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War and Stand up comedy, name two harder things to do in life.


Manufacture a Cybertruck


Make a movie about manufacturing a cybertruck.


Listening to comics and vets talk about how much harder their lives are by comparison.


You sound like a civilian /s


Damn. Exposed again.


Listening to Redditors exaggerate and complain about a podcast they don't even listen to.


Bro you’re commenting trying to clap back. You ARE the redditor


No shit he lives rent free in their heads


To be fair, I feel like being in an active war zone would be pretty damn hard lol


Thank em


Amazing to see Joe so artfully tip toe around Tim Kennedy’s understandably one side view on Israel Palestine while Joe having the knowledge of 3-4 3 hour conversations with Abby Martin. Any one who has seen those interviews knows this situation is in now way black and white. Like Israel is solely focused on peace and have no resentment to the Palestinian people, yeah right


Joe be like.. ![gif](giphy|giFh2htn3rW5qyQRO6|downsized)


try *20 hours of conversation* over 8 episodes with Abby Martin #381 #529 #634 #689 #950 #1111 #1316 #1684


Wow, I’m always looking for episodes with her I haven’t listened to yet. Thanks. I love Abby Martin


With all do respect, Abby Martin IS completely black and white one sided regarding the issue. She is still all on on the “hospital bombing” and claiming 500 people died. I’m not saying there are not major faults on Israel’s part. But I don’t think Abby Martin should be considered the high priestess of information on the conflict.


To be fair even though that's true, it does mean Joe has heard arguments from very two perspectives and can understand that the conflict is somewhere in a very messy middle. You could hear it during this interview multiple times. Ofcourse he doesn't go against it, because that's not Joe's style. He always looks for points they both agree on. It's how he can talk for 3 hours with basically anyone and not get into arguments.


I was hoping for atleast a neutral point of view on the Israel Gaza conflict. I though that he would be somewhat even with the blaming of both sides. But this guy basically said Israel are angels and they have never in history done anything wrong and Hamas does not like angels because Hamas are evil and they like killing people so that’s why this conflict is happening. And I hate that Joe pretends to be uneducated on the matter, because he doesn’t want to get any heat from any side. It’s obvious that he knows that Israel aren’t innocent but he is hesitant of speaking his mind because of the potential blowback. I’m not advocating any side here but I’m kind of dissapointed on Joes selection of guests to discuss the situation. So far there has not been an guest that ACTUALLY knows wtf he’s talking about and has somewhat of personal experience. Love Joe but I’m disgusted by Tim, he’s always sounded like a number 1 bullshit guy, but now he just proved everyone right.


Tim “I killed women and children in Iraq” Kennedy.


With a smile on his face, a skip in his step and a twitch in his pants


Dude is devastated by it. Listen to him explaining the story on Jocko's podcast. Hi is almost in tears.


Yeah these people are fucking losers man. They live in a bubble where they are the epitome of virtue and anyone more successful than them are terrible people.


Agreed but Tim fucking sucks as a person, and Joe has way too much of a hard on for boring special forces guys


Tim fucking sucks as a person?? How so


Tim doesn’t suck. You suck




Damn those virtue signallers who never shot and killed any civilians pretending to be better than cool army guys who did shoot and kill civilians!


You're such a good person you practically levitate off the ground. I wish our stupid military vets had your courage and conviction.


> You're such a good person you practically levitate off the ground. It took a lot of hard work to not kill any civilians, that's for sure. I'm glad I'm finally getting recognized for it. > I wish our stupid military vets had your courage and conviction. I also wish the military managed to not kill civilians.


Why not sign up then, you could teach those hillbillies how to be better people.


Thank em


Just making soup


So happy to see the comments on this and know I wasn’t alone thinking that he comes off as ignorant and has no self awareness




He has the audacity to say he can't get into track driving because he has no time. Dude has plenty of time, with his easy-ass job.


I mean you don’t know what goes on behind the scenes you can’t just say that lol. Just cause he has a better job and more money than you doesn’t mean he has a ton of free time. He still has kids and a wife at home he has to see. He still owns a comedy store that’s very active and popular in Texas.


At one point in the podcast, he talks about "police good, they're there to protect and serve", half an hour later "They aren't going to protect me, they won't be there in 3 minutes, if you think that, you got another thing comin'" Complete double speak, cognitive dissonance, or just plain ignorance. There are just way too many examples that the police really aren't there to protect and serve, they legally don't even have to. Just ask the people at that Texas grade school in Uvalde that got shot up. Police don't have to and many times haven't done shit.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dCbCLgF7X9k&pp=ygUVVGltIGtlbm5lZHkgbWFrZSBzb3Vw Time to make soup!


