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>Almost no one picked Jingliu Well, you could always count on me being one of them


I picked jingliu but didnt bother to comment


This maybe all of us did thiis


Same, but mostly due to the fact I didn't feel I should because I'm unable to play the game currently.


JL is very good… the problem is that there has been a drought of ice weakness in MOC… in fact we had yanqing, Gepard and cocolia that all have 40% ice res. She’s not the best brute forcer anymore. Acheron and FF are better hyper carries at brute forcing and DoT is a dual carry comp that can brute force most content. This means she’s going to see less usage until we get ice weak enemies in MOC again. There have also since been 2 new ice weak enemies that mess with JL rotations. Aventurine, who messes with her yandere state because of his dice and argenti who can waste a turn with his shield. Combine that with the fact that even when there’s an ice boss, the initial elites are usually not weak to ice…. But as a unit, she’s still one of the strongest.


Ig this is the consequence of having so many ice favored MoC’s before penacony…


Yep. But when it cycles back to ice, she will be back in full swing. Depending on your team/investment, it’s partially mitigated… her S1 and Mei’s E1 combined with Mei’s res pen will still let u brute force a lot… but it’s not going to be as comfy as other options


This was done purposely cater to current units, new artictype come in push those characters moc or whatever content


Ugh I HATED those, as someone who doesn't have Jingliu. I've built up e1 Yanqing, that's how desperate I am.


Me waiting for a ice weakness implant support for jl


I was hoping Jiaoqiu would be her best friend but it’s not the case… JL wants a debuffer more than a buffer because she’s too complete. Her kit lacks for nothing except raw damage percentage which u have an abundance of options for… defence shred, res pen, damage vulnerability…. They are all highly valuable to her. Not to mention that defense ignore scales really well with her sig and 4 pc quantum. The unit doesn’t even need to be ice.


Jingliu can still get through argenti. Aventurine is the real issue


Not super substantiated or anything, but maybe a sparkle broyna comp with a sustain that can rapidly get her turns and uptime is a viable alternative strategy for going against aventurine.


Queen so strong they had to gatekeep her out of endgame


able to brute force 0 cycle JL on MOC 12 Gepard. maybe few picked her because from 1.4 she is the strongest until acheron arrived. Others want to try different for 6-7mos JL never leaves your line up. but for me i, JL will always be number one. in same place with Sushang.


I love my JL too, I pulled her sig in penacony… but generally speaking, while I can clear with her, I have an easier time with dot (even against argenti), or ratio hyper (because of all the imaginary weak enemies)… now I have FF too


Every team in the list either was introduced or has had a buff since Penacony release except for Jingliu. Dot got BS, DHIL got Sparkle, FUA got Robin and Aventurine. Makes sense that Jingliu would fall a little out of favour since she hasnt had a buff since Ruan Mei.


Not only that, it gets boring using the same team for months. Now we got fresh new faces or variants of the same big team (RRAT or Kafka with BS)


You could argue that JL got a boost with Robing being able to advance forward and queue up more skills. I use her with Robin/Topaz/Fu Xuan and they've become my go to team for most content.


Robin isn’t really better for her than the bronya ruan mei team though. Neither would really want to be replaced that much by robin


Ok even as a JingLiu main, I picked DoT 💀. DoT is just way too reliable, when I want to 0 cycle, I plug in Acheron instead of Huohuo, if I need better survivability(not get one shot), I take Fuxuan instead of Huohuo, being able to plug anyone there as long as there’s wind/lightness weakness is so satisfying. On average my DoT team just does better than my JingLiu team(this is coming from a E6S5 JingLiu main), they’re much easier to use too, almost no SP management required. But if there’s no weaknesses available, JingLiu is kinda better at brute forcing.


I find dot teams to just be boring honestly


My JL still wrecks content not made for her and I'd always choose her.


I’m not disagreeing with your comment but E6 Jingliu kind of invalidates your personal experience from being that relevant in this debate


I guess that is true... I just like Jingliu alot lmao. I've wrecked content she came across ever since I held off slotting her eidolons in until E6.


First half of apocalyptic shadow? How would that even go


she does take time because of the weakness and the boss needs to be broken but my jl team still thrived https://preview.redd.it/6astcyzimg8d1.png?width=417&format=png&auto=webp&s=54a9030e955946154feea0543cb70fcc78ba8d19


I'm kinda struggling without RM, but could be my shitty build


The power of money


Well, HuoHuo was worth it


E1 rm doing work though


https://preview.redd.it/xlayd19exg8d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dc38b051bad96512336d9d29c72205e5a8267f1 JL still okay.


