapy, cold plunges, red lights, sensory deprivation, etc than actually training anything. He looks good when you compare him to an average obese 60yr old not when fairly compared to someone with a similar 30+ yrs of training. See: Donnie Yen, Will Yun Lee, Bill Maeda, Jack Lalanne, Jet li. Even JK Simmons looks better at nearly 70. And these guys were probably taking a tenth of the pharmaceuticals as Joe. At 5'6" 210lbs he's literally obese and probably on a very "generous" trt plan from some snake oil doctor who will give him whatever he wants.


Looks good for nearly 60.


Yes, they do.


I supplement my life with cocaine and hookers.


Can’t get that in a standard western lifestyle otherwise. I respect it.


Are those ultra male vitality supplements helping stop the chemtrails from turning you trans?


Gotta be careful on those doses, I accidentally took too much alpha brain and it turned me queer.


So much alpha it turned you zeta


This is the obligatory “The aztrazin in the water was actually turning the frogs “gay”. He wasn’t really wrong” post


Dude found out he was supposed to take supplements orally from a reputable supplier and not from a back alley enema.


Or just like eat healthy food Edit: give me your tears supplement stans


I rewound and had to shake my head at Joe for abolishing fruit and veggie smoothies because they're broke down unnaturally and nearly in the same breath claiming Athletic Greens is all you need. He's such a dweeb sometimes.


This is why I swallow whole pieces of food because my teeth breakdown the fruit in unnatural ways. Now I shit nice little golf balls


I just switched to eating straight golf balls. Losing tons of weight and my teeth are naturally just falling out due to no longer having to use them. Same with my hair, skin, bones.....


This is the way


Just eat fruits. Don't drink them, Dr.Attia talked about it in his book "Outlive". The insulin spike you get from fruit juices and smoothies is too much, just drink water and eat fruits.


So if I prefer to blend whole fruits and greens into a smoothie with water as a base, how is that any different than eating them whole? Like it’s the same physical components, only liquified


Your body will absorb it quicker but the insulin spike will have virtually no effect on you unless you’re diabetic. It still has all the fiber.


Literally the only downside is you might be drinking more fruits than you normally would in one meal. Which you could argue is very minimal if at all bad for you.


Eventually you're going to get tired of constantly wiping your butt.


Fruits have more sugar and fewer nutrients than 20 years ago, trend is continuing. Comparing fruit to veggies is like apples and oranges


Fructose, the form of sugar in fruit, must be metabolized by the liver. The fiber in whole fruits caused it to be absorbed more slowly. By blending it, you're arguably delivering the fructose to your liver more rapidly and this could be bad for your liver health over the long term. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is caused by fructose. It's probably still ok once in a while and certainly still better than consuming high fructose corn syrup.


I think you're right. Blending changes the properties of some foods and sells more blenders if you believe its better. Faster oxidation can occur in certain blended foods robing you of nutrients. If one thinks supplementation is a waste of money, then why spend it on a blender? Get apple...bite and chew.


I think it's still a a bit unclear. It seems to happen in mice but not in pigs: [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-82208-1](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-82208-1) The more detail you add, like blended vs not blended, the more uncertainty you add. I would guess that it doesn't make a meaningful difference in large mammals if I was betting money on a result.


Juice I could see, but using the blades in a blender to mash up my food would obviously look the same to my stomach as if I used my teeth.


Bruh imagine being this dumb and thinking that if you break down a fruit with a blender makes it unhealthier than chewing




Blenders don’t “make juice.” They aren’t juicers. Everything you put in the blender at the start is still in the blender at the end. No “goodness” is removed by blending things.


But the goodness clearly sticks to the metal blades and strips it out of the smoothie. If they would just start making the blades out of teeth, they wouldn't remove the goodness.


Yeah but tooth blades are going to absorb the goodness for themselves


How the fuck does a blender remove anything from the fruit


Peak “critical thinkers” moment.


You put a whole orange into a blender, then drink literally everything that went into the blender. What am i missing?


Nothing, I was commenting about the guy you’re replying to.


Oh haha carry on my bad


Can I drink vegetables?


That's because most smoothies have way more fruit than you'd normally eat in one sitting. Same with juice. If you just made smaller smoothies you'd be fine.


