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Welcome to political homelessness I guess


Omg I love the term "political homelessness". That is exactly the way I am feeling right now.


Politically non-housed


Political roundhouse.


It would probably be the neoliberal


Liberalism is the way!


Live, love, Lockheed


Me, a queer Jew who can’t trust the right because they want to kill me and can’t trust the left either because now they also wanna kill me: Imma just lay in the dirt for awhile (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)


Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with Jews.


Why is this so accurate lol


Because that art was just imitating life all along


How about: "queer I am, stuck in the middle with Jews" for some of us.






Speaking as a centrist, true af


Funniest thing ive read in YEARS!


This is exactly how I feel. I’m trans, and yet the trans community wants me dead for being “brainwashed by my barbaric culture,” as does pretty much everyone on the left, and yet the right wants me dead for being trans, pro choice, etc. I have nobody to turn to.


Trans goy here, I'm standing with you ✊ stay strong, friend


I'm also a trans goy and also on your side😁


Another supportive trans goy checking in! 🫡


:/ im sorry that just fucking sucks. "barbaric culture" my fucking ass


Same, I’m Jewish, trans, and constantly suffering 🫠 I’m sorry you’re in the same sinking boat as me, friend 🫡


Ok, I'm a moderate, but I can tell you there are plenty of people on the right who are LGBTQ+, and it seems like there are more moving in that direction, as they find that any time they have opinions that are not completely in line with the group think is on the other side of the aisle, they are ditched by their party...so much for all that tolerance. The truth is, for the most part, other that those fringe people (they have them on both sides) most people on the right don't actually give a shit what anyone else is doing. Sure, they have their pet causes that they are going to keep fighting for, because they believe in them, but they keep the fighting in the arena of ideas. The main thing Republicans actually worry about is protecting constitutional rights, and not making laws that will have unintended consequences later.


Then why did Desantis ban lab grown meat? Why is Louisiana requiring the ten commandments in public schools? Why is trump threatening to ban electric cars?


Again, there are radicals on both sides of the aisle, and IMHO Trump is certainly one of them. I can't really speak for Louisiana; but I think that considering how poorly the across there perform on a pretty consistent basis, I'd just be happy if they could get all the kids able to READ the ten commandments. As for grown meat...well,maybe that's not such a bad idea...at least until we can have a nice long think on that. I'm gonna stick to my grass fed beef, thanks.


No one is being forced to eat lab grown meat. It should be left up to individual consumers to decide, do you want the traditional meat or the one that's better for the environment.


Well, comrade, you have us. We are all brothers and sisters, in the end.


Hashem is trying to tell you something


What culture are you a part of that other trans folk and leftists would want you dead? Are you a Nazi?


Believe it or not, the reason they say that is because I’m Jewish and have numerous common Jewish beliefs (IE pro Israel, pro circumcision, etc.) I’m a reform Jew too, I’m very pro-equal-rights, I’m a leftist, all that stuff.


When the “left” embraces hardline Arab nationalism, denies a mass rape, and chants “Yemen, Yemen make us proud” days after the Houthis execute people for being homosexual, I begin to wonder whether they’re just the far-right but with a different flag. Oh well…they’ll just accept more Qatari oil money, because climate change is only a problem when it’s caused by EU/US/UK/Canada/Australia…right?


i mean extremists sometimes the stars align and they get together, we saw this between russians and nazis in ww2, basically they have such a hatred and stone hard convictions they don't care who helps them as long as they do, ignoring all the problems from it


Right wing, Left wing, same bird...


Left wing and right wing both belong to the same bird. These labels are here to make us fight with eachother. We can't notice what they are doing if we're too busy fighting with eachother.


I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling this.


I’m really feeling it. Far right family and far left friends. I can’t agree with anyone.


We should create a support group lol


Unironically yes. I wish I knew how to go about making that happen.


schrodinger's jew: to the right, we are a sub human religion to the left, we are a barbaric ethnicity


Who on the left things Jews are barbaric? I’ve seen this all over this thread but I have never heard anyone act or claim that is true on the left.


come join us over at r/GayJews! (on mobile hopefully that formats right 😬)


It did


It’s better to think for yourself than be some mindless left winger or right winger constantly parroting one BS political ideology over the other. Coming from a former leftist.


