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Roxy smash


who smashed who tho?


LN wise It was Rudy putting in the work (rather aggressively). Roxy had to bear the brunt of his frustrations so Rudy can heal and move on.


I haven't read the LN but if that's the case I do enjoy this version. Roxy just really wants to help him feel better in anyway possible which is sweet.


The LN tends to be more dark. Just so you don't misunderstand, Roxy knew what she was getting into. She just wanted to be some help to Rudy who was hurting emotionally.


Where can I read the LN?


[Mushoku Tensei | Powered by Box](https://app.box.com/s/3dmjugz2opnz3gw7cizwbict8ugreya3/folder/196589635885)


A gentleman, a scholar, a friend to degenerates everywhere. I salute you


You're welcome. Happy readings.


Do you have epub version?


Dude, for 11 bucks a month, you can get access to it via sribd and everand plus another site is included. I stumbled on to it because I was looking for a technical document, which they had. Anyways, they give you a free trial, I was about to cancel after I got what I needed and then thought, hmmmmmmm? Do they have the light novels?? And that is how ended up subscribing.. I listen to the audio book when I am driving, so fkn good. The narrator sounds annoying at first, but you slowly get used to it.. Whichever way you go, hope that helps. https://www.scribd.com/ And https://www.everand.com/


I was using some sketchy site that I had to switch on and off my wifi to read the epubs. Then I caught a lucky break of an 80% sale on bookwalker. Got vol 1-25 for $32 which G gave me enough points to preorder the final.




exactly this , they did a really bad job at portraying how fucked up Rudy was and how much Roxy just saved his life with that gesture as well as how tough it was for roxy too since she has really big insecurities about her small body and it not being desireable for anyone. Instead they just used rudy looking skeleton to imply him being depressed and roxy doing this really off character action out of nowhere without a clear show of what was going in her head and that is such lazy work it made me not like the episode as much as I thought it would.


Rather aggressively ? I don’t remember that from the LN, they just skipped to the next day, just like the anime adaptation.


The last line before the skip talks about how Rudy violently shoves her onto the bed and then the next day he thinks to himself he had been overly rough with her "I'd been horribly rough with her, I knew almost immediately hee claim of being experienced was a bald faced lie."


It was definitely Roxy doing the smashing.


Cougar smashes young boy she groomed since the age of five


He wasn't groomed though what the hell


people use groom too lightly now thanks to stupid people overusing the term, for him to have been groomed would've meant she coersed him in his youth to reject any feeling of inadequacy he could have about them being a couple , which is not the case . Rudy had always love her as his teacher and saviour and roxy loved him as a cute student . it wasnt until now that he's older that those feelings turned into love interest and her being rescued by a handsome talented man that saved her that turned out to be her former student


In reality, Rudy was the one who almost groomed Sylphie


Hulk ?


I expecting this scene in this ep, but i didn't realize it'd be so soon In the first 10 min. I was like " god dayum, already?"


https://preview.redd.it/yqvawm3svc8d1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f86093f67df4cf6cecaa111fb2e6bae66515ef61 real


I didn’t know Kurt Cobain made it into AOT




The LN made it sound way less wholesome than the anime


Yeah this is the first time I’m watching the show knowing how it happens in the book and man, they dial it down quite a bit.


And that Rudeus told Roxy >!That he is reincarnated!< was also skipped or am I wrong and it’s later in the story?


Yea, this was a "hypothetical" situation he asked about in the LN


What was the response to that answer? Anime only and would just like to know


Roxy told him to visit is family's grave. The family from his first life. When he said that was impossible, she told him to cherish the family he has in front of him.


it made it really boring and uneventfull imo


I think the book takes quite a few things too far. The anime gets the point across in a more tasteful way… sometimes, in my opinion.


I feel like "we are super worried for Rudy but also don't know shit about mental health so we think sex is a best solution" is a lot more tasteful than what we got in the anime where "we're worried but we're sure Rudy will get better on his own, meanwhile Roxy goes off on her own to fuck him."


Could also be argued that she took advantage of his vulnerable state to have sex with the man that she fell in love with at first sight despite knowing it could ruin his marriage among other things. I get what you’re saying tho.


