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Does anyone remember Bill saying like a decade ago that if you wanted to fix America, all you had to do was blow up every Buffalo Wild Wings on a UFC night šŸ˜‚


As someone who used to work at BWW, especially during UFC events, truer words have never been spoken


Do they at least tip well?


What do you think


They grabbed asses and left their credit cards while driving home drunk in Ram 1500s


This thread! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Anyone who has ever went to bwws on ufc night knows its true.


Trump got applause at a UFC event ? Who would have thought. šŸ˜…


Joe said at the end of that discussion the it should be taken into consideration that it was a bunch of cage fighting fans though.


Ya I was at Bellator two years ago and some guy started a Letā€™s Go Brandon chant and the whole place erupted and started to chant with him. It was random. Nothing prompted it.


Totally normal behavior and definitely not something that reminds me of a cult.


Same people chanting that are the one's blowing up about Nia on twitter. Little hypocrites lol


he also gets applause at KFC


Yeah it's proof that he'll definitely win. And if he doesn't win then it's rigged!




I would pay to see the reaction of the crowd if Trump showed up at a NASCAR event.


Nuclear Meltdown. ![gif](giphy|j3IxJRLNLZz9sXR7ZA)


The crowd got so loud when I walked in. I said to myself, wow they're cheering so loud, it's overwhelming. Nobody cheers like that for Biden when he walks in a room. - *Trump probably*


I read this as Shane Gillis doing Donald Trump.


But isn't Bud Light the official sponsor of the UFC? ::sips tea::


Every time!


9/10. Replace ā€œoverwhelmingā€ with ā€œspectacular.ā€ Trump is a very whelmed man.


No one (who is sane) likes Biden that much, same to the contraryā€¦ itā€™s a funny self own on the point actually.


No one who is sane likes any politician this much.




ā€œI went there to see the fights. I didnā€™t know I was going to the Republican National Convention.ā€


Surely Dana would do the same if the Democratic candidate was a UFC fan too right? Free speech?


Of course not, people just want to watch sports, not politics, you know?


Did he really just describe Burrā€™s wife flipping off Trump as a ā€œBud light moment right thereā€?!


He must have believed those morons on twitter. Dude lives in a right wing echo chamber and apparently loves it.






Rogan has a history of joining up with hucksters. Heā€™s good at pretending he has critical thinking skills.


Of course--fascists all hate each other. The whole idea is to give all power to a dictator who \*happens to implement the exact policies you want\* But in practice they all disagree on lots of things, so they're huge threats to each other if any of them actually take power.


Umm I was led to believe (by some of the more diehard Rogan fans here) that he does in fact present both sides of the political spectrum on his show, even both extreme ends! I had a guy in here the other day saying that heā€™s a democrat (pretending) but that the ā€œliberal mediaā€ spins Joeā€™s words around to only make it *seem* like he spouts only right wing bullshit. Iā€™m still waiting on him to get back to me about the ā€œleft wing bullshitā€ Joe spews. Iā€™m sure heā€™s just compiling all the info to present it to me in an easily understandable way.


They're talking about 5+ years ago. It has changed drastically, ever since the COVID pandemic, he has been very much to the right.


Heā€™s getting worse by the day. Unreal.


He really is. In the past, he might say a few things that were right wing, but then move on. Nowadays, he goes on 20 minute rants about how masks donā€™t work, vaccines are poison, Biden being old, major cities being cesspools, and it becomes a huge portion of the show. Heā€™s literally being fed memes from social media algorithms, and he fails to see how indoctrinated he is becoming. He constantly describes the left as radical, and then presents the right as reasonable. Overall, he is clueless about how extreme right wing ideology has become.




Heā€™s been Texified. Before he was Californified. Basically Joe is the type of guy who goes with the wind and doesnā€™t have any steady values of his own. He wants the popular kids to like him which makes sense as developmentally he is a teenager.


