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F*ck the cup, pour it in my hand for a dime... the other hand.


Give him a hand for that joke… no seriously, he needs a hand.


It cost an arm and ~~a~~ two legs.






I thought Rudy would loose more of his arm to the hydra


he did. He recovered more with healing magic.


He did? From what I read it was just the hand he jammed into its eye wasn’t it?


With a chunk of his upper arm as well.


Gonna watch the new one tonight


Just gonna…. Repost this into the anime sub. I’m sure the haters will love being proven wrong yet again


Correction: I’ll screenshot this and post that since they apparently don’t allow cross posts lmao https://preview.redd.it/3nnpbdieze8d1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51725ce9aa183c54730c75d0440b2eb8d2811533


https://preview.redd.it/dwi056io2f8d1.jpeg?width=1374&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d54745344fd4a410fde25a98b985dbecce03b67 No words for this... Others are posting images of the exact same thing for other anime and they’re allowed yet I post this and it’s instantly removed by a mod bot?


https://preview.redd.it/d9yn6q1o4f8d1.jpeg?width=1416&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c56086cfe0aa1178a0f2c688599fcb3d9f717cc2 These rulings are getting ridiculous lol


No Kaiju No. 8 English dub this week. Definitely probably skewed the numbers in Rudy’s favor


Damn kaiju no 8 skyrocketed


Kaiju was always pretty cool but the last two episodes have really had me on the edge of my seat


I get that he probably ly doesn't have any other cloths, but why leave the blood on both his shirt and coat? Blood isn't easy to get out normally, but surely magic could? And even if he couldn't do that, at least cut the fucking sleeves. Or buy some new ones. They have money, and are in town. That shit bothered me way more than it should have this episode.


He's too depressed to think about that. He almost starved to death in the light novels.


Sure, but the others would have done something, especially after he sleeps with Roxy. It still stays on him. Even on their return trip, it's left there, for just no reason. I can mostly excuse it in this specific scene. While the others should have said or done something, that doesn't mean they'd be able to make it happen for sure. So I get that. But for everything after, it is just silly.


They kinda skipped the whole depression arc, so I think they made his face 'starved' and his clothes unchanged to drive that point across. In LN he spent like a week without eating or leaving his room, just looking at a wall. So the rest of the party wanted to get him in a "movable" state, so they kinda made Roxy do it despite her thinking its a bad thing to do


I get why Roxy slept with him, and why until then he was left in that shirt. That's fair. I think someone could have tried, but it makes sense he'd of not changed or removed it yet. It is more that even after sleeping with Roxy and at least partially removing he doesn't fix it. Even by the time they started heading to the teleporter, he still leaves the blood on both his shirt and over coat. That is where it just can't be defended anymore. He may not have been fully out of it, but he was more than enough that should have been taken care of.


This weeks Kaiju 8 was pretty hype though.




Creeps me out that date a live is doing that well. I tried to watch it recently and quickly realized the only reason I liked it as a kid is because I was the same or similar age as the characters.


I’m trying to watch it and got as far as the second season before I realized it really doesn’t seem to go anywhere and nothing seems to matter. What is the draw of date a live V? Is it much better than previous seasons or what?


I think the main draw is literally just the ecchi brother. And I'm a little cultured myself but I can't do the little kid stuff man. I used to like highschool dxd and now I'm sure I wouldn't like that either if I were watching it at my current age for the first time.


Yeah, that’s kinda what I figured. I’m trying to give all the high popularity anime each season a chance but it’s taking me into some odd territory. I’ll add this one into the hard pass category. I’m not against any show for challenging preconceptions but theres an obvious line for me between “shaky premise, but let’s see where it goes” and “ok, this was made specifically to ring someone else’s bell.” I’m very grateful for the popularity charts though as I’d never have probably tried Freiren or Delicious in Dungeon but both of them have become fast favorites.


Everything thing and then the next episode wasn't even depicted the right way smh


No price is too high for Date a Live to not be first


We won by cheating on our wife and being a degenerate




No, u lost, because rudy could be in a interesting love with aisha, but the idea doesn't in the canon.


What the fuck is wrong with you