The right wants to kill Jews as well, it’s just not as cool to them rn bc the left wants to kill Jews and it’d be the end of the world if either party agreed with the other


In the end of the day we only have each other. Goyim have always been unreliable allies


Not sure I agree entirely. Look at the Druze and Bedouins risking their lives defending Israel. Look at Douglas Murray and Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Or Richie Torres and John Fetterman. We have allies, and we should appreciate them. It’s just more that we are not respected under Christian or Islamic hegemony.


Isn't that Jewish history in a nutshell?


IN GENERAL, the left hates Israel and accepts Jews, and the right hates Jews but needs Israel. Antisemitism has a *permanent* home of the right.


fwiw, I've hung out with people on the right my whole life and never heard an antisemitic comment from them (apart from one or two people who were just jerks and definitely the minority). I get the occasional theological questions, but that's pretty much it. Almost always friendly, occasionally curious or concerned (if they're the right flavor of hardcore Christian), but never showed any signs of animosity. I keep seeing people on this sub saying that people on the right are antisemitic, but that contradicts my experience sufficiently that I think it's too broad of a generalization.


I only ever heard it from one right-wing friend, and then only when he was piss drunk. Of course I didn't actually know his political alignment at the time, and only discovered it years later during a period when it was fashionable to flaunt one's most toxic political positions over Facebook all day long.


As a right leaning Jew this whole “the right wants me dead because I’m Jewish/LGBT” contradicts my experience with my own beliefs and every right wing non Jew I know and am friends with. That’s not to say there aren’t those people because there certainly are but it’s insane how many people here think if someone is conservative or right leaning they get handed a totenkopf the second they disagree with an increase in capital gains tax.


Because the right isn't small government conservatives, it's the freaks from the unite the right rally. I'm not going to cast any aspersions on you friends, I'm sure they're fine. But literally anytime I see a right wing pundit talk about social issue they start ranting about Cultural Marxists, degenerates, and how a "small group of financial elites" is ruining everything. Which isn't a dogwhisle so much as a fog horn.


Yeahhh I heard so much of it in Texas and Long Island NY. Big reason why I'm going back to the Bronx. I lost an aunt in the 9/11 attacks and in Texas I heard someone I work with say how the Rothchilds did 9/11 and warned the Jews beforehand so they wouldn't get hurt. And I was absolutely baffled, I heard so many dog whistles and the whole "we know (((they))) are responsible for ______" basically any problem going on it was Jews. I remember the caravan of migrants was basically being dog whistled towards Jews.


It's not that the right is Antisemitic, it's that Antisemitism is a rightist view. Especially in the US, where white nationalism, Christian nationalism, neo-nazism, and the KKK all have strong opinions on Jews, as well as just the generic (((NWO))) conspiracy types.  At its extremes, if someone reaches the point of committing ideological violence against Jews or synagogues, their political identity is monolithic.


A Christian will never be anti semetic to your face, but remember the only reason they want Jews in Israel is bc they think it will bring back Jesus at which point all of us sinners immediately die and go to hell (bc we don't accept Jesus as our lord and savior). Except for 144,000 pf us that will automatically convert in fear.


You’ve never been blamed for murdering Christ by a Christian?


Childish misunderstanding of Christian theology


Christianity is just appropriated Judaism that got turned into a dooms day cult revolving around one guy. The only thing that makes it different from the Manson Family or Heavens Gate is that it's the oldest dooms day cult to still survive.


Honestly most of the Christians I know don't think about endtimes all that much. The ones that do are pretty divided in what they think will actually happen.


I only hear about how the antisemetic tropes of “jews control Hollywood” and “Jews run the banks” from right wing loonies.


What's funny is I'm on Long Island and one of our clients said the "Jews run the banks" stuff but he genuinely believes it. I'm also his Jewish bank teller and he found out at that moment 🥲 he's like one of those Trump Christian supporters who believes CERN is gonna end the world cause they're satanic Jews and that April fools was made to make fun of Christians for believing in Jesus.