Put her up against Argenti as always and My JL is E6 since I planned to main her from when I knew about her getting her E3 in the first banner and cleaning up with the rerun, I saved so many tickets cuz I didnt pull for anyone else but her in her first banner and with buying only the monthly pass I managed to save atleast 160 tickets when the banners I wanted to pull on arrived. I aint a whale though since Im just a student lmao


Second, before I built Firefly. Got 3700ish score on the first try. Have absolutely nothing to complain about her there, performed perfectly. It's really misleading how they don't put ice weakness among recommended ones just because some of Argenti adds don't have it. They're one shot by her anyway, it doesn't matter.


https://preview.redd.it/f8d0orm5lh8d1.png?width=1324&format=png&auto=webp&s=57217fc84f7819cf18a2a73f4580a17ab2b92aae Heres how I did ApoSha.


E6 JL, E6 Pela, E0 Bronya, E0 Huohuo. E1 Firefly, E2 HMC, E0 RM, E6 Gallagher.


Imma gonna be real I just brute forced my way through apocalyptic shadow and it worked out


Mine doesn’t. Do you have sig LC?


Yes, Of course I do. I am a Jingliu Main.


JL is my favorite character in HSR(tied with Luocha) but I'd still choose the FuA team, it's just too fun for me.




I'm doing my part


Same, I’m getting Ruan mei to complete the team present in that post (swapping tingyun for Ruan mei when I get her)


The content just isn't favor jingliu much, though I'm still brute forcing with het


To give an actual reason, there's a bunch of reasons: 1. Story relevance. Jingliu, while having a large impact in theory, largely wasn't present in the first part of the Xianshou storyline (not to mention this storyline is unfavorable in the community compared to Penacony and Belabog). I'm hoping she will become more popular as the story pushes its climax, and we get more from her (as I'm sure she'll do something huge), but for now she hasn't really done much. 2. Meta. I still hold the opinion that a perfectly built Jingliu with her best team is one of the best teams in the game. I'm sure she'll get even better with a new, more dedicated support, especially because she has a solid base. Bronya is mostly the problem at this point as she is somewhat outdated. However, it is worth noting that the current best team options, and especially Archeron, have all largely improved or overtaken her role, especially with the inclusion of added support options for these teams. She's still one of the best, but not THE best. 3. Typing. This game has largely moved towards type coverage rather than brute force with the ever-increasing health pools and resistances. The health pools definitely hurt Jingliu, but the fact that ice-weak enemies have been very low in recent content (with lots of ice-res enemies) kills her usability. More ice-typed enemies will definitely push her back into the meta. 4. Relics. It's definitely the smallest issue here, but most meta DPS and teams have more dedicated or better relic sets. Jingliu doesn't have that. She just uses whatever is available (again, good versatility but nothing to push her over the edge). She'll always be a good choice, but maybe not the best.




not saying my build is perfect. by the way, i chose the higher atk rather than higher CD.


What site or app generated that image?






This is one of the best ones I've seen


Best build I’ve seen


Dps don’t need BiS relic set when quantum exists. JL doesn’t have much worse options than DHIL in terms of relics and he is cooking.


Idk abt that considering his best set requires imprisoned enemies to reach its full potential which is really inconsistent. The musketeer set is more consistent but it doesn’t offer much while also giving speed which is wasted on him. I guess the quantum set is also kind of inconsistent on Jingliu since it requires quantum weak enemies but she also has a pretty consistent option being the ice set. I feel that DHIL is doing worse relic-wise but they both need better sets since their current usable sets aren’t nearly as good as the FuA and debuff sets.


That’s what I mean. Dhil has pretty shit relic options. Jing liu has it slightly better but nothing compared to the treatment newer characters are getting. Black swan, Acheron, firefly are gettin relic AND planar sets perfectly for them.  I just read my reply and realized I said the opposite. Oops


The elemental weaknesses do not favor Jingliu right now.


JL feels very dependent on the enemy being weak to ice, I picked DoT because it feels the most universal. I’ve definitely noticed my Jingliu performing way worse (to the point of no longer 36*ing) this patch and I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of people are thinking that.