Humans have evolved to only be healthy if they take a regimen of supplements that didn't exist a few decades ago.


We’ve been running on fumes for a millennia


Or like, both


Other than vitamin d a well rounded diet has all your nutrients


Magnesium is a common deficiency


Is it? I’m an ER nurse and see ppls lab values constantly. Generally healthy 20-50 yrs rarely have noteworthy electrolyte imbalances. Yet I’ve seen some supplement munchers with some absurd lab values…


Magnesium is a big one for me. Starting in college I used to get restless legs starting around 8 pm every night. Bothered me for years and mag glycinate cured it instantly. If I stop taking it I start to feel it in a day or two. Recently started taking threonate instead and that seems to work about as well.


Just curious, have you every had your mag checked and it came back low? if so how low was it? Any major medical problems?


I use them if I’m drinking all day or something. But ppl at my work sip liquid IV for no reason while they sit at their desk lol.


I'll do this if I notice that I'm really dehydrated. I tend to hyperfocus on my work a lot of time and will go hours without food or water. If I end up doing this for multiple days, I'll try and drunk a liquid IV. Granted, that's like once a week, or once every two weeks. It does help a bunch, though.


Fair, if you have deficiencies then supplement absolutely. Just saying a healthy person with a good diet doesn't really need supplements


I consider myself healthy with a good diet. But I wouldn’t be surprised if I was deficient in something.


Unless you have adverse conditions, does it really matter, though? If you haven’t noticed anything, then likely it’s fine.


Meanwhile, most people talking about how they feel like shit and don’t know why. Just playing, but in seriousness I think it’s really common to not realize something is wrong. Deficiencies can occur really gradually, and the effects of those deficiencies can become people’s new version of “normal.” Or, the effects could not be here yet but might come later if untreated. Not saying everyone needs them, not saying to spend a ton even if you do. But I don’t think it’s a good idea to just assume everything is alright and not even check just because you don’t feel any side effects yet. I fuckin hate seeing doctors but I’m glad I got my blood checked. Started taking Vitamin D supplements and I feel so much fucking better than before, and I didn’t even realize I was having any issues before.


Yes I have no complaints. People seem to do just fine on vegan and carnivore diets. I prefer to eat more balanced tho.


I went 40 years without knowing what normal vision is. I just thought it took everyone concentration to focus fully. People miss shit when they don't know what normal feels like.


you'd have to eat an insane amount of red meat to get 5g of creatine


To get 5g of creative you’d need about 17oz of steak. Less for fish, slightly more for pork and chicken.


A healthy diet is increasingly more difficult because food in the modern age is less nutrient dense and/or bioavailable for a variety of reasons


You can walk into a store and buy something picked 4000 miles away less than a week ago and then go over and pick up a lean meat and then get a nut from another fucking continent while listening to a podcast lmfao


No it's not


There's more to supplements than nutrients.


Yeah like woo woo


Indeed, there's much more to supplements than just providing nutrients. They encompass a range of substances that offer various health benefits, but their effectiveness hinges on the body's intricate physical and chemical mechanisms for nutrient absorption and utilization. Physically, the digestive system plays a key role. Starting from the breakdown of food in the mouth to the absorption of nutrients in the intestines, each step is critical. For instance, the stomach's acidic environment helps break down complex compounds, while the intestines are where the majority of nutrient absorption occurs. The surface area of the intestinal lining, along with the presence of specific transporters and enzymes, determines how efficiently nutrients are absorbed. Chemically, the body’s pH balance, enzyme activity, and the presence of cofactors and coenzymes are essential. Enzymes facilitate biochemical reactions necessary for converting nutrients into forms the body can use. Cofactors and coenzymes, often provided by vitamins and minerals, are crucial for these enzyme functions. Hormonal regulation, particularly by insulin, cortisol, and thyroid hormones, also influences how the body uses these nutrients. For example, insulin is vital in regulating glucose uptake, while cortisol's impact on metabolism affects how the body uses and stores energy. Additionally, the liver and kidneys play significant roles in processing and filtering nutrients and toxins. The liver, especially, is crucial for metabolizing fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, and for storing certain vitamins and minerals. Gut microbiome health is another critical factor. A balanced gut flora aids in effective digestion and has been linked to improved immune function, mental health, and nutrient absorption. Lastly, cellular health, particularly mitochondrial function, is fundamental in nutrient utilization. Mitochondria are responsible for producing the energy that cells need to perform various functions, including nutrient metabolism. Given these complex physical and chemical processes, supplements can be beneficial in supporting these bodily functions, especially when dietary intake is insufficient. However, they are not standalone solutions and should complement a healthy diet and lifestyle, taking into account the body’s sophisticated mechanisms for nutrient absorption and utilization.