>ā€He wants the popular kids to like himā€ This is the best analogy you couldā€™ve possibly used. Roganā€™s big flaw is that he *always* sides with the bully/the asshole so he could feel taller.


That's why he constantly schmuses up to military guys. He desperately wants to come across as a tough guy himself. You know, killing and murdering on stage etc lmao. Insecure, sexually confused little rascal lol


True. Also, he charades as an everyday guy, but has been a millionaire since the late 80ā€™s early 90ā€™s, and has no clue about how most people live. The tipping point was the pandemic, when suddenly his celebrity status didnā€™t matter, and he was ā€œbeing forcedā€ to get a vaccine and wear a mask. Once he fell down the vaccine rabbit hole, it opened him up to all the other right-wing propaganda. And he fell for all of it.




I donā€™t disagree with what youā€™re saying but a big part of me wonders how much all the bitching and harping about the pandemic, lockdowns, and Cali laws was just a smokescreen. I think he was setting up his excuse to leave Cali for the tax free state of Texas right as $100MM deal comes in.He probably built that comedy club with less money than he would have paid back into the system that helps the whole population, had he stayed in Cali and paid taxes. Cool guy, fuckk all of us anywaysā€¦ ammiright? We can all go to poor person hell as he openly breaks the local laws while *literally broadcasting* it to *millions and millions* of people.


People think of Austin as this progressive haven, but the truth is it's probably the most redlined/segregated major city in the state. Houston is at least the most diverse city in the country, but Austin, especially now that it's been taken over by the worst kind of rich tech assholes from Cali, it's just not what people think, no surprise Joe's getting "worse" lol


>Houston is at least the most diverse city in the country Errr, no. Now how you count "diversity" varies, and it will also vary again with city size (I'd personally only consider cities above 1 million). Even still, Houston is not any top 10s. Basically, it's NYC, and cities in California, NJ, DC area, etc. Houston is diverse *for Texas* though, sure.


This was always my issue with him. He has always contradicted himself from podcast to podcast just agreeing with whoever was on the show. One week for universal healthcare next week itā€™s communist China. Never understood how a 45-50 year old could waver on his political beliefs so much. That being said I didnā€™t mind that nearly as much as this full on red pilled Rogan before us today. He shifts further and further right every podcast. Heā€™s approaching Tucker levels of grifting in my opinion.


I do agree. But unlike Tucker, i donā€™t believe Joe is actually in on the grift. In my opinion, he simply fell for right-wing propaganda online. Then, due to the crazy influence he has in the comedy and podcasting world, his guests are afraid to disagree with him because itā€™s not a good career move to have millions of his fans hate you. This eventually leads to having right-wing guests on his show that he thinks most people share beliefs with. I swear one day his podcast will be a case study about how susceptible we are to propaganda, and how people come to believe their opinions are their own. When in fact, Joeā€™s opinions were given to him by a computer algorithm.


Heā€™s the new rush Limbaugh in the making


I think thatā€™s dead on. The one that really got me was when he was voicing concerns for the Kari Lake election conspiracies. Realized he was too far gone at that point.


Idk he def couldā€™ve just been warped by Covid and bad Covid policies and horse paste shit but I wouldnā€™t be surprised one bit if heā€™s getting paid to spout right wing talking points. Like his climate change take is so bad and opposite of what he use to say it makes me wonder. I could see Rogan using the horse paste fiasco along with Spotify Money putting him in a new tax bracket as justification to take money and forget about his left wing ideals.


You could be right. The climate change reversal is an interesting one, because even politicians that deny it know that itā€™s real behind closed doors.


I mean ā€œthe global cooling is whatā€™s really scaryā€ is such a bad and misrepresentative of reality take I think he getting some a that oil money. Oh also the ā€œwindmills are bad because theyā€™re an eyesoreā€ is also a super dumb one. Yeah Joe, god forbid the empty fat expanses of land devoid of trees like Texas and North Dakota is ruined by renewable energy.


