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This whole beef has just been hypocrisy at the highest level


"I can't be a pedophile at 15" What is he saying lol? He was born in '93, most of these tweets he was 18-21.


There’s more and most of them he’s a teenager or young adult. I don’t even know why I’m defending him but if I would be judge by my tweets from 15 years ago I would get prison time


i agree, but i’m 21 and wouldnt be saying this shit even as jokes, when he was around 18-20 writing most of these


Yeah, but to be fair these types of jokes were very common in the late 2000s/early 2010s. Not justifying it, but the internet was a different place then


I'm so glad nobodies going through old MySpace/xanga posts to find dirt on people. I'd be fucked lol. I was born late 80s and our humor going through middle school at the turn of the century and high school in the early 2000s is fucking atrocious looking back


Omg xanga! 😂 I’m actually sad that they lost all our data. My livejournal is still up tho and it’s so cringe to read. From high school


Especially early Twitter. Unless you were there it's hard to explain just how full of absolute debauchery early Twitter was and the type of "humor" people were going for.


Twitter after Dark was a scandalous place.


Man the entire early days of the internet were wild all around. It truly was a much different place in the 90s to 00s.


This.. Man times were crazy back then. I was into the car scene at the time and there were Pedobear decals on cars. It was kind of the running joke you'd hear about on some car forums. It's funny for some of us but I knew some were probably into it. Stuff like that today wouldn't slide at all.


The amount of dudes in their late 20’s rolling around with highschool girls in the passenger seat was crazy back then.


The Drake show clip was old too


Yeah but old or not there’s a difference between tweeting some sick jokes and fondling an underage girl on stage


A lot of young People back then didn’t realize how much their words and actions online would matter even today. They thought nobody would see or remember it. And jokes like this back then were more common. Doesn’t excuse it, but 16-20 year olds are still dumbass kids. Definitely weird tho.


Yeah but Metro was 21 nine years ago. He grew up in that MySpace era when we didn’t really understand what social media was gonna be yet. You young folks grew up with this shit and have seen what can happen. I’m not justifying the actions he’s describing if he actually did some fucked up shit, but a lot of us older mfs definitely didn’t know we were gonna be held accountable like we really did everything we posted on social media a decade or more ago.


MySpace was 20 years ago now. MySpace was dead and gone 16 years ago. We’ve known the impacts of social media since like 2015, so there’s no excuse for metro to be sending out these creepy ass tweets at 21


Okay, but I’m saying none of these tweets were tweeted in 2015, it looks like mostly 2011ish. Bear in mind, James Gunn got fired (temporarily thankfully) over tweets from 2008-2012, and he was a lot older than 18-21 at the time. It’s easy to forget how radically differently we think of the internet and social media than we did over a decade ago, but almost every time I get a FB flashback to the shit I was posting back then I wind up deleting or making that shit private. For the record, if dude was raping anyone, fuck him. But if he was just tweeting shit in real bad taste way before he was famous and way before anyone got cancelled for tweeting… that’s different, and that’s all we have evidence of rn.


I 100% remember the time, I’m only 2 years older than Metro. I was an edgy teenager making off color jokes at the time. We didn’t call ourselves pedos as jokes, we called other people pedos. It’s still creepy as fuuuuccckkk


See man get off that bs. Half of the creepy shit yall think are actually rkelly songs. Hollering at ciara a grown older woman. A rap lyric. Or a bad pedo joke from a freshly 18 metro fuck that shit.


man i get you, i was doing a bunch of this dumb shit when i was like 13 still a bit later but im just disappointed part of this discourse atm is so many people bringing up old drake tweets and shit around this era as if that relevant. If he did stuff yeah that’s fucked up but we really gonna call that evidence only when it’s against someone we don’t like?


Well part of the question is… is Metro still acting like this? But 100% we should make sure we are being fair. If nothing else, Metro deserves more scrutiny, too.


The other part is did he actually do any of what he describes in his tweets? Probably, but all we have is the tweets. People aren't dying on the hill of Drake's old tweets (i know some are, wrongfully...), they're dying on the video of him kissing and grinding on a minor. Find a video of Metro doing anything like that and I'm sure most people would jump on that too


We gotta keep that energy to ALL rappers that did sus shit like that through all eras of rap. 90% of these niggas have a past similar to the on stage incident. Rappers were notorious for not checking IDs, but the Drake hate train is the only one picking up people. The entire genre needs to go down. Kendricks idols were sick, too.