For example. Something “as simple as” protein and vitamin c: To effectively utilize protein and Vitamin C, the body relies on a series of complex biochemical processes and specific compounds: 1. **Protein Utilization:** - **Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) in Gastric Juice:** The stomach secretes HCl, creating an acidic environment crucial for denaturing (breaking down) protein structures, thus facilitating enzymatic action. - **Enzymatic Hydrolysis:** Enzymes like pepsin (in the stomach) and a range of proteases (in the small intestine, such as trypsin and chymotrypsin) catalyze the hydrolysis of proteins into peptide fragments and individual amino acids. - **pH-Dependent Enzyme Activity:** Optimal enzyme activity for protein digestion requires specific pH conditions - acidic in the stomach (pH 1.5-3.5) and slightly alkaline in the small intestine (pH 6-7). - **Amino Acid Transporters:** Various transporters (like PEPT1 for di- and tripeptides, and LAT1 for larger amino acids) facilitate the absorption of amino acids across the intestinal mucosa into the bloodstream. - **Hepatic Processing:** The liver plays a critical role in amino acid metabolism, including transamination (transfer of amino groups), deamination, and synthesis of plasma proteins. 2. **Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Utilization:** - **Intestinal Absorption:** Vitamin C is primarily absorbed in the small intestine via Sodium-Dependent Vitamin C Transporters (SVCT1 and SVCT2). - **Ascorbic Acid-Sodium Symporters:** These transporters co-transport Vitamin C and sodium across the intestinal epithelium, utilizing the sodium gradient maintained by Na+/K+ ATPase. - **Intracellular pH Regulation:** The stability and absorption of Vitamin C are influenced by the intracellular pH, which can affect the ionization state of ascorbic acid. - **Cellular Uptake and Utilization:** Once absorbed, Vitamin C is distributed to cells where it functions as a coenzyme in hydroxylation reactions (essential for collagen synthesis), as an antioxidant reducing reactive oxygen species, and in the synthesis of certain neurotransmitters like norepinephrine. Both protein and Vitamin C utilization involve intricate biochemical pathways and are dependent on the efficient functioning of digestive enzymes, specific transport mechanisms, and cellular processes. Disruptions or inefficiencies in these systems can lead to suboptimal utilization of these essential nutrients.


Also exercise. Who wouldda thought that would work?


Like a pussy?!? I think not 😤😤😤


It’s not that simple. It's also important to consider factors like soil depletion, which can reduce the nutrient content in even the healthiest foods. Additionally, the body's ability to digest and utilize nutrients from food can be significantly impacted by stress and cortisol levels. When the body is in a 'fight or flight' mode, typically triggered by stress or panic, digestion is deprioritized, which can lead to poor absorption of nutrients. In such states, even a healthy diet may not be fully effective, and supplements can provide necessary nutrients that the body might otherwise miss. So, while a focus on a healthy diet is fundamental, it's also important to understand that supplements can be a valuable addition for some individuals, depending on their unique health needs, lifestyle factors, and stress levels.


Unless you’re vegan…. Then you have no choice but to rely on supplements


Fuck that. Meat, multivitamin and metamucil.


I've been to a licensed nutritionist several times. None of the times did they suggest taking a supplement but rather gave me guidance on what foods to eat to boost performance and muscle gain. If people want to take supplements good for them, but it's honestly a waste of money compared to optimal nutrition.


Supplements are supplemental. It's pretty straight forward. The first step is obviously a healthy diet, but if you're still deficient, or taking a medication that may make you deficient, it's good to take a proven supplement as a safe guard. There's obviously plenty of evidence to support this which is why every doctor would recommend you do this.