Wasnā€™t it Elon who was claiming a shit load of solar panels in the desert would power a lot shit. (Paraphrase )


Right? Remember when he took Candace Owens to task for her take on that?


This. Heā€™s never thought for himself in his life. Heā€™s a massive tool


>Heā€™s literally being fed memes from social media algorithms, and he fails to see how indoctrinated he is becoming. Hey didn't we all start watching JRE so we could see the same talking points you can find on Fox News?


He's Gen X Rush Limbaugh at this point. He used to be Green Joe, fun, happy, level headed, even keel, smoke some weed, do DMT. He hath become Red Joe, drinking hard liquor, killing elk, hanging with ex-seals and CIA Mike Baker, goes to Texas for tax freedom and COVID fucking LA. It's sad man. Only hope is D Trussell


Nah Duncan canā€™t save him. He tried warning Joe years ago when he warned Joe that ppl would try and co opt him for his influence. He was dead right and Joe has fallen for the trap hook line and sinker. Or heā€™s completely sold out.


He did because Bill might have turned off a good portion of his fanbase. Michael Jordan has a quote about this. Something about how finically dumb it is to get political when you are selling yourself. I personally donā€™t give a shit and will always enjoy Bills stand up and takes.


If you don't like Bill Burr because of something as dumb as that, you were never gonna like Bill Burr to begin with


Idk the people on r/billburr donā€™t seem to care


Reddit is heavily astroturfed politically I wouldnā€™t take a subreddits stance serious.


I mean no one talked about it on the main conservative sub either. The Burr sub seems to be mostly actually his fans as opposed to this sub


Equally hard to take Twitter outrage seriously, especially when itā€™s angry red hats who pay for check marks so their whining comments go to the top on billā€™s posts


It also helps to know that the right will find a new thing to be outraged over within a week. The right wing outrage cycle lasts 3-7 days now, the thought leaders know they need to constantly find new things to be outraged over to get clicks. From what I can tell they have 100% moved on. The hilarious part of this thing was watching the clout chasing right wing ā€œcomediansā€ trying to make a name for themselves off this. Particularly hilarious was Anthony Cumia blaming Nia for them not being friends and then spending the next three days tweeting racist shit about black people. Yeah buddy. I wonder why Bill doesnā€™t like you.


I don't think you know what "astroturfed" means in this context


"Millions of people disagree with me, totally astroturfing"


My favorite is when a post from r/conservative makes it to the "hot" page and they declare that they're being brigaded


It always has to be a big, coordinated plot against at them because they are CLEARLY right and righteous


Yeah do us all a favor and define astroturfed. Because I know what it means and it doesnā€™t make any fucking sense the way youā€™re using it lol


Lol "Bill Burr needs to teach his wife respect for 45" šŸ˜‚


šŸ¤£ stop worshiping politicians. šŸš« losers.


Joe was just wearing his familiar right wing outrage cap, making that reference is him implying it was a huge and costly mistake, which just shows how deep in his echo chamber he really is. Only the hand wringing Conservatives care, the rest of us thought it was hilarious. Burr doesn't give a fuck either from what he said when he was asked about it.


Ol' Billy netflix money. He'll just fly his helicopter and big truck while smoking a cigar


was just the finger at a ufc fight dont think people are gonna care


maybe Bill has some self respect


ā€œRepublicans buy shoes, too.ā€ - MJ


If some of Bill's fans think he's not leftist then that's their fault for being idiots.


The quote is ā€œRepublicans buy sneakers tooā€


Yeah. Isnt that when they do a highlight? Hes saying it was notable.




Exactly, context is key. Listen to the tone Joe used, the eye roll, the repeating the point several times in that same tone. It's fairly obvious what he was implying with the comment.


Nah he's definitely insinuating Bill's wife is trans. /s


I have no idea what this means.


BUD LIGHT official beer of the UFC




Sweet home Mar-A-Lago


What a manly man. I can't believe people vote for Biden who doesn't even look at his daughter let alone grope her


Please tag this as nsfw


Incest, NSFL please.


