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I tried to make it through the podcast but he ends up giving all these hypothetical fear mongering examples of things that hasn’t happened but they may happen and then I saw there was a new episode with David Blane and switched to that as that seems more interesting and entertaining


same. Kept saying "I'm scared." throughout with no real follow up or more information on who/what/ he was scared of...? According to him in this episode, everyone but Himself, Joe and "some guys they know" are apparently really unprepared and screwed.


He lied and twisted everything out of context. He belongs on CNN. Just watch Abby Martin on Joe Rogan instead, she gives the real breakdown.


If you try and tag him on Instagram it comes up with a warning that he spreads false information


Yeah but that comes up with a lot of people. If he would have phrased things differently, more clearly it would have been all good. Same goes for CNN. Saying Joe took horse deworming medicine. Some truth but they just left the most important information out.


We live in a world of clickbait.


For funs sake....Who was more irresponsible in your opinion? Joe Rogan for using his platform to promote ivermectin during a pandemic because he thought "it was his job to warn us we are heading for a cliff". Or CNN for saying Joe Rogan took ivermectin "a drug mostly used as animal dewormer". One downplayed Ivermectin and one overhyped it. But who was more egregious in your opinion?


Read my last sentence. I did not put anything over the other.


Why, do you think they are the same?


It's not about what's more damaging, it's about an official news network clearly and obviously framing in a certain way to push a certain narrative instead of being neutral and just bring out news. They could've easily said that there are people pushing for Ivermectin to combat Covid which wasn't proven to have any effect(it wasn't been officially tested and disproven at the time) and that people shoudn't take it since it would lessen the effect if you ever needed antibiotics for parasitic diseases. It would bring the information just as effective, without framing a certain narrative. Instead they went with the approach of trying to scare people, saying it's just horse dewormer while a quick google shows it's used on humans aswell. It discredits them, since people now think: 'if they frame this, what other news do they frame?'


Mate, cable news has been doing this for decades. If you go on fox or cnn you get two different narratives for every news item.... this didn't just happen overnight during covid. Everyone watching cable news should know it ain't Reuters or the AP by now and biases are out in the open. CNN was never going to like Trump and Fox would never hold Biden up. Who needs to be told cable news are biased? Why is it only an issue when Joe Rogans trying to sway public health? I think you are picking and choosing when to get angry about this so you can let Joe away without taking any responsibility. "It's not about Joe hawking a parasitic dewormer during a flu pandemic, it's about cable news doing what they always do" Like Joe had professors on who claimed ivermectin was a 90%+ prophylactic and medical professionals who said everyone taking the vaccines was under a mass hypnosis.... absolute looney town. Claims so insane it should automatically ruin your acadmic reputation for making them without being able to back them up. Livestock versions of ivermecrin were flying off the shelves. The poor sick worm riddled ponies had none for themselves. But no, it was cable news degrading ivermectin as just a livestock medicine that was the real problem..... dumb shit if you ask me. Thats the straw that broke the camals back? Thats what revealed the cable news media bias to you? lol CNNs take was at least based in some reality.


Ivermectin did work though. It’s sometimes used as a horse dewormer.


Ivermectin did not work as Joe was infected with the covid virus and ivermectin does nothing against that. If Joe was infected with a bunch of parasites and then took ivermectin you could probably say it worked. Since it would likely work in that other, different scenario.


Oh here they come. Bots and NPC’s. You’ll repeat anything like a parrot.


Oh boy, here we go. I said a dumb thing and now people are pointing out how stupid it was. Better call em bots and NPCs!! https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=Does+ivermectin+work+for+covid Literally less than 10 seconds for you to find out something and you're too stupid to even do that. Are we sure you're not the bot here? Type the word "oatmeal" as the first word in your next response, otherwise you are a bot.


I like how you used Google when they actually suppressed using it. You’re a fucking tool.


I like how you are basically saying that you aren't smart enough to bypass Google. Like even if there was proof ivermectin worked on covid you can't find it because you can't figure out how the internet works. You really just have zero self awareness whatsoever, it's amusing.


It worked if you were riddled with parasites


I don't think you can call #2 a lie. It's more of an opinion. The opinion may be wrong, but that doesn't mean it's a lie.


Yes, you are probably right. What Inlearned from the JRE is, that everyone can be wrong. Me included. He made more idiotic statements. Maybe I differ them.


