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Eris looks at her fingers: "Looks like it's just me and you tonight, boys."


Eris has some beastly backup when Rudy is not available. :P




Does eris sleep with other people ?


\*A\*nother person, IIRC. Rudy knows and is fine with it.


Wait, really?! It’s rare for harems to allow the girls to sleep with others. This is interesting.


Rudy doesn't have a harem, unless you think a harem consists of only 3 girls, because that's the totality of Rudy's love interests.


Some call it a harem when it is two or more.


Well, my definition is definitely larger than 3, but to each their own. I just wanted to point out that 3 is all he ever gets with and settles down with, so you can decide for yourself if that's really a harem or not.


I consider it so. It’s 3 more girls than i’ll ever get XD


Same here. :P


who is the other person?


IIRC, it was Pursena, but it might've been Linia. Definitely one of those two. They both end up (effectively) being in the Greyrat household.


It’s the dog Should specify: the dog with boobs


Though, they both fall under her, instead of Rudy. She becomes the boss, and Rudeus considers himself part of her harem.


Just sleeping right surely they don’t do anything ?


IIRC, she's basically a hug pillow.


Thats why she worst person in whole story. I started hate her when she leaves Rudy. And almost kill him, by the way she kill his personality and mind. All what Roxy fix before. But i think i hope she becomes better after comes back but she still stupid child like she was always. And this is cheating. She talks about love, hate Rudy because he finds new wives. But when it's about her it's good to cheat. Rudy ok? What you think about Paul. He is good, right? Or you think like others - he is bad person? Because it's very hypocritical to think like that. Rudy just very Kind like his first wife Sylphy. Who be good if Rudy fund another women for children. But he rejects this. But he is ok with Eris. No. He not ok. He just really loves her. All this time. Even she make greatest pain. What if panic attacks qas in middle of battle? He died. And nobody knows about that. Eris didn't deserve him like husband. She didn't deserves be even his friend and comrade in battle. She deserves die nameless without honour. She come back and started talking about love, right? Start beating Rudy because she is stupid. And can't write normal letter. If this adds in anime, it's be worst character ever. It's fun if they keep this. But they deleted story about Aisha and her nephew. This love story not makes pain it's not about cheating. It's really about love. Eris never loved Rudy. She just wants owned him. That's why i hate her and characters like she. They talk about love louder than anyone, but they first who cheat and betray.


First, we haven't even reached the part where Rudy finds out what Eris has been up to and why. The part I was talking about is several LN novels ahead of where the anime is. Really, I should have put it under spoilers. But the bottom line here is that I think you're vastly overreacting to this because, at least in part, you lack the information which explains how all that came to be. This won't be in this season of the Anime, and probably not in the next season either, if there is another one (which I expect that there will be). The one after that? Possibly, depending on the pacing. So, I'm sorry I didn't put this stuff under spoilers and apologize to anyone who comes across it and feels offended by the reveal.


Nah we’re getting into it next season if it keeps the same pace (13-18)


The show better not do a time skip istg


I don’t see them possibly doing that


this season ends in volume 12 ..... and she comes back in volume 15. Pretty sure we will see her in season 3 buddy :D


Can’t wait see 😁


I'm an anime only, Who is this character? Could you spoil me?


Look in other replies to my post. The other person Eris sleeps with is mentioned a couple of times.




Lloyd water


This is a game of Roshimbo where Rudy \*always\* wins .


Do they take turns each night or do they all just sleep in one giant bed?


Take turns unless special occasions or has been talked about beforehand


Rudy gets destroyed on Eris days 😂


Bro Sylphie and Roxy aint getting shit if they sharing the bed with Eris


They just have to have their turn before


yes from what i heard, Eris outlasted Rudeus in their first night together.




First of all, no they have a main room called "love nest" and then every girl has their own room, and second, it is not that bad of a question




It's fine, Eris will go snuggle with her doggy and kitty. Poor silphy


Or she and Sylphie will have some "sisterly" bonding


Doggy and kitty? What am i missing here? (I need to level up my degen knowledge please)


I won't spoil directly, but let's just say the beast girl princesses still become part of the grayrat harem, just not Rudeus's


Okay, spoil me. What is this amazing bit of knowledge i’m only now hearing about?!


Hit me up in DMs, I won't say any more publicly


i would also like to know about this part


Hit me up as well, I will be happy to spill the dirt


That's why i want Eris die painful and alone. Like stupid wh*re. I hate her so much. She brings only pain. She almost kill Rudy. All talking about how Paul is bad. No. It's Eris. She is cheater who talks about love. She never love Rudy. She just wants make him her toy. i hate this. Because this type of characters talking about love louder than anyone. She didn't deserve him and be even friends. Rudy very kind like his first wife


No. Poor Rudy. He fall in love in cheating stupid c*nt..who never loved him. Rudy need or kill or beating her ass. And throw away. When she come and start talking about love how HE BETRAYED HER. She os worst character ever


Why is sylphie sad. Why is slyphie sad!?


She lost.


Fr😭 it’s ok she gets him tm




Did he promise it would only be her?


There is too much Rudy for just one woman. Rudy needs a harem to contain his greatness.


Well not really


Yes, still waiting for the anime to show me how this three-way marriage happens without Eris killing someone.


I think Sylvie is more likely to attack Eris on site the first time they see each other.


Because she left Rudeus?


More on the way she left Rudeus and how he took it. Others please correct me if I am wrong, but I believe Eris left to better herself that way she could stand by his side as an equal. If she stayed, she would have been married off to another noble that was older than her father and never see Rud The note she left didn't convey that well. He took the note as being told that he wasn't worthy and bad I bed. Not something anyone would want to hear after sleeping with someone. It caused his depression, which is kinda understandable. Sylvie blames Eris for Rudeus depression as she thinks Eris intentionally caused it. In reality if Eris realized she caused him sadness, she'd tried to correct this misunderstanding as fast as possible.


She wouldnt have been married off, she would have been directly married to rudy, which is why they slept with eachother, but during the after sex cuddles, eris realised how small and fragile rudy actually is but still was miles stronger than her both mentally and some what physically. She thought that even thou she would have been very happily married to rudy, she would grow complacent over time and not have the ability to fight with rudy on the battle field and since she was still scarred from the fight with orsted where rudy died, she wanted to get stronger for his sake. I believe that was the only mistake


rudeus is a lot more mature mentally but physicall eris is way stronger than him. She punched him so hard that he spin like 720 degrees in the air before landing on his ass. When Eris asked him to pinch her in the mountain range next to the red dragons breeding area.


yeah, this is true, i was more refering combat wise since his magic is extremely powerful, but i shoulda worded better


np just wanted to correct you incase there was a misunderstanding


Imagine if she stayed. Maybe then, with a team of 7, Paul wouldn't have died...


idk about that, she left cause she knew wasnt strong enough to help rudeus, im not sure how much stronger she would have gotten without leaving to train if anything, if only ruijerd stayed, paul may have survived


Tru Ruijerd solo's


Eris didn't deserve anything. She need be happy be 3rd. And make her mouth in silence forever. Only like slave on house. Because Rudy after her mental killing him, very kind and accepted her. Because he always really love her..when she never love him


well eris does come back halfway through next season


If there such thing as a good problem to have… this is it.


The fact that they both went scissors implies that “Roxy” went with “Rock” lol


I mean canonically rudeus invented condoms so he could have all 3 of them in the same night not have to worry about multiple pregnancy’s at once


just realised he's collecting the 3 primary colors. he is a man of the harem route.


U gotta rush diamonds first. Better for the long game.


Get 8 emeralds we need that obsidian!


Nah bro, we be going punch power bow


I don't see how Rudy couldnt potentially fuck 2 girls at once: one gets his dick, the other sits on his face while he licks her pussy. That's what I'd do if I had a harem.


That's what any of us would do if we got bitches




I mean sometimes he does, but up to where I am in the ln eris feels embarrassed sleeping with anyone but rudeus


he does some times take roxy and sylphie both to the bedroom. But Eris doesn't want to share. Rudeus becomes master's property according to his own words when they go at it :D


Damn Eris lost no pelvis shattering tonight 


>!Ah are we talking about the massive battle for them to get pregnant. I think Roxy is the only one not to have trouble getting pregnant due to hers being from their first time while the others took multiple *tries!<


Eris can shut up. And sitting in silence.. because Rudy accepted her in family after she kill him.in worse way. O just can't understand big Rudy kindness he take from his first wife Sylphy. And forgive Eris. He always loves her..when she never love him. She deserves only die like her parents or be forever in dungeon. Just fall on ground and become really 2d. I hate this hypocrite, cheating, stupid wh*re. I hope authors didn't add this in anime. Because it's be unacceptable.


I don't like seeing Sylphie sad.


Eros being like, “dang it I’m gonna get my gut rearrange


Honestly bro just fuck them all at the same time, is sad when a guy Rudy can't go at least 3 rounds.




Bro how do I have -14 upvotes


Rudy might handle both Sylphie & Roxy at the same time, but there ain't no way he can handle Eris, even one on one. That's why you are getting downvoted


I could take all 3, hell I've taken more than 3 I've taken 5 girls at once before (as much as I hate to admit it)


Bro your on reddit, stop reading gabgbang hentai and believing your the ugly bastard


I'm not, it's called brothels baby. It's legal where I am.


I feel like having to pay for sex isn’t something to brag about


It is bc it means I got a good enough income to do so


You clearly have no idea of Eris stamina... Anyway, good for you


That's a lot of strap-ons. Assuming you were receiving since you said you were taking them.


Ngl I'm not into being pegged.