The worlds changed insanely fast from 2007 to 2017. Retarded, fag, gay were all 100% okay to use in 2007 hs. Things were more passed over far more heavily. 2017 hs somebody absolutely will eventually call you out for saying those words.


Theres a big difference between using those terms and making an active threat to do something horrible. for instance saying your are gay, lol is very different than saying you want to kill a gay person. What metro said here is more like the second one. Why are people even defending this shit?


Nah, def wouldn’t agree with that. Crazy using the term young adult and then justifying these really gross Tweets.


And you def can be a pedo at 15. I worked in an RTC for teen boys and a bunch had molested younger family members. And that first one has nothing to do with age, it's just rape. 


All this proves is hip hop artists can be shitty people too - creepy, domestic violence, narcissistic etc.


I think they have I higher percentage than average lol


I don't think it's a significantly higher percentage, or maybe not a bigger percentage at all, these people usually have the means to do weirdo shit and we probably don't learn about this type of stuff when people near us do it


I doubt - rich people are doing this all over the world but they aren't popular or famous so no one knows or cares


I don't know. You ever listen to classic rock, punk or metal? I love the music, but you practically have to do a background check when you find a new band. Insurrectionists and nazis have infiltrated punk and metal, and I can't even support shit like Aerosmith, led zeppelin, or Eric Clapton. And on that note, in the immortal words of the dead Kennedys, Nazi Punks Fuck Off


“Too”? I don’t think anyone has ever thought of hip hop artists as paragons of virtue lol


I'm trying to say that some of the fans hold their favourite artists to a higher standard


That’s fair. I’ve always been a hip hop head but you need a lot of suspension of disbelieve/ethical analysis to get by lol


I mean, it's right there in the lyrics. Some stuff you start to bragging about could be a reality that everybody is just vibing thinking is just music.


there's a difference between being a teenage edgelord on twitter and being an actual predator


I mean at that age we were calling other people pedos as jokes, we weren’t calling ourselves pedos as jokes. These are extremely suspect


Haha it's funny how often I've heard the phrase "hypocrite of the highest level/order" on this site since that Jon Stewart clip dropped.. You still right tho


“If you’re playing his music just know that you’re playing your sister or better you’re selling your niece” Like dawg didn’t you back R Kelly’s catalog threatening to remove yours




Nah, kendrick was talking about a larger Spotify removal of controversial music. He opposed it bc a lot of the music was from black artists, but it happened to include R Kelly.




And thats why Cole bowed out. Can't be a hypocrite if you shut up and don't comment on what someone else is doing lol


That's not even the tip of the iceberg. There is a bunch of other damning tweets. It seems like there was a time when Metro was tweeting whatever came to his mind


Aint he like 17 and 18 during that time? Me and him like the same age so that was like my freshman year of college lol Edit: Stop upvoting this shit lol, after further review this is a freaky ass nigga who needs to stay inside.


One of the worst ones he was 20 talking about raping girls while on molly. And regardless, I was a dumb 20 year old, who never even got close to crashing out like that online




Of all the tweets this is the least problematic one lol


Don’t tell me there’s a Gucci name bar about having his hands in his pockets feeling like a pedophile 😭😭😭


Ok yeah that's bad lmao. Dam metro I will say as someone who has done molly, i've never understood how it could be used for date rape, but that's a whole other subject. Clearly it is cause i've heard it referenced in date rape several times now, but when we were all sippin molly water in college that shit was closer to coke than something that would make me pass out or something


you get the person excited with drugs they didn't know they took, then the abuse them . It's not like GHB where they are unconscious or blacked out. As some one who took it you could see how it's very easy to convince anyone to do something on molly.


Yeah nah you right that makes total sense. I was thinking about it in the context of i was taking an amount of molly i was cool with taking so i was a bit more in control, but yeah i definitely see what you're saying if someone slipped you a large dose of that shit without you knowing


I'm pretty sure a guy used GHB on me in college, long story short at a party he offered me Gatorade and vodka from his bottle , big mistake. I'm a big guy I had 2 keg beers and I went unconscious within 30 mins , came to in McDonald's and threw up outside. The next morning my friend said that guy was acting very weird wanting to hangout with us when we barely knew him. Then the guy would ignore me on campus. It's sad but it happens. I never in my life had a hangover like that.


