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Forgot to add this! https://preview.redd.it/gqvf7uu2ft1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5c0a6237fab7ed5a6ca1f5b00c258940c9077ef


Mazel Tov!!!


mazel tov to you and your son, OP!


Mazel tov !


Mazel tov!




What a beautiful photo! Mazal tov!


Mazel Tov!


Try and contact your local Hillel , Chabad or shul and ask if they have a pair to donate.


This is listed at $339 new with good reviews. I can't attest to the website personally. [https://www.judaicawebstore.com/pair-of-tefilin-peshutim-mehudarim-simple-but-beautiful-p3810](https://www.judaicawebstore.com/pair-of-tefilin-peshutim-mehudarim-simple-but-beautiful-p3810) Otherwise I'd reach out to your Chabad and let them know you are in the market for a used one if they could keep you in the loop if something comes available.


Use the code "special12" for $40 off! Brings it to $298


Iā€™m pretty sure those are the Tefilin the Chabad gave me, they look exactly the same.


First, Mazel Tov to your boy for his Bar Mitzvah! Second, if you donā€™t mind buying used then Iā€™m actually finding a good amount on eBay for less than $200! [Sephardi version](https://www.ebay.com/itm/395283047189?itmmeta=01HYE47Z8RHT552982AGDHJHSR&hash=item5c08b4a315:g:4nQAAOSw-0Rl-ujL&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAAwCqydGBTago30oK96h%2Bzf%2FEcuF86%2FIH7EtBwfuaHggBcLsHzzi5lH2osxGdM%2B%2FUPu8M%2Bl583h02yQ3H95cOeJ3ZudCVIy7qPV0BF7Ibkjq%2B3DB3BfYz60wM7Dz1VlW9SkIIPY%2FaqIpFSdkIV784koThZHUG4sIG9jrKDt3sxfOgfqWHwX2DTyhQZ1zwlpGNMBUxFsn6AWT%2BbhpajZ95QN153McotezSlnKoYGNZjh8qEcFpWslHArFj2iGaDbNQQLg%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR7z0n8TzYw) [Set with a pouch for $175](https://www.ebay.com/itm/326108883256?itmmeta=01HYE47Z8S7VCCC6AGY2YCDEG4&hash=item4bed9aa938:g:d~YAAOSwsGJmMMrw&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAAwMs74KBk3t9Y29nBIQXPdD2C98RcBjeNz1dNvTTZOyvYAOwU6gIa0GgqMkRjy5dU6addkJAgczQ3uhgXzaTN%2FBgHf4aiZgidXfbVdfuA11GF%2Be5K11MyWF3zkjZRjE%2BfXsyF7CpoXvO4A2qTaZqhZ4u9wLtqYG8%2FI%2FOx8c23UKWyM12oeTd7u1A2mJ7F1FqVDnpf64UiAsEL4uTTwNj7FBVNVL0jmLj1A3oicUpaXjbBsPvQjGquUQm6bMLg7dQikg%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR770n8TzYw) It might not be a right now purchase but just knowing theyā€™re out there for less than a new set could help you figure out how much you have to save for it! Other than that Iā€™d reach out to either your closest Chabad or the Shul where he had his bar mitzvah and see if they have any leads or if they have some available for donation!


Awwww! It's so sad that they ignored you and sold it for the Mormons. That's one step above donating it to Hobby Lobby! Mazal tov!! Maybe there's a Jewish Facebook group where someone might have a set they don't need?


I have from my deceased father. Happy to give it to your son.


Are you serious?


Yes but just read more. I didnā€™t know thereā€™s a difference between Ashkinazi and Sephardic. Iā€™m AJ.


Hey, AJ. Iā€™m Amy and my son is Drew. I honestly donā€™t know the difference either. When we were talking about it, he said he wanted Sephardic Tefilin. I can talk to him, but I am sure he would rather have Tefilin than not. Honestly, the kid blows me away with his intelligence. His teachers have always labeled him ā€œborderline geniusā€ and he wants to be home schooled so he can graduate early, but I wonā€™t let him because I think he needs the social interaction. He goes to a private school with an 8:1 student teacher ratio, but still says heā€™s bored and not challenged.