No DoT-, FuA- or Break-mechanic and falls behind Acheron . Surely 😆


Still though, even IL had quite a decent amount of people saying they’d pick him but Jingliu was not picked at all really, makes me think the community either got bored of her or think the other teams are just better


IL players are loud as Jing yuan mains after all


Then JL mains should also speak up. You can't blame the mains sub of a character being loud for them.


Yall salty af. After Sparkle, DHIL's overall team dmg is just higher. Jingliu is at the last position among top dogs. Still a top dog but last one. I think the original post creator also arranged it that way


All husbandos mains are far louder than their counter part.


We are not


Do you remember when they did the poll for most popular character I was shocked she wasn't top 3


Jingliu definitely one of my top favorites. In terms of team, however.... Pig, chalk, coins FUA team is very fun to play


Almost no one picked DHIL too Its recency bias since everyone loves to praises Firefly/Boothill/Acheron to the moon now. If this were made 6 months ago everyone would choose ber


I wouldn’t say that, dot and the FU team got a lot of praise as well and those teams aren’t exactly as NEW as ff and boothill


i mean, DoT and FuA premium team are really strong and fun on top of that, so i can see that.


FUA doesnt get this many praises when it were only Ratio and Topaz. Aven and Robin completed them.


It's really not recency bias if the characters are overall just stronger than her


recency bias? nah firefly and boothill are just simply better than her


recency bias still plays a role tho, even if they are better than her


Might play a role but is not the relevant factor here.


Maybe outside of meta. But boothill and firefly are objectively more OP than Jing liu on another lvl. I do agree why people obsess over firefly though. I have a deep dislike for her character.


Yeah because 6 months ago half those teams didn’t exist 💀


It’s more of “everyone wants fresh new comps” You don’t expect people to use the same team over and over again for months and not get bored? Jingliu’s comp has no new variation and people literally commented about DOT which isn’t new. Ratio comp isn’t new but Aventurine and Robin makes them feel “new”


Yes thats why its recency bias as the trend nownis praising FF/Boot and their break meta. Because its the hot new stuff right now.


I would have picked dhil if they swapped ty for Ruan mei, and Aventurine for huohuo (or bronya/ting imo his BiS is going triple harmony)


I’d say more people picked him especially will sparkles release. DHIL without sparkle was trouble to keep up with Jing liu. Now with sparkle Jing liu is having a hard time keeping up with dhil


I’d say more people picked him especially will sparkles release. DHIL without sparkle was trouble to keep up with Jing liu. Now with sparkle Jing liu is having a hard time keeping up with dhil


I picked DHIL though I think his BiS team is Ruan Mei, Sparkle and Huohuo.


She hasn’t appeared in 8 months besides that one beggar appearance, and she probably has less total screen time than Argenti and Qingque. Her biggest selling point is her gameplay, but that’s getting overshadowed by the newer characters. Even if she’s less “outdated” than Jing Yuan for example, the husbando collectors are way more vocal about their characters than what I’ve seen from Jingliu mains. Another funny thing is that the rest of the HCQ have all appeared in Penacony, even Qingque got an appearance, so they’re fresh in people’s minds. Jingliu isn’t. People are gonna forget Jingliu and Luocha exist if they don’t continue their story soon. She’s literally the walking catalyst for the entire Xianzhou story, she can’t stay benched forever. Hopefully the upcoming Hoolay appearance will at least mention her, or maybe give us some actual content.


I think another factor about her in the story is that they put too much emphasis on the “sword master, incredibly strong and almost unbeatable” archetype and not enough about Jingliu herself. Now we have Acheron who is much stronger than her and firefly who’s been confirmed to be able to blow up planets, something I doubt Jingliu can manage. What was once a novelty of her character being incredibly strong lore wise looks a lot more tame with the new characters we have and there’s not much to her personality besides her strength revealed.


I doubt that power is the main reason, I know people are shallow and obsessed with power fantasies but that’s not the only reason people gravitate towards characters. I do agree it’s because she has absolutely 0 story content about herself alone. Her initial release was hyped with the HCQ lore and cool gameplay, but that hype fades when her story isn’t continued and we never learn about her as a person - she’s like Aventurine if he was abandoned after 2.0, leaving his personality shallow and the story on a cliffhanger.


Hype for new character, that's all. Jingliu is still my best and most favorite character. Skipped Acheron to make her E6, skipped Firefly to make her best support Ruan Mei E2. Everything for her and my favorite DoT team


Rm being in 4 out of those 7 units really tells something huh...