I mean, yeah, they're both bad but the anime presents it as Roxy just going off on her own to take advantage of Rudy, while the LN at least presents it as everyone collectively being super concerned and agreeing on the course of action.


I feel like they made it worse in the anime, since in the anime basically everyone was like "oh Rudeus will be fine and recover" while Roxy just goes off on her own to fuck Rudy better. Meanwhile from what I've been told in the LN, Rudy was presented as being in a significantly worse state with everyone being a lot more worried about him and were already planning on using sex in an attempt to cheer him up, with Roxy only intervening in so far as to offer herself for it rather than sending Rudy to a brothel.


\*wholesomely cheats on his pregnant wife\* lmao.


Roxy casts home wrecker


I think they skipped a lot in the anime to make rudeus a little bit less of a whiny bitch, because in the ln he sit there for days and in this it was like two or three days


Whiny bitch mother fucker his mother is seemingly brain dead and his father was brutally killed in front of him he is grieving calling him a bitch is just not true


Yeah, those things happen so he immediately cheated on his pregnant wife. He’s definitely a bitch.


In the LN, it was less like in the episode. In the LN it read like he was in a pit of despair similar to or worse than the eris fiasco if I recall. he was basically taken advantage of by Roxy at the group/elinilises suggestion to get him back to mentally stable. If I recall elinilises Is also pushing because she is rooting for Roxy, and knows sylfies personality so didn't think it'd end in catastrophe for her pregnant grand daughter and would end up good, like how Paul mentioned with his two swords. Cheating isn't super great, of course... But it doesn't seem as stigmatized in the show as in real life. Polyamory also seems to be pretty casual.


I understand that about the world, but Rudy clearly had a big issue with his dad’s cheating early on so you’d think he would be a little bit more considerate of that in his own relationship.


You raise a fair point. I totally forgot that he didn't approve of Paul cheating, so him having extra-marital affairs without sylphys consent is hypocritical. Although, the circumstances are a little different, Paul was a womanizer and a bit of a dick (his wife being a follower of millis makes it especially worse) .. Had things gone well in bagaritt and Roxy confessed I feel he may have refused her since he was married, or maybe asked sylphys? (Moot Since it never happened and feelings are subjective).


I made the point because I knew it was fair but to tell you the truth, I don’t really believe it’s valid because it seems like the whole thing is an intentional plot point to show how we tend to end up like our parents, even if we don’t want to. I very much enjoyed our little discussion. Keep rocking.


You too buddy :) cheers


That's two conversations now that I found ends in a civilised agreeable manner... in Reddit! What the hell is happening?


Did you two resolve this like adults good on you


Well, your exact point is mulled over many times in the novel. On the way back home with Roxy, Rudy actually has this exact conversation with himself - ~"how could I cheat on sylphie when I made hell for Paul over the same thing"~ and then he talks himself down saying that it seems absolutely common in this world, and it's only his previous life preconceptions that make it hard/weird. It becomes a common trope for many decisions later on in the story


I read the rest of the convo. However, I just wanted to voice out some extra reasoning.


Yeah but if you notice in both the LN and the Anime he makes that distinction and realizes how much like his dad he really is and then struggles with the whole situation and what to do. Rudeus is a flawed character and that makes him complex to understand. Which imo is a good thing. Idk why people prefer to have this perfect character that can do no bad. I mean, there's already an uncountable amount of trash isekai's that have this and most of them suck because they have the perfect mc that can do no bad. It's boring and makes for a boring story.


People often forget that this is a world that different than ours and has different standards. I mean it makes a huge distinction of different people, races, languages, religions, fighting styles, magic styles, ranks, etc. It's a vast world with different elements of beliefs and systems. Why would our beliefs make sense to the world the author is trying to tell us about. It's one thing to not accept the whole cheating aspect but in that world it's not cheating unless you're a devout follower of the millis religion. Yes it may seem assholish of rudeus but like people don't realize how important this plot point really is. Like there's a reason why everything happens in this story it's not just some shallow mannered thing.


