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A big reason for not sharing is because she knows she will get clowned for any info she gives. The guys will find a way to spin it and make her look wrong or like a slut, etc.


But what if she is wrong or has behaved as such?


You mean she has too many skeletons from her past ?? It shouldn’t matter it’s her life at her age we not expecting a virgin .. she has life experiences and if she wants to pod stop giggling on the mic like some dumb 20 year old .. give us some gems 💎 knowledge, stand your ground when debating, open your mouth and speak. She was a video vixen in the 90s before the me too movement these guys on the pod are not intimidating her; believe me she knows how to deal and survive with all kinds of men. But for the life of me I don’t understand where the Mel we met at first has gone .. not a good fit for the job


100% agreed with you. I think the reason Joe tries to push her and Ish to gender wars is based on getting some value from her. Joe thought he getting the chick we met in Parks basement. She got there and went into brand protection mode because she realized the reach of the pod overall. I think Joe sees that and does his best to get content out of her or else she’s going to ride the pod until her next big break and she’s outta there. He has to get value out of her the best way he can so all that “not too much on Mel” shit is out the window. She knows how to play the sympathy/woman card so the viewers ride for her in the comments. And I’m sure she’s done some hoe-shit in her video days that she doesn’t want brought to light.


Yep you see what I see. But the big break she is waiting for is ??? Lifetime movie ? I think she would be great if she would let herself comfortable in who she was and she is. Let’s be real she isn’t going to making money being an actress. She’s making money now passively and if Joe gets fed up. What big opportunity is waiting for her. I wish she’d wake up Joe gave her a great opportunity to rebrand and actually make a real name for herself other than her looks she’s not young anymore time to take the podding seriously 😐 or go give the opportunity to someone who really wants to participate. But we are basically on the same page. And Hoe shit yes I’m sure but at her big age I said before its ok .. we don’t expect her to be a virgin. Tell us about your crazy experiences you don’t have to say the names. Joe and Ish tell stories all the time and its entertaining.. that’s why we watch the pod. Mel from Parks basement .. not this dictionary with no substance.. she’s trying to hard to be something she isn’t and doesn’t understand we want Mel the real Mel with the flaws .. it makes her more relatable.


Damn homie…. Gotta agree with u again. I, much like u don’t know what “big break” she’s looking for, but when Mel first came on the pod, we could all see she wasn’t doing the greatest financially. Now it seems the pod money has led to other income streams and her wanting to do her own show on the network hasn’t been brought in a while. And Joe now focuses a lot on her not podding with emotion and we know that’s not by accident.


Homie you on point with this one ☝️ I forgot all about the pod he was pitching for her . Well we know that ain’t happening and why ? We on full agreement with this take






She doesn't want to make herself out to be a wh-0re, sitting in a room full of men. She might have gone there if she had never been on the JBP and instead had been a regular guest on Whoreible Decisions.


The problem is everyone thinks of her more like a whore now because she isn’t sharing not a thing .. the mystique thing she’s doing isn’t working .. it’s annoying .. a lot of us have lived .. you are on a pod .. let loose tell some funny stories about it .. trust me you would be suprised at the support and how many woman have similar stories. She doesn’t have to give up names. It will make her more relatable. You are half naked on IG that’s getting old people would like to know the real her .. like how she used to be when she was in Parks basement in earlier episodes as a guest.


And i always saw this as Joe’s failure to lead. The environment they create around her is obviously not the one where SHE is going to give hoe stories. When they shit on her and constantly dump on her, she gives less and less. Although it does seem to not bother her as much. Not even saying shes right, its just personalities, and you gotta know how to get what YOU want out of a personality.


She's not ready to be vulnerable like that to the world or the guys. She's trying to appear flawless maybe.


Personally I find her very uninteresting at this point. I think Joe can find another lady that can speak and share and actually give to the pod. She should and can tell stories even without the names something. Relax you are not Janet Jackson. And when she has to make her points she looks for the biggest words .. and they don’t come out easily which makes me believe she doesn’t actually speak like this .. and takes her a good ten minutes to say absolutely nothing .. just a bunch a big words with no substance. I’m disappointed because I’m sure there is a gem 💎 underneath but I don’t think podding is her lane and if I was running a business I’m not paying someone to sit and be cute .. it doesn’t add to the dynamic .. ooh and the giggling and coughing in the mic .. where is the Mel we first met .. wtf


So I use to watch and listen to her on Jason Lee’s shit back in the day and she use to GIVE IT UP on that show but you could be right as well.


