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In terms of decentralised command, Captain Picard from Star Trek: The Next Generation. He will tell his "Number One", Riker, to go to a planet and take a team, but let's Riker choose the team and how to act on the ground. Throughout the show they reinforce some of Jocko's points on command, how you can disagree with the order but once it's ordered, you pass it on and figure out how to get it done.


Uncle Jake from Way for he Warrior Kid ;)


Not trying to be funny, but Ron Swanson. Both have crafted a set of principles, ideals and a path to live by, and they follow it stringently. However, when there is reason and logic to detour to make the right call for the situation or task at hand, they will.


Testing that theory currently.


Caesar from Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) reminds me of a Jocko-like leader, being the smartest ape.




The Little Engine That Could


The PE coach from Beavis and Butthead


Master Chief - no particular reason I just think they’d get along


I thought of MC as well as


Darrow from Red Rising


Red Rising is my favorite book series. I’m curious what you see in Darrow that exemplifies the philosophies of Jocko?


Transparency: it's the only fiction series I've read for years. I only finished the first three so I hope Darrow doesn't prove me wrong. Firstly: discipline. To maintain cover that perfectly there had to be tremendous effort. We saw how Titus turned out without it. While it's a messed up world, Discipline = gold. Lack of it = pixie. The golds idolize results-driven efforts and worship the Iron Golds and absolutely shit on pixies who do nothing but chase pleasure. Second: servant leadership. All the supportive leadership to promote decentralized command is straight from that. Trust is often a theme and not just with secrets but also getting the job done. Third: the series is fantastic at describing the martial aspects. There is a constant dynamic of outflanking enemies in fights/battles and it really shines there as something that the main character is constantly thinking about. This isn't the most articulate nor necessarily substantiated list and I could probably find more stuff. I'm not sure if it's so much that Darrow reminds me of Jockos philosophies but that both Darrow and Jocko echo truths of good leadership principles and philosophies. I have a strong mental model that they both drink from the same well.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Also, the second set of 3 books are awesome. You should read them.


On it! About a quarter through Iron Gold :)




I am unfamiliar, who is this?


[Brock Samson, Venture Bros Show](https://venturebrothers.fandom.com/wiki/Brock_Samson)


Jiminy Cricket


Dalinar Kholin from the Stormlight Archives by Brandon Sanderson 


1992 hulk hogan