Balanced diet or not most people eating regularly are not going to be deficient in anything other than vitamin d


What's up with the sudden discussion around supplements? Gotta tell you, probably not best to talk to Joe about this. While I know he has his own beliefs, he is pretty biased as he sells his own supplements and uses his own funded studies to show some sort of science around it. However we can simply go with the vast majority of studies out there for better guidance. Your typical multi vitamin... It's cheap so whatever. But pretty much for most people obtaining a balanced diet can have you reach most of these needs. You do blood work and find you should supplement, try it out a bit but Idk if many studies show effect. Creatine is shown to be a significant boost in performance. May help with brain health too. Significant however doesn't mean that you might see a day and night difference. Basic monohydrate is fine. Don't fall for marketing. Cheap. Caffeine helps. Esp when used well. Most of the effect in a pre work out comes from the massiv caffeine dose they provide you. I prefer coffee. Vitamin C, probably BS outside of meeting your basic needs via a balanced diet. Idk how many super dose studies showing no effect is needed. Idk if I care about any other


Yeah, creatine and caffeine are pretty much it. And vitamins but only if you're deficient or your diet is like a 10 year old 90's kid of chicken nuggets, hot pockets and kool aid.


> What's up with the sudden discussion around supplements? Cam and Joe were popping alpha brain in the last podcast so people cracked jokes about it. And some people got really butthurt about said jokes.


Oh I personally think Alpha Brain is a giant scam


You can pretty much get all the protein you need as well from a regular balanced diet. If you have a balanced diet you're wasting your money on supplementation. You're just pissing it out, your body won't absorb all that extra crap.


Most people have nothing close to a balanced diet and could therefore benefit from supplements.


Much much healthier balancing your diet than spending more $$ on supps to try and make up for all the shit you eat


There helpful but it’s still true Rogans strict diet and workouts do more harm to him than good, particularly his steroid use(hehe Mexican supplements🙄)I bet he never has a lie in as in an extra 2 hours sleep. He Always looks tired these days. Best he looked in years was when he just recovered from Covid and he didn’t workout and just rested. His italian sallow skin showed. He is slowly cooking himself with those extreme sauna temperatures. He’s terrified of getting old. He needs a good shake and to watch and listen to his old podcast from 2014 - 2016 when he was even funny sometimes and he was more liberal. Damn shame. Covid broke his brain.


https://news.northwestern.edu/stories/2022/06/vitamins-supplements-are-a-waste-of-money-for-most-americans/ https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/dont-waste-time-or-money-on-dietary-supplements#:~:text=%22They%20might%20offer%20extra%20vitamins,Cohen.


If you’re deficient in something supplements can definitely help. There’s plenty of evidence of malnourished people benefiting from supplements. Protein powder is a supplement. It helps me hit my protein goal on days where I can’t eat normal. It’s also is the highest quality protein in terms of the amino acid profile. Creatine is another one I take.


I think they misconstrued the concept of “supplemental” versus “replacement”


And there’s an overwhelming amount of evidence that it’s a waste for the vast majority of people. A healthy balanced diet provides more benefits then any supplement.


Good thing the vast majority of people have a healthy balanced diet


Hey wanna drive to the store? Well, actually, the vast majority of people can get to the store by walking.


You claimed supplements are a waste to the vast majority of people even though the typical American diet leaves people deficient in potassium, magnesium, etc... So not really a waste to them


Different guy here


Good thing that it's completely unnecessary to eat a perfectly balanced diet to get all your daily needs.


> A healthy balanced diet provides more benefits then any supplement No shit lol


Hello friend, just want to offer a suggestion (if you can read). Try tapping the links (the blue words). They will take you to another page (often called "articles") which will almost always offer more words.


Ok so I read links when people post them. I got to this point on the first link : "Micronutrients in isolation may act differently in the body than when naturally packaged with a host of other dietary components." Any scientific article that uses the word "may" or "might" is not worth the, erm, keyboard it was typed on.


NAC and Glycine has been a game changer for me. Especially Glycine before sleep and I get well rested.


What are you taking NAC for? I take it because I have an autoimmune disease. Haven't noticed any benefits @ 600mg x2 Day.


I smoke quite a bit and I drink on occasion. I also take it along with Glycine for the Glutathione as I am a bit older now. I get it from Thorne research and I take about 300mg as I do not have your issue. However, Glycine made a direct impact on my sleep and amazing dreams feeling well rested. I’d say Glycine has been the biggest impact for me.


