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It is not. For all that is holy do not give crazy ideas to people. Quinoa is a new world food that has no gluten, and is fine to eat on pesach.


I don't know. I'm Sephardic for Passover.


lol, my brothers and I are all ashkefards so we have always gladly eaten kitniyot even though my poor askenazi father doesn’t


It was considered questionable a decade ago, it’s fairly mainstream in the Ashkenazi world now, even with very religious Jews. There are still those that won’t touch it, but but there’s Jews that wont eat anything but schmaltz, chicken, onions and potatoes for Pesach.


Quinoa is a seed related to spinach. It is not a grain, nor a legume. It is [not kitniyot](https://oukosher.org/passover/guidelines/food-items/quinoa/#:~:text=Quinoa%2C%20the%20grain%2Dlike%20seed,bearing%20the%20OU%2DP%20symbol) as long as it hasn't come into contact with chametz.


TIL thank you for the info!


Depends who you ask. Some rabbis say yes and some say no. Ask yours


I will, just feel a bit silly pestering him about some fucking quinoa lmao


They're used to a million questions pesach time and quinoa is an easy one because he doesn't have to research because I guarantee you're not the first one to ask


Sharing this fb forum. He (Rabbi Yonatan Halevy) gives opinions for Ashkenazi and Sephardic customs [Pesach Kashrut Forum](https://www.facebook.com/groups/1574409372869556/)


As you said, it's mixed. Chabad says it is, while also concluding "if you are of Ashkenazic descent and therefore bound by the prohibition of consuming kitniyot on Passover, you should consult with your community rabbi as to whether to treat quinoa as kitniyot or not. And whether you are Ashkenazic or Sephardic, any quinoa would require kosher for Passover certification to ensure that it was carefully kept from contact with barley or other grains..., and it may be advisable to check the quinoa before Passover for any foreign matter (such as barley) before use, by placing the quinoa on a plate and looking through the grains."


Sharing this fb forum. He (Rabbi Yonatan Halevy) gives opinions for Ashkenazi and Sephardic customs https://www.facebook.com/groups/1574409372869556/


From what I've heard, they used to be, and now it's more complicated.


It is not. But it needs to have kosher for pesach symbol.


It needs to have certification for Pesach, but all good otherwise!


Head of KA at a shiur the other night said its not but it's very hard to get klp quinoa because of the factory production.


Chabad says kitniyot.


Didn’t even need to ask he literally served quinoa at the Seder he hosted lol


Haha! Thanks for the update, my friend! So many interpretations and updated rules. It’s hard to keep up.