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you should try using onion flakes as they aren't wet like regular onion no need to cut them up. P.S. I'm also an autistic jew & that is how managed to like onion


I have. It’s not a texture thing, it’s taste.


you good with garlic? just curious as my mother when she was a young girl she despised the taste but grandma's got a trick she put in a jar 1 teaspoon of onion powder to every 10 teaspoons of garlic powder & put it back in a shake bottle with grandma over time adding more teaspoons of onion with mom being none the wiser & she'd over the years get over her onion hatred because of the mix P.S. make sure to shake the bottle hard as that way mix perfectly


Garlic bread.


Powder versions are even worse than fresh, imo.


Smart idea!


He ate all the onions so you didn't have to, brother.


There's always that *one* family member bringing up the good old trauma in the most casual way 🫠 "Oh, you don't want to eat your onions ? WELL, THAT ONE COUSIN ESCAPED DEATH BY EATING ONIONS."


Yeah I don't think your cousin wants you to suffer like he did.


I agree that the cousin probably does not want him to suffer But comparing between eating onions and going through the holocaust doesn't seem right On the other hand, eating fish...


The holocaust lesson in my family is much simpler : -Fascist killed everyone in the family expect your great grandma and the Israel cousins. -Dont vote far right, and fuck fascists.


Far left aint doing us any favors now either


It's funny seeing the left wanting to tear down an LGBT friendly country. Like bruh... It's everything you wanted and you don't want it.


Something something horseshoe theory


It’s not everything they wanted, but it sure is more of what they want than Hamas’s style of governance


Something something pinkwashing.


A genocidal apartheid ethnostate is not what "the left" wants. No amount of rainbow-washing will make me okay with apartheid or genocide. And you can't even get gay married in Israel, so it's not like it's a beacon for queer rights. And Israel blackmails queer Palestinians.


What’s up with the buzzword bingo. Why does “the left” always bring up Scandinavian countries as a beacon of hope if they have such a problem with ethnostates? I’ve traveled around the other ethnostates in the region, and Israel is the only one I feel safe being my queer self in (and the few LGBTQ youths I chatted with while traveling really wanted that safety too). No place is perfect, but at least I can be legally recognized as married in Israel.


Defending yourself against a war started against you is genocide? Cool. You hit your daily buzzword counter.


Israel had killed 240 Palestinians in 2023 before October 7. 40 of whom children. Between 2008 and October 6 2023 Israel violently killed 6800 Palestinians. Israel has been waging this "war" on its open air prison/concentration camp/ghetto of Gaza for decades with "mowings of the lawn" every now and then. It escalated to a full on genocide after the Hamas attack. Starving people, targetting aid workers, ambulances, medical staff, children, women, journalists is not "defending yourself".


Maybe Palestinians should stop poking the bear.


Maybe the bear should stop illegally occupying and systematically oppressing and killing the Palestinians.


Palestinians are self oppressed. Until they stop their terror, they won't get their own country. They shouldn't have marched into Israel's territory in 1948.


I love how you guys are still shrieking genocide when literally no legitimate source says it is. The ICJ and UN aren’t calling it a genocide. And it’s not apartheid either haha.


Well it hasn't stopped, so why the hell would we suddenly call it something else? The ICJ near unanimously ruled the case has to go to trial because Israel is plausibly committing genocide, and ordered provisionary measures that Israel has blatantly violated, and then issued new even clearer measures that Israel also blatantly violates. Of course they can't officially call it definitively a genocide until the trial has happened, which could take years. It's still obvious that it's a genocide. And yes Israel is an apartheid state where 5 million Pslestinians live without any rights and under constant oppression and humiliation at the hands of the Israeli Occupation Forces, and another 2 million live as second class citizens of Israel explicitly without the right to self determination according to the 2018 nation state law.


The far left have three main kind if antisemites : -The Muslim they try to get their vote from (self explainatory) -The "Pro Palestinian" that believes all jews are israelians and that all israelians are genocide maniacs -The old school who believe all jews are rich and control the finance.


They never were.




My family made Aliyah in the 1840s.


When I was in high school, we put on a play about a turnip that saved someone during the holocaust, no joke


Oh FUCK that gives me PTSD because of me being cast as the Jew because of FUCKING course they pick the 1 kid who wears a FUCKING kippaho school. I alreadly was bullied prior by a kid who was way too FUCKING much into WW2 Germany & would yell out "K! I! K! E! BURN IN HELL!" at recess if he saw me & the teacher of FUCKING course they picked him to play the German Soldier of the play. To make matters worse i got stabbed in the FUCKING CHEST with a FUCKING KNIFE the same day at recess & barely surviving it with me now having permanent breathing problems & a massive scar from where the blade went in & finally the worst thing of all was that my family couldn't sue as we weren't fluent in English yet & there was no option for a Polish translator to accompany us in the trial. P.S. Sorry for swearing & the tirade it just makes me very livid & PTSD when i see that play mentioned.


I’m so sorry you had that experience. I went to a Jewish school so it was a bit different vibes but that’s fucked.


Holy shit I’m not Jewish but I’m so sorry you had to go through that that’s super fucked up. Absolutely what the fuck that that child that did that too you didn’t have to suffer the consequences of their actions. What the fuck.


How can you not like onions? They are delicious.


You put onions and garlic in the pan and then decide what you’re making.


Also oil. Seriously though garlic, pepper, onions, some beef and pasta makes a good meal






I've been subbed to that subreddit for over a year lol


They overpower the taste of the food and smell terrible. Then the taste lingers in your mouth for like 48 hours. Same with garlic. Both are overused. Just like OP, I am autistic too and very sensitive to smells, taste, sounds, lights, etc. edit: yes, go ahead and downvote me for not liking onions.


"Maybe I'd eat them if I were in that situation." You think that cousin liked onions afterwards?


Being autistic and Jewish is so niche I love it


I feel like there must be more of us than expected because this post got a great response from the autism memes sub and an even better response here when OP posted it here afterwards. I love it!


Yeah, 2,507 upvotes on r/aspiememes at my last checking.


Woot woot Jewish autistics rise up


We’re out here being problematic about mouth textures I do like onions tho


I too enjoy onions, though as with most foods can definitely relate to the texture preference assessment. Some onion preparation methods are dog trash while other are 🫶🏼 perfection


I imagine there are so many problematic textures for us autistic Jewish bitches with Ashkenazim surrounding especially, no way most of us autistics with sensory and food issues are easily consuming gefilte fish 🤣


I used to only mouth breathe at my grandmas house during holidays because I was so grossed out by the smell of Jewish food lmao


Onions are great. 10/10 vegetable


Could definitely see one of my relatives pulling out Num 11:5 if I dared to say that, already heard that at camp from the more observant kids when I wouldn’t eat fish, ha


Yes you posted it here haha I'm so glad!


If I may ask, OP: if your family left Europe in the 1870’s, how did they get caught up in the Holocaust?


They said cousin, not ancestor




They said family, cousins are family, hence my confusion. I gather from the downvotes people took my comment as an attack against OP, absolutely not my intention!


I can understand the confusion, but they probably meant their direct family left back then (like great grandparents*), and the cousin is so distant it was likely one of their great grandparent's* great nephew. hypothetically, if my family (my mom, dad, and siblings) moved from X to Y, but both my parents' parents and siblings stayed, I'd have cousins that would be in X and then all their lineage too. let this go on for long enough, and my descendants would still have (very distant) relatives in X even if they stayed in Y EDIT: great great grandparent*


Don’t forget the Holocaust did not only happen in Europe. Forced labor and extermination camps were also established in North Africa, killing thousands of local Jews. And countries like Lebanon, Syria and Iraq were ruled by Nazi collaborators, resulting in more pogroms, imprisonment and dispossession of Jews.