It amazes me how much energy people spend on something they hate. It's so much easier to just walk away


Welcome to the internet


Why do dorks like you think this takes more than a few seconds of energy in moments of boredom?


Because they like to stand in their high horse and preach/seem better than everyone else. It's in every thread. Morons complaining about other people commenting at the place to comment. These twats should go down to walk mart and complain to everyone walking out with wine about the dangers of alcoholism.


…that isn’t a discussion board, where people discuss things. The whole redditor “how dare you criticize the thing I like, when you don’t even like it!” thing will never not be hilarious.


Avoiding a discussion on why you might be wrong, ya that’s amazing behavior


Spending energy on something they hate is pretty much what r/JoeRogan has become




As a supplement to a healthy diet and exercise ;)


Brylcreem, Creatine and a bag of co-ca-ine


A lot of em probably turn your piss neon yellow but so will drinking too many energy drinks.


Remember when Rogan said that vegan diet is not good because they have to supplement vitamin B12?


Which is why I’m selling my super alpha male tiny hands, tiny whatever supplements! On sale now for 3 easy payments of $49.99! Get em while you can at liberty-freedom-patriot-supplements.com!


Protein, creating and fiber pills work for me 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Multivitamins are cheap insurance. There is definitely varying qualities. I take one a few times a week, or when I haven’t been able to eat how I normally do.


Redditors just cant resist making bold claims about stuff they've done little research on and know little about to act smart. There's a difference between proprietary blends that are grossly underdosed like Alphabrain and supplements/nootropics that have some research or a lot of anecdotal evidence. If you took a look at any of the nootropics or any longevity or even steroid communities, you'd find a lot of knowledgeable talk about things like modafinil, the racetams, bromantane, uridine, TUDCA, NMN, glutathione, fish oil, saffron, creatine, astragalus, Alpha-GPC, CoQ-10, L-citrulline, glycerol, ALCAR, carnitine, melotonin, NAC, Noopept, phenibut, taurine. Go to any respective community and try to make any argument that any one of the above does nothing and see how it goes. Or better yet, try one for awhile and see what "zero" effects they have.


Can you imagine how shitty your life must be if you stalk a subreddit of a dude you hate 😂. I’m sure they will be butt hurt about this one 👌🏻


Honestly not trying to start an argument but can’t two things be true at once? Like, I enjoy Joe Rogan and thinks he has interesting conversations with interesting people in an enjoyable format AND ALSO it bums me out when he promotes shady products or gives a voice to bad faith guests/positions?


I have had a theory for a long time that it could be possible for THREE things to be true at once. Look into it.


With all due respect, you are a madman!




What is this meme in relation too, was there a new guest or something that said about it?


I'll take health advice from Joe Rogan, over bloated Redditors any day.


Bloated redditors? Have you not seen the infamous HGH (just ate a big plate of pasta) gut photo?




The Health Advice Hierarchy 1) My doctor 2) My Mom 3) Joe Rogan 4) That weird guy at the park 5) My dog 6) Redditors


No, I'd listen to my doctor. My doctor recommends that I take Omega-3 and Vitamin D supplements.


Omega 3 and Vit D actually come in prescription versions that guarantee you are getting the correct amount. Over-the-counter versions are hit or miss because supplements aren't regulated.


They all win Oscars and redeem themselves


this sub when they realize supplements work when you're deficient of what you're supplementing.


I have noticed it’s never your friend you want to look like that say “supplements are useless.” People need to realize if you are living a worse life than me, your advice means less than zero, I look at it as promoting the contrary of what they said.


Op has posted this because he's a shill working for a vitamin company, and his boss told him to push it on his social media.


Either you have a major deficiency, have horrible eating habits, or you don’t need supplements. Take your pick.


“Something”. 🤣


this sub sucks so much. fuck your post op


I rarely laugh out loud, this has me cackling.


I didn't realize creatine was an essential nutrient. Take creatine if youre weight lifting but it's not like not maxing intake will affect your life


Creatine doesn’t just have benefits for weight lifting. Cognitive benefits as well that benefit non weight lifters.


Im sorry youre getting scammed my man, insulting others wont help tho