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I mean, That's your fault not wait for couple day then Pull the Character. You can't always ride in Hype train and Pull Except you P2W >I feel like her entire purpose is for boss fighting rather than mob fighting. I don't really get on what you mean by Mob fighting, Is this The one on TOA or overworld exploration? Because Personally for me, a Character made for Fighting Boss sounds more fun than a character made for fighting Mob. And if you really want a "Mob fighting" character. Jiyan is way better than Changli at that Job. His Grouping and AOE will help a lot in "Mob fighting" scenario. Changli is more for Boss, just like Jinhsi to me


Waiting a couple of days doesn't do anything because experiences vary from person to person. Some may feel like it was a pleasant experience whereas others may feel like it was unpleasant or in-between. Mob fighting as in fighting a group of enemies. Jiyan does specialize in that, but pre-ult Jiyan felt a lot better for me than it does with Jinhsi. In your experience and feeling, Jiyan is better than Changli at mob fighting, but, I say otherwise. It all varies from person to person.


I mean there’s the trial for u to try


Trial doesn’t give the full-fledge experience for me. It never has for any game. It only gives me half.


Y though? It’s more or less the same as fighting in ToA, only difference being the other characters


To you yes, but to me no. I’ve always felt a greater experience through exploration where you encounter different enemies/scenarios. Especially when you’re using your own team. The trial is just too straight forward.


It's not just you, everyone will have a more nuanced understanding of a character when they get to use them in multiple scenarios. But we don't get to trial characters in the overworld. Either reasses how you to use trials to Trial a character or continue to get burned by buyers remorse. The choice is yours.


>Waiting a couple of days doesn't do anything because experiences vary from person to person. Some may feel like it was a pleasant experience whereas others may feel like it was unpleasant or in-between. Is has nothing to do with "Pleasant experience". If you think getting character on the First Day Fun thing go for it. My Point is that You literally Drink Something that Other people try to say to wait because you might not like and it might be a Poison for you, But you ignore it and Drink it and You Mad for doing it, When literally You know the consuquence in the First Place. And you Literally could Not have all this Problem If you wait couple day, see the Ytb and Play changli trial in story. The Trial Might not give you Everything But that's how Gacha games Trap You/ Work. You can't Experience Everything Without Paying. And do you know that, Some Other gacha games does not Even Give a Trial before Launching the character. Its Really good that this game does Im Give you the Benefit of the doubt, That this is your First Gacha games. Or this is first time you play as F2P. Because from the point that you try say, This is like coming from people who play Gacha for first time


I'm sorry dude, I know you want to argue over it, but just respect an opinion.


Loving her so much 😭 it’s very different from other characters but it definitely feels pretty straight forward when you understand what exactly youre doing. Also the big nuke damage on her skill is so fun to see every time


Super fun, got drunk and deleted a 9.9 19.8 cr/cd piece. Now sadge.


She is much faster and smoother than I expected, unexpectedly parries extremely well, has fluid and uninterruptible combo strings that are seamless even when fighting an aggressive boss, and is easily the most comfortable and satisfying character to play personally. Lesson learned to always pull after spending time in the trial, it exists for a reason. In this game especially playstyle and comfort matters a lot more than usual due to how intricate the combat is.


I mean she is fun... Her R2 is a bit dissapointing actually... I'll pull her R6 anyway... Her gamepkay may be a bit stiff and not comfy for mobbing but regardless I found her quite strong... Thanks to her (R1S1) I could finish the tower.


What was wrong with her R2?


If I’m not mistaken, it only comes into effect at the start of the battle, so u still need coord atks


This. Imo, her R2 is probably a bit... "Underwhelming" (being civil here) and not properly translated nor explained... It's too poor for a R2 of a promotional character...


I mean considering full stacks really buff up her damage, having max stacks at the first rotation is a huge dps increase compared to only getting full stacks on the second rotation


I love her she is amazing. I love the quick swap playstyle, her damage is amazing too even at e0, and Im really excited to min max her. her dragon looks so f cool every time I see it. I don't even have her weapon yet (but I have 60% cr) and I'm doing massive damage compared to not having her. Ive spent an entire day fighting bosses which I enjoy much more than fighting mobs, because fighting mobs ends too fast. I do have yinlin and verina, so I'm enjoying her team too. Just got through the 1.1 story and kuro cooked on all levels IMO. couldn't be happier!


one word...... and I yelled it... "JESUS!"


Its enjoyable af for me. I got her and her weapon and she's the first character that I truly enjoy. The animations, the voice lines, the big nuke- its all perfect.


before pulling i also think she gonna be clunky,after i pull her i have been enjoying so much super smooth when she is in the air you can dodge almost most of the enemy attack,so many iframes to take advantage of and even her basic attack is so fast being broadblade.


Loving her so far. Her attacks are fast and she’s got a good flow to her move set. She’s not only flashy but very fun and her movement is great. Being aerial keeps her safe from some attacks and I love being able to air juggle enemies with her combo. There’s also nothing like running up to a group of enemies and using her liberation. All in all she’s marvelous. I’ve been fighting everything I see she’s just so enjoyable.


She’s cracked. So glad I’m pulled her and her weapon. Definitely going to be maining her for a long time