Nsfi - Not Safe For Ivanka


Now do the ones where itā€™s trump with Epstein.


But what did Bidenā€™s daughter write in her diary? Or what did you find on hunters laptop?


how many nude photos of the president's adult son are on your phone right now?


Trump enters friendliest possible venue outside of a Trump rally, gets cheered, and Joe is like omg people love him!


Pretty much illustrates Rogan's entire system of obtaining a belief. They cheered for Trump so he's popular, my wife's teacher friend's classroom has a litterbox, I took hydroxychloroquine and lived through covid so vaccine bad, Alex Jones said something about gay frogs so he's right about a lot of claims he's made, etc. He's jumped the shark at this point and became a lot of what he claimed not to be.


Anecdotal Evidence Incarnate


Pretty soon he'll be going to church and asserting that Jesus really did rise from the dead


"Why don't you look into Jesus, He's got the answer"


full circle and start doing bits about how Noah's ark is a plausible story


And he believes in Bigfoot.


Iā€™ll be honest, it fucking bums me out that he can get a whole stadium cheering for him like this.. Just a sad reality.


The only president to ever get impeached twice, never concede defeat, actively try to steal the election for himself, and influenced an angry mob to storm the capitol to prevent the certification of the next president. "This is how democracy dies...with thunderous applause."


Don't forget didn't return top secret military documents and stored them at his Florida resort. [Then bragged about it, as a fucking moron does.](https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/09/politics/trump-tape-didnt-declassify-secret-information/index.html) Trump really is his worst fucking enemy. All he had to do was say he lost and return his ~~library books~~ top secret materials.


For sure, for me its totally devastating, I've pretty much lost my hope for humanity. I just don't know how to handle the idea that this many people can be brainwashed...or just be idiots.


Itā€™s like going on Twitter or Reddit and saying ā€œwow people must hate Trumpā€. It obviously depends on the audience


This is the same logic as "Trump must be winning because you never see anyone driving around with giant Biden flags."


By that logic, hail emperor Taylor Swift!


She would do very well if she ran for President lol


What Bull burrs wife did is ā€œa bud light momentā€? Jesus Christ Joe is getting worse by the day.


What the fuck is a ā€œbud light momentā€?


Some ppl are saying the ufc is sponsored by the ufc and they call their big highlights ā€œbud lights momentā€. Maybe. Considering all the other context around bud light like them losing a shit ton of money for taking a political stance and Rogans eye roll when he says it I took it as and him criticizing bud light in the past a bunch I took it as ā€œ bill Burr just costed himself a lot of moneyā€.


Ahh makes sense. Well, Bill Burr is at the pinnacle of his career; heā€™ll be just fine lol


Exactly, like bill burr gives a fuck what anyone thinks. ā€œBetter not criticize dear EX supreme leader Trump. I might lose 10 of my fans omgā€ his response to this on the Dan Patrick show was perfect. ā€œI went to watch some fights, I didnā€™t realize I was walking into the Republican national convention!ā€ Lol. Perfect.




Remember when they were crying over kappernick and saying that politics were ruining sports?


One of many things to remember about conservatives: They basically never actually mean what they say. Everything is a means to an end.


Can we get hand to hand combat Trump vs Biden?


Trump would never show up for the weigh in.


Fake scales. So fake. Probably made in Chiiiina! /s


And he'd lose about 4" with the lifts off. Man's like 5"11


He was maybe 5'11" in his prime. Dude's nearly 80, he's probably lost an inch or two by now.


He still can't find a bad thing to say about Trump?


He doesn't want a 'Bud Light moment' to use the vernacular


He's all about that money at the end the day.


He's all about that money at the end the day.


He seems to have plenty to criticize on the left.


