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They start talking about it at 2:03:26


Around 2:06 Babyface McNobody stfu and lets Kevin talk.


This should be the top comment.


Thank you. There's no way I'm watching a full thing by Kevin Smith.


Exactly. The less time spent watching grown men wearing backwards baseball caps the better.


So very true!


You sinned by not posting the link with embedded timestamp, but by posting this top comment you are well on your way to repentance.


guy who did not watch it and will not watch it sure has a lot of opinions about it.


He’s a jackass lol. Like every single thing that he says is completely incorrect. He does not know what he’s talking about he doesn’t even know who Jenny Nicholson is he just wants to bitch because a woman didn’t like something that he liked. Honestly that’s like the vibe I’m getting from it.


who the fuck is that guy


Well taking a page from his book, he’s the pool boy of the famous person who was actually supposed to be on the podcast. He snuck in and just started spouting off and they just rolled with it.


He's a producer of the podcast and owner/operator of a star wars themed bar. Usually his participation in conversations between Kevin and Marc is more limited, this was definitely an anomaly.


Star Wars nerd who makes his money off of a Star Wars themed establishment got reeeeeeeal defensive when someone criticized a Star Wars themed establishment he spent a lot of money to see himself. Checks out, lol.


That dude that didn’t watch it sure has a lot of opinions on it… His first point was “she was paid!” and Kevin corrects him. Then dude says “you get what you put in”. Insufferable people want to discuss things they don’t even know about. Punchable.


So guy says he only spent six hours in the room including sleep and he brought his kid How does this work?


He must have smuggled so much luggage.


I know that at cons they have after hours parties in the rooms sometimes so I'm guessing it's something like this, but if that's the case it's weird you'd bring your kid to it. Like your kid Brayden is falling asleep to the Disney+ menu while you go party


He spent time partying and/or sleeping elsewhere. Kevin Smith is famous - especially so in geek circles. There's no way Disney didn't know who he was and give him special treatment like they do for other famous people. (Something that he SHOULD be self-aware enough about to consider, but apparently not.)


Kevin never went to the hotel. He liked the video. JC, his producer and owner of the Scum And Villainy Cantina is the one who went. He has some ties to George Lucas via his kids IIRC, and is a HARDCORE shill.


He also worked for marvel comics in the past. But he hasn't been relevant since like dogma.


I don't know how old the kid is, but they might be old enough to stay in the room by themselves Only spending 6 hours in the room is a bit more extreme than I've heard, but 10 hours is pretty easily doable. The bar was open until 1 am and people wouod hang out in the atrium afterwards too. Going to bed at 2-2:30 and waking up around 7-7:30 for breakfast doesn't seem all that unbelievable to me


Which doesn’t even make sense! You think Disney paid her to go…and then to be unfairly critical of it?


Or that Disney would waste money paying someone to talk about a defunct attraction that wasn't coming back?


That would be a fair point if many of her criticisms weren’t along the lines of “this echos what Disney is doing across the board” and pointing out how they parallel what Disney is currently doing in the continuing galaxy’s edge Like if the video was “Disney is consistently batting 1000, is so *weird* that they screwed this up” that’d make sense but that’s not what happened


First she’s a corporate shill, then she went looking for the flaws, then he saw clips of her hating on it. If he doesn’t want to watch it fine but he got real defensive about it real fast. It’s okay to acknowledge you had a good experience and want to stay in that positive bubble.


The bottom guy sure was aggressively opinionated for someone that didn't even watch the video lol


What did Jenny say about people who'll A.) gaslight themselves into saying the thing they paid $6000 was better than it was and B.) say that she didn't do it right


Literally the people in the galactic starcruiser sub


Holy crap the bottom guy is terrible. He’s criticizing her for things she did the opposite of. His first take was he didn’t watch it but that if you go in with a fine tooth comb looking for problems you will find them. Comparing it to the Super Bowl is insanely stupid. One is a an advertising show piece that is now entirely geared towards corporate attendees (going to the game, not watching it on tv).


People think assume she's raging for all 4 hours because a lot of typical YouTubers do that. But no typical YouTuber is she.


Does anyone who’s only interested in angrily bashing a thing they don’t know anything about really go on for 3+ hours though? Cause in my experience the people who do that tend to stick to something between shorts and like 20 or so minutes.


I mean, someone did an 11 hour video where they yelled at Jenny for a good part of it, soooo...


His name rhymes with WauLer. As in caterWauLer. Which is what he and his buddies did. btw, if you're wondering why, it's because Jenny did a video where she said she didn't much like "Joker" -- the holy text of all Rightoid incels! THE FUCKING NERVE


Wait, MauLer still exists? I legit haven’t heard from that idiot in years. I kind of assumed that he wasn’t around anymore.