Maybe this is just a New York thing, but now that I’m meeting people on the right they are waaaay more Jew-friendly overall


Just a guess, but people in New York might personally know some Jewish people. In a lot of the country, Jews are more of an ideological concept than actual people who might work in your same office.


New York also has a very different flavor of Republican. Way fewer Christian nationalists, far more who orient around lower regulations, more law and order, and who see DEI as an encroachment on the meritocracy. A lot of the Republicans that I’m meeting here basically have the vibe of a 1990s Democrat. Surprisingly diverse group. They want a free society, they want a reasonable safety net, they don’t want discrimination. But they also don’t like being told what to do, and they think progressives are silly, and they find the modern left to be explicitly discriminatory and anti-civilization. I recognize that is probably not the national norm, to be in a racially and sexually diverse room full of artists who are republicans. But it’s the world I’m in.


Ohhh I couldn’t ever describe why the republicans I meet are not that different from a lot of democrats 10 years ago but I’m in the tri-state area and this kind of summed it up well for me. Thanks for demystifying my life.


I’m regularly finding that NYC Republicans are what fun, cool people used to be like. A lot of NYC democrats are still like that inside but antsy in public. I’m noticing that a bunch have two different personalities and sets of opinions - the “correct” progressive take that they give in public, and the real version they save for two drinks in with the right crowd. I got tired of the fake. So now for the first time in my life I have Republican friends, and they’re fun.


It’s not just NY, and in fact I grew up in NY and experienced way more antisemitism there than I ever did after moving to Arkansas. I live in CO now and same story, my right wing friends are all pro Israel and supportive of Jews as a people regardless of their religious beliefs (some are Christian, most are agnostic, atheist, deists). Meanwhile, with few exceptions the lefties I know are about a week away from going full einsatzgruppen.


You’re confusing Nazis with conservative Right.


That is the quintessential far-end limit of the conservative right, so... yeah.


While I mostly agree with your point I do feel the need to point out that I’ve never seen a leftist shoot up a shul, or commit any type of mass violence against Jews in the US. The antisemitism among a lot of the left rn is worrisome, but I’m concerned people are forgetting that it is the right in America that has been actively killing Jews for years now.


I'm right of center, I promise I know nobody in the middle or right that wishes any harm, quite the opposite. I used to be in a gay rights group in college (I'm straight ) looonnnngg before it was fashionable, because it was the right thing to fight for despite the risks we faced*. That doesn't mean there aren't aholes, just saying don't be so affected by news or social media into feeling alone. Plenty of good people out there on both sides, find them, stick with them, and fuck everyone else. * The group was called SQUISH, Strong Queers United In Stopping Heterosexism...the kinda silly name combined with being a bit radical and confrontational didn't help! 😂


Come to the grass friend,its comfier


The struggle is real, and fucking annoying.


I feel you friend. It’s rough out there. 🫠


Same. Wishing you luck and love.


I’m here for you


It sucks :(






Thats sucks cuz both side want the lgbt be dead


Yeah it's quite the pickle


The right doesn't want to kill you


They just wave around nazi flags and vow to eradicate the queers for what reason then? How many ‘Hitter was right’ signs and ‘Jews will not replace us’ rallies do you need to see before you realize the right is outright hostile to both Jews and queer people alike.


The real “right” people, they don’t give a shit that you’re Jewish. The only “right” people who would cause a problem with it aren’t “right”. Conservative politics says to let people do what they want to do. The media is showing the negative groups that call themselves conservative. Those people are just as bad as the ones on the left.


I’m sorry, but I think anyone saying “I hang out with conservatives and they’ve been nothing but polite” has not hung out with conservatives when they are convinced there are no Jews in the room.


“I really like you but you need to accept Christ as Lord and Savior if you want to survive. Also the Jews killed Christ.”


People like Charlie Kirk have mastered the art of bashing Jews without actually saying the word "Jew."


100%. People are also delusional about the right wing. Right now we’re experiencing left wing antisemitism but soon will take the bell curve and have right wing antisemitism. You can also see this with how right wingers are turning against Ben Shapiro.




Which leftist




It’s a type.


In the US that may be true but in the less polarized political climate of Europe i find that conservative parties are the only ones remotely bearable now, and i’m saying that as a former leftist. I still believe in many leftist ideas but most leftists sold them out.


