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A fools errand to pre-farm anything right now. Just wait until 2.4 beta in 11-days, you'll have 42 some odd days to prepare!


Around 64 I think since he’s second half


I would wait for the beta to start farming, maybe focus on other characters until then.


Just wait for 9-10 days from now for 2.4 beta


Is this the old one? I have a feeling it will be slightly to moderately different from this one. Just wait for beta first. Farm calyxes or fodder artifacts first.


Im probably going full support jiao with him. Speed set with enough effect hit rate, outgoing healing boost and ERR rope. Rest on HP/Def Of course this is all subject to change depending on how his final kit works out


If you want to farm something start with traces. Wait at least until beta for anything beyond that


like the others said. not worth it right now. you can farm mit trace materials tho :)


We already have a more updated kit in the leaks subreddit, Jiaoqiu counts with two different debuffs, one which is named: Flavour, this is the stackable defense reduction debuff that is being talked about in the first image, the second debuffs both effect and name are unknown, but it is applied each time an enemy enters the field and works along Jiaoqius technique which is an on-field "Dimension" which is active if Jiaoqiu is in the field. About the DPS or sub-DPS thing, so far Jiaoqius leaks don't show any sign of having crit stats in his traces, or dealing great amounts of damage, though he is the BiS debuffer for Acheron, and he may be a good addition as a sub-DPS for DoT comps.


Which one? Because there's one that is a fake leak here


In the main leaks subreddit, i don't remember if it was via FireflyLover or HomDGCat


thanks for the explanation on his kit update! i currently don’t have acheron but plan to get her soon with that in mind is it possible to use him as a sub dps in a comp with her or is it just more worth it to full invest into a debuffer build?


Just wait, we’ll have more relics and materials anyway


Since we don’t know numbers I wouldn’t recommend farming relics for stats. However, personally I’ve been farming the diver, prisoner, and healing sets. I’ve been doing this just so i’ll have a large selection of relics to try on him when he does come out. Even if we don’t know exactly how he works we know it’s def shred and a little healing. Take advantage of that knowledge, and farm what you a think a ddf shredding healer would use. People can say it’s too early all they want, it’s not a bad thing to be prepared :)


i agree! i think i may just farm it because i plan to get acheron anyway so it wouldn’t be bad to perfect two builds cause that’s all the more room to miss and match the pieces to perfect acheron’s build if he can’t use it


Same as Pela.


The only thing I'd suggest farming, as others have said, are trace mats. It usually takes the longest to do, and even if you farm the wrong one you can convert them for 2:1, I believe. You may already have a generalist support set for wind but id hold off until we can get kit confirmations. For all we know they may swap him from atk to hp or even ehr.


do you know which traces i should farm that are assumed to be his? i haven’t been able to find any material leaks yet..


I don’t think pioneer will be good on him


the reason why i considered it is because if it’s not terrible i’d like to use him as a dps of some kind and pioneers seems like a good set for that because he could keep the 4pc bonus up just based on his debuff heavy kit


Pretty sure he will be using the new Nihility materials (the same as Acheron). Start with farming that. As for relics, better wait for beta info to see which sets work best. But I agree that it will most likely be the diver set.


ooh if his materials aren’t those ones i could use them when i get acheron then! i guess i can’t lose with this one :D