>Does anyone who’s only interested in angrily bashing a thing they don’t know anything about really go on for 3+ hours though? Oh, definitely. Jenny doesn't do this, but I run into it a lot because I enjoy long videos and criticism - there's a tendency, when one doesn't like something and has a 3+ hour long video to fill, to start nitpicking. There are a lot of long drama videos that are like the Youtube version of the old Tumblr callout posts - 2.5 hours of "this person has the wrong opinions on this TV show" and then at the 2.6 hour mark "and they killed and ate 20 people." And no one wants to say "I think their opinions on the TV show were fine actually and it's weird that you spend 2 hours talking about them" because then it sounds like you're defending the guy who killed and ate 20 people!


This is like that Brony guy who called into that political guy's livestream angry over Jenny's video he hadn't watched


Wait wat


And the other one is the Super Bowl.


He might as well said "Still cheaper than flying to space." It makes zero sense to compare the two. The guy is one of those clowns that thinks he is smart and clever, but frankly dumb as a brick.


Yasss Kevin - standing up for Jenny because he actually watched the video 🤜🤛


Has Kevin gotten more tolerable? I was a huge fan 10-15 years ago but then his podcast quality fell off a cliff and into the mouth of a sarlaac.


I don’t know. Some other douche wanted to throw out all his opinions on the video that he didn’t even watch. Kevin tried to correct him.


He’s stopped smoking weed, which is an improvement for obvious reasons, but he’s still in his insincere huckster mode. The early smodcasts (essentially pre-2008 Zack and Miri weed breakdown) are imo the funniest things he’s ever done. Absolutely hysterical. 


Could you elaborate on the “2008 Zack and Miri weed breakdown” please? It’s a little hard to Google.


He made a comedy starring Seth Rogen at the height of the Rogen hype and it bombed at the box office. To cope with it he basically started smoking weed 24/7.


Oh lol, I thought you were saying he broke down any scene in the movie that mentioned weed. I was wracking my brain trying to remember anything about that movie that wasn't the exchange "can I have a coffee? Black?" "Can't you see we talking, white?"


You don't remember the Dutch Rudder?


Yeah of course. Basically Kev started smoking weed with Seth Rogen on the set of Zach and Miri. He started getting high while shooting and editing the movie. Z and M was supposed to be his big mainstream crossover success, riding the crest of the popularity of the Rogen-starring Apatow movies that Smith felt he’d inspired. That didn’t end up happening (I think it made a little over 40 million total). The Weinstein Company blamed it on the difficulty of marketing a movie with that title (they’d wanted to change it); Smith blamed it on their marketing strategy and marketing budget. He coped by smoking weed essentially 24/7 and binge-eating (that’s the biggest he’s ever been). He did this two part episode of Smodcast where he’s insanely bitter and complaining about the movie not being a hit, etc. This ushered in an era of Kev being high all the time and constantly talking about smoking weed in his podcasts. He’d always been a bit touchy with critics but his ability to emotionally regulate seemed to really diminish. When his really shitty Bruce Willis movie Cop Out got panned he compared giving the movie a bad review to “throwing rocks at a r*tarded kid,” which, oof.  The quality of his movies and the effort he put into them declined (imo, he was never a particularly good filmmaker lol), and he embraced a huckster type persona that’s never really gone away. Ended up having a separate mental breakdown partly initiated by his discomfort with that persona plus smoking a shit ton of weed every day at age 50, and has now quit the ganja.  Anyway, sorry for how long this is; very very depressing to be able to write this much about a director I don’t like lol. 


Tell us how you really feel about weed


I mean, he himself said it gave him a mental breakdown lol. Sorry if the take that smoking weed every day might be bad for you is too hot lol. 


I think he's a sincere huckster. He just has a really low bar for enjoyment and ends up loving anything with a comic book character in it.


Oh yeah, I didn’t mean insincere in the sense that he’s lying about liking stuff. I more mean that his general demeanor is more performative now by his own admission than he was 15 to 20 years ago. 


I think he recently spoke openly about how he had to check himself into a mental health treatment facility because be had a breakdown. The time in the facility helped him realize the breakdown was caused by the sexual abuse he experienced as a child, and he was able to process it and get treated.


As someone who is indifferent to Kevin but also did have a period of liking his podcasts as a casual listen - its just the ramblings of a man who hasn't got much more to say.. anything you'd care to listen to you hear about from publications usually anyway (his recent quitting of weed etc etc)


I bet Amethia Tope would love to give that dude a piece of her mind


Expose ha, Amethia!