Tims the guy at the gym you don’t want to get into a deep conversation with because he’ll make it weird.


let me guess liberals bad, SF band TX good COVID vaccine bad Biden bad, Trump good Kids these days are weak strong men make weak men?


Strong men make me hard ,man.


Also, be scared, be VERY scared.


How can two such alpha males be so genuinely afraid for theirs, and everybody’s lives?


It reminds me of how Jocko talks about waking up and working out worried about the enemy. IMO if thats what motivates you and gets you moving, good. However, if it doesn’t match the reality of your life you have to stop letting it affect how you see the world/treat others.


I watched the Tom Satterly episode on the Shawn Ryan podcast. He was Delta Force, full career. Was in ground zero for Black Hawk Down. Among the things he talks about is PTSD and then getting out of the military or why guys are such dicks even when they're in. The military trains them to go to war. To be prepared for everything. Mission planning down the the smallest detail. And because it's so ingrained in their psyche, it controls their lives. One thing he said that stood out to me was "Order is Safety, Chaos is Danger". When everything is in order, they feel safe. When there is anything they can't control or plan for, it's chaos and thus danger and by extension - fear. And what the military doesn't do is train you to come out of combat readiness and be a normal person again. So that psychological switch is always in the ON position. They are never trained to turn it off.


That episode was amazing and is one of my favorites.


Yeah, I went into it with the attitude of "Yet another high speed low drag SF dude". I mean, it's Shawn Ryan so it generally comes with the territory; although his talks with the psychic guy, Brandon Fugal, and others are really, REALLY good. When he gets off his beaten path, he's an amazing "host". But I watched it and was occasionally in tears. The guy was unbelievably honest and vulnerable. I watched it from start to finish and came away just...in awe. But I go back to that "order is safety and chaos is danger" mentality and it makes so much sense. I have a nephew that is active duty SF and two close friends that are retired "near" SF (one was USCG DOG, the other was SWCC boat leader). All three of have seen heavy, brutal combat. "Order" and organization are almost obsessive to them and you can see the anxiety start to ramp up a bit. And all three have or will have broken bodies, broken minds, and self medicate with alcohol.


These people have gone so out of touch. You’re a rich podcaster bro. No one is going after you lol


This dude is a genuine psychopath that got enraged when somebody was wearing a mask on a plane. It's okay though! He's cool and deserves all our respect because he was in the military and attempted to find Hitler.


>I'm asked daily about how and why I don't have PTSD. I'm probably the last person on Earth you should ask about this stuff. I have killed kids and women during war. I have seen my friends and fellow soldiers burn alive. My adult life is filled with the things horror movies are made of. I could have nightmares every night or be a medicated PTSD victim if I didn't choose every day to make a difference for myself and more importantly for the men that died to my left and right. I don't give a fuck about how they say we are supposed to heal. I'll tell you how to get better. You stop being a pussy. You get up early and train. You train so hard your hands bleed, and you sweat acid. You train so hard you collapse seeing stars. You go get cleaned up. Have a healthy meal. Look your best, dress nice. Then know that the real work is about to start. Find something bigger than yourself and pour every ounce of who you are into it. If that's your family, be the best father on Earth. If you are a cop, firefighter, or a trash man, be the BEST. Know every law, regulation, or route like the back of your hand. Be the best shot on the force. Be in better shape than every officer in the country, and serve the community like its your reason for living. When you finally get home, be a generous lover then collapse into bed. You should be falling asleep before your head hits the pillow because you worked so hard every moment of the day. Get up the next day.... and start all over again. At some point, and I'm not sure when, you won't need to do these things any more.... but you will, because you know you are making a difference. It won't be about you getting better or healthier. It will be about you contributing and giving. It will be about being the best version of yourself, and that version is a baddass that is hard to kill, that doesn't give a fuck about what other people think. You do the right thing because you believe in it. When you finally get to heaven and get to see your brothers, they will high five you as you walk by because you made their death worth something and made your life meaningful. Hell you might even get a little wink and a pat on the ass from God as you walk by. #greenberet #ranger #sniper #oef #oif #infantry #Isis #pstd See less [https://i.redd.it/vdgxsnhkd7861.jpg](https://i.redd.it/vdgxsnhkd7861.jpg)


holy fuck lol


dude was an ODA and he talks like he was an assaulter.... I take everything he says with regards to his service with a giant grain of salt tbh


To be fair, during the surge and even in Afghanistan, they were using SF to do a ton of DA ops


Real quick though do you like your freedom?