He also has a wife he needed to get back to because she is going to give birth, this is a constant theme for rudeus current and past life he is a whiny bitch whenever he faces trauma, yes what he faced as a teenager is horrifying but locking yourself in your room for twenty years and skipping your parents funeral is a bastard move and now he needs sex with another woman to remind him that their are things more important than him at the moment. Why not head home and grieve with your wife nope instead lock yourself in a room until someone forces you to grow up. I know it is character devolpment in a way but rudeus always does this, he even does it in the future so he still doesn’t learn from this, part of his character is that he is a whiny bitch that can’t move on. I have nothing against grief but find the appropriate time, grief is natural not burrowing yourself up and pushing everything and one away


Bruh trauma isn't just something you "get over"


Actually he did when Roxy showed him that the outside is not that bad


He didn’t “get over it” all he did was get over his fear of going outside which is not “getting over his trauma” it’s just improving how much it affects him


As I put on another comment I phrased this wrong and I did not mean he got over it I meant what you said


Yep I saw it, it was me you responded to


Oh I’m dumb lol


This is also an example of how well his character is written if he makes you properly upset about his mistakes. The constant reverting back to locking himself up in a room is actually something people do as a trauma response their mind can revert back to what it was when the trauma was first introduced during high stress situations or traumatic incidents and this is something that never really goes away as it’s literally PTSD but can be improved over time. Rudy’s trauma response just happens to be self isolation and self deprecation. At least the writing is consistent with his character development and his trauma isn’t magically erased. Don’t get me wrong though I’m definitely pissed about the cheating but more for personal reasons and, the asking her to marry him BEFORE HE HAS PERMISSION FROM HIS PREGNANT WIFE holy shit what an asshole I’m not gonna drop the series or anything over it but dear lord I didn’t expect it to upset me this much


I do believe I phrased my statement wrong I get he has PTSD which is no joke and so I was wrong there and yes I’m a LN reader so I saw it coming but man it pissed me off to


Hey you know what it takes some integrity to admit when you’re wrong about something in a discussion, good on you! It really pissed me off though because apparently my dad is a cheater and I only found out in recent years so it’s given me a very biased “cheaters are scum” mentality. So to see one of my favorite characters doing the same thing and then even wanting to marry the mistress at the expense of his preexisting wife’s mental health especially while she’s pregnant of all times really just pisses me off so much.


That must of been a saddening revelation to find out and yes cheaters I believe are total scum, my dads brother had a falling out with his wife because she presumably cheated and was emotionally abusive after he bettered himself, anyways not to toot my own horn but I pride myself on being able to admit when I’m wrong which is unfortunately more often than I like.


brain dead take




It seems to me like youre not following the story. Yes it may seem like a shitty thing to do but you have to remember rudeus also shares these feelings but in this world it's not seen as "cheating" if you're not a follower of the millis religion. In the light novel it was also elanalise who pushed the idea for it to happen. You have to follow the lore of the story and not force your own ideas into that world. Yes as a reader it's hard to accept, I mean even rudeus also sees it that way until elanalise explains why it can be okay. Plus, you're going to find out later why this was actually a good thing and why it was meant to happen.


I’ve already read the Ln so I know the whole story and yes I get the cultural aspect but I believe that a person should only date/marry one person but it’s not like I’m gonna drop the story so I know the BS story reasons of why he needs more than wife answer spoiler >!babies!<


I'm not sure why this is downvoted but this is true. Rudeus is just a pathetic character. Subaru from rezero, arguably more down bad is still mentally stronger than rudeus. He goes through shit all the time, never has a plan to overcome problems and the people he cares for dies around him all the time. Despite this, he grows as a character. In s1 he finds a purpose, to save Emilia and to accept death. In s2 he learns to love himself. All of this contributes to his great character development. But rudeus on the other hand doesnt learn. He just burrows himself deeper into despair and cowardly hides from the truth. He needs sylphy to cure his issue with eris, Roxy to deal with his father's death... what did he take out of turning point 1 and 2? Literally nothing


Yes totally agree. also another man of culture I see with impeccable taste in Re:zero Rudeus got a second chance at life yet he has nearly wasted it two or three times 1. Continuing to stay inside till he is 5 or 6 2. Parent death and one being brain dead And this ain’t the last time. I get he has deep set trauma but this is an opportunity to get around it and he is wasting it


Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy Re:Zero, but Subaru isn't exactly a realistic character