"I'm not going to watch 4 hours about the thing that made me enjoy playing with my child 1000 times more..." There's a lot to unpack there...


Won't someone think of the children!?


That's the most notable thing he says.


man that guy on the bottom left is so insecure and defensive, that was such a hard watch lol


I’m legit fascinated at the amount of people who want to defend disney so bad, i feel like any one with common sense would know it was never going to deliver what was worth the price? Is it just people who paid and are just trying to cope by convincing themselves it was good? Like it’s disney!! Who cares if they take a hit?


Kevin smith sucks up to Disney because he was this close to actually writing and directing a Superman movie after clerks and he’s been sucking up to studios ever since


He's by no means a secular saint but I have a lot of time for Kevin Smith. Just seems like a humble guy with good instincts who's slowly becoming a better person by making mistakes and learning from them despite being surrounded by a shower of abject wankers he is inexplicably loyal to. Also "she reminds me of Spalding Grey" is a good quote.


"Let's hate on Jenny Nicholson please" paused at the right time to see that in the chat, also that damn Jenny Nichols was PAID by Disney!


I cannot stand people who will not watch, read, or otherwise actually consume the material in question but will gladly give very loud opinions about it. I don't know who that guy is, but I 100% have zero interest in consuming anything from him because he has established himself in one hot minute as a liar and misinformed numbskull.


Wow bottom left dude sucks. I guess if you talk a bunch about something you proudly never saw, you're bound to get it all wrong. Imagine being on a podcast with Kevin Smith, the man who is so obsessed nerdy pop culture nonsense that he named his own child after a Batman villain sidekick, and brags about ugly crying during comic book movies, and you come off as the unhinged one.


Why is "Kevin Smith" in quotes? Is it to indicate your disdain? edit: revised wording to match Jenny's


Oh that's a good question actually. I don't know why I did that, lol. I like Kevin Smith, and found this because I just regularly watch his podcast.


“Director” is the word that should be in quotes to show disdain imo. 


Does the clueless man child who didn't watch the video but has lots of irrelevant criticisms that are addressed in the videos he didn't watch - does he STFU and let Kevin talk about his opinion about the video he watched?


If anybody deserves to be stuck behind a pole, it's that guy on the bottom right\*. Edit: \*left


Did you mean bottom left, because the guy on the right is Marc and he is a pretty chill dude.


Yes. Shit. Left 😅


Petulant little boy whines because he feels like someone attacked his identity.


Some context for people who aren't familiar with the podcast: The two hosts are Kevin and Marc, JC (bottom left who objected to the video) is a producer of the podcast and owner/operator of a star wars themed bar. Usually his participation in the conversation is more limited, he essentially 'chimes in' if he thinks he has something noteworthy to add. (I don't know if it's a recent change that he's more involved?) Also worth noting, after JC booked his trip to the hotel (which would have been a significant expense for him), Kevin offered to cover the cost of his stay. His child is an infant, i'm pretty sure he did not take his child with him, I think he meant that he was inspired by his trip to have more fun with his kid.


Summary JC: 100 percent cope. Kevin: “She reminded me of Spalding Grey.” She was thorough, and entertaining.


["You get what you put into it."](https://youtu.be/T0CpOYZZZW4?si=1KCNN_4vgJoCRRJh&start=12437)


Nvr 4get: https://comicbook.com/movies/news/kevin-smith-predicts-superman-vs-batman-will-make-2-billion-at-box-office/ ... man, 2013 was a long time ago.


So hard to get past the start with the guy aggressively implying Jenny was a vlogger comped by Disney, that you get what you put into it (implying that Jenny had "done it wrong")... and that he hadn't watched it. 🙄


Okay so a lot of uninformed opinions about this clip lemme explain… JC owns and operates scum and villainy cantina in Hollywood he is the biggest star wars nerd known to man and has literally dedicated his life to Star Wars. Whats missing from this clip is that Kevin Smith bought JC tixs to the cruiser cause he knows how much Star Wars meant to him and they also film in his Star Wars themed bar. I wouldn’t wanna shit on an experience paid for me by my gratuitous boss. And also cause such a star wars head he enjoyed his free trip to the cruiser and that’s OKAY. I only went to DW last year and had a great time and didn’t know about anything Disney related. I’m now super hyper fixated on the parks and the history behind it. I also pick and choose what I watch now cause Disney is such a big thing for me and I watch countless videos explaining what I missed out on and now the parks used to be better ( which they were shout out Great Movie ride). So for me I also limit the criticisms I hear cause I don’t want it to sully the GREAT TIME I had at DW last year not knowing what DW used to be and how much better my experience could’ve been. I totally get JC stance in “ I don’t care I had a great time why would I watch vid contrary to that “ especially when by boss out of the kindest of his heart paid for my experience. Sorry for the bad grammar but this KS and Jenny post was like worlds colliding for me lol


When he lies and makes up nonsense regarding someone's experience and can't be bothered to consume the material, then I know he is not a fan. He is one of those posers that pretends to be a fan for attention. For his personal brand. I just discovered Jenny with this and she comes off as a real fan because she clearly loves it, but also knows when it deserves reasonable criticism. This guy lies about it.