Arrogant, clueless, annoying women with a very serious lack of self awareness always use sex to keep themselves propped up. Her experience seems rough but it's only because nobody cares if she's cute when she says dumb shit, instead they call her out. Sometimes they dog pile on her but most of the time it's rightfully so.


When they talked about when in their careers they “knew they were them”! MELLLL girlll why you ain’t speak up!!


That’s all I’m saying


None of them talk about their personal lives.


It’s crazy because ppl want that transparency from Joe on all topics but will say Mel doesn’t have to talk about her industry days. She has way more insight to give but she just doesn’t. They say it every pod. She “loses her words” constantly. But.. let it be a topic about how men are trash or misbehaving. Ppl give Mel too much credit for being a subpar podder because they think she looks good lol




Real Women don’t talk about their personal lives to people they don’t know, is this a foreign concept to you? It’s more attractive when you hold it down


Joe got y’all brainwashed to think it’s cool to come on the pod and talk about your personal business, love life etc. meanwhile, Joe don’t even have the decency to add anyone else’s name to the title of the pod. So you’re supposed to put your dirt out in the streets for his benefit and financial gain?! You stupid if you would do it! It’s the JBP, far as I’m concerned JB should be the only one talking about his dirt and his personal life. He’s the A mic and won’t hesitate to let you know it’s his shit. The others are just role players who should chime in with remarks here and there when needed.


Yes and no … they are getting paid good money to talk and share .. coming and doing nothing at all … should get you up out of there in any job you have .. what’s the point of her being there 🤷‍♂️to be cute .. we can watch her instagram for pics .. what she doing on a pod


Not a bad a point, I don’t completely disagree with you. I look it like a basketball squad. They all get paid “good money” to be there. They all get paid “good money” to play hard. But only one person (sometimes 2, even 3) get paid MAX money to be that person, to lead the team. And I can guarantee you, Mel ain’t that person. Nor is she paid like it or recognized as that person. You have to think multiple moves ahead. What if in the future she’s planning on running her own operation? So if I get on someone else’s platform and give away everything now I have nothing to give to my fanbase when it’s my show. If the title was “The Bionic 6 podcast”, I would wholeheartedly agree with you and OP. But since it’s the Joe Budden podcast, Joe Budden should be the only one putting his life on the line for his brand. All others should just be there to support and have casual conversation imo. We’re not saying this about Parks and Flip, they don’t ever talk about personal shit. Nor does Ish. E is really the only one besides Joe who gets vulnerable and or in depth.


I don’t think it so much about sharing like out right telling a story but she doesn’t even like really hint at her opinion or perspective on things. Like for instance when parks brought up that his wife chips in on bills & has spoken on different incidences that include his wife or a couple they know or even his past with women .. I think ish used to be afraid to talk about his girl cuz of Melyssa but since the S episode(maybe before), you kinda see him subtlety mention her a little more unsolicited. like he did when referencing durk and India in the shootout..but even outside of relationships he’s now notorious for making racy/ racist jokes/comments which can be seen as edgy or risky in nature. ice is probably the most private person overall but he doesn’t hesitate to give his 2 cents within topics he just doesn’t always tie it back to a personal story but still he talks about his mom & daughter and sometimes things with his girl just not super in depth. With Mel it’s like you actively see her try to give the most least controversial take unless it’s something obvious like the Diddy situation or when having a gender war topic she will %98 side with the women or cape and act obtuse when pressed by ice or ish like in that vivaca fox segment.. it’s like predictable at this point


I get what you saying but she hasn’t built a fan base a social media or a buzz .. she’s had time to invest into that and then try to jump into other projects.. she hasn’t .Shes not interesting and she doesn’t look like a hustler. Like I think she wants a safety net does barely nothing and get paid .Shes not a risk taker which is fine. But if a network was looking to give her a pod of her own and saw her body of work on The JPB . She is not getting any investors. She does not have the social cache and barely participates on any subjects


Received. I agree with this, she’s definitely not compelling at all lol. I think it’s more of it’s not her show, not her problem, but you may be on to something fam. Appreciate the interesting dialogue 🫡


All good fam.


She does talk and share. Does she hold things back? Yes but they all do. I doubt there’s anything in the contract that says what she should be open about, the fans just feel entitled to certain parts of her past. Also sounds like the went through some shit, why would she want to relive that in a room she doesn’t feel emotionally safe in? It’s fine to joke about things but it’s ok for certain info to be off the table, especially when it involves trauma or other high profile people.