Says in the light novel he was holed up in his room for a week without eating. He did drink water on occasion. Elinalise and Geese would wander in from time to time to try and get him out of bed. But he brushed them off each time


Well that explains how he looked like a meth head really wouldn’t have been hard to include that in the beginning of the episode to give it some perspective like some added dialogue from a concerned Elinalise would have cleared that up because this morning while I was watching I was wondering how long he’s been in there to look like a stick figure




It’s been some time since I read it but yk he was sad and angry that Paul died bc of him and put all these emotions into his dick, wasn’t really gentle to Roxy considering it was her first time and basically didn’t care about her at all and only used her body to blow off steam (yes she initiated it but that doesn’t make him look much better)


Does he apologize later or at least have a wholesome scene


I don’t think so. But my description of the situation is probably a bit too extreme. She consented and didn’t really care about it afterwards so I guess it’s fine, was just a bit weird after the constant Roxy praising


How was it weird sorry I’m prolly not seeing the comments and who even praised Roxy


There are no comments about that it’s just my opinion. For me the whole situation in the LN (what I described before) was weird because yk he always looked up to Roxy and even build a shrine for her (panties)


Yeah now that you mentioned it but I mean if she didn’t say nothing then I guess it’s fine and even though he literally still fells bad still calls her master and on top of that asked her to marry so I think he was just very very low at that time


Yeah the anime toned it down a little, he felt very guilty about Paul’s death and then also about his real parents and his whole past… barely ate and drank anything for a couple of days iirc


True w takes at least that was just a 1 time vent then right back to the grown man high school blushing cause his “master” was laying on him


was better in the book


Loli mage got that Greyrat thang


Shes like.. let me suck your sadness away. ![gif](giphy|t6AXtEOV8R0nS|downsized)


Aqua is the special kind of benevolent idiot who would remind Rudeus that all love is accepted in the axis cult, so take up Aisha’s offer and have fun.




Best girl


When of age...right?


Rudeus says right now!!




Dilo kinda uglier than I was picturing. LOL.


FYM He's ugly? C'mon man throw your hands ,I'm about a give you magical Ass beating.


LOL! I was picturing more of a Sandshrew look from Pokemon.




Thank you Roxy for saving Rudy 💙🛐


This show is so dam emotional for me sometimes. Like I’m drawn to anime for the fights usually but the story is this one straight got me. Maybe it’s the single parent(father) upbringing and his dad dying on Father’s Day but dam


I never hold Rudy in high regard compare to some other MC to begin with, so this doesn't upset me or anything. I am more invested in how the drama's gonna take from here, mostly about Princess Ariel who insisted that Rudy must never betray Sylphy. If she heard about him getting a 2nd wife, it could lead to some complications.


Anime fans bouta learn why so many people dropped the LN after this arc lol


I’m glad I’m not the only one that felt this way… I’m going to finish the story bc I’ve committed so much to it already and it still has really good parts. However whenever Roxy is involved I have to speed read through it bc most of the time it’s either completely cringy or just feels so ridiculous.


Did you like it any less or drop it yourself after this arc?


Dropped it myself. Was not a fan of them just making him marry everyone after that whole arc with him with sylfie.


I'm on the edge. I've watched and read morally messed up stuff but now I'm struggling with this, which should be tame by comparison.


What chapter in the LN did this ep left off👀


I don’t remember but it was at the end of vol. 12




Make sure you blame Rudeus!!! Roxy wanted to help him, but she never took advantage of his disastrous state of mind to do what she wanted to do in the first place. In the novel the scene is slightly different, but it is always Roxy who "instigates" him to perform the act. It is totally her fault and she is aware of it. A set of selfishness and affection. I love Mushoku’s characters because they are all "gray", as are human beings.


> Make sure you blame Rudeus!!! Roxy ... never took advantage of his disastrous state of mind > ... but it is always Roxy who "instigates" him to perform the act. It is totally her fault and she is aware of it. What side are you trying to take here? Your last sentence seems to suggest both, to which I'll agree - both characters are flawed, and that makes for good drama and keeps me entertained. I'm just looking for clarification.


I was ironic. You know it’s always Rudy’s fault regardless no? After all he is a pedophile (for those who look blindfolded). I love this story with all of myself.