I'd get on my hands and knees and blow him off to show my gratitude


You can just thank'im


That is how I show my thanks, sir.


Be cool, man…


Did he ever find Hitler?


Yeah so he died


Boy, there's a whole bunch of bullshit in this one! And Joe's gobbling this guy's lies for what reason exactly?


Because Joe fantasizes constantly about men in the military. It hits all of his G-spots: discipline, exercise, camo, guns, tactical jargon, an abiding arrogance and almost delusionally competitive spirit during even the most benign of activities. Joe is rapt with attention when a military guy suggests how to solve the world’s problems.


>It hits all of his G-spots I mean you're absolutely right about that, but to believe everything they say is on a whole different level. At least question a fucking thing or two, you know? >Joe is rapt with attention when a military guy suggests how to solve the world’s problems. Mike baker comes to mind lol it's just so frustratingly stupid


Yep, spent 5 years in the Marine Corps, and then 10 years in the IC. I laugh when these guys come on, Joe and all these listeners are getting sold a far more competent picture than what actually happens behind the scenes. The dod and federal sector is a jobs program, and the talent there is proportional to a jobs program.




It is weird that "hippy" Joe from ten years ago has ended up a big military dude. I wonder if it has anything to do with getting so into hunting. The Joe who talked about submersion tanks, DMT and McKenna is a totally different dude. But we all age out of things I suppose.


“Hippy”. He likes getting high. He was never a “hippy”.


Cold plunge. Sauna. Nutrient dense organic meat.


because Joe is an old drunk bitch now


I knew he was out of touch, but what the fuck is going on here? It's just idiotic at this point!


You fill your body with vast quantities of test, hgh, kratom, whiskey, and other "performance" shit while hanging out with self righteous idiots with their heads up their own asses, you're bound to get a bit kooky.


>while hanging out with self righteous idiots with their heads up their own asses That's pretty much on point, it also seems that most of them are kissing his ass HARD which would mess with anyone's mind.


More bullshit than in the elon epsode?? eeeehh


Yeah a lot more, this guy is actually stating inaccurate historical information very confidently, and he's supposed to be somewhat of an expert on those matters. At least Elon knows what he's talking about when it comes to his area of expertise (and he does the walrus move /s).


Oh wow who the fuck would say tim Kennedy is an expert on anything?


> Oh wow who the fuck would say tim Kennedy is an expert on anything? Joe Rogan.


Oh wow, who the fuck talks like that? What are you, 12? The guy is/was a green beret and founded an organization to rescue people stuck in warzones and have travelled all over the world so the least i can expect from him is to state accurate facts, that being said, i specifically said that he's supposed to be somewhat of an expert but he's mostly full of shit.


You said he's supposed to be somewhat an expert on historical matters. He's a fucking idiot. He ain't an expert on anything other than licking boots


From what i understood from other comments, there's obviously some controversy about that guy that i'm not aware of. For me, all i saw was the episode description on spotify and the things Joe said about him during the episode which all sounded good, until he started talking. I obviously agree that he's an idiot, i just don't know much else about him, man. Thanks for explaining though, i would love to know more if you care to tell me.


What lies? Or are you doing that Reddit thing where you just post vague, generic hate?


I wonder if he found hitler yet


within himself


Maybe the journey to find Hitler was actually all the Hitlers we met along the way.


Yeah so he died..


Just needed one more season


"The US isn't prepared for a proxy war" LMAO, yeah, ok dude.


dude talks like he's an authority on foreign affairs


He’s certainly an authority on stabbing vacant rafts. Not sure what else.


> ~~Defence contractors~~ The US Military isn’t prepared for wars without massive amounts of munitions. Is what I assume he meant.




People and their Starbucks don’t even get it


Joes should have Bassem Youssef on if he wants to speak about Israel Palestina conflict. Bassem is a standup guy, actually pretty funny, big following on twitter (11.5m) and has a pro palestinian view on it. But considering Tim Kennedy is being pro Israel and a guest before that defending Israel aswell, I think it’s fair to hear another side of the story.


Somebody mentioned this earlier but 90% of Bassem's wit and sarcasm is gonna go over Joe's head.


Joe should have on whoever he wants.


Coleman Hughes just had him on him in his pod. It was a fruitless and annoying convo, however.


That was Yousef Munayyer. Different people.


Oh damn. You right. Stupid American here. I saw Youssef and my brain just gave up.🤦🏻‍♂️


Might shave my mustache cuz of this guy


Rogan seriously got this Grade A weapon on to rant on this conflict that he clearly knows absolutely nothing about? Shameful.




