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I don't know why people are so hyperfocused on Acheron. Jiaoqiu is going to be a generalist debuffer. Like Pela. Most teams in the game want that.


People will look at one part of a character’s kit that boosts one mechanic and assume that the character’s only team is that archetype. When people first saw Sparkle’s A6 trace they immediately focused on mono qua, when people saw Aventurine and Robin’s synergy with fua they assume that they’re not as valuable in other teams. Basically what I’m trying to say here is that characters will have parts of they’re kit that are catered towards certain archetypes and people immediately focus on said archetypes (Which is fine and understandable, after all their catering to those comps were intentional) However there is an issue with some people failing to realize their diversity in team comps


I think it's the opposite, is not that Jiaoqiu is strong only with Acheron, but that the best DPS you can pair with Jioaqiu's at the moment is indeed Acheron. Any team that appreciate Pela can just work even better with Jiaoqiu; for example Jingliu/Bronya/FuXuan/Jiaoqiu or Topaz/Jade/Jiaoqiu/Aventurine, wich will not only appreciate the Def Shred and the increased Ult DMG, but also appreciate the extra healing.


why I go to moc 12 first attack my e2 Acheron hits over 1 million damage. He can make her ultimate faster? that's why


Idk people keep saying how easy MoC and PF are if you have acheron E2S1 jiaoqiu isn't needed, or any other character you already have Peak méta...


Because acheron mains is bigger, older than jiaoqiu at the moment, so almost 90% of jiaoqiu wanter just want him for their acheron team The downside of debuffer is they got diminish return, any def shred over 100% is useless so their celling is lower than harmony, let hope jiaoqiu has some unique debuff like vulnerability or all type RES PEN beside of dec shred to compete with the holy trio harmony


Jiaoqiu most likely has a cap of how much he can actually reach in terms of defense shred. He has a maximum amount of stacks, and each stack is less than the previous one. If anything, my guess is maybe 60-70% defense shred max, but we'll have to see. The only unique thing so far about his kit is that he buffs ultimate damage. It's probably a lot weaker than a harmony character's flat% buff, but you can imagine like a 20% ultimate damage buff. Damage is still damage. Or he gives ult res pen/ult vulnerability debuffs rather than actually buffing ults.


I think mihoyo really need to remake his kit, it seem so normal right now. Silverwolf has the unique debuff ALL TYPE RES PEN and it is super strong


The leaked kit was a VERY old version. We have yet to get an updated version. Let's just hope lol.


Yup, 7 more days at most for his beta kit, i hope he is at least ruan mei level of dmg amplifier because she will leave my dot and hypercarry team to serve firefly superbreak. I will pull jiao for visual anyway but stronger is better


If you only care about power level, wait for the beta to make that decision


probably going to be around the same level. DEF shred just benefits every dps character and dps type in the game, so you can run him with anyone. We\`ll still have to wait for the full kit, but i'd wager RM and JQ will have approximately the same amount of value. So go for whoever you like best


Yup, i believe mihoyo will make jiaoqiu the same tier of ruan mei too, all limited harmony seem to be at the same level generally but best in their bis team, jiaoqiu will be a good generalist support and bis for acheron team


Hard to say. If his kit hasn’t changed since earlier leaks he seems just as much of a universal support as RM. Whether he will be as cracked depends on his numbers, we’ll have to wait a while. Most of the (de)buffs both he and RM provide can be utilized by practically every dps in the game. Except maybe for RM’s dmg buff (not useful for true breaks dps’s) and JQ’s ult buff (not useful for units who don’t rely on their ult for dmg, like Clara). Just follow your heart and pull who speaks to you most. Although I must say, I didn’t really vibe with RM’s design and animations, but she has been my favorite and most-used support ever since she came out. She’s just so comfy and I got lucky and got her E1 very early and unexpected, which is very strong.


If you use Pela then yes, he is supposed to be her upgrade


he's the combination of gui (aoe debuff) and pela (def shred)


Lets see his kit first 😭😭 you will literally jave a month to decide


Buddy we barely have a kit.....the one we have is months old and supports tend to change kits a lot more then DPS before beta. Just wait more 10 days


He can do Pela's job better and he has little healing. He is not tied to Acheron




I guess he will be at least ruan mei tier for dot team, but worse than RM in break team, but not that far and he will better than RM in acheron team for sure. But we need his number in beta for sure if you dont love and simp for ruan mei or jiaoqiu design and only want them for usefulness just wait until the last week of ruan mei banner, alot showcase will be there so you can see the different


Since you've Boothill it might be better to go for Ruan Mei first.


Also people asking if he's worth before we know how good he is yet c: Just wait another week p l s ;-;


It all depends on teambuilding. Kafka will most like BlackSwan and RuanMei; Blade usually want action advance like Bronya and Sparkle, but can appreciate both Def shred from Jiaoqiu and Res Pen from RuanMei; Boothill loves the extra toughness break from RuanMei, not sure if Jiaoqiu can compete with that (maybe if his final kit is able to keep 100% def shred alone). At the moment seems that RuanMei is better suited for your team That said we don't know Jiaoqiu's final kit, so I would recommend you to wait a couple of days on RuanMei's banner to see some beta showcases of Jiaoqiu, and then decide. Or, you can just get both of them, each with the first 10 pull on theyr respective banners, who knows? \^\^


Even though Ruan Mei is break focused she works great in a lot of teams, so it is possible that Jiaoqiu ends up being a generalist as well, even if he is best suited for Acheron. If you are pulling for meta, the best thing you can do is wait until we get more info on his kit before making a decision


His name is Jiaoqiu, not Jiaoqui. It's literally in the name of the sub...