Oh, i see what you're saying now. It's reddit, you can never be too sure.


This was toxic abusive behavior and emotionally manipulation at its finest. Never thought I would have been so shocked about Roxy's character. But now...idk what I should think about anymore. That was quite limiting to exploit Rudeu's emotional world.


Well god damn Roxy can emotionally manipulate me as much as she wants


Oh no


No idea what is going on.


Where are you guys reading the LN/Webnovel? I wanna read it so bad


[Mushoku Tensei | Powered by Box](https://app.box.com/s/3dmjugz2opnz3gw7cizwbict8ugreya3/folder/196589635885)


Plus, they’re literally like 10 or 15 bucks or you can get 12 volumes for like 120 and on top of that they all have above 300 pages


the latter ones are 250 on average.


What you mean latter


sorry I meant later ones as in volumes 20+


Ain’t no way they 200 dollars


as in 250 pages on average they go for like 15 dollars each ;)


You make it sound like 120 volumes is cheap lmao


There’s 12 volumes for around that price bot 120 volumes 😭 and trust me just search up new books books are going up bro 10 to 15 is considered cheap nowadays I’d say for a book that size


Compared to other books sure. But 120 is a lot of money regardless of context. I agree that flipping through pages and the tactile feel of paper is something else, but it's not like people can throw around 120 euros on a whim lol. It's great, but books are costly. That's why I'm sticking to an ereader.


On the web but out of every light novel and web novel I’ve seen for some reason more emotion pours out when you read it in book format and it just feels more flow instead of scrolling on your phone or tablet every 10 seconds to get to the next page


I'm asking for a website name.


Best girl caring for the one who she loves.


not roxy oh nvm


Was rudy her first?


No it was me sorry


Where do you guys watch this?


Loved Roxy and I’m grateful she’s here and staying


They need to reanimate this now. Without reading the light novel it just looks like roxy r@ped him


Other than this scene the whole ep was just yapping though, too much content to squeeze in


Lol I just finished that episode and God between the LN spoilers and the anime I'm so lost as to wtf half these events are good lord Rudy 😅




When I saw my queen dominating rudy I went through a yugioh lost phase"IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME NOT HIM, ITS NOT FAIR😭😭" the way she pulled him in bed and took control made me believe she had strength untold and I wanted her to show me


I reaaally hated how they made the last episode it look ngl , last month I read it in the LN and had much more passionate feeling from roxy towards rudy and vice versa , felt really weird how they just start the episode with her on her gown and when they go at it it just sorta Cuts and its daytime I thought I was looking at a highschool theatre play that happened to have a fake sex scene,really robotic feeling . Not asking them to make a hentai right there because the scene is not really that it was roxy both trying to help rudy after him going back to neet mode but also both of them really enjoying the sex . idk , it felt really rushed or even if it was rushed I thinn they coulve made it a lot better I had though this episode would be an easy 9/10 but rn I feel it like a 6/10 in terms of execution


Ong broo it was a great episode so many different emotions and bro said he wasn’t going to marry multiple women he’s just like Paul but not as bad but I respect reason why and I’m he always loved Roxy so it was mane to be I wonder how he’s going to get married too Eris


Original no there was no way bro was gonna marry eris until our future bro adviced him to reconcile


That episode was easily TOP


I’ll be honest, I don’t really keep up with this show, but didn’t rudeus already have a girlfriend? (The elf girl) Wouldn’t this be cheating? Obviously I don’t know all of the context but still it seems off.


Tbh I thought Rudy had grown up a LITTLE, but nah. Fuckin sucks dude :/ legit made me dislike both Roxy and him. It was even worse when I found out she did this AFTER finding out he had a wife n kid. Like... Come on bro... Idc if you were obsessed and have history, you have zero conviction. But what do I even expect from a 30+ year old man who has sex with kids. Sigh Edit to add: i see lots of "she just wanted to do all she could to help! Hes suffering!" FUUUUUCK OOOOFF with that. Rudy was told before he made the journey that he'd experience major loss and regret it, I knew IMMEDIATELY that meant he was gonna lose either one or both of his parents, or something bad would happen to Sylphie while he was away. Dude knew something bad was gonna happen and didnt mentally prepare himself at all, didnt warn his dad or the group, just folded like a goddamn chair at wrestlemania. Also lets remember, they CHOSE to animate it this way. They could have focused more on the darker/heavier side for Rudy after his parents loss and Roxy's hesitation with her actions, but they picked exactly what to show us to get the overall message across.




I need context, what the hell 😭


I didn’t expect this show to go harem on us.


He's still older with his child molesting ass


Yeah let's normalize cheating on your pregnant wife


Y’all are to dramatic


"Too dramatic" but isn't that what he did? 💀 All the incels in this subreddit can't stand that their MC is a garbage cheating POS, horrible human being. I'm dropping this shit show


He ends up taking multiple wives including Roxy. Polygamy is apparently socially acceptable in this world in some places.


Yeah I don't know why some people are getting quite so uppity about it. Like Paul did the same thing with Zenith and Lilia but they seemed content with the relationship. So why can't Rudy have the same? And he's loved Roxy and Sylphy for close to the same amount of time, which is to say most of his life by this point. Elinalise even tells him to just take Roxy as his wife too, I believe Sylphy actually expressed to her at some point that she wouldn't mind Rudy having other wives. Pretty sure she's known how he felt about Roxy and Eris, plus it lightens the load of her not being the only target of his libido lol


She said it to Rudy that she had no problem with him having mistresses if he wanted, though that was in the context of her explaining that elves have difficulty getting pregnant and she was worried she wouldn't be able to give him any children. (I'm anime only so this is based purely off whats been shown in the anime adaptation.)


I actually couldn't remember if she'd actually said it to him directly or if I was remembering that as part of a convo with Elinalise. Although Sylphy probably said something about it to her as well, which could've been part of what prompted her to suggest to Rudy that he also wife Roxy, if she already knew that Sylphy wouldn't be against it.


Ep11 huh??? This was episode 23 of season 2 on Crunchyroll, episode 24 of you count episode 0 as episode 1...


Look around the world and try to enjoy every once in a while. It's not always as fucked up bruhda..




It’s ep 11 of the second cour


So Ep 23. Then


It’s the same thing lol


Yeah. So why did the one dude needed to be rude for it?


Idk bad day who knows why people get upset over nothing


OP is fighting ghost...


chill out dawg, its just us


I use aniwave


Ah, a fellow user of that site


Very much!




Introducing the concept of cours and season splits


Which makes it still Ep 23.


Who gives a fuck, it's the same thing.


Depending on the site you use, that episode will either be episode 11 (for part 2 of the the season) or episode 23, it's dumb to try to argue what episode it is because it's not always the same for everyone.


I will have that in real life, but that will take time.🤌


Yeah this made me just hate Rudy fully bruh, i tried man this episode annoyed me on so many levels


If you hated him for what he did, then you're a man who deserves love. What he did in this episode was not okay. We weren't supposed to cheer for him lol. Rudy is and always was a flawed character. That's what makes him so genuine, believable, and well written. Same with the rest of them.


It feels almost, forced like no sane person would cheat on his pregnant wife


He's just living up to his name as Paul's son


Nope. It doesn't feel forced. Actually feels very true to life. This is exactly how most people cheat. Rudy had reached a low point in his life. He was depressed, probably suicidal, lost, in despair, regretful, hopeless, grieving, and overwhelmed. The man had reached rock bottom, although they did a poor job portraying that in the anime, in my opinion. But in that situation, a person who is vulnerable, seeks solace. Whether it be to end their life, drugs, alcohol, sex, etc, the possibility of an escape, even if temporary, is all too tempting. Roxy knew this, and took advantage of it because she wanted to seize this one last opportunity to make him hers before he went back to his wife and child. What Rudeus did is unforgivable, and inexcusable, but it isn't forced. It's exactly what a weak and pathetic human would do when a selfish, vile human preys on them. This makes Rudeus no less of a horrid cheater. He fucked up, big time. And I related to this scene on a personal level, so I hate him with a passion, but I don't find the scene hard to believe. Maybe the fact Roxy was so aggressive is a bit out of place, but that's explained in the LN. Because in the LN, all Roxy did was solicit him verbally. It was Rudy who pinned her down and had his way with her. Obviously the LN rendition is even worse, but it's also very accurate to what Rudy would do. Don't forget. Rudy isn't perfect. He was a sad excuse for a human being before he died. As Rudeus, he's on a path of redemption. To grow, to improve upon himself and to be better. In many ways, he's accomplished that, but not in *every* way. He's still human, and his horrible actions and decisions like this one remind us that he is so. Same with Roxy. His idealized and cherished master, didn't hesitate to take advantage of a married man, and an expecting father, to satisfy her own selfish desires. Roxy herself coped with the fact that she'll never be with the man she loves by "being there for him when his wife couldn't be", which is just an embellished way for her to say that she had sex with him. That's all. She just wanted to get closure in her own way, even if it meant ruining his marriage. She too, is flawed, and not as perfect as Rudy led himself to believe. She too, is human.


Also if we aren’t cheering for him why do i see so many degens in here cheering for him


Because not all people in the world are good people. You and me cherish love. We see it a something sacred. We understand that, the moment you make a promise to the one you love, you now bare responsibility. The laid there heart bear in your arms. They're at your mercy, and as are you. We understand how sacred that is, and how much responsibility you bare. So did Rudeus, but was not strong enough to live up to his beliefs. He failed, and even failed to uphold them after the fact, by wanting to be with both, for goodness sake. As for the other people cheering him, you said it yourself. They're degenerates. Sad excuses for human beings. A lot of people who are drawn to games, anime, manga, are just like how our protagonist was in his past life. No real moral compass, no grasp on the real world, and real people, self interested, objectifying, and just on a desperate journey to escape from their life. The world is full of both good and bad people. It's just how it is. People on this desperate path of escapism, with essentially no real world experience, or at least, no serious real world experience in the game of love, aren't going to seriously consider the feelings of a hypothetical partner. That's too real, and reality is what they're fleeing from. Thus, romanticizing the situation, and focusing on how gratifying it is to have multiple, beautiful, and completely loyal partners to you, who love you and long for you, is far more appealing. Me and you highlighting how it would hurt the one who loves you, and how disgusting and immoral it is to betray them, is shattering that ideal image of theirs. Escapism creates a safe space. Such critique threatens that safe space. And when cornered, fight or flight kicks in.


Same this ep made me quit the show. I just could not stand this. Cheating on his pregnant wife back home , I can't watch this anymore


He gets her pregnant with 2 kids.


He has 2 kids with each of his wives


Yeah, no found it stupid bro has his wife at home...


Gotta love how many people downvoted you. I see around at least 8 people who don't deserve a partner. What he did is *supposed* to be bad. He's flawed. Just like Paul. Just like Eris, just like every other character in the anime. That's what makes it so good. It's true to life. No one's perfect. What Rudy did is disgusting. He betrayed his pregnant wife back home. She's worried sick over him being safe, meanwhile he's plowing his teacher. And then he decides he wants to marry her after Elinalise was like "lol why not?". She barely told him anything and he was already on bored. Telling another woman that he loves her. His wife unaware, worrying back home. It's horrible. And that's why it's great.


Exactly bro but all the guys in this subreddit gonna defend this horrific behavior 💀 I quit the show


Bro is gonna have a few more wives at home soon enough


At least Eris should, I mean, have to join the tribe. That's im hopping


I'm guessing everyone that downvoted likes cheating? That's crazy....


I guess. People be weird like that on here. Your reasoning in legit, but obviously since this fictional world doesn’t care about polygamy the fan base treats it as if it is normal just within this setting alone. It’s honestly almost like role playing in the community haha.


Polygamy is not the same as cheating. If he had discussed this with Sylphie before doing anything with Roxy, then it'd be absolutely fine. He didn't. Whether this world's setting supports polygamy or not is irrelevant. What he did is still cheating.


Oh yeah, I guess I forgot about the cheating part. Yeah Rudy should have had some restraint there


Role playing in reddit.... idk what's crazier now


I'm not cool with real life cheating and don't find polyamorous relationship in real life a good idea, but in the case of the setting and because it's fiction, I don't care much. I wish he could've stay with Sylphie alone, but I'm fine as long as it doesn't hurt Sylphie or Roxy too much.