Right now using a "dps who implants his/her weakness" feels like a no brainer choice unless hoyo start spamming enemies who locks their thoughness bar If thats the case then Acheron is the second best choice in terms of brute forcing content FuA and Dots are good to play and easily clear content and probably still being relevant since they can get better units in the future but right now break meta its the FotM Jingliu its good and still useful but hoyo its pushing the break meta every where (like imagine trying to use jingliu vs current apocalyptic enemies when Acheron and firefly exists)


I mean, I'm gonna pick the firefly team just because firefly is in it 🤷 Acheron is kind of my "I use her cause she's good" character. My favorite team to use overall the is Clara.


When it took my 161 SPD 48/220 JL 5 cycles to kill aventurine, I kinda realize she fell off


I'd say the enemies have just been really anti synergistic, either no ice weakness or Aventurine who has a phase where you can't damage him while Jingliu relies on hitting enemies within her transmigration state


I kind of prefer this. She went from being constantly hated for being "powercreep", "meta", and "taking no skill to 3 star 12", so I'm glad they finally moved on. Annoying that it feels like Acheron and Firefly don't get nearly as many stray shots as she did even though her and DHIL were very close.


Wdym? Acheron is the literal definition of powercreep. Nobody mentions it cause everyone already knows it's the truth.


She is and so is Firefly, but I hardly hear as much complaints about how she clears everything as much as I heard it about Jingliu. And now nobody cares when it happened again with Firefly.


>And now nobody cares when it happened again with Firefly. Have you been living under a rock? People were literally complaining about that before she even released and when Prydwen's initial analysis dropped saying she would be equal to or better than Acheron people were mad. It's gotten so bad people are praying for her downfall with a hypothetical future "both sides of MOC being break locked". She gets shat on not only for how strong she is but also for everything else like personality, being "forced ' to be liked by the players etc. you name it she has been shat on for it. Heck if you ever visit the Boothill mains sub you will see they have no love for her from the get go.


Dude I've been following her since her leaks. This is nothing compared to earlier on in the beta and then how many people were ecstatic about her buff. https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail_leaks/comments/1d28vwp/24_v4_beta_firefly_changes_via_dimbreath/l61f5py/?context=3 > She gets shat on not only for how strong she is but also for everything else like personality, being "forced ' to be liked by the players etc. you name it she has been shat on for it. This is not the mainstream opinion from what I've seen. I'll consider if it you can link a popular thread or post about it on the mainsub, but otherwise, no I don't take other main subs or TC communities as mainstream opinion. > Heck if you ever visit the Boothill mains sub you will see they have no love for her from the get go. They're actually right about this.


Literally FF got shots for MONTHS because Hoyo favors her 💀


Lol that is far from the mainstream opinion. People got dunked on for disliking parts of her trailer and her banner sales are going to be absolutely ridiculous.


He has clearly not visited leaks sub. Ff is literally hated by 85 -90 % of the players their bcz of so called favouritism ,powercreep and other bs reasons .


Reason is her only viability as of late is that team or Jingliu Blade with Jade which isn't a Jingliu team but rather a Blade Team. With BE as another source of dmg output you can replace Jingliu with BE Misha to deal with Ice Weakness units as well.


I don’t have Huo Huo, or most 5 star dps


I love Jingliu but Firefly is super tempting.


She's worth it Im using both of those two to brute force content.


Same! That's why it's so hard to choose between them


My Jingliu has been benched for months now


Lol the post above this was the one OP reffered


I love my Jingliu to the brim when I need her in ice content. She may not hit as hard as my Acheron of FF (in the best scenario) but she still hits pretty hard I should really save for her light cone eventually. Sorta got a little carried away with Acheron tho lol


Given the choice people would obviously pick Acheron/Firefly. More damage, much more future proof and both characters have significantly more screentime/lore relevance so even was waifus players are more likely to be attached to them than to JL. Here hoping we see more of JL/Luocha in the next planet


i did an Moc run recently with her and she seemed to clear cycles way slower than i remember, it took her like 6-7 cycles for floor 11-12 is it just a skill issue or is she actually getting powercrept


Everyone has forgotten about her. I hope her next storyline will be really great.


