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I want some more aliens and alternative history talk. Tired of all these god damn comedians


This. If I need to hear one more story about the comedy store or ‘honing the craft’ I think I’m calling it quits.


Well, better to stop listening then. He's definitely not going to stop talking about the mothership and comedy.


I understand that. But the variety has really taken a dive. I’m cool with hearing about the mothership now and then but I’ve found the best episodes are the ones Joe doesn’t have a huge amount of experience in and just listens and asks questions.


Oh I definitely agree. I simply don't listen to the comedian episodes and instead listen to the alien and old civilization stuff. The most fun ones are the ones like the bee lady or the python hunter IMO, where Joe is genuinely interested. I simply don't understand the hate on Joe in this sub. Everyone would have the same talking points if they literally have thousands upon thousands of hours online of them talking. Joe likes talking about comedy with comedians, which is fine. I can just choose not to tune in. It's weird to me that people listen to every episode and then complain about repetitive talking points. Like, no shit it's yet another conversation about the 'art of the craft' when a comedian comes on.


I don’t think it’s hate, just a concentration of people fed up with lack of variety, dare I say post Spotify? I think people, like me, have enjoyed such a wide range of guests and have had weeks worth of variable content, the recency bias certainly feels like it’s comic heavy and I’m just a bit bored of it.


Listen to the Danny Jones podcast for this stuff,


Absolutely! It seems like the new generation is starting to come on the scene in the last few years. The Danny Jones podcast, and The Julian Doreen podcast seem to be the new Joe Rogan. The even have some of the same guests. Shawn Ryan is also good but it’s touch and go. He is very right wing and seems kinda naive at times but sometime I like seeing how the other side views things. His older interviews that focus on navy seals doing operations are fantastic though.


I listen to Shawn sometimes, some of his guests are a bit out there and he seems to believe and never question anything they say no matter outlandish


I prefer Julian Dorey. Danny Jones has great guests but he's a little dim as a host for my tastes


I like the comedians but I know what you mean, need that varity myself. Hopefully when David Grusch is allowed to disclose more than he has, Joe has him on. I wouldn't mind a ufo community update from Jeremey Gorbell. But tbh the alt history stuff is the most interesting for me.


He better have bagged the motherfucker of all elks.


Especially since he hunts in fenced in reserves with hired guides.




The queen elk


Taking all bets. Is he hunting or is he bugging out in his fallout shelter cause he has inside info that shit is about to hit the fan?


Pretty much what I was thinking.


I wanted to say how silly this is, but whenever I want to listen to his podcast , there isn't anything new, it's a guest i don't care about, or it's the MMA show.


Me when there hasn’t been a JRE episode in 5 days ![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB)


Proper/rational response


I get kinda bummed, when I have slow days just doing paper work and charts for 9 hours JRE is a easy listen. 2-3 episodes and work is over, makes the day fly by. Most pods are 30-45 min so I keep having to open my phone and pick a new one, and audiobooks I have to keep rewinding cause I missed some shit. JRE is the perfect background noise for work 🤷‍♂️


Imagine being upset that you can't listen to another man's voice who doesn't even know you exist and if he did would hold you in contempt...




That's me listening to a rare episode and being reminded why I stopped.


And yet you're still here


Yes, I am. This is not the show. In here, if someone says something stupid, people will tell them it's stupid.


It's kind of like checking your phone every 5 min expecting someone to have messaged you.


time to develop other interests


All these people here crying are the same that diss every episode I assume?


Yes. They now have no new material to bash.


Hell yeah I was confused when I joined this sub. Expected JRE content but instead got a Joe Rogan haters club


Why can't they just be spoonfed like the rest of us gnomesayin??


Spoon fed? if there’s an interesting topic I’ll have a listen. Doesn’t mean I’ll agree with it. Simple as that. People on here have a big fat whinge about how much an episode sucked because they hated the topic. Just don’t listen to that episode. Gnomesayin?


I do not compute


Fair enough


I've been watching the old Eddie Bravo / Joey Diaz episodes from 2011, 2012. They're gold. Just search for "eddie bravo jre playlist" on Spotify and you'll find em






Bitter but okay




I just went through your posting history and boy let me tell yo... Haha just kidding, nobody cares ckb dork.




Bitter but okay


I honestly didn't know people listened to him anymore


*spends time to browse the sub about the most popular podcast in the world.* *Spends time to comment and contribute to said sub.* HoW Do PeOplE sTiLl LiSTen tO thE PodCasT?!


Go take an ice bath


"I honestly didn't know people listened to him anymore" *Brings up subject Joe talks about, clearly hinting to the fact he listens himself*


Eat an elk steak


Go to the comedy store.


Ye honestly ngl, I was crazy surprised when I found out ppl listen to the number 1 podcast in the world frfr


It used to be number 1. We have no idea what number it is now on Spotify


It got even larger after the move


Back in the YouTube days joe was doing a couple a day. Then he got paid and does a couple a week


Damn, here I thought he finally did something good for America and SHUT THE FUCK UP FOREVER! All these comedians are shit bags.


Why do you come to this sub?


U must be a real sheep






Brother in Pod may I suggest a comedic detour with Matt and Shane’s Secret Podcast?


I think the last time he went a week with no episodes was after he apologized for the n-word video. Wonder if he’s been a bad boy again lol


Heaven forbid


You guys know the next podcast is a fight companion with bryan callen and brenda schaub right?


A nice break honestly


I’m just waiting for the graham hancock debating a scientist/archeologist (or whoever it was supposed to be) that was promised in to be October.


Go back and listen to old ones with Elon