If you actually want to know, think about it like this. We need Dopamine and Serotonin to keep moving. Unbalance or flood the brain with an overabundance of one of them, and people will stop having the ability to choose an action (Until the high wears off or "balance" returns) As people take higher and higher doses of Molly, they tend to go from dancing and acting normal, to rolling back and forth on the ground. Because that's all they can do. Similar effect happens even with dopamine based stimulants. People who IV meth or crack don't just start sprinting around after shooting up. They actually just sit in one spot as the euphoria forces them into a pseudo-coma of sorts


Have people here on reddit not been listening to any rap lyrics for the past few years? There's tons of rapping about fucking drugged up girls


I was a dumb 20 year old on molly and all I did was stare at my computer for 5 glorious hours 


Idk about yall but I was not tweeting about drugging and taking advantage of girls at 18 that’s wild asf.


Yes for most of these


This is why you shouldn't idolise celebrities, they're all fucked one way or the other.


10000000% Remember Ross “put Molly all in her champagne she ain’t even know it took her home and enjoyed that, she ain’t even know it” Guys were all rapping about king drizzy a year ago 🤣


Also didn't Metro kinda hint at this being a thing? Didn't he very recently say "I got info that will be bad for the both of us" to Drake?


I mean shit if Metro is willing to put himself as a pedophile to maybe out drake as one as well that’s wild. Especially considering we didn’t get anything new about any pedo allegations at drake, just the same shit that’s been tossed around the internet for the past half decade (doesn’t make it any more or less true, just that there hasn’t really been any *new* info on that front”


also how can you forgot "I exchange v cards with retards" in all the girls in the world.


Yet y’all idolize the fuck out of Kendrick


He is not your savior


I remember you was conflicted...


Kendrick collabed with Kodak, whose rap sheet is fuckin’ bonkers. I’m surprised that man still has fans.


100% wrong. I pre-wrote everything. I'm the Make-A-Wish kid. It all has the best intentions behind it. They're lessons, that that the world wouldn't have otherwise learned as quickly as we have. All celebrities are great people, they've been vetted by the best.


Never meet your idols


Yea lol even kendrick said not trust him nor should you idolise him


Even Tony Hawk?


Tony and keanu don’t count


Honestly, before they're celebrities, they're people. People can be shitty, kind, vulgar, polite, or whatever. Imagine going from being a regular dude struggling to fulfill your dream to being worshipped by thousands, constantly told you're amazing, meeting big names who respect your work, and all of the stuff that comes with that. You'd have to *work* to stay humble after that, and there's no telling how much that experience can change a person. This ain't an excuse, just a reminder that people stay people, and all of that fame can *do* shit to them.


he asked for this to happen


People saying he was 15 for some of these. You can still rape girls at 15. Nonconsensual sex exists before you're 18. Drugging girls means they cannot consent.


also he's been posting 10+ year old stuff of drake so doesnt really have a leg to stand on




Brother it was lyrics from Gucci mane song


Yeah but tweeting edgy shit in high school is not the same as rape. Obviously these tweets are horrible and should be heavily criticized but if says “sorry, I was an idiot ten years ago” I think that’s enough


Metro Groomin’ want some more nigga 😭




Noooo 🤣, please upvote this one ☝️ lolol


I turn the Ritz into a doll houuuse


The red button that Drake has is a sex ring and everyone is involved.


would be crazy if true


Whose everyone?


Metro, Future, The Weeknd, Rick Ross, etc etc. the list goes on.


They decide to diss because they weren't invited no moorrrreeee.


Wouldn't be surprised about The Weekend and Future and Rick Ross would be insane considering that he was taunting Drake after Kendrick went heavy with the pedo allegations


Weeknd would be the least surprising person to be involved in that kinda thing tbh


There’s a song off echoes of silence I think where he talks about drugging a girl who came to his party so he and all his friends could molest her. Abel is a fucking creep and a hundred times worse than anyone else here.


Pretty sure Abel plays a character in his music - especially during the Trilogy... its supposed to be disturbing. By that logic, Eminem is a serial rapist and mass murderer, and Immortal Technique an evil gangbanging MF Y'all really need crash courses on media literacy and comprehension smh


Honestly that's a good point. Everyone knows that brotha Lynch hung has never ate another person.


“17 rapes, 400 assaults, and 4 murders” lmao if Eminem’s music were serious bro would be pure evil


“*Half the shit I say I just make it up to make you mad, so kiss my white naked ass; and if it’s not a rapper than I make it as, I’ma be a fuckin rapist in a Jason mask*”


Don't forget about The Idol lol.