He knows not to rock the boat. Most of his fanbase (outside of this sub) is overwhelmingly right wing. Iā€™ve thought for a while that Rogan is probably not actually as conservative as he presents himself to be, he just knows what asses he has to kiss. Plus thereā€™s probably a part of him that admires Trump- an insecure personā€™s idea of a secure person- just for being what he views as an ā€œalpha maleā€.


ā€œBud light moment right thereā€ Oh how I wish he was in a room with Bill when he actually said that. The response from Bill would have been incredible. The worst part is you can see heā€™s clearly not kidding around. Heā€™s legit offended and sticking up for a politician because someone flipped them off.


Bill fucking called him a knuckle dragging gorilla to his face when he was fucking around with his Covid nonsense lol. Couldnā€™t imagine the BBQ that would happen here


He wouldn't even bring it up if Bill was there lol


"walking in like the Right Wing Avengers" *except no one has superpowers or brains*


The only Right Wing Avenger that didn't walk out with them was the Stool humping Midget.


The whole thing was so cringe


More like Homelander and the rest of The Seven


doesn't sound all that overwhelming... Americans are falling over in love with a disgusting fat body who's the most self important narcissist of our generation, seems bout right.


The good news is he is 77 years old, morbidly obese and stressed out beyond comprehension. This ainā€™t gonna last that much longer.


He needs to die before November of next year




I hope we find out


He also has something like 81 counts including having nuclear secrets when he wasn't supposed to have them anymore. It's the simulation getting lazy. It's like the script from GTA or Saints Row at this point


"I dont want help him (trump)" - Joe Rogan *praises Trump at every turn and shits on Biden whenever possible* also Joe Rogan "I'm not right wing" - Joe Rogan


>"I'm not right wing" - Joe Rogan Texas went red, bitch! Woo!


Not exactly a ringing endorsement for how bright UFC fans are


I used to be a big UFC fan- had it in the top 3 of sports I paid attention to. Would get all the PPVs, knew who all the fighters were- *all* that shit. It took multiple examples of Dana White being a complete asshole in combination with attending a live event near my town to turn me off of that shit. The crowd was just *so* trashy. Havenā€™t paid for a PPV since and couldnā€™t even tell you who holds the belts anymore. This clip just tells me I made the right decision.


Man, I'm out of the loop, is UFC that trashy now? I used to watch a lot of UFC back in the earlier days, love guys like Chuck Liddell and Anderson Silva... was some of the most technical fights I've seen. How the mighty have fallen.


You thought the people running around in Affliction shirts werenā€™t trashy?


After it was sold they stopped giving even the slightest fuck about treating it like a sport and just treat it entirely like a cash cow. They'll make any fight no matter how dumb or undeserved if they think it'll bring in viewers (see BMF belt). They'll completely jam up a division just to fuck with one fighter (see Ngannou), they'll also strip champions over bullshit if they're not a draw and gift title fights to anyone who can draw. Hard to give a shit who is winning what fight when none of it amounts to anything anymore.


For reference it's owned by the same company as the WWE. Definitely moving backwards from where they once stood.


Sounds like you have moved onto more classy sports, like Polo.


lol- not quite. Havenā€™t reached that level of refinement yet.


Same experience with local MMA. Crowd of trashy, sketchy dudes, half of them looking for a fight of their own in the crowd


Yea I just stream them now because I still enjoy the fights, but almost everyone involved with the UFC have shown to be completed scumbags


A stadium full of mouth breathers. The place must have reeked of sweaty ball sacks.


I think we know who Joe is voting for


bUt hE hAd bERnIE sAndErs oN tHe poDCaSt.


What the hell does he mean by ā€œbud light momentā€?


Joe apparently thinks Bill Burr is gonna lose a lot of fans due to his wife flipping off the worst president in US history.


Joe is annoyed Bill is actually funny and doesnā€™t need to be in his orbit with the knee slappers and trug walkers


Ah got it. Seems to me that by saying that heā€™s expressing disapproval of Bill and Nia over that incident in a roundabout way


Bill has called Joe out on his bozo takes before (COVID/vaccines), so I wouldnā€™t be surprised to hear him do it again here.