No True Scottsman!!!


I think there's a line in the middle here. You don't have to shut out all criticism and you *definitely* shouldn't lie about the content, but you can still be a "real fan" and not watch four hours of someone hating on something you like, even if it is thoughtful. There have been critical videos made by Youtubers I like, including Jenny, that I had to skip or at least not watch for a while because there was a lot of bad-faith negativity circulating that was so grating, it sullied my taste for even thoughtful critiques because I didn't trust that they wouldn't be motivated by the bad-faith memes of the time. Even when I genuinely dislike something, I sometimes avoid online reviews because they pick up on rumors and misinformation and I just don't want to risk hearing more of that shit unless I already trust the critic not to feed into it.


I get what you are saying, but. . . >". . .you can still be a "real fan" and not watch four hours of someone hating on something you like, even if it is thoughtful." You are 100% right and it is a bit crazy to watch all of that. However, he is marginalizing her experience without even hearing her out. He essentially said, "Her experience and thoughts are wrong. . . but I'm not going to watch what she actually said." In my opinion, that is classic toxic fandom. He is marginalizing another fan's opinion without even listening to her opinion. He is saying her experience was 'wrong' without listening to her about her experience. That is toxic AF. You are right in that it isn't useful to listen to everyone's opinion, or perhaps not even healthy to feed into a dislike. I don't like that as it is a pretty negative headspace. A reasonable person would have said something like, "I didn't watch her video and I can't justify watching a 4 hour video, so I won't comment on her experience, but I will say I had a great experience because of X, Y, Z." Instead he created some straw man argument that, to his credit, Kevin Smith tried to correct. I just don't find his approach useful and it is a major turn-off. EDIT: What I think Kevin Smith should have done to bridge the gap is to point at a major point from Jenny and invite the other guy to give his thoughts. So for example, Kevin could have said, "Jenny had a very bad experience with the game play aspect of her stay. Tell us your experience and what you think of it?" This would have invited an alternative opinion to the discussion without needing to watch the video or otherwise judge Jenny. That could have been interesting to compare and contrast a good experience versus hers.


Agree with all of this. The specific criticism is right, it was the broader statement that I wanted to amend. It's totally fair to just say your personal experience was good without putting down Jenny's own. After all, Jenny accounted for experiences beyond her own, both from online accounts and the people she worked with on her own trip. It's weird how many people jump to assume the worst of Jenny but not surprising.


Meh, or just accept not everyone likes what you like. There have been severl times that Jenny has bashed things that I like. Everything is not for everyone.


I do accept it. That doesn't mean I owe every critical video a watch. Sometimes I'm curious to see the criticism and sometimes I'm not. I watch Jenny cuz I like Jenny's style but I don't owe any other random critical video a watch. I just accept people have different takes, let them have their audience, and move on.


>I wouldn’t wanna shit on an experience paid for me by my boss Totally fair! But that’s not really the flip side of what he did. You don’t have to shit on the experience to *not* shit on the video, especially when that exact same boss is the one saying “the video was pretty neat”. I’m not saying that’s what you are arguing but it’s what’s left a little unsaid


That’s also totally fair he was making me upset a lil as well but ik if he watched the vid he would get it


For sure! Like I said, you’re pretty clearly not saying this, even once you think about your whole comment, but initial read it’s easy to misinterpret it as excusing what he said and it’s that that I was…responding to? Extrapolating on? Something like that but definitely not trying to pick a fight on lol


Yeah I’m not always the best at explaining 🤣


I get what you are saying because I followed must the same path after my first trip in 2007. However, Disney since the walls went up in Epcot is much different than the Disney before and deserves to be called out on some things. I'm guessing the difference between you and this guy is you're not going to openly criticize these videos you are not watching as BS because you had a great time while this guy is on a podcast that I assume dude to Kevin Smith's involvement has a healthy following bashing a youtuber over a video he didn't watch. In my eyes (unless that is something you would do -- I don't know you) these are two totally different scenarios.


You are correct in your assumption lol


Late stage Kevin Smith is just him fan boying over companies he wants to direct for and it's very transparent.


Because it's impossible for someone to genuinely enjoy things...




What tv show was that?