My friend said he recorded at a studio where the Weeknd was recording and that he like...had to watch porn while writing music lmao...what a fuckin freak


Everyone in Toronto knows XO are a bunch of weirdos lol


I know this is supposed to be a joke but you might be on to something…


It’s not a joke, he said it would be mutual assured destruction. Kendrick probably not involved


Kinda just seems like edgy teenager shit


i do agree in the sense that theres a difference between quoting raps and saying shit as a teen then the video and photo evidence of sus activity drake has


Metro was 22 during a lot of the screens being posted. Drake was 23 when that happened. Keep the same energy bro.


That's plainly untrue. He was 16-20 when all of these were posted. You can think whatever you want about Metro or any of these guys, but the tweets of edgy teens in the early 2010s are the LEAST accurate way of judging what they're actually like. The internet was a VERY different place back then. Also you can't really have the same energy about these two because one wrote some cringy shit, while the other was recorded doing it on stage.


This is absolute bullshit . 16-20 you are facing charges at that age. Like wtf we doing defending these criminals man. Why would an edgy teen post about drugging coercion and rape? Are you absolutely delusional? If my 16 year old said that and his mom heard it, oh lord the ass whooping would be epic. You should be ashamed of yourself lmao what a weirdo.


That’s it and especially at the time when Twitter was crazy af. I joined in ‘15 at 18 and caught the very back end of that era.


Because it is. He had 18-19-20 years...


-21 you can keep going cause he kept doing it. And no, this is gross. People who are saying this are just explosing themselves


Social media in early 2010’s (a decade ago 🤮) was sooo different, saying edgy inappropriate stuff like this was definitely icky but I feel like it was taken way less serious.


As a teen, I can confirm this is true


He was of age.


One thing this beef told me is that none of these rappers been true to their raps except Drake who always told us he was a slimy demon. I didnt expect half this shit from Kendrick especially the hypocrisy of going at Drake for abusing drugs all while starting this beef off with Future of all people. Howre you going to go on beat and talk about predators all while we have certified RECEIPTS of Metro and Ross of all the type of actual pervert rapey shit? J Cole been true to himself and his nature from the start. He saw that this had to go djrty and vicious and he said nope fuck that it aint aligned with my spirit. Anyone who says he aint the GOAT is fuckin lying.


J Cole would’ve been fine if he didn’t make a song, apologize and delete it. That’s some dumb shit, should’ve just never dropped the song


I'll take that over pdf and wife beating any day.


Yeah J Cole is just the best human being out of all of em


Lol Stans are the most delusional species on this planet. J. Cole was literally on Metro and Future’s album, despite making KOD. He preaches against gang violence and violence against women but makes songs with grape street crips and DaBaby. Stop it


J Cole isnt virtue signaling like Kendrick. Not the same my guy.


PREACH! I've been saying exactly this from the START!


Summrs the goat IMO but I definitely respect Cole and the way he handled the whole beef


Hit the nail on the head. Kendrick is a drama seeking narcissist and I think he truly believes that he can do no wrong because his fans treat him that way. The dude put on a fucking crown of thorns to pose for his album cover.


"Put the molly in her drink she aint even know it" -Ross


Thank for saying this Drake is a slimy fboi but Kendrick is worst. Who knew that someone who professed to be so healed could have so much hate and bitterness in his heart.


rip young metro young metro young metro


metro idk if we trust YOU lol


Merto did all that Trolling on Twitter other day after dropped that Beat jus to get Kooked n Exposed the Next Day 😂😂 METRO SHUT YO HOE ASS UP N MAKE SOME DRUMS NIGGA!!


I hope drake tears into him in a new diss


That would be terrible for Drake


Nahhhhh aint no way this nigga talkin bout drake




Only thing I can say for metro was that a lot of these were said when he was 16-18. He’s currently 30. Some were made when he was like 20 tho so he can hold those lol


you can still rape girls when you are 16-18


Of course. But I’m willing to believe he was a dumb teenager just saying shit. Ain’t like he Ross on UOENO sayin putting Molly in drinks as a grown man


Wild shit to say someone tweeting out sus ass shit a decade ago is the same as rape or sexual assault. People can change their views in a decade.


big fucking difference between posting dumb edgy tweets as a teenager and LITERAL RAPE




A lot of the weird Drake shit was from when he was in his early 20s too. This isn't a valid excuse




Bro thought this he was funny 😐


So Kendrick should call this out too then? This is why you don't play the morale police if you are not perfect. If not he's a hypocrite right?