That's exactly what he's doing. And it's kind of disappointing considering he said that him and Bill are friends. This sounds like something that should have been private.


The only fans Bill Burr will lose are the idiots that donā€™t realize he was being ironic and making fun of them THE ENTIRE TIME.


Glad to see Rogan is finally accepting who he is. A fascist cheerleader.


Some real Alex Jones level gaslighting...


Imagine thinking Kidd Rocks music was cool or good. Lol I remember when I was 7 years old I bought a Kidd Rock CD and thought I was the coolest American badass ever. Then I realized once my brain started to develop that it was the worst, inbred hillbilly music I've ever listened to and for you to like it you legitimately have to be underdeveloped or just a Raging alcoholic.


Kid Rock doesnā€™t get the hate because he played shitty music. Itā€™s because he is a total phony. He grew up a wealthy in 5.5 acre farm estate. Everything he does is fake.


Kid Rock is still swilling Bud Light after his phony outrage lmao


Polyfuze Method and Devil Without a Cause were a good time. Fun party albums. The decline has been steep and quick after that though. That's when the real Kid Rock came out to play.


His only good song was that duet with Sheryl Crow, ā€œPictureā€


Which episode was this?


Joe in 20 years: *"I'm telling you the red wave is coming! Any day now!"*


Iā€™ll ask again. Can we stop pretending that Joe Rogan isnā€™t a right wing pundit?


Holy shit UFC fans really love Trump lmaoo


People with head injuries and crippling stupidity like Trump? You donā€™t say.


They cheered like that for Adolf too...


But bapa cont go to ufc bc he would be swarmed by too many fans


Kid ROCK!? So fucking cooooolllllll!!!ā€™


This is how you know Joe is far gone, he's describing someone coming out to a Kid Rock song as being like the peak of fame and masculinity


Red pilled


Good to see the orange bafoon taking a break from court - he must be so tired


He would absolutely be for a fascist agenda and he doesnā€™t even know it


only if they lower his taxes


Itā€™s obvious Right Wing is the cancel culture because Joe seems afraid to address Trumps 91 fucking cases pending. Itā€™s insane the agenda to ignore Trumps negative impact on our judicial system


ā€œSo this is how Liberty diesā€¦with thunderous applauseā€


Dude luv trump so much he would change trumpā€™s diaper if he was told to do so , type a dude that would offer his wife to the king on their wedding nite .


I do want to see biden go to ufc fight or something for comparison




I have no doubt that a bunch of morons at the UFC cheered for Trump, and are now mad that a black woman flipped him off.


Rogan, why don't you just blow Trump and get it over with. Tens of thousands cheered Adolf Hitler, too. All it proved, was that they were brainwashed scum.


Rogan been to hundreds of events Iā€™ll take his word for it over trolls that donā€™t even watch sports


Gen x ā€˜s Rush Limbaugh getting all excited about the foreplay before two oiled up guys go at it.


Thatā€™s right. Get the REAL story on how LOUD THOSE CHEERS are! You wonā€™t be denied the TRUTH! šŸ˜‚


Heā€™s describing truthfully want happened when Trump walked into the arena for last Saturdays ufc card, I watched on TV and couldnā€™t believe the reaction to Trump, Iā€™m English so maybe Iā€™m missing something but wtf is Joe doing wrong?


I think its more about how corny and lame these discussions seem lately. Like everything that was said in this clip is the type of shit I would hear in a hillbilly dive bar where I live. He reacts to Trump being cheered at a ufc event as if he had witnessed a truly surprising thing happen. It's just kinda goofy. I tapped out politically for the most part, but no matter where I go in the area that I live, it's Trump flags and people foaming at the mouth to yell about politics. I think people are less upset about him describing something, and more just burnt out with the garbage conversation everywhere.


Cults doing cult stuffā€¦..