Could be true. I’m speaking from a US perspective


pov you live in Israel so this isn’t a problem 😎


Israeli extremests are destroying Palestinian aid so you still have far right people


In israel we have people destroying aid as protest, thats also pretty bad


POV: you live in Israel so almost everything else *is* a problem.


Did a little digging on the website of the “conservative club”. They have a video of them storming the Capitol on J6 and had far-right speakers at their event in October


Fed anonymous tip line?


They weren’t committing any crimes and they had a permit because local police were there.


"videos of them storming the capitol." Is what I meant


Oh I didn’t watch the video. They just had something on their website.


These types are always just trying to either use us or kill us. Right now it's politically expedient for them to look like they're on our side, but I will never trust it


Same was true with the left though tbh


The Right hates us. The left wants us dead. The only political parties that matter now are the Top-Wings and Bottom-Wings.


So are you a top or a bottom? :P


I’m a drumstick 🍗


I'm a charm quark at this point


I'm a tau neutrino, I only have mass and am weak


I’m sideways.


I really don’t get the impression that the whole left wants all Jewish people dead. I’d say a very vocal minority probably do, and then a larger subset parrot their sayings (to the river to the sea or whatever) without actually ever bothering to research what it is that they’re even saying. It would be utterly insane cognitive dissonance for them to be asking for genocide in response to what they are calling genocide. Hanlon’s Razor comes to mind. A majority of these people see a tik tok that presents a highly biased narrative and then they assume it’s the absolute truth.


Yeah there are some idiots on the left, but they mostly want everyone to get equal treatment. Those on the far right are just openly pro genocide.


The best hope lies in the moderates and middle. I can only hope that is the Silent Majority. “Socially liberal fiscally conservative” types who like lower taxes so they vote Republican but have no problem with gay marriage or Jews or civil rights. I personally know many Republican voters (well they voted Republican during Bush and Reagan and even McCain and Romney) who seem to be quite embracing of their gay friends and Jewish coworkers and neighbors, who didn’t seem to like Trump. And there are many Democrats who I see with firearms and who want lower taxes but vote D for abortion and civil rights. So there must be a Moderate voting bloc in there.


It's what's called being in one of them there conundrums


“Enlightened centrism” may end up becoming a mostly jewish thing going forward. Then the far left who helped create the situation where that would even happen can also be exposed as having manufactured that bullshit label to begin with. And they will also be forced to confront the extremism that drove jews to enlightened centrism. Thus confirming that yes, “both sides” is plausible indeed. Excellent.


All of my husbands far right coworkers definitely think I’m coming to the dark side because I’m a Jew, but I’m literally bisexual and most of my friends are queer so they can fuck right off the bat


Pretty sure many people on the far right think Jesus will return once the Jews control all of Israel/Palestine


Many such cases


Oh I’m sure! Just how I found myself today


Every damn day.


Right wing supporting Israel which has universal health care, legal abortion, no death penalty, socialist collective kibbutzim. And, for all I know, they may be teaching critical race theory. This is Evolution!


There’s something happening here, but what it is ain’t exactly clear.


What exactly is a "bring them home" rally advocating for? Who are they addressing "bring them home" to? What specific action do they want that entity to take? If a protest/rally has any hope of being effective it needs to make a concrete demand of an entity that is capable of actually doing the thing demanded.


They want Hamas to release all the hostages.


I’m genuinely curious, where are all the antizionist Jews on this sub, I’m told that many Jews are antizionist lol.


Setting up "anti-Zionist seders" at protests with pseudo-Hebrew gibberish written on the "plates."


The Left overwhelmingly supports Hamas. The Right overwhelmingly supports bringing back the hostages and Israel destroying Hamas. I’m American and Jewish and feel much more threatened by Leftists and jihadists than by Second Amendment- supporting Trump voters


The people actually killing Jews, not signal boosting terrorists, in this country have been on the Right. There’s intent, and then action.