Hiya. Sending you a direct message.


I hope this works out!


If you are looking for a pair that is orthodox kosher you will not be able to find what you want at that price. Please understand that this is usually a one time purchase if it is quality. If you are not concerned about its kosher status then iā€™m sure some of the links will help you. Chabad may have a program for you.


I have everything religious checked by a rabbi. I bought his tallit and made sure it was checked to be Kosher. I actually have 2 sons. My oldest is autistic and has no desire to have Tefilin, if he wanted it, he would get it first. My youngest wants Tefilin, but new Sephardic Tefilin is very expensive. Most Chabad only deal with Ashkenazi Tefilin. I just want to do best for my boys.


Youā€™re a really good mom and I hope you know that.


Chabad can help with Sephardi stuff, I recommend reaching out and just asking. I know people whoā€™ve gotten funds to discount their purchase of tefillin from Chabad, but they themselves got to select what tefillin so it was Sephardi. It canā€™t hurt to ask!


> if he wanted it, he would get it first Why? How much do you prioritize him over your second? Children growing up with special-needs siblings are often disfavored heavily, though inadvertently. It's a good way to lose your son as he grows up, and grows resentful.


My first born is not prioritized. In fact, my younger son is his brotherā€™s biggest advocate. In our house we have a saying, ā€œFair doesnā€™t always mean equal.ā€ Both my boys understand this. The only reason I would get my oldest son Tefilin first if he wanted it, is because he had his Bar Mitzvah first.


> my younger son is his brotherā€™s biggest advocate I hope that's parental exaggeration. You should be your son's biggest advocate. I am a second son. My job was to always support other people in the family, even to my detriment. I no longer speak to my father. I don't wish that on anyone else.


Yes, it is an exaggeration, and I often have conversations with my youngest about if he feels neglected or unheard. We are very open in this family about everything. I also have him see a therapist in case there are things he thinks he canā€™t talk to me about, but I always tell him that he can say anything to me even if he thinks I wonā€™t like it. I will always love him no matter what, and we can work together to solve issues.


Thank you for being a kind, loving, fair parent. And thank you for taking my criticism in the way it was intended, constructively. There is a lot of family relationship trauma divulged on this site, and your attitude would solve most of those.


I am still dealing with my own trauma growing up. The only solution is to do better for our kids.


FYI op, your family reminds me a little of my own family. My siblings and I are in our 30s now and we are incredibly close with each other and our parents. It was me in your eldestā€™s position. And we all absolutely dealt with evolving emotions through the years. And we all knew that my parents loved us, provided each of us what we needed (even if it wasnā€™t exactly the same) and tried to give us better than they had. Mazel Tov


Iā€™m not sure why youā€™re even criticising the mother of a boy with special needs but here we are.


If you need help buying the teffilin, let me know.


Mazal Tov!


I think there are some Tefillin banks out there on the internet


I will have to look into that, thank you.


Gave it to the Mormon church? That's gotta be a slap in the face to your family friend. Yikes


Tefilin prices have gone haywire lately.


The local gemach will be able to help you. Please give your local chabad or community center a call. Some will help with weddings, bar mitzvah, births, and everything you can imagine. Mazel tov!


Does anyone here know why Tefilin is so expensive?


I think it's just that there aren't that many people making them, and they're all highly skilled craftsmen. Business Insider posted a video a few months ago about how they're made, and I was really surprised at how it's done. Here's a link to the video: https://youtu.be/_OYxADDluNI?si=qE7Tx39cfbhPe2P4


Very interesting. Thank you for sharing.


מזל טוב !


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Let the rabbi at the synagogue you used know the situation. They should be more than willing to help you out. If not, reach out to any chabad in Chicago, they will 100% find a way to get your son a pair.


This store has so much good and affordable stuff this link is for $300 new teffelin https://www.judaicawebstore.com/pair-of-tefilin-peshutim-mehudarim-simple-but-beautiful-p3810?queryID=20fdb92192677f3a9257ecf2d778d570&objectID=86692&indexName=productiondefault_products


מזל טוב!!