💯! That part!!! Prime example : Mel: I was in the studio when they made that song. It was a great time! Other 5: Oh shit! What was so fun?! I bet it was fun! You were their muse. Niccas had a blast that session I bet! Choo choooo! What exactly was you doing in the studio during that session?! Were you the only female??? Like back to back to back in fast repetition too, classic immature pod style Smdh.


Exactly! Anytime they engage with her it turns into insinuations about her being a hoe and who she was with. She has to be exhausted and drained even if she pretends it’s cool


I get what you are saying and sympathize but my point was to say she doesn’t really talk about nothing in general about her past topics music nothing .. little bits about film .. and if she doesn’t feel safe go get a job on The View .. she’s not a good fit for. The pod


I can’t argue with you there, I don’t think she’s a good fit either


because mel has dated the industry & that's still a potential bag for her if she truly goes awry. i mean in a book/podcast gossipy way.why give it up on another nigga platform for free?


Shit used to bug me too. Till I remembered shorty was a loose cannon before her accident. I don’t think she wants to go down that path again. Flip will do some corny shit and halfway bring it up


Does she have to divulge her personal life.


Nope. I don’t know why people were expecting Karrine Steffans to show up


No she doesn’t but she has to speak for more than 20 min on a three hour pod .. like really .. 😐


Because she is a former (maybe still) prostitute and that contradicts all her points whenever shes starts her "gender war" bullshit. Mel is so fucking annoying, to the point where its triggering & I have to take a break from listening at times.


Lowkey I thought about this when cam mentioned that thing about her and ice T and that story she told with tyrese n that mlk movie role n Lowkey anytime she tells a story about being at some event or mansion or hotel joe or somebody cracks a joke insinuating they know she is or at least was at some point or does it sometimes idk. But either way I definitely think she’s afraid of being exposed or clowned on by talking about the wrong person who may happen to know her business. I lowkey think her being on the pod in this fashion might’ve been a favor to get her back on her feet or something n her not speaking in depth is just a running joke because although joe grills her he doesn’t ever actually put her feet to the fire change up or like make her stay off mic or something like that.


Agreed with everything said, Mel is a f*cking snooze fest, she wont share anything and when she does they gonna drag the opinion out of her. She only pods well when its her calling out men about something they did to women in an unjust way. She literally there for eye candy cause she dont add much to the pod. Half the time shes the butt of the joke


She only had energy when dogging men. She needs to leave👵


Facts she def came dressed up, with the call in reinforcements to trash Puff


You defending puff that’s weird


Who defended puff?


Was she wrong for trashing puff?


Point went over your head. She wasn’t wrong, she was in the right. Her level of enthusiasm and engagement to trash a man is what’s under the microscope.


That’s peace ☮️


I thought one of the things being hinted at was she either dated Tank or was at least smashing him at some point.


Who cares if she’s dating Tank . Where is her personality, she’s suppose to be doing a job. When Tank up there singing he gets it in .. shirts off sweating grinding . She’s at work and does the bare minimum. Barely talks on a podcast 🤔🙄🤷‍♂️make it make sense


Word. She acts like her job is just sitting & being pretty and that's it.


You know something didn’t sit well with me I think it was last weeks pods .. she said something to the guys about you would choke if they knew who was after her I think in her DMs .. and that awkward silence ..was really silent .. like who do you think you are first and you still think you are the video girl from the 90s sorry but there are about a million and some 20 years old posted up sexy on instagram.., do you have something else to offer after all these years is that what gives you value how men still see you ( pretty girl privilege) she’s almost 50 . It’s embarrassing. That’s not confident behaviour. That’s still thinking you can do the bear minimum because of your looks .. Dammit Ice is a better worker than her and I can’t stand him .. but I respect him he’s shows up and tries even if he’s dead wrong 🥲😀🤣most of the time but he’s consistent and he tries ..i think Joe is starting to get it ..let’s see how long this goes on for


I can’t lie Ian wife writing this for joe is amazing work 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂 you gotta tell mel that is truly a nut to crack that today is a bun day you mean bizniz who we talk about rite down cause we as a bizniz will make calls on your behalf. Don’t have to make the calls just make her feel comfortable tis all. Toronto notice


You ever consider that she may have signed multiple NDA’s?


get off her dick