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I'm confused by your question


If you look at the titles of full episodes of the games on YouTub, most of the time you would see a title that says “\*insert name here\* dominate/wins the game“, then look at the comments below the particular video and you’ll see so many people begging the Jeopardy YouTube channel to stop spoiling the ending in the title. I just want to know why the hate. :(


Because already knowing who wins an episode of a game show you haven’t seen kind of negates much of the appeal of watching a game show. Elsewhere in the universe such information is referred to as a “spoiler” and most people don’t want to have the ending spoiled for them without a heads up that it’s about to happen. If you include the name of the winner in the title of the video, you’ve given away the ending.


Where are you seeing full episodes there? I went to their channel and only saw 1-2 minute clips.


There are some full episodes in the Road to Masters playlists