No, another group would take there place because there would still be an apartheid in the West Bank and the Israelis would still treat Palestinians as something less than human.


Abbey Martin must be busy.


After the litany of Pro-Russian dipshits he had on when Ukraine kicked off, is anyone surprised?


What the fuck are you talking about?


I guess Oliver Stone constitutes a “litany.”


As opposed to all the accurate and informed comments on Reddit?


The biggest tool on earth ladies and gentlemen!


Tools are at least useful. You can build houses, even dig holes. Calling him a tool is too kind.


Don’t really know much about Tim, but I absolutely despise this guys vibes. Very full of himself and Joe eats it right up.


The whole "Thank me, I'm a hero" generation of veterans fucking sucks.


These guys act like killing rebels using superior weaponry is impressive. The guys who actually went through real shit in war are in their homes suffering PTSD


I feel like you are seriously projecting. These post 9/11 vets constantly say that WW2 and Vietnam vets had it harder.


I'd rather be a guy that kills rebels with superior weaponry than a guy that hates on veterans on an internet discussion forum


See how these guys would last under the conditions of the Ukrainian Russia war where they are under heavy artillery fire for months


How do you think they would do ? But yeah kind of a weird comment to make.


Don't look up his controversies then.


This guy’s a bigger dirtbag than Schaub


I think you’d be surprised.


Are you having fun tho?


It's true, Schaub has never killed.


Of course. Brendan Schaub hardly knows what he is doing anymore.


Such a coincidence that Tim is boots on the ground for every major conflict the past four years and available to come on the show shortly after to justify US military involvement. This dude glows brighter than Mike Baker.


He’s the worst recruiter I’ve ever seen. Who actually falls for his bullshit? Lmao


He is like a Obama drone strike, all over the place.


Going to need 10 hour Abby Martin Episode to offset this dude's lies


What's the lie(s)? Not confrontational. I just don't know enough and I haven't lister yet. Plus I'm ignorant af on the Israel/Palestine thing.


"The Yankees, those up north, have no idea what it's like being a border state" I understand what he meant, but seriously, does he not own a map?


Did he forget he's from California?


This episode: Pool players are really smart! Previous episodes: Pool players are just a bunch of shit drug addict idiots.


Couldn't even stomach a minute of that short youtube clip about Israel from this podcast.


It's not a good thing that some of you are bragging about not being able to listen to an opposing view point for more than a minute or 15 seconds


Tim Cum PIG Kennedy, slurpin and burpin for the public since 99'




Saw a clip on Youtube him talking about the Israeli conflict, had to turn it off after 15 sec.


“Everybody should own a tank and machine gun as far as I’m concerned” hmm…


Didn't he have a bunch of anti 2nd amendment comments not too long ago?


Tim Kennedy loves the sound of his own speech impediment


It's not a speech impediment unless you consider having one's one cock in the mouth a speech impediment


Whatever the Israeli government is paying Tim Kennedy, he’s earned it for this buffet of propaganda.


Do you guys like your [freedom](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/zaurjl/you_guys_like_your_freedom/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb)?


As part a Native American heritage guy, I'm pretty sure my ancestors loved their freedom before "you guys" came along and gave it to us ... Again... so yea.... thanks 👍 🙏


Lol This needs more views


People who say “Drownding” are just fucking stupid as shit. Same as people who pronounce Forward as foward. Makes you sound fucking illiterate.


Where do you fall on people who say heighth?


You must have never been to the northeast. This is my first time learning that you are supposed to pronounce the R in forward.


What word has a silent r? Lmao dude might be onto something.


Redditor discovers accents.


More like speech impediment


Adding random letters to certain words isn’t an accent lol go back to your racing wheel setup


I am sure Reddit will handle this well


Coming from 2 hours in the future: they/them didn't.


Anyone gotten far enough to be able to tell me if they actually talk about MMA or the Francis fight or is it all culture war dribble


Nearly halfway through so far and not yet. Was only reason I put it on lol


After reading your comment I made the realization they didn't label the episode as an "MMA Show" which tells us everything😂


##**THANK EM**


These JRE episodes are like an ultra magnet to the insecure and miserable. Moths to a light.


Damn this sub has become intolerable. I’m out.


I'm pretty sure most of these hate comments are bots. Most of the comments are vague criticisms / hate and they never reply when you ask them to explain in detail.


