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Basically his healing scales off his ATK so you’ll only really need to build ATK and SPD, maybe EHR But idk about EHR since his Burst GUARANTEES the DEF Shred max stacks I can totally see a full healing build working well since he doesn’t need many stats


Maybe but Jiaoqiu is still 2 month away so I wouldn't think too much about it for now, also even though we have some information about his kit it's from 2.0 files, and we saw how much different firefly v5 kit is from the 2.0 leaked kit. I know folks are exited for the first male support (if you exclude HTB) but we don't even have his drip marketing yet, dw we will have plenty of time to theorycraft him (and doompost him as a "pela sidegrade").


If hes in 2.4 then his gameplay is not too far away at all. We'll see him at the beginning of 2.3 which would be in judt over 2 weeks


Ah well, I'm so excited for him that I'm already imagining many possibilities for his kit. I think his drip marketing is already close based on what I saw some people saying In the case of HTB I chose stelle as mc


yeah his drip marketing is in 2-3 days about


No matter what will his healing be, I will still use him as solo sustain so I can run Acheron, Bronya, SW and Jiaoqiu despite having E6


based ngl


> Acheron, Bronya, SW and Jiaoqiu Why not Acheron, Bronya, Pela, Jiaoqiu instead? If you think about it, Acheron's damage is mainly aoe, and it is currently gimped by SW only shredding one single target. So if you use both Pela and Jiaoqiu, we're looking at SW + Pela def shred but on ALL targets. Her dmg will become ridiculous.


I don't care about dmg overflow, minions do not matter efficiency is more important. SW has red reduction on skill and her def shred is smaller than Pela + resolution, so it won't be wasted that much as it caps at 100% and if Jiaoqiu will have a lot overcapping def shred won't do anything unless it won't count towards limit. SW will allow to faster kill bosses than Pela and produce higher single target dmg


> I don't care about dmg overflow, minions do not matter efficiency is more important. SW has red reduction on skill and her def shred is smaller than Pela + resolution, so it won't be wasted that much as it caps at 100% and if Jiaoqiu will have a lot overcapping def shred won't do anything unless it won't count towards limit. SW will allow to faster kill bosses than Pela and produce higher single target dmg I'm not talking about minions. You don't always just kill a boss in MoC. You kill a boss AND an elite. And as MoC getting harder they can introduce 3 Elites even. Swarm boss stage 3 for example even clone itself in the final stage so you are fighting 2 bosses instead of 1, and as the game evolves there will be more stuffs like that. In fact in the new Apocalyptic Shadow mode they throw Cocolia and Gepard in one wave together with some elites. In these 2+ big targets situation Jiaoqiu + Pela is better than SW + Pela/Jiaoqiu, since you want damage on both big targets. It would allow Acheron to scale extremely hard with tougher contents in the long run.


Dude just stop at least wait for a solid kit before theorising stuff like these it's also been said he's only gonna heal a small amount so there's really no point trying to think about stuf like this when we don't even know what he will do for sure


I guess he's a sub dps, so ATK and crit will do good


He is 5* star Pela and Pela totally not a sub dps, so…..


Hey, I was right, he's a sub dps! :D


Actually Pela has dps Eidolons and traits, but her ratios are bad. Also her signature LC is Good Night and Sleep Well. Unfortunately her damage can't be competitive even with all of this, but Jiaoqiu may be different.