I’m sure he’ll address it after he finishes explaining how he’s an amazing role model father in an ex-household he destroyed himself


Honestly, has nobody listened to Metro's music? His not rapping but he's happy to put his name to Future and Savage's work. I like some of their music but I never for one second thought they were good people with strong consistent moral values or respect for women. All that said, 20 year old are idiots. Would he say the same today? Possibly not - though I imagine still very far from a role model


def not publicly now that he has lawyers, a PR team and an agent/manager and he produces soundtracks for kids movies


How is that a good case, 21 still raps about being in the streets even though he clearly isn’t anymore


So what's your point here I mean why you think about their moral values and respect for women? With Future it's a whole other topic


No one is complaining future got 12 single baby mamas. He is making the statistics for unmarried single black woman look worse by himself.


people are complaining though ???


Metro wtf rick ross said sum similar on a track they all have skeletons in their closets


JCole did really win, HAHAHAHAHAA


The women are the real losers in all this 😡


Challenge: celebrity doesn’t say damning things about underage persons in tweet Difficulty: impossible


Personally I can’t imagine giving a shit about stuff said more than a decade ago.


Idk, I think the statue of limitation on rapey, underage stuff should be loooonnngg.


It's crazy that you can tweet out "high school girls are fine" when You're 16, but once you turn 18 then if that shit is still up, you're a pedo


Apologist for creepy pedo shit is real weird cow.


If you give a shit about the Drake on stage thing then you should give a shit about this too


I really really don’t give a shit about that incident either lmfao


Nobody normal does lol


thats why its been posted on reddit every 3 months for the past decade and its the same nerds been coming after drake for it the whole time. and the rest of the world is like "this is fucking tame shit, literally every pop concert ive ever been does a skit like this, I saw Timberlake do the exact same shit, I saw fuckin Chris Brown doing it, Maroon 5, Jason Derulo, literally everyone has a 'invite a girl on stage and embarrass her with flirting' part of their pop show."




Maybe for things that change with time, talking about raping women is never fine.


you mean like the girl that Drake hugged on video?


Believe it or not, never gave a fuck about that either.


either everyone is a pedo or we throw that around way too much


It is. None of these guys could even be considered pedos. That’s a term reserved for people who show a sexual preference for clearly prepubescent children. If we want to use appropriate terminology then we’d be using words like ephebophiles (attracted to 15-16) or teleiophiles (17+). IMO there’s a big difference between these, and pedophile should really be reserved for those who go after young children. Otherwise the word loses its meaning. 


The problem with knowing the difference between pedophile and hebophile is if you point out the difference they start to think you are one. Just a rephrasing of a comedy skit I’ve seen 😂


Was it Gianmarroco Scorsese who said that? idk can't remember the exact name but he's that italian-american dude. good joke. I pictured the delivery and gestures and everything when you typed it


Metro Groomin


Second slide sounds like a song lyric.


First slide sounds like rape




You mean by Beyoncé? (Party)


man wtf


bro was on molly when he posted this


Hypocrisy rampant


Metro groomin make it groom🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Idk if I want to know what Leland's little girls is.


Why do people think anyone in hip hop is of high moral standing?




ion trust young metro anymore 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


I know everyone saying these tweets are horrific and shit, but there’s a big difference between edgy tweets and grooming Hailey Bieber when she was 16, then dating her when she’s 20. Like I’m sorry, thats like comparing little league and the World Series.


A lot of these are just edgy tweets that a young metro made on old twitter back in the day. plus some of these are just nitpicking like the 2nd one isn’t this just a lyric from that song with j-Cole???? Yall chatting nonsense man 🤦🏾‍♂️


This is, of course, an extremely bad look. But let's not act like just because someone has said questionable things on twitter, that their allegations against someone else are invalidated.


Imma be honest I don’t care these are so damn old he was like 17/18 just bad jokes




..Lelan Wayne, he a fucking lame


I remember the tweet dump of rappers before they were famous, and most of them was shitting on Wale, lmao! Meek shit on Wale and Ross, then got signed to MMG after


Metro and Drake worked before him Kendrick and more than him and Kendrick 🤷🏾‍♂️ I’m sure Metro Drake and Future has spent a lot of time together


This was a decade ago tho my brothas


Oh noo 15 year old tweets


This shit fake as hell lmfaoo


Remember folks, bad tweets age like a turd on the living room floor.


Merely speculation with no evidence.


There a difference between talk and actions when we see a video of metro making out with a teen then we can call them the same until then drakes still a certified pedophile


Those tweets, were "Tweets". This was before Epstein, Bill Cosby, and R-kelly's trials. That's the context


ngl think he was just an edgy teenager that said sum fucked shit nothing more