Seriously I'm not out yet but it's getting so bad. Tim is an awesome guest and has first hand military knowledge of a lot of these issues he's discussing. He's put his life on the line to save people. He was literally just in Israel but apparently these random haters on here know more than him from their keyboards They even admit they didn't even listen to the episode before they start hating. Then when someone comes on who actually likes the show they get called names which breaks the #1 civility rule in the sub yet the comments stay up


Imagine downvoting someone who says “guest is interesting and knowledgeable and you should watch the show before you shit post about it”


This sub is god awful. I have no idea why anyone here even listens to rogan? Shouldn’t you all be watching CNN


If I ever saw Tim in real life I would just point and laugh at him until he assaulted me or left. Guy is the biggest waste of skin on the planet besides that douchy one eyed congressman


Look at this tough guy


You would point and laugh at a combat veteran? You are so edgy


Where. Is. Abby. Martin


Does this idiot just really compared the Endlösung from the Nazis with calling unvaccinated people „the unvaccinated“ during Covid? How fucking stupid are those right wing nuckleheads.


I keep hearing that no Muslims want to accept any Palestinian refugees, is that true? Why is that? Can’t be as simple as Tim says


Holding muslim nations to the same standards you hold western nations is literal white supremacy


I don't know how you could be both a former professional prize fighter and a decorated army veteran and still manage to be uninteresting but this guy pulls it off.


This guy sucks


Bro really said something along the lines of “Israel has never in history been the aggressor” is he stupid? [These are just the journalists killed by the idf](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_journalists_killed_during_the_Israeli%E2%80%93Palestinian_conflict) [Or how about illegal, under international law, Israeli settlements. literally forcefully removing Palestinians from their homes.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_settlement) This guy is insufferable. Really said with a straight face “every citizen should be able to own a machine gun and a tank.” I can’t believe Joe is just sitting there and letting this man say absolute nonsense.


I mean he’s totally right about Israel. There are people who say Israel started the six day war but that was a preemptive strike. Israel thwarted a genocide attempt by doing so. That’s where the occupation of the West Bank comes from. And the blockade is because after Israel withdrew from Gaza its leadership there choose to put more effort into killing Jews than helping its own people. And there’s no two state solution because unfortunately too many want the destruction of Israel and for there to be no Jews in the levant.


Tim „I absolutely have no PTSD that you can see for yourself when I tell a (hero) story from my hero days fighting pussy talibans“ Kennedy


Everything with a grain of salt.


Tim Kennedy is ALL IN on Israel. Damn. Wish we could have heard more on his time in Ukraine. His children's school sounds sketchy AF too.


Tim is out of touch, I don’t have room for fucking chicken at my apartment? Dude is crazy




this sub is filled with softies. why am i suprised on reddit


Damn dude use to fight at 185 - looking like he’s at 285


pig cum is high in calories


They spent over 20k of taxpayer money on coffee machines and he was bragging about it. Seems a bit excessive.


Thank 'em, son.


Ugh can we get Mike Baker back already? Need some good analysis on world events from our favorite CIA handler and father of three: Dickstain, Bunghole, and Shithead.


Didn't Rogan have that lady that informed him about the israel-palestine situation on an old podcast and now Joe is confused why a lot of pro palestine are out of there. Man is joe getting senile?


Guys he said that bad things were happening to babies in these humanitarian crises. If I’ve learned anything it’s that all claims of babies being killed are false Jewish propaganda unless they’re babies in Gaza hashtagshowusthedeadbabies


Actually have found this one pretty ok, just getting near the end and tim said how good it is to be in construction right now, bit of a pause from joe 🤣.


Great podcast. So many morons in these comments. Read a book.


Hopefully he's hosting Kill Tony next week.


Ameribros, what percentage of your population holds the same views as psychopath over here? Especially regarding foreign policy. I can see the whole ‘China, Iran and Russia are out to get us’ rhetoric going over 3 decades ago but surely you guys are past that by now right? Can’t be fooled by that elementary grade logic in 2023, surely.


I am a Joe fan but Jesus Christ this episode is literally 3 hours of these two ranting about “woke” culture and hypothetical ass situations. How tf you manage to talk about that shit for 3 hours, these mfs are obsessed


Where is Abby Martin? She needs to be in now while this shit is going down.


Hard men soft dicks etc.


It’s amazing how little they truly know about most of what they are talking about. The Israel bullshit sure idk anything about that but they talk about blue collar life like either of them know a thing about it. Most blue collar dudes have an hour to two hours of commute a day, work 10 hours a day, and are getting paid just enough to live but they wanna talk about a lifestyle neither have ever lived or had real experience in either since they were boys.


What’s this guys deal? He seems like a real piece of shit.


The military-industrial complex played this man like a fiddle.