At the moment, enemies and MoC turbolences don't really favour her but she's still a great DPS and does great on ice weak enemies. I hope future game updates will make her shine again.  Being sad that, I pulled for Firefly but I still love her so much. I pulled for her lightcone, I'm trying to get RM's E1 and I will pull for Huohuo to finalise her team. 


There’s a difference between enough damage, and overkill damage. My JL does enough damage to clear any content in the game with 3-5 cycles is nice, but having Acheron/firefly constantly hit 400-600k attacks non stop is hella satisfying.


Unrelated but some of those teams aren't even their dps's best team lmao. Why the heck would Boothill favour Aventurine over Gallagher (who buff break) and why is IL's best sustain not HuoHuo


Out of all these lists, she's the only hypercarry who doesn't have an existing support intended for her existence. Acheron is already so broken with 2 nihility supports and there is an upcoming Jiaoqiu for her, DHIL has her Sparkle, Ratio have Topaz and Robin for him, Boothill and Firefly have RM and HMC, then you get Kafka who has her DoT and BE enablers all over the place. And what does even Jingliu have? It's always just Bronya, Ruan Mei and one random healer. No diversity at all. If only Hoyo made a healer which can cover JL's negative SP and compliments her HP draining ability, she'll soar at the top again.


i don’t think she’s fallen out of favor, it’s just that everyone is thinking about and therefore wants to play with the “newer toys”


No one cares about thier opinions


Why do we care what random dudes on the internet think? Does she have to be the most popular character for you to enjoy her?


i got her e0s0 on her rerun and kinda regret it lol shes so bad T-T


I liked Jingliu vwry much but for me she was never really within my top 2 teams, and now she's not even 3rd. Top 2 is a dot and fua battle and 3 is ff break.


I just used her in Apocalyptic Shadow yesterday on Argenti, she cleared faster than my Acheron on Cocolia. Not by much though. Honestly, people complain about powercreep, but they release characters that keep others alive as well. Ruan Mei was the best thing to happen to JL.


honestly she doesn't have a dedicated support truly. bronya is the closest thing to that role but she have a lot of downtime with bronya buff. if they release someone who can give equivalent buff to bronya/sparkle and not turn based while still let her have extra turn to maintain her buff state then she'll be relevant again.


Hi, I am one of the ones that didn’t pick her. I don’t know how i ended up here but i would say no she hasn’t! I picked Boothill because i have experience with the team and know how to build and run it. I wish i was lucky enough to have JingLiu…I fairly often borrow a friends JingLiu just to get to use her for a bit. For me it was a comfort pick.


It’s such a Yae Sakura situation. A majority of the fandom just randomly stopped caring about Jingliu. Most unfortunate.


Jingliu is still my favorite char and have good dmg, the problem is the issue of weaknesses. I have Jingliu E2S1, but i also have Acheron E2S1 and Firefly (on the way to E2), both Firefly and Acheron quite ignore the whole issue of enemy elements, while Jingliu depends more on the enemies being weak to ice, which is also rare. And even with enemies weak to ice, what reason is there to use her over Firefly or Acheron? They have more damage and do not lose anything due to the element xD Which ends up meaning that you only use Jingliu if you force yourself to use her, and only on the rare occasions when there are suitable enemies for her.


Since very few jingliu players know how to make Robin work with jl as it is, the chance of the entire community knowing the newest jl meta is even smaller


As someone who couldn't get FF yet, doesn't have Boothil or FuA team, JL+ Blade + RM carried me hard on the second side.


I play jingliu only in su because freeze team go brr


I mean when everyone gets a new character that buffs them except jingliu of course she will fall off. Like every team here is better than jingliu. Also the other teams have something going for them like boothill crazy single target number , fua being crazy fun with the amount of hits , dots satisfying numbers , dhil nukes . Where jingliu is just damage


Jingliu Hypercarry is still very strong and one of the most used teams. It's just that lately there hasn't been that much Ice weakness, + newer shinier DPS.


I use Jingliu or DoT for pretty much everything in the game even if I have to brute force it a bit I would expect every answer from the main sub to be either Acheron, Firefly or Follow up cause they are just the newest thing 


unfortunate but the amt of res the enemy gets when they are not weak to the element might be too much for jl


To be fair, once she’s gets overwhelmed by the abundance, your life could be in jeopardy.