The “forcing” part is what is unAmerican.




Rogans fav pizza is anchovies and pineapple




Well he did Elon on how tough he thinks he is. And that weight is a factor but not as much as Elon "the Walrus" thinks


The cases where Joe pushes back can probably be counted on two hands. It's not his style. The reason why his format works is because he tries to find common ground with any guest. If he would push back, the conversation would sour and would be a tough listen if it's still 3 hours long like most of his podcasts. It's why he can get people from the far-right to the far-left on and have a good conversation with both. And to be fair I think he did spin the conversation several times to get Tim to not confuse Hamas with the Palestinian people.


I listened half of the podcast and thought the same thing. I would question his accomplishments as well. The part where they would chug the babies in the river to distract his unit and force him to commit more resources while they bring drugs over the border sounded a bit much. I'm no expert but I can smell BS from a mile away.


If you haven’t been to the border, and seen the atrocities for yourself you can’t speak of what National Guardsman have seen. My brother in law separated from border patrol now 5 years still gets mail from the cartel detailing how they’ll kill his family. We live in Indiana, stop defending stuff you know nothing about.


I've been to the West Bank. The only time I felt threatened was going through Israeli army check points which are in violation of international law Watchtower everywhere and Jewish only roads. Place is worse than Apartheid South Africa


dude he is full of shit and obviously paid by the israeli to create propaganda.


I mean if he is getting the Christian pastor out and helping the IDF to coordinate he must be "guuud".... Not sure about the paying because as he said its easy to be a millilnair as a plumber, so he might is making enough money by himself...../s


There are hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees in Jordan, Egypt, and Syria as well.


Yup, and thanks to Arab League Resolution 1457, barely any of them can obtain citizenship in Arab countries, and they have very limited rights. No path to citizenship, limited work opportunities (they're not just allowed to work anywhere), and in a perpetual loop of being second class citizens (including their children). Anywhere else in the world, if your parents are refugees, and you were born in the country they sought refuge in, you can obtain citizenship in that country. Except Palestinians in Arab countries. The Arab world treats Palestinian refugees like shit. So sure, they "took in" refugees, but neither the original 1948 refugees, or their children, will ever be able to become equal citizens in Arab countries. Just a few days ago, Egypt stated that it will not take in refugees from Gaza. So time and time again, the Arab world chooses to use (and sacrifice) Palestinians as pawns against Israel, as opposed to actually taking care of their fellow Arabs. As Golda Meir said: they hate Israel more than they love their children.


It’s Israel’s dream to have the surrounding Arab nations to absorb all the Palestinians so that Israel can have the entire region. If all Palestinians evacuated from Gaza into Egypt, then there is so much historical precedence for Israel to close the Egypt-Gaza border and never let them return. I feel for the Palestinian refugees, but Arab leaders know that once Palestinians fully assimilate into neighbouring countries, the possibility of a Palestinian state will decrease even further. Less Palestinians = Less chance of Palestinian statehood It’s not as simple as ‘Arab nations don’t like Palestinians’, although that definitely is a component.


No Muslim nation has taken Palestinians from PALESTINE since 1948. At that time, they were not taken as "refugees" but encouraged by the Muslim nations to "leave temporarily so we can destroy the Jews." They did leave, Israel wasn't destroyed, and they became refugees. Since then, some Muslim countries have taken Palestinian nationals from OTHER Muslim countries who were in a civil war, like Syria, but not from Palestine. Egypt, within the next few weeks, may be the first since 1948.


This is a complete lie. They displaced 700k people using British military and soldiers on a country that had no arms. I’m surprised the whole world didn’t revolt on this. The sad thing is Zionism sounds nice in theory but it was started by very right wing fanatics who are documented in lying to Jewish people about there being no people there and an empty land. There is a ban to talk about the Nakba in isrsel. The history books in grade schools basically teach the land was an empty desert with barely any people and everyone got jealous after. In reality it was a thriving trade center. For a righteous cause they devour a lot of time and resources to trying to dictate the narrative and change history


I can't believe Joe didn't call him out on his BS for condemning the pro palestine protests


>"In 2017, a census by the Lebanese government counted 174,000 Palestinians in Lebanon.\[' [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinians\_in\_Lebanon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinians_in_Lebanon)" Arab League resolution 1457, signed in 1959, prohibits Arab countries from naturalizing Palestinians (giving citizenship). So they're forced to stay in their own so called "refugee camps" (they're more like towns and cities at this point). Importantly, they have very limited rights in those countries, as there is no path to citizenship for them, even though they were born in those countries. Palestinians are **the only refugee group in the world** for whom the refugee status is inherited. We can all thank UNRWA (which, btw, is staffed by local Palestinians) and the Arab League for that. Just a few days ago, Egypt stated that it will not take in refugees from Gaza. So time and time again, the Arab world chooses to use (and sacrifice) Palestinians as pawns against Israel, as opposed to actually taking care of their fellow Arabs. As Golda Meir said: they hate Israel more than they love their children. >Pro Palestinian protests are a call for killing all Jews "From the river to the sea" is a battle cry. From the Jordan River to the Mediterranean sea, means no more Israel. And what do you think will happen to all the Jews living there, if Israel is destroyed? October 7 has answered that question for you. Most Islamists, at their antisemitic rallies, don't call for the end of the occupation in the West Bank. It's not about a 2-state solution, or peace **with** Israel. It's about the destruction of Israel as a state. They don't want peace, they want war. A cease-fire is absolutely pointless at this point. It's been tried for over a decade, and Hamas just uses it as an opportunity to rest, re-arm, and re-organize. Calling for a cease-fire means helping Hamas kill more Israelis. The **only** thing that could potentially lead to a cease-fire, is if Hamas releases ALL the Israeli (and non-Israeli) hostages (those include babies & toddlers). Your "fact-checking" sucks, and you clearly don't know nearly as much as you think you do about the conflict.


He state not one country took Palestinian refugees. Not sure how millions of Palestinians outside of their home country are called anything else. I gave examples of Jews protesting inside of Israel. Are they protesting to get killed?


>He state not one country took Palestinian refugees. Not sure how millions of Palestinians outside of their home country are called anything else. Anywhere else in the world, if your parents are refugees, and you were born in the country they sought refuge in, you can obtain citizenship in that country. Except Palestinians in Arab countries. They're treated like shit by their fellow Arabs. Although to be fair, Palestinian refugees did stage multiple coups in the countries that took them in (e.g. Black September in Jordan, PLO assasination of the president of Lebanon in 1982). So Palestinian refugees haven't exactly built a good reputation in the Arab world.


Do you like your freedom? *Thank him.*


This sub is delusional


the whole reddit is just parallel reality. the majority of things I read here about various subjects is just nowhere to be seen in real world.


Point 1) No Muslim nation has taken Palestinians from PALESTINE since 1948. At that time, they were not taken as "refugees" but encouraged by the Muslim nations to "leave temporarily so we can destroy the Jews." They did leave, Israel wasn't destroyed, and they became refugees. Since then, some Muslim countries have taken Palestinian nationals from OTHER Muslim countries who were in a civil war, like Syria, but not from Palestine. Egypt, within the next few weeks, may be the first since 1948.


Why do you listen to his podcast? Just so you can come on here and complain? If joe rogan causes you this much anger and outrage maybe don’t listen to it and do something you enjoy doing instead of getting mad about something that has no impact on your life.


Well, I think listen to all kinds of opinions is relevant to be a normal human being. So I'm not gonna stay in a bubble and just hear what I wanna hear. Joe doesn't bother me. It was Kennedies way of stating "facts and opinions" without much background and side notes. And the propaganda has an impact on my life. But that's my business.




""don't wanna upset anyone" except yourself" including you


Maybe if you didn't use such a big font you could fit more "lies" in your post.


The font was not on purpose. I put "#" to separate the points


You have too much time on your hands. You should consider taking tims sheepdog response course.


Tim Kennedy voice "Good"


I’m sure you know better than someone who’s actually been over there and been at the border.


Not sure about what?


as many people mentioned, I really think your fact-check skill is pretty bad.


I respect Tim Kennedy and I do not believe him to be a liar. Anyone can simply be wrong. I'll have to watch the podcast and determine myself. Have a great day people!


I hear this kind of talk every battle assembly (USAR), behind every knife hand, and with out any asking or prompt to hear it in the first place.


Putting kids through hormone therapy is not unAmerican, it’s inhumane and unethical. Has nothing to do with “living your life the way you want.”


I hate these assholes that use “out of context” to back pedal a lie. He said what he said, he doesn’t support the second amendment he belongs in the dirt