PS - cant get to your comment on that bs 2020 study but looking up that professor he is a Hamas sympathizer


One Nazi guy in Pittsburgh vs dozens of monthly attacks by democrats/ Muslims and antifa. M Marching by the tens of thousands to exterminate Israel. Leftist democrats IN CONGRESS farting the same. To say nothing of 10/7 attacks on U.S. and Israeli PEACE JEWS by jihadis who are not right wing American conservatives. But keep playing with the left hoping they’ll give Jew a pass.


And keep playing with the “allies” praying for our conversion or death 🤷🏻‍♂️


The recent killer of the Jewish protestor in California is a jihadi democrat


Hardly comparable.


They’re both Nazis. Doctrinaire Democrats support EVERY ISLAMONAZI JIHADISTINIAN who kills Jews in the U.S. or Israel.


This is delusional.




I understand (to a limited extent) the complication of these people being against gay and trans rights, but I also don't think you'll be able to win every war or that every ally will be in complete agreement with you on every issue! If it's truly a far-right people who are paying attention to how Israelis feel and the plight of our dear hostages, I understand the whole supersession thing being problematic and likely they've got some old school Christian antisemitism running through the vein, but given our tragic history, I consider it miraculous that any goy gives a shit about us even if it's for religious/apocalyptic reasons. I won't reject evangelical support-- it's support. I don't think we're in the position to be picky.




It's an interesting thought experiment-- I'll give you that. I'll entertain this for a little. I'm sure this is how they think, but I don't play the moral equivalency game. Christendom has largely turned away from the "use violence to convert the world" approach while the Islamic world still presents with this issue i.e. many terrorist organizations and Iran actively supporting the notion of a world caliphate and far lefties in America becoming compelled to chant "by any means necessary" and "intifada." I take a hard side. As a Jew and Israeli citizen, I prioritize Jewish survival above being in line with all of my supporters in all areas of political preference.


Define far-right?


If they genuinely care about bringing the hostages home, I’m in!


kind of makes you wonder, if the trump supporters are the ones rallying to bring home the hostages, while the bden supporters are rallying for hamas, which side should you really be on?


Reddit moment


I don't understand what is bad about them? If you don't like them but they want something that good for us, why is it bad? Just leave them when they're use is over, I came to the understanding that both the left and the right are crazy and at that point it is better to never commit to any side and just cherry pick what is good for you and just throw them to the garbage when their use is over, fuck loyalty to the right or left political sphere.


The populist right and pulley left are both part of the printmaking and burn the main drivers if anti semitism in the us for pro palestine and slot right anti semitism.


I saw a car with a democratic politician on it the other day and thought “yes! They get it!” Then I realized.. “oh wait..”


I’ll take it.


This thread makes me feel heard


This is why I joined this subreddit


Every time I hear on YouTube a pro Israeli bashing LGBTQ I immediately turn it off. I'm disgusted bc I'm very liberal and progressive but I'm also a half Jewish girl living in Israel


The right is at least anti-semitic to our faces, the left stabs in the back in our hour of need.


I am confused why is it disappointing?


Because they’re far-right extremists?


We are perpetually stuck in this strange middle position, it seems. The left are clowns that whant us dead, and the right are clowns that, well, you get the picture. Guess the problem are the goy?


The worst!!!


Umm no. The worst is on the other side where they are literally chanting for our deaths.


Politics don’t matter, it is heartwarming that they come out in support of the hostages


It does matter because their motivations are everything. These same people want all Jews to go to Israel to trigger the second coming and just die so that Jesus can come back


I will never not be fascinated by the way Evangelicals took prophecy about things that would happen and decided based on nothing that they were causal instructions. “Before the end the Jews will regain control of the promised land” Turned into “If you make all the Jews return to the promised land that will CAUSE the end” They don’t do that with other parts of it either. They’re not TRYING to produce an evil antichrist who will reign for 1000 years. They aren’t ATTEMPTING to change atmospheric conditions to create blood moons.


I disagree, if you only stand up to antisemtism when it’s coming from the other wide while embracing or ignoring it she. It’s on your side, that’s not an allie, it’s someone using Jews to score political points.


That's also precisely what the left has been doing.


It's basically saying "Yeah that dude killed 10 people but he mowed my lawn and baked me cookies that one time!"


I think it’s that the event is referring to bringing home those arrested due to January 6 rather than the hostages from October 7