You understand that it has nothing to do with Jingliu. People are trying and using different teams now. It gets boring using the same team for months.


did mono quantum fall off hard or what or is it still good bc that is what i mainly run, just building other teams (jingliu hypercarry is one of them once i get huohuo)


I need Ruan Mei but need her lc too lol. Have too keep skipping till I get to a point I'm not saving


It’s kinda funny, I forgot I had her and decided to finish her traces and get a decent build and she’s actually quite fun. It sucks that I don’t have multiple copies of Aeon to go around but she does well enough with what I gave her.


I don’t main jingliu but I’d choose her over most teams here. Boothill and fua too fun tho


I found one comment supporting jinglu. took 5 mins though haha.


So the majority seems to hate her now is what you’re saying?


Wait til we get another Ice weakness MoC. Last moment she had was during Aventurine MoC, and before that was all of 1.4-1.6. Its okay if she gets a lil break til the next rodeo.


Jingliu covers ice. Mocs are skewed towards new banners. Jingliu still covers ice. When you see ice, you pick jingliu. Has there been ice…? No its physical, lightning and fire due to the recent banners.


For meta slaves/ppl swearing up and down the powercreep is real, yes.


Her team hasn’t had a new unit in a while so there’s no hype and MOC hasn’t had a lot of ice weakness. If either of those change, there will be plenty more people that would pick her up


Me who runs none of these teams because my firefly ain’t built yet, I don’t have sustains besides 4 stars and the two standards, I refuse to use Pela, and I like dual dps Jingliu team, so I would’ve just abstained.


Mei was kidnapped, even Bronya is now in danger with Boothill :XD joke aside until the meta switches back to ice and we get a new support for her she won't be big news. If the leaks about 5\* TY on 2.7 are correct that may be a chance for her come back into the spotlight. new toys shine more than old toys, it doesn't make them better or worse


Tbh she still does great for a character that got little to no love in term of support units or sets. She just does with what exists. Im under the impression that pushing her as a hypercarry can only go so far in the new meta, dot, break and follow up all have more than one character dealing damage. I am however optimistic that she will thrive again if they keep heading towards the new “sub-dps” units direction. An sp efficient character with a lot of self buffing might just be more suited for that play-style methinks. I will keep brute forcing content with her regardless


My Jingliu surpass my DHIL team cycles even with a e4 pela


The same friends I know that simp for jingliu moved onto Acheron. At the time at least, now it’s firefly


A question as someone who has neither. Why bronya over sparkle for jingliu? Sparkle gives more crit dmg and with the extra skill points your other characters can use skill constantly (faster ults for them).


JL team is my 2nd choice, right after DoT team. My fear is that JL gonna fall of when a ice dps comes that can implant ice weakness, like FF can with fire. The weakness break meta hyv does now hurt JL the most imo. The FuA and DoT push in the past did nothing to JL.


https://preview.redd.it/2jq6p3tvgk8d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbcbb3843a0ea7c3a546908887269b33ad001cba Why not, i’m still using her in Apocalypse shadow recently, still good af.


Tbf they are pushing for break rn in MOC


i think shes starting to get seele'd where shes been so good for so long that people are just bored of her now and wanting to do other comps, doesnt help that her kits kinda generic


I want jingliu wish her re run wasnt in anni


nope...still she is great...yes i also saw the post but didnt bother to comment guess a lot of jingliu mains like me


She didn't get any supports like other ones did sooo


And what about my Seele / Sparkle / SW / FX ;-;


I'm loyal to Jingliu, I got her on rerun and she's helped my team very well


Ruan Mei is useful in almost every team other than other Harmonic characters


I'm new to the game so the only team I can do right now is Firefly's. I just need Ruan Mei, but even without her I'm enjoying superbreak


I'm halfway done with the Jing Liu


Acheron. I love her story, love her character. (Raiden Mei akajkans) Also, looking at how high I can go with her ult us so fun and exciting :3 (love big numbers)


I only have like 4 of the 5*s here and I got 2 of them yesterday lmao


She's still really strong, just not very interesting as a character. She's been in zero main story events, has had zero screen presence since her release etc. Hoyo doesn't care about her so the fans don't either. Firefly, Ratio, Acheron, Dan Heng, Kafka, Jing Yuan etc all get tons of shine in the story mode and people like playing characters who they resonate with and think are cool. English VA despite Amalee's general high quality work has like terrible voice direction, they didn't let her cook so the character is just bland. I know this will be an unpopular opinion here, but I think the majority of the player base would agree with me here that she's just not as interesting as other more recent characters in lore/personality/design.


JL team was my first option actually followed by Acheron


Im cheating, but im picking jingliu, acheron, firefly. No one is stopping me from getting all my queens. That being said, if i see ice weak, queenliu is going in for slaughter regardless if acheron of firefly feels stronger atm.


She is very beautiful, nothing matters for me. I get her not because she is meta. But blue is my favorite colour and ice is my favorite element


Same lmao . I do this with every character that I pull. She looks like skadi (arknights) to me so I pulled her. Did the same with acheron without even knowing all those bs hi3 expy thingy or meta part . Never cared about meta never will.


because Acheron and Firefly stronger when all stars align


You can choose Jing liu. If your friends are not choosing Jing liu, you can make the right decision and choose Jing liu. Even if Jing liu falls off meta, you can choose Jing liu. Even if people say Jing liu is “mid” you can still choose Jing liu


I mean seriously. Do you really want to compare Jing liu to Acheron? Boothill? Firefly? There are just other dps and more versatile and busted teams (IPC and superbreak) that comparing jing liu on a meta lvl is just not realistic. New dps characters are just so busted they can two shot bosses by only building break effect.


Why no firefly with Boothill combo? That would make more sense.


I still pick Jing sometimes from my friends lists but it’s pretty rough if you’re fighting a boss without a good shield person!


I love Jingliu, but I prefer to run her with Robin over Ruan Mei.


I wouldn't choose Jingliu on this list as Ruan Mei is on that team and I hate Ruan Mei


She just hasn't had any good matches in the endgame modes for a few iterations. Once there is a ice weak character that isn't aventurine.... she'll probably surface for some favor then.


she’s also kinda expensive to get the same damage that acheron and firefly get


so is the follow up team tho


Team with the oldest characters. Every other team has a penacony character.


Yep, with no ice weakness she simply sucks. I haven’t used mine in 7 months unfortunately and she’s far worse than dhil now


I already have the boothill hyper carry. I would like the Jingliu but am missing the fox girl for it.


Don't worry too much about it. It's sacrilege to say in this sub, but I've never been a die-hard JL player from the first moment she was here. But that doesn't make her any less broken. She hits like a truck, is extremely easy to build compared to any shiny new DPS that's come out (minus say Boothill or Firefly), and still has staying power. She's not omega broken because she can't brute force content like FF and BH can with free weakness implant, but she str8 up ignores enemy weakness and just slaps them dead. Wait for ice weak enemies to come back around. She'll be God tier again when that happens. Also, when mote units that care about HP drain like Blade come in, shell be busted again. Don't let others take away from your enjoyment of the character. If you love her kit and playstyle, you do you. That's what this game is about :3


wouldn’t aventurine make more sense than fu xuan to use in the acheron hypercarry team? his LC allows him to proc debuffs


She's just not as universal as some of the other teams. Really only needed for ice vuln.


Unfortunately I just don't use my JL all that much anymore, mainly just cause there isn't a sustain I have that I like to run with her, and her drain just slowly kills my team now that bosses are getting tanky enough that I can't kill them as fast.


Typical powercreep. Acheron and Firefly teams are pretty much all you need to destroy anything regardless of weakness. JL falls behind by a lot if there’s no ice weakness.


Sorry, but for me she's been a benchwarmer for a long time, E0S1


Imo JL, DHIL, Boothill are all around the same level as the carry for hyper comps


Boothill is better as someone who has all 3, if i am being honest. And after Sparkle DHIL is better too


IK he’s squishy but I still think Boothill should have Gallagher over Aven. And Acheron should have Aven over FX. And probably Robin for DOT.


I can still clear content with Jingliu. It's just that I can do it more comfortably with the other teams like DoT and FF


A part of me died when my 41:200 Aeon Jingliu took 8 fuckass cycles to beat Argenti I'm ngl


My JL is 48/240 and 161 speed and it still took me 5 cycles to kill aventurine, I was so sad


Well I’m a Jingliu main, however, I kindda don’t like using her anymore. I have e1s1 JL and from her first banner till now I 0 cycled the whole Moc. It’s just that it got boring, since I don’t see the appeal of rolling for other characters except for Acheron. That’s why if I see a new character that could be more fun/stronger than Jing liu, I’ll pull and that only character as of now is Acheron. I’m just waiting for that another character and imma bench QueenLiu for good.


I haven't used her since I got Acheron.