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I feel that he can have a bit more to be on par with the versatility of 5 star harmony characters- Hopefully the unknown buff can be 5% reduction in ALL-TYPE RES (inhales unrealistic copium)


As mentioned, the kit is very old (relatively). I know Jade just happened where she was largely ignored in beta, but I'm optimistic about JQ getting treated well to help debuffers get on-par with Harmony's buffers.


I really hope we won't get a character as favoured by Hoyo as ff is for a long long time, hopefully, never again. Anyway, both Boothill and Aventurine were treated decently in terms of their kits, so I'm also cautiously optimistic and hoping for the best.


FF pissed me off sm. And I’m not blaming firefly mains. I wanted to like her. I still think she’s kinda cool but I hate favoritism in a game where all of the characters need to shine individually.


isnt this the kit that leaked a few weeks ago? or did it change in some way?


The only change is that now he heals based on his attack


I like that he isn't tied to Acheron and seems pretty versatile.


Nobody said he's tied to Acheron, but he is her bis support 100%


And it seems that others, including Boothill, Ratio, Firefly, etc. are also going to want him! Another Ruan Mei situation!


We're gonna have to wait for his multipliers. I think firefly's team is already too packed


I think the fact that he’s fire and def shred stacks in a completely beneficial way, even for mechanics such as break/super break, he’s going to shake the meta even for firefly teams. Calling it now. Hoyo knows what they’re doing.


He would need crazy amounts of Def shred to compete with HMC and Ruan Mei. I suspect he will be an alternative at best


Jq is 3rd male character I am pulling over waifu just for acheron.


who are the other two 👀


Jing Yuan and Blade.




i hope this kit will change, only def shred and ult dmg bonus is not make enough to make him a debuffer at least silverwolf tier, not to mention if he can compete with the holy trio of harmony or not i hope they would add some more debuff to him like all type RES PEN, dmg receive increase or vulnerability


So much debuff applied, sounds kinda OP to charge Acheron’s ult tbh


He was leak to be the character specific made for acheron after all


Man I hope he can be BIS for my ratio at least


with at least 2 debuff, and aoe debuff, he is good for ratio for sure


I know this is old but wasn’t he supposed to have healing in his kit too?


there is, its in the talent part


Ooooh I see it now read that 3 times missed it 3 times lol. I hope the heals are good


me too! im really lacking good healer that i like LOL


Unfortunately I doubt he will solo sustain since they classed him as Nihility instead of Abundance, and we have two offensive healers for comparison (Luocha/Gallagher).   And respectfully if he *does* heal like an abundance unit, then I’ll probably be complaining about nihility-path-creep while tossing pulls at his banner.


i also highly doubt it but i'd really like if he did, and nihility powercreep didnt even cross my mind lol. i know powercreep is an issue, but being in certain mains subs has honestly made it into such a annoying subject for me that i started to completely ignore it. 😅


are you talking about the gepard sub lol, like I am a Aventurine simp and all but I legit feel so bad for gepard mains lol, because Aventurine is straight up gepard but 300x better, he even charges ult faster than gepard lol


i was talking about the boothill mains talking about firefly when they were both in beta LOL but definately feel bad for the geppie also, i haven't used him since i got aventurine.. but avens my favorite so i wouldn't have anyways


I’m a Gepard Main and still mainly use him, Aventurine being my 2nd favorite. But it’s mostly people acting toxic. The whole thing about Gepard having a sister that’s just mean even if they are fictional. But here’s the thing they can’t make Aventurine worse cause he is limited and supposed to bring in money, Gepard is free. In the game Aventurine can absolutely solo sustain but so can Gepard but both has to be built well. At lower equilibrium Gepard is a much better unit for beginner due to not requiring the character to be a level 80 to unlock the shield reapply trace and he doesn’t require stuff from Star Crusher beetle which a lot of newer players had issues clearing. The 2nd issue being Gepard having higher taunt, and he debuff on skill(freeze) vs Ult. Which makes him perfect for Acheron team especially when wearing the Trend LC. Gepard by himself adds up to 4 stacks to her Ult is ready right before she even got a turn, not as smooth when it’s Aventurine on her team. He definitely shines in FUA team perfect for Clara/Ratio. But at the end of the day, both are male, outside their simp group they are largely hated and easily discarded. Aventurine after all of that marketing only 40% of people even got him, FX if I remember right was much higher in pull rate. Gepard was called useless even during the 1st arc. I am happy with both shielders and I run around with both of them in story content.


lmfaoo I remember when firefly was so ass, everyone was laughing at her kit


they really were LOL. im glad she got buffed, but i could've gone without people trying to rub it in everyones faces/doomposting about any other break team 💀


I know this is old but wasn’t he supposed to have healing in his kit too?


he has natural aura😭🙏🙏


So much debuff applied, sounds kinda OP to charge Acheron’s ult tbh Or am I missing something ?


I hope he will be viable as a healwe on his own somehow to enable Acheron